Data ==== value_formatter --------------- You can specifiy how the values are displayed on the tooltip using a lambda function. The code below shows the values to 2 decimal places. .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Line() chart.add('line', [.070106781, 1.414213562, 3.141592654]) chart.value_formatter = lambda x: "%.2f" % x x_value_formatter ----------------- Same on x axis for xy like charts: .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.XY() chart.add('line', [(12, 31), (8, 28), (89, 12)]) chart.x_value_formatter = lambda x: '%s%%' % x print_values ------------ When using pygal without javascript for printing for example you can chose to activate this option to print all values as text. .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Bar(js=[], print_values=True) chart.add('line', [0, 12, 31, 8, 28, 0]) print_zeroes ------------ zero values are hidden by default but you can use this option to print them anyway. .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Bar(js=[], print_values=True, print_zeroes=True) chart.add('line', [0, 12, 31, 8, 28, 0]) value_font_size --------------- .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Bar(js=[], print_values=True, value_font_size=24) chart.add('line', [0, 12, 31, 8, 28, 0]) human_readable -------------- Display values in human readable form: .. code-block:: c 1 230 000 -> 1.23M .00 098 7 -> 987ยต .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Line(human_readable=True) chart.add('line', [0, .0002, .0005, .00035]) no_data_text ------------ Text to display instead of the graph when no data is supplied: .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Line() chart.add('line', []) .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Line(no_data_text='No result found') chart.add('line', []) no_data_font_size ----------------- .. pygal-code:: chart = pygal.Line(no_data_font_size=32) chart.add('line', [])