/* ----------------------------------
* PullToRefresh v0.004
* By Simon Waldherr
* https://github.com/SimonWaldherr/PullToRefresh
* Licensed under The MIT License
* http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
* ---------------------------------- */
var ptr_scrollable_parent = false;
function ptr_init() {
"use strict";
var ptr_box, ptr_container, ptr_image, ptr_text, i = 0, scrollables = document.getElementsByClassName('scrollable');
if ((window.hasOwnProperty('ontouchstart')) || (window.navigator.msPointerEnabled)) {
document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].className += ' touch';
} else {
document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].className += ' notouch';
for (i = 0; i < scrollables.length; i += 1) {
if (scrollables[i].hasAttribute('data-url') !== false) {
ptr_box = document.createElement('div');
ptr_container = document.createElement('div');
ptr_image = document.createElement('div');
ptr_text = document.createElement('div');
ptr_text.innerHTML = 'Pull to refresh';
ptr_box.className = 'ptr_box';
ptr_container.className = 'ptr_container';
ptr_image.className = 'ptr_image';
ptr_text.className = 'ptr_text';
scrollables[i].firstElementChild.insertBefore(ptr_box, scrollables[i].firstElementChild.firstChild);
document.addEventListener('touchstart', function (e) {
var ptr_box, ptr_container, ptr_image, ptr_text, parent = e.target, i = 0;
if (parent.className === undefined) {
return false;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
if (parent.className !== undefined) {
if (parent.className.match('scrollable')) {
ptr_scrollable_parent = i;
i = 10;
if (parent.hasAttribute('data-url') !== false) {
if (parent.getElementsByClassName('ptr_box')[0] === undefined) {
ptr_box = document.createElement('div');
ptr_container = document.createElement('div');
ptr_image = document.createElement('div');
ptr_text = document.createElement('div');
ptr_text.innerHTML = 'Pull to refresh';
ptr_box.className = 'ptr_box';
ptr_container.className = 'ptr_container';
ptr_image.className = 'ptr_image';
ptr_text.className = 'ptr_text';
parent.firstElementChild.insertBefore(ptr_box, parent.firstElementChild.firstChild);
} else if (parent.getElementsByClassName('ptr_box')[0] !== undefined) {
if (parent.scrollTop === 0) {
parent.scrollTop = 1;
} else if ((parent.scrollTop + parent.offsetHeight) === parent.scrollHeight) {
parent.scrollTop = parent.scrollTop - 1;
if ((parent.parentNode.tagName === undefined)) {
i = 10;
return false;
if ((parent.parentNode.tagName === 'BODY') || (parent.parentNode.tagName === 'HTML')) {
i = 10;
return false;
parent = parent.parentNode;
document.addEventListener('touchmove', function (e) {
var parent = e.target, scroll = false, rotate = 90, i = 0, ptr_element, ptr_wrapelement, top, ptr, scrolldistance, ptr_eleId, time, ptrbox, insert, inserted;
if (ptr_scrollable_parent === false) {
return false;
for (i = 0; i < ptr_scrollable_parent; i += 1) {
parent = parent.parentNode;
if ((ptr_scrollable_parent !== false) && (parent.hasAttribute('data-url') !== false)) {
scroll = true;
ptr_element = parent;
ptr_wrapelement = ptr_element.getElementsByClassName('wrap')[0];
top = ptr_element.scrollTop;
ptr = ptr_element.getElementsByClassName('ptr_box')[0];
scrolldistance = Math.abs(parseInt(ptr_element.scrollTop, 10));
if ((ptr_wrapelement.className.indexOf(' active') === -1) && (!ptr_wrapelement.getElementsByClassName('ptr_image')[0].className.match('loading')) && (ptr_element.scrollTop < 1)) {
