.. contents::
Interpolations need the `scipy python module `_.
To enable it just specify the interpolation type to:
- linear
- nearest
- zero
- slinear
- quadratic
- cubic
- krogh
- barycentric
- univariate
- or an integer representing the order of the spline interpolator
For more info see `interp1d definition on scipy `_
Without interpolation:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line()
chart.add('line', [1, 5, 17, 12, 5, 10])
With cubic interpolation:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(interpolate='cubic')
chart.add('line', [1, 5, 17, 12, 5, 10])
With krogh interpolation:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(interpolate='krogh')
chart.add('line', [1, 5, 17, 12, 5, 10])
Interpolation precision
You can change the resolution of the interpolation with the help of `interpolation_precision`:
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(interpolate='krogh', interpolation_precision=15)
chart.add('line', [1, 5, 17, 12, 5, 10])
.. pygal-code::
chart = pygal.Line(interpolate='krogh', interpolation_precision=50)
chart.add('line', [1, 5, 17, 12, 5, 10])
Next: `Sparklines `_