========= Changelog ========= 2.0.0 UNRELEASED ================ * Rework the ghost mechanism to come back to a more object oriented behavior, storing all state in a state object which is created on every render. (#161) * Refactor maps * Add world continents * Add swiss cantons map (thanks sergedroz) * Add inverse_y_axis options to reverse graph (#24) * Fix DateTimeLine time data loss (#193) * Fix no data for graphs with only zeroes (#148) * Support value formatter for pie graphs (#218) (thanks never-eat-yellow-snow) * Add new Box plot modes and outliers and set extremes as default (#226 #121 #149) (thanks djezar) * Add secondary_range option to set range for secondary values. (#203) * Maps are now plugins, they are removed from pygal core and moved to packages (pygal_maps_world, pygal_maps_fr, pygal_maps_ch, ...) (#225) * Dot now supports negative values * Fix dot with log scale (#201) * Fix y_labels behaviour for lines * Fix x_labels and y_labels behaviour for xy like * Improve gauge a bit * Finally allow call chains on add * Transform min_scale and max_scale as options * mode option has been renamed to a less generic name: box_mode * fix stack_from_top for stacked lines * Add flake8 test to py.test in tox * Remove stroke style in style and set it as a global / serie configuration. * Fix None values in tables * Fix timezones in DateTimeLine 1.7.0 ===== * Remove DateY and replace it by real XY datetime, date, time and timedelta support. (#188) * Introduce new XY configuration options: `xrange`, `x_value_formatter`. * Add show_x_labels option to remove them and the x axis. * Set print_values to False by default. * Fix secondary serie text values when None in data. (#192) 1.6.2 ===== * Add margin_top, margin_right, margin_bottom, margin_left options which defaults to margin. (thanks djt) * Update django mime parameter from mimetype to content_type. (thanks kswiat) * Allow a color and a style parameter to value metadata. 1.6.1 ===== * Fix Decimal incompatibility 1.6.0 ===== * Adds config option missing_value_fill_truncation. (thanks sirlark) * Avoid HTTP 301 Moved Permanently (thanks jean) * Add a Django response method (thanks inlanger) * Fix setup.py (#170) * Fix format error on list like in table * Add legend_at_bottom_columns option to specify number of columns in legend when at bottom. (#157) * Fix secondary interpolation (#165) * Adds an extra class (axis) to horizontal guides if the label is "0" (#147) (thanks sirlark) * Add line stroke customization parameters to style.py (#154) (thanks blakev) 1.5.1 ===== * Add `stack_from_top` option to reverse stack graph data order * Minor fix for empty logarithmic chart * Reorders axes in SVG output. Fix #145 (thanks sirlark) 1.5.0 ===== * Add per serie configuration * Add half pie (thanks philt2001) * Make lxml an optionnal dependency (huge speed boost in pypy) * Add render_table (WIP) * Support colors in rgb / rgba for parametric styles 1.4.6 ===== * Add support for \n separated multiline titles (thanks sirlark) * New show_only_major_dots option (thanks Le-Stagiaire) * Remove 16 colors limitation * Fix 0 in range (thanks elpaso) 1.4.5 ===== * Fix y_labels map iterator exhaustion in python 3 1.4.4 ===== * Fix division by zero in spark text (thanks laserpony) * Fix config metaclass problem in python 3 * Fix --version in pygal_gen 1.4.3 ===== * Allow arbitrary number of x-labels on line plot (thanks nsmgr8) 1.4.2 ===== * Fix broken tests 1.4.1 ===== * Fix value formatting in maps 1.4.0 ===== * Finally a changelog ! * Hopefully fix weird major scale algorithm * Add options to customize major labels (y_labels_major, y_labels_major_every, y_labels_major_count) * Css can now be inline with the "inline:" prefix * Visited links bug fixed * Add french maps by department and region (This will be externalized in an extension later) 1.3.x ===== * Whisker Box Plot * Python 3 fix * DateY X axis formatting (x_label_format)