You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1650 lines
40 KiB
1650 lines
40 KiB
/*! $.noUiSlider - WTFPL - */ |
/*jslint browser: true */ |
/*jslint devel: true */ |
/*jslint continue: true */ |
/*jslint plusplus: true */ |
/*jslint sub: true */ |
/*jslint white: true */ |
// ==ClosureCompiler== |
// @externs_url |
// @compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS |
// @warning_level VERBOSE |
// ==/ClosureCompiler== |
(function( $ ){ |
'use strict'; |
var |
// Cache the document selector; |
/** @const */ doc = $(document), |
// Namespace for binding and unbinding slider events; |
/** @const */ namespace = '.nui', |
// Copy of the current value function; |
/** @const */ $val = $.fn.val, |
// Determine the events to bind. IE11 implements pointerEvents without |
// a prefix, which breaks compatibility with the IE10 implementation. |
/** @const */ actions = window.navigator.pointerEnabled ? { |
start: 'pointerdown', |
move: 'pointermove', |
end: 'pointerup' |
} : window.navigator.msPointerEnabled ? { |
start: 'MSPointerDown', |
move: 'MSPointerMove', |
end: 'MSPointerUp' |
} : { |
start: 'mousedown touchstart', |
move: 'mousemove touchmove', |
end: 'mouseup touchend' |
}, |
// Re-usable list of classes; |
/** @const */ Classes = [ |
/* 0 */ 'noUi-target' |
/* 1 */ ,'noUi-base' |
/* 2 */ ,'noUi-origin' |
/* 3 */ ,'noUi-handle' |
/* 4 */ ,'noUi-horizontal' |
/* 5 */ ,'noUi-vertical' |
/* 6 */ ,'noUi-background' |
/* 7 */ ,'noUi-connect' |
/* 8 */ ,'noUi-ltr' |
/* 9 */ ,'noUi-rtl' |
/* 10 */ ,'noUi-dragable' |
/* 11 */ ,'' |
/* 12 */ ,'noUi-state-drag' |
/* 13 */ ,'' |
/* 14 */ ,'noUi-state-tap' |
/* 15 */ ,'noUi-active' |
/* 16 */ ,'noUi-extended' |
/* 17 */ ,'noUi-stacking' |
], |
/** @const */ Formatting = [ |
/* 0 */ 'decimals' |
/* 1 */ ,'mark' |
/* 2 */ ,'thousand' |
/* 3 */ ,'prefix' |
/* 4 */ ,'postfix' |
/* 5 */ ,'encoder' |
/* 6 */ ,'decoder' |
/* 7 */ ,'negative' |
/* 8 */ ,'negativeBefore' |
], |
/** @const */ FormatDefaults = [ |
/* 0 */ 2 |
/* 1 */ ,'.' |
/* 2 */ ,'' |
/* 3 */ ,'' |
/* 4 */ ,'' |
/* 5 */ ,function(a){ return a; } |
/* 6 */ ,function(a){ return a; } |
/* 7 */ ,'-' |
/* 8 */ ,'' |
]; |
// Error handling |
function throwError( message ){ |
throw new RangeError('noUiSlider: ' + message); |
} |
// Throw an error if formatting options are incompatible. |
function throwEqualError( F, a, b ) { |
if ( (F[a] || F[b]) && (F[a] === F[b]) ) { |
throwError("(Link) '"+a+"' can't match '"+b+"'.'"); |
} |
} |
// General helpers |
// Limits a value to 0 - 100 |
function limit ( a ) { |
return Math.max(Math.min(a, 100), 0); |
} |
// Round a value to the closest 'to'. |
function closest ( value, to ) { |
return Math.round(value / to) * to; |
} |
// Determine the size of a sub-range in relation to a full range. |
function subRangeRatio ( pa, pb ) { |
return (100 / (pb - pa)); |
} |
// Type validation |
function typeMatch ( a, b ) { |
return (typeof a) === (typeof b); |
} |
// Test in an object is an instance of jQuery or Zepto. |
function isInstance ( a ) { |
return a instanceof $ || ( $['zepto'] && $['zepto']['isZ'](a) ); |
} |
// Checks whether a value is numerical. |
function isNumeric ( a ) { |
return typeof a === 'number' && !isNaN( a ) && isFinite( a ); |
} |
// Wraps a variable as an array, if it isn't one yet. |
function asArray ( a ) { |
return $.isArray(a) ? a : [a]; |
} |
// Class handling |
// Sets a class and removes it after [duration] ms. |
function addClassFor ( element, className, duration ) { |
element.addClass(className); |
setTimeout(function(){ |
element.removeClass(className); |
}, duration); |
} |
// Tests if element has a class, adds it if not. Returns original state. |
