Take note that our master branch is our active, unstable development branch and that if you're looking to download a stable copy of the repo, check the [tagged downloads](https://github.com/maker/ratchet/tags).
Ratchet's documentation is built with [Jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com) and publicly hosted on GitHub Pages at [http://maker.github.io/ratchet](http://maker.github.io/ratchet). The docs may also be run locally.
Ratchet was developed to support iOS 7+ for iPhone. Questions or discussions about Ratchet should happen in the [Google group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/goratchet) or hit us up on Twitter [@goRatchet](http://www.twitter.com/goratchet).
Please file a GitHub issue to [report a bug](http://github.com/maker/ratchet/issues). When reporting a bug, be sure to follow the [contributor guidelines](https://github.com/maker/ratchet/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).
- Ratchet is designed to respond to touch events from a mobile device. In order to use mouse click events (for desktop browsing and testing), you have a few options:
- Enable touch event emulation in Chrome (found in the overrides tab in the web inspector preferences)
- Script tags containing javascript will not be executed on pages that are loaded with push.js. If you would like to attach event handlers to elements on other pages, document-level event delegation is a common solution.
- Ratchet uses XHR requests to fetch additional pages inside the application. Due to security concerns, modern browsers prevent XHR requests when opening files locally (aka using the file:/// protocol); consequently, Ratchet does not work when opened directly as a file.
- A common solution to this is to simply serve the files from a local server. One convenient way to achieve this is to run ```python -m SimpleHTTPServer <port>``` to serve up the files in the current directory to ```http://localhost:<port>```