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title: Examples · Ratchet
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<h2 class="page-title">Examples</h2>
11 years ago
<p class="page-description">Take a look at some of these example apps built on Ratchet.</p>
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<p class="lead">Checkout out the examples on a desktop browser or visit on your mobile device see the apps as intended.</p>
<div class="docs-example-group">
<div class="example-wrap">
<a class="example" href="/examples/app-movies" data-ignore="push">
<img src="/assets/img/example.png" alt="Movie finder app example" width="640" height="480">
<h5>Movie finder</h5>
<div class="example-wrap">
<a class="example" href="/examples/app-ios-mail" data-ignore="push">
<img src="/assets/img/example-ios.png" alt="iOS mail app example" width="640" height="480">
<h5>iOS mail app</h5>
<div class="example-wrap">
<a class="example" href="/examples/app-android-notes" data-ignore="push">
<img src="/assets/img/example-android.png" alt="Android notes app example" width="640" height="480">
<h5>Android notes app</h5>
<div class="column units-2 lg-units-4">
11 years ago
{% include download-module.html %}
11 years ago
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