Python to generate nice looking SVG graph
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

312 lines
9.1 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of pygal
# A python svg graph plotting library
# Copyright © 2012 Kozea
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with pygal. If not, see <>.
Config module with all options
from copy import deepcopy
from import Style, DefaultStyle
class FontSizes(object):
"""Container for font sizes"""
class Key(object):
_categories = []
def __init__(
self, default_value, type_, category, doc,
subdoc="", subtype=None):
self.value = default_value
self.type = type_
self.doc = doc
self.category = category
self.subdoc = subdoc
self.subtype = subtype = "Unbound"
if not category in self._categories:
def is_boolean(self):
return self.type == bool
def is_numeric(self):
return self.type == int
def is_string(self):
return self.type == str
def is_list(self):
return self.type == list
def coerce(self, value):
if self.type == Style:
return value
elif self.type == list:
return self.type(
self.subtype, map(
lambda x: x.strip(), value.split(','))))
return self.type(value)
class MetaConfig(type):
def __new__(mcs, classname, bases, classdict):
for k, v in classdict.items():
if isinstance(v, Key): = k
return type.__new__(mcs, classname, bases, classdict)
class Config(object):
"""Class holding config values"""
__metaclass__ = MetaConfig
style = Key(
DefaultStyle, Style, "Style", "Style holding values injected in css")
css = Key(
('style.css', 'graph.css'), list, "Style",
"List of css file",
"It can be an absolute file path or an external link",
############ Look ############
title = Key(
None, str, "Look",
"Graph title.", "Leave it to None to disable title.")
width = Key(
800, int, "Look", "Graph width")
height = Key(
600, int, "Look", "Graph height")
show_dots = Key(True, bool, "Look", "Set to false to remove dots")
dots_size = Key(2.5, float, "Look", "Radius of the dots")
stroke = Key(
True, bool, "Look",
"Line dots (set it to false to get a scatter plot)")
fill = Key(
False, bool, "Look", "Fill areas under lines")
show_legend = Key(
True, bool, "Look", "Set to false to remove legend")
legend_at_bottom = Key(
False, bool, "Look", "Set to true to position legend at bottom")
legend_box_size = Key(
12, int, "Look", "Size of legend boxes")
rounded_bars = Key(
None, int, "Look", "Set this to the desired radius in px")
############ Label ############
x_labels = Key(
None, list, "Label",
"X labels, must have same len than data.",
"Leave it to None to disable x labels display.",
x_labels_major = Key(
None, list, "Label",
"X labels that will be marked major.",
x_labels_major_every = Key(
None, int, "Label",
"Mark every n-th x label as major.")
x_labels_major_count = Key(
None, int, "Label",
"Mark n evenly distributed labels as major.")
show_minor_x_labels = Key(
True, bool, "Label", "Set to false to hide x-labels not marked major")
y_labels = Key(
None, list, "Label",
"You can specify explicit y labels",
"Must be a list of numbers", float)
x_label_rotation = Key(
0, int, "Label", "Specify x labels rotation angles", "in degrees")
y_label_rotation = Key(
0, int, "Label", "Specify y labels rotation angles", "in degrees")
############ Value ############
human_readable = Key(
False, bool, "Value", "Display values in human readable format",
"(ie: 12.4M)")
value_formatter = Key(
None, type(lambda: 1), "Value",
"A function to convert numeric value to strings")
logarithmic = Key(
False, bool, "Value", "Display values in logarithmic scale")
interpolate = Key(
None, str, "Value", "Interpolation, this requires scipy module",
"May be any of 'linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic,"
"'cubic', 'krogh', 'barycentric', 'univariate',"
"or an integer specifying the order"
"of the spline interpolator")
interpolation_precision = Key(
250, int, "Value", "Number of interpolated points between two values")
order_min = Key(
None, int, "Value", "Minimum order of scale, defaults to None")
range = Key(
None, list, "Value", "Explicitly specify min and max of values",
"(ie: (0, 100))", int)
include_x_axis = Key(
False, bool, "Value", "Always include x axis")
zero = Key(
0, int, "Value",
"Set the ordinate zero value",
"Useful for filling to another base than abscissa")
############ Text ############
no_data_text = Key(
"No data", str, "Text", "Text to display when no data is given")
label_font_size = Key(10, int, "Text", "Label font size")
major_label_font_size = Key(10, int, "Text", "Major label font size")
value_font_size = Key(8, int, "Text", "Value font size")
tooltip_font_size = Key(20, int, "Text", "Tooltip font size")
title_font_size = Key(16, int, "Text", "Title font size")
legend_font_size = Key(14, int, "Text", "Legend font size")
no_data_font_size = Key(64, int, "Text", "No data text font size")
print_values = Key(
True, bool,
"Text", "Print values when graph is in non interactive mode")
print_zeroes = Key(
False, bool,
"Text", "Print zeroes when graph is in non interactive mode")
truncate_legend = Key(
None, int, "Text",
"Legend string length truncation threshold", "None = auto")
truncate_label = Key(
None, int, "Text",
"Label string length truncation threshold", "None = auto")
############ Misc ############
js = Key(
list, "Misc", "List of js file",
"It can be a filepath or an external link",
disable_xml_declaration = Key(
False, bool, "Misc",
"Don't write xml declaration and return str instead of string",
"usefull for writing output directly in html")
explicit_size = Key(
False, bool, "Misc", "Write width and height attributes")
pretty_print = Key(
False, bool, "Misc", "Pretty print the svg")
strict = Key(
False, bool, "Misc",
"If True don't try to adapt / filter wrong values")
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Can be instanciated with config kwargs"""
for k in dir(self):
v = getattr(self, k)
if (k not in self.__dict__ and not
k.startswith('_') and not
hasattr(v, '__call__')):
if isinstance(v, Key):
v = v.value
setattr(self, k, v)
self.css = list(self.css)
self.js = list(self.js)
def __call__(self, **kwargs):
"""Can be updated with kwargs"""
def _update(self, kwargs):
dict([(k, v) for (k, v) in kwargs.items()
if not k.startswith('_') and k in dir(self)]))
def font_sizes(self, with_unit=True):
"""Getter for all font size configs"""
fs = FontSizes()
for name in dir(self):
if name.endswith('_font_size'):
name.replace('_font_size', ''),
('%dpx' % getattr(self, name))
if with_unit else getattr(self, name))
return fs
def to_dict(self):
config = {}
for attr in dir(self):
if not attr.startswith('__'):
value = getattr(self, attr)
if hasattr(value, 'to_dict'):
config[attr] = value.to_dict()
elif not hasattr(value, '__call__'):
config[attr] = value
return config
def copy(self):
return deepcopy(self)