function getsClass ( element, className ) { |
var has = element.hasClass(className); |
if ( !has ) { |
element.addClass( className ); |
} |
return has; |
} |
// Value calculation |
// (percentage) How many percent is this value of this range? |
function fromPercentage ( range, value ) { |
return (value * 100) / ( range[1] - range[0] ); |
} |
// (percentage) Where is this value on this range? |
function toPercentage ( range, value ) { |
return fromPercentage( range, range[0] < 0 ? |
value + Math.abs(range[0]) : |
value - range[0] ); |
} |
// (value) How much is this percentage on this range? |
function isPercentage ( range, value ) { |
return ((value * ( range[1] - range[0] )) / 100) + range[0]; |
} |
// (percentage) |
function toStepping ( options, value ) { |
if ( value >= options.xVal.slice(-1)[0] ){ |
return 100; |
} |
var j = 1, va, vb, pa, pb; |
while ( value >= options.xVal[j] ){ |
j++; |
} |
va = options.xVal[j-1]; |
vb = options.xVal[j]; |
pa = options.xPct[j-1]; |
pb = options.xPct[j]; |
return pa + (toPercentage([va, vb], value) / subRangeRatio (pa, pb)); |
} |
// (value) |
function fromStepping ( options, value ) { |
// There is no range group that fits 100 |
if ( value >= 100 ){ |
return options.xVal.slice(-1)[0]; |
} |
var j = 1, va, vb, pa, pb; |
while ( value >= options.xPct[j] ){ |
j++; |
} |
va = options.xVal[j-1]; |
vb = options.xVal[j]; |
pa = options.xPct[j-1]; |
pb = options.xPct[j]; |
return isPercentage([va, vb], (value - pa) * subRangeRatio (pa, pb)); |
} |
// (percentage) Get the step that applies at a certain value. |
function getStep ( options, value ){ |
var j = 1, a, b; |
while ( value >= options.xPct[j] ){ |
j++; |
} |
if ( options.snap ) { |
a = options.xPct[j-1]; |
b = options.xPct[j]; |
if ((value - a) > ((b-a)/2)){ |
return b; |
} |
return a; |
} |
if ( !options.xSteps[j-1] ){ |
return value; |
} |
return options.xPct[j-1] + closest( |
value - options.xPct[j-1], |
options.xSteps[j-1] |
); |
} |
// Event handling |
// Provide a clean event with standardized offset values. |
function fixEvent ( e ) { |
// Prevent scrolling and panning on touch events, while |
// attempting to slide. The tap event also depends on this. |
e.preventDefault(); |
// Filter the event to register the type, which can be |
// touch, mouse or pointer. Offset changes need to be |
// made on an event specific basis. |
var touch = e.type.indexOf('touch') === 0 |
,mouse = e.type.indexOf('mouse') === 0 |
,pointer = e.type.indexOf('pointer') === 0 |
,x,y, event = e; |
// IE10 implemented pointer events with a prefix; |
if ( e.type.indexOf('MSPointer') === 0 ) { |
pointer = true; |
} |
// Get the originalEvent, if the event has been wrapped |
// by jQuery. Zepto doesn't wrap the event. |
if ( e.originalEvent ) { |
e = e.originalEvent; |
} |
if ( touch ) { |
// noUiSlider supports one movement at a time, |
// so we can select the first 'changedTouch'. |
x = e.changedTouches[0].pageX; |
y = e.changedTouches[0].pageY; |
} |
if ( mouse || pointer ) { |
// Polyfill the pageXOffset and pageYOffset |
// variables for IE7 and IE8; |
if( !pointer && window.pageXOffset === undefined ){ |
window.pageXOffset = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; |
window.pageYOffset = document.documentElement.scrollTop; |
} |
x = e.clientX + window.pageXOffset; |
y = e.clientY + window.pageYOffset; |
} |
event.points = [x, y]; |
event.cursor = mouse; |
return event; |
} |
// Organize formatting in an object. |
/** @constructor */ |
function Format( options ){ |
// If no settings where provided, the defaults will be loaded. |
if ( options === undefined ){ |
options = {}; |
} |
