Sizing ====== Svg size is configurable with ``width`` and ``height`` parameter. width ----- .. pygal-code:: 200 400 chart = pygal.Bar(width=200) chart.add('1', 1) chart.add('2', 2) height ------ .. pygal-code:: 600 100 chart = pygal.Bar(height=100) chart.add('1', 1) chart.add('2', 2) explicit_size ------------- Size can be written directly to the svg tag to force display of the requested size using ``explicit_size``. spacing ------- Spacing determines the space between all elements: .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Bar(spacing=50) chart.x_labels = u'αβγδ' chart.add('line 1', [5, 15, 10, 8]) chart.add('line 2', [15, 20, 8, 11]) margin ------ Margin is the external chart margin: .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Bar(margin=50) chart.x_labels = u'αβγδ' chart.add('line 1', [5, 15, 10, 8]) chart.add('line 2', [15, 20, 8, 11]) Individual margins can also be specified margin_top ---------- .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Bar(margin_top=50) chart.x_labels = u'αβγδ' chart.add('line 1', [5, 15, 10, 8]) chart.add('line 2', [15, 20, 8, 11]) margin_right ------------ .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Bar(margin_right=50) chart.x_labels = u'αβγδ' chart.add('line 1', [5, 15, 10, 8]) chart.add('line 2', [15, 20, 8, 11]) margin_bottom ------------- .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Bar(margin_bottom=50) chart.x_labels = u'αβγδ' chart.add('line 1', [5, 15, 10, 8]) chart.add('line 2', [15, 20, 8, 11]) margin_left ----------- .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Bar(margin_left=50) chart.x_labels = u'αβγδ' chart.add('line 1', [5, 15, 10, 8]) chart.add('line 2', [15, 20, 8, 11])