if (ptr_element.scrollTop < -25) {
rotate = (top < -40) ? -90 : 130 + (top * 12 + 270);
if (ptr_element.scrollTop < 0) {
ptr.style.height = (scrolldistance < 55) ? scrolldistance + 'px' : '55px';
ptr.style.top = (scrolldistance < 55) ? '-' + scrolldistance + 'px' : '-55px';
ptr_wrapelement.getElementsByClassName('ptr_image')[0].style['-webkit-transform'] = "scale(1) rotate(" + rotate + "deg)";
if (ptr_element.scrollTop < -51) {
if (ptr_wrapelement.className.indexOf(' active') === -1) {
ptr_wrapelement.className += ' active';
ptr_wrapelement.getElementsByClassName('ptr_text')[0].innerHTML = 'Loading ...';
ptr_wrapelement.getElementsByClassName('ptr_image')[0].className += ' loading';
if (parent.getAttribute('data-url') === 'reload') {
return false;
ptr_element = parent;
ptr_wrapelement = ptr_element.getElementsByClassName('wrap')[0];
ptr_eleId = parent.id;
time = new Date();
url: parent.getAttribute('data-url') + '?rt=' + time.getTime(),
type: 'html',
method: 'post',
data: {
usertime: time.getTime()
error: function () {
alert('Could not connect');
ptr_wrapelement.style.top = '0px';
ptr.getElementsByClassName('ptr_image')[0].className = ptr.getElementsByClassName('ptr_image')[0].className.replace(' loading', '');
ptr_wrapelement.className = ptr_wrapelement.className.replace(' active', '');
success: function (resp) {
ptrbox = document.getElementById(ptr_eleId).getElementsByClassName('ptr_box')[0];
insert = document.createElement('div');
insert.innerHTML = resp;
insert.className = 'inserted';
ptr_wrapelement.insertBefore(insert, ptrbox.nextSibling);
ptr_wrapelement.style.top = '0px';
ptr.getElementsByClassName('ptr_image')[0].className = ptr.getElementsByClassName('ptr_image')[0].className.replace(' loading', '');
ptr_wrapelement.className = ptr_wrapelement.className.replace(' active', '');
inserted = document.getElementsByClassName('inserted')[0];
ptr_element.scrollTop = inserted.clientHeight - 51;
ptr_wrapelement.getElementsByClassName('ptr_text')[0].innerHTML = '';
ptr.style.opacity = 0.0;
ptr_wrapelement.getElementsByClassName('ptr_image')[0].className = ptr_wrapelement.getElementsByClassName('ptr_image')[0].className.replace(' loading', '');
ptr_wrapelement.style.top = '0px';
ptr_scrollable_parent = false;
} else if (ptr_element.scrollTop !== 0) {
ptr_wrapelement.className = ptr_wrapelement.className.replace(' active', '');
ptr_wrapelement.getElementsByClassName('ptr_text')[0].innerHTML = 'Pull to refresh';
} else if ((ptr_scrollable_parent !== false)) {
scroll = true;
if (scroll === false) {
document.addEventListener('touchend', function (e) {
var parent = e.target, i = 0, ptr_element, ptr_wrapelement, ptr_eleId, top, ptr;
for (i = 0; i < ptr_scrollable_parent; i += 1) {
parent = parent.parentNode;
if ((parent.hasAttribute('data-url') !== false) && (ptr_scrollable_parent !== false)) {
if ((parent.hasAttribute('data-url') !== false)) {
ptr_element = parent;
ptr_wrapelement = ptr_element.getElementsByClassName('wrap')[0];
ptr_eleId = parent.id;
top = ptr_element.scrollTop;
ptr = ptr_element.getElementsByClassName('ptr_box')[0];
if (ptr_wrapelement.getElementsByClassName('ptr_image')[0].className.match('loading')) {
ptr_wrapelement.className = ptr_wrapelement.className.replace(' active', '');
ptr_wrapelement.style.top = '51px';
} else {
ptr.style.height = '0px';
ptr.style.top = '0px';
ptr_scrollable_parent = false;
window.onload = function() {