if ( typeof options !== 'object' ){ |
throwError("(Format) 'format' option must be an object."); |
} |
var settings = {}; |
// Copy all values into a new object. |
$(Formatting).each(function(i, val){ |
if ( options[val] === undefined ){ |
settings[val] = FormatDefaults[i]; |
// When we aren't loading defaults, validate the entry. |
} else if ( typeMatch(options[val], FormatDefaults[i]) ) { |
// Support for up to 7 decimals. |
// More can't be guaranteed due to floating point issues. |
if ( val === 'decimals' ){ |
if ( options[val] < 0 || options[val] > 7 ){ |
throwError("(Format) 'format.decimals' option must be between 0 and 7."); |
} |
} |
settings[val] = options[val]; |
// If the value isn't valid, emit an error. |
} else { |
throwError("(Format) 'format."+val+"' must be a " + typeof FormatDefaults[i] + "."); |
} |
}); |
// Some values can't be extracted from a |
// string if certain combinations are present. |
throwEqualError(settings, 'mark', 'thousand'); |
throwEqualError(settings, 'prefix', 'negative'); |
throwEqualError(settings, 'prefix', 'negativeBefore'); |
this.settings = settings; |
} |
// Shorthand for internal value get |
Format.prototype.v = function ( a ) { |
return this.settings[a]; |
}; |
| = function ( number ) { |
function reverse ( a ) { |
return a.split('').reverse().join(''); |
} |
number = this.v('encoder')( number ); |
var negative = '', preNegative = '', base = '', mark = ''; |
if ( number < 0 ) { |
negative = this.v('negative'); |
preNegative = this.v('negativeBefore'); |
} |
// Round to proper decimal count |
number = Math.abs(number).toFixed( this.v('decimals') ).toString(); |
number = number.split('.'); |
// Rounding away decimals might cause a value of -0 |
// when using very small ranges. Remove those cases. |
if ( parseFloat(number) === 0 ) { |
number[0] = '0'; |
} |
// Group numbers in sets of three. |
if ( this.v('thousand') ) { |
base = reverse(number[0]).match(/.{1,3}/g); |
base = reverse(base.join(reverse( this.v('thousand') ))); |
} else { |
base = number[0]; |
} |
// Ignore the decimal separator if decimals are set to 0. |
if ( this.v('mark') && number.length > 1 ) { |
mark = this.v('mark') + number[1]; |
} |
// Return the finalized formatted number. |
return preNegative + |
this.v('prefix') + |
negative + |
base + |
mark + |
this.v('postfix'); |
}; |
Format.prototype.from = function ( input ) { |
function esc(s){ |
return s.replace(/[\-\/\\\^$*+?.()|\[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'); |
} |
var isNeg; |
// The set request might want to ignore this handle. |
// Test for 'undefined' too, as a two-handle slider |
// can still be set with an integer. |
if( input === null || input === undefined ) { |
return false; |
} |
// Remove formatting and set period for float parsing. |
input = input.toString(); |
// Replace the preNegative indicator. |
isNeg = input.replace(new RegExp('^' + esc( this.v('negativeBefore') )), ''); |
// Check if the value changed by removing the negativeBefore symbol. |
if( input !== isNeg ) { |
input = isNeg; |
isNeg = '-'; |
} else { |
isNeg = ''; |
} |
// If prefix is set and the number is actually prefixed. |
input = input.replace(new RegExp('^'+esc( this.v('prefix') )), ''); |
// Only replace if a negative sign is set. |
if ( this.v['negative'] ) { |
// Reset isNeg to prevent double '-' insertion. |
isNeg = ''; |
// Reset the negative sign to '-' |
input = input.replace(new RegExp('^'+esc( this.v('negative') )), '-'); |
} |
// Clean the input string |
input = input |
// If postfix is set and the number is postfixed. |
.replace( new RegExp(esc( this.v('postfix') ) + '$'), '') |
// Remove the separator every three digits. |
.replace( new RegExp(esc( this.v('thousand') ), 'g'), '') |
// Set the decimal separator back to period. |
.replace( this.v('mark'), '.'); |
// Run the user defined decoder. Returns input by default. |
input = this.v('decoder')( parseFloat( isNeg + input ) ); |
// Ignore invalid input |
if (isNaN( input )) { |
return false; |
} |
return input; |
}; |
// Serialization target |
/** @constructor */ |
function Link( entry, update ){ |
// Make sure Link isn't called as a function, in which case |
// the 'this' scope would be the window. |
if ( !(this instanceof Link) ) { |
throw new Error( "Link: " + |
"Don't use Link as a function. " + |
"Use the 'new' keyword."); |
} |
if ( !entry ) { |
throw new RangeError("Link: missing parameters."); |
} |
// Write all formatting to this object. |
// No validation needed, as we'll merge these with the parent |
// format options first. |
this.formatting = entry['format'] || {}; |
// Store the update option. |
this.update = !update; |
// In IE < 9, .bind() isn't available, need this link in .change(). |
var that = this, |
// Get values from the input. |
target = entry['target'] || function(){}, |
method = entry['method'], |
// Find the type of this link. |
isTooltip = ( typeof target === 'string' && target.indexOf('-tooltip-') === 0 ), |
isHidden = ( typeof target === 'string' && target.indexOf('-') !== 0 ), |
isMethod = ( typeof target === 'function' ), |
is$ = ( isInstance(target) ), |
isInput = ( is$ &&'input, select, textarea') ), |
methodIsFunction = ( is$ && typeof method === 'function' ), |
methodIsName = ( is$ && typeof method === 'string' && target[method] ); |
// If target is a string, a new hidden input will be created. |
if ( isTooltip ) { |
// By default, use the 'html' method. |
this.method = method || 'html'; |
// Use jQuery to create the element |
this.el = $( target.replace('-tooltip-', '') || '<div/>' )[0]; |
return; |
} |
// If the string doesn't begin with '-', which is reserved, add a new hidden input. |
if ( isHidden ) { |
this.method = 'val'; |
this.el = document.createElement('input'); |
| = target; |
this.el.type = 'hidden'; |
return; |
} |
// The target can also be a function, which will be called. |
if ( isMethod ) { |
| = false; |
this.method = target; |
return; |
} |
// If the target is and $ element. |
if ( is$ ) { |
// The method must exist on the element. |
if ( method && ( methodIsFunction || methodIsName ) ) { |
| = target; |
this.method = method; |
return; |
} |
// If a jQuery/Zepto input element is provided, but no method is set, |
// the element can assume it needs to respond to 'change'... |
if ( !method && isInput ) { |
// Default to .val if this is an input element. |
this.method = 'val'; |
| = target; |
// Set the slider to a new value on change. |
|'change', function( e ){ |
// Returns null array. |
function at(a,b,c){ |
return [c?a:b, c?b:a]; |
} |
var output = at(null, $(, that.N); |
that.obj.val(output, { 'link': that }); |
}); |
return; |
} |
// ... or not. |
if ( !method && !isInput ) { |
// Default arbitrarily to 'html'. |
this.method = 'html'; |
| = target; |
return; |
} |
} |
throw new RangeError("Link: Invalid Link."); |
} |
// Provides external items with the slider value. |
Link.prototype.write = function ( options, value, handle, slider, update ) { |
// Don't synchronize this Link. |
if ( this.update && update === false ) { |
return; |
} |
// Convert the value to the slider stepping/range. |
value = fromStepping( options, value ); |
// Format values for display. |
value = this.format( value ); |
// Store the numerical value. |
this.saved = value; |
// Branch between serialization to a function or an object. |
if ( typeof this.method === 'function' ) { |
// When target is undefined, the target was a function. |
// In that case, provided the slider as the calling scope. |
// Use [0] to get the DOM element, not the $ instance. |
|[0] || slider[0], value, handle, slider ); |
} else { |
|[ this.method ]( value, handle, slider ); |
} |
}; |
// Parses slider value to user defined display. |
Link.prototype.format = function ( a ) { |
return; |
}; |
// Converts a formatted value back to a real number. |
Link.prototype.valueOf = function ( a ) { |
return this.formatting.from(a); |
}; |
// Input validation |
function testStep ( parsed, entry ) { |
if ( !isNumeric( entry ) ) { |
throwError("'step' is not numeric."); |
} |
// The step option can still be used to set stepping |
// for linear sliders. Overwritten if set in 'range'. |
parsed.xSteps[0] = entry; |
} |
function testRange ( parsed, entry ) { |
// Filter incorrect input. |
if ( typeof entry !== 'object' || $.isArray(entry) ) { |
throwError("'range' is not an object."); |
} |
// Loop all entries. |
$.each( entry, function ( index, value ) { |
var percentage; |
// Wrap numerical input in an array. |
if ( typeof value === "number" ) { |
value = [value]; |
} |
// Reject any invalid input. |
if ( !$.isArray( value ) ){ |
throwError("'range' contains invalid value."); |
} |
// Covert min/max syntax to 0 and 100. |
if ( index === 'min' ) { |
percentage = 0; |
} else if ( index === 'max' ) { |
percentage = 100; |
} else { |
percentage = parseFloat( index ); |
} |
// Check for correct input. |
if ( !isNumeric( percentage ) || !isNumeric( value[0] ) ) { |
throwError("'range' value isn't numeric."); |
} |
// Store values. |
parsed.xPct.push( percentage ); |
parsed.xVal.push( value[0] ); |
// NaN will evaluate to false too, but to keep |
// logging clear, set step explicitly. Make sure |
// not to override the 'step' setting with false. |
if ( !percentage ) { |
if ( !isNaN( value[1] ) ) { |
parsed.xSteps[0] = value[1]; |
} |
} else { |
parsed.xSteps.push( isNaN(value[1]) ? false : value[1] ); |
} |
}); |
$.each(parsed.xSteps, function(i,n){ |
// Ignore 'false' stepping. |
if ( !n ) { |
return true; |
} |
// Check if step fits. Not required, but this might serve some goal. |
// !((parsed.xVal[i+1] - parsed.xVal[i]) % n); |
// Factor to range ratio |
parsed.xSteps[i] = fromPercentage([ |
parsed.xVal[i] |
,parsed.xVal[i+1] |
], n) / subRangeRatio ( |
parsed.xPct[i], |
parsed.xPct[i+1] ); |
}); |
} |
function testStart ( parsed, entry ) { |
if ( typeof entry === "number" ) { |
entry = [entry]; |
} |
// Validate input. Values aren't tested, the internal Link will do |
// that and provide a valid location. |
if ( !$.isArray( entry ) || !entry.length || entry.length > 2 ) { |
throwError("'start' option is incorrect."); |
} |
// Store the number of handles. |
parsed.handles = entry.length; |
// When the slider is initialized, the .val method will |
// be called with the start options. |
parsed.start = entry; |
} |
function testSnap ( parsed, entry ) { |
// Enforce 100% stepping within subranges. |
parsed.snap = entry; |
if ( typeof entry !== 'boolean' ){ |
throwError("'snap' option must be a boolean."); |
} |
} |
function testConnect ( parsed, entry ) { |
if ( entry === 'lower' && parsed.handles === 1 ) { |
parsed.connect = 1; |
} else if ( entry === 'upper' && parsed.handles === 1 ) { |
parsed.connect = 2; |
} else if ( entry === true && parsed.handles === 2 ) { |
parsed.connect = 3; |
} else if ( entry === false ) { |
parsed.connect = 0; |
} else { |
throwError("'connect' option was doesn't match handle count."); |
} |
} |
function testOrientation ( parsed, entry ) { |
// Set orientation to