Python to generate nice looking SVG graph
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

179 lines
5.0 KiB

Samples of the various charts. Run this script to generate the reference
import sys, os
from svg.charts.plot import Plot
from svg.charts import bar
from svg.charts import time_series
from svg.charts import pie
from svg.charts import schedule
from svg.charts import line
def sample_Plot():
g = Plot({
'min_x_value': 0,
'min_y_value': 0,
'area_fill': True,
'stagger_x_labels': True,
'stagger_y_labels': True,
'show_x_guidelines': True
g.add_data({'data': [1, 25, 2, 30, 3, 45], 'title': 'series 1'})
g.add_data({'data': [1,30, 2, 31, 3, 40], 'title': 'series 2'})
g.add_data({'data': [.5,35, 1, 20, 3, 10.5], 'title': 'series 3'})
return g
def sample_TimeSeries():
g = time_series.Plot({})
g.timescale_divisions = '4 hours'
g.stagger_x_labels = True
g.x_label_format = '%d-%b %H:%M'
#g.max_y_value = 200
g.add_data({'data': ['2005-12-21T00:00:00', 20, '2005-12-22T00:00:00', 21], 'title': 'series 1'})
return g
def generate_samples():
yield 'Plot', sample_Plot()
yield 'TimeSeries', sample_TimeSeries()
yield 'VerticalBar', SampleBar.vertical()
yield 'HorizontalBar', SampleBar.horizontal()
yield 'VerticalBarLarge', SampleBar.vertical_large()
yield 'Pie', sample_Pie()
yield 'Schedule', sample_Schedule()
yield 'Line', sample_Line()
class SampleBar:
fields = ['Internet', 'TV', 'Newspaper', 'Magazine', 'Radio']
def vertical(cls):
g = bar.VerticalBar(cls.fields)
g.stack = 'side'
g.scale_integers = True
g.width, g.height = 640,480
g.graph_title = 'Question 7'
g.show_graph_title = True
g.add_data({'data': [-2, 3, 1, 3, 1], 'title': 'Female'})
g.add_data({'data': [0, 2, 1, 5, 4], 'title': 'Male'})
return g
def horizontal(cls):
g = bar.HorizontalBar(cls.fields)
g.stack = 'side'
g.scale_integers = True
g.width, g.height = 640,480
g.graph_title = 'Question 7'
g.show_graph_title = True
g.add_data({'data': [-2, 3, 1, 3, 1], 'title': 'Female'})
g.add_data({'data': [0, 2, 1, 5, 4], 'title': 'Male'})
return g
def vertical_large(cls):
g = bar.VerticalBar(cls.fields)
options = dict(
graph_title='Question 8',
g.add_data(dict(data=[2,22,98,143,82], title='intermediate'))
g.add_data(dict(data=[2,26,106,193,105], title='old'))
return g
def sample_Line():
g = line.Line()
options = dict(
scale_integers = True,
area_fill = True,
width = 640,
height = 480,
fields = SampleBar.fields,
graph_title = 'Question 7',
show_graph_title = True,
no_css = False,
g.add_data({'data': [-2, 3, 1, 3, 1], 'title': 'Female'})
g.add_data({'data': [0, 2, 1, 5, 4], 'title': 'Male'})
return g
def sample_Pie():
g = pie.Pie({})
options = dict(
graph_title='Question 7',
expand_greatest = True,
show_data_labels = True,
g.add_data({'data': [-2, 3, 1, 3, 1], 'title': 'Female'})
g.add_data({'data': [0, 2, 1, 5, 4], 'title': 'Male'})
return g
def sample_Schedule():
title = "Billy's Schedule"
data1 = [
"History 107", "5/19/04", "6/30/04",
"Algebra 011", "6/2/04", "8/11/04",
"Psychology 101", "6/28/04", "8/9/04",
"Acting 105", "7/7/04", "8/16/04"
g = schedule.Schedule(dict(
width = 640,
height = 480,
graph_title = title,
show_graph_title = True,
key = False,
scale_x_integers = True,
scale_y_integers = True,
show_data_labels = True,
show_y_guidelines = False,
show_x_guidelines = True,
# show_x_title = True, # not yet implemented
x_title = "Time",
show_y_title = False,
rotate_x_labels = True,
rotate_y_labels = False,
x_label_format = "%m/%d",
timescale_divisions = "1 week",
add_popups = True,
popup_format = "%m/%d/%y",
area_fill = True,
min_y_value = 0,
g.add_data(dict(data=data1, title="Data"))
return g
def save_samples():
root = os.path.dirname(__file__)
for sample_name, sample in generate_samples():
res = sample.burn()
with open(os.path.join(root, sample_name+'.py.svg'), 'w') as f:
if __name__ == '__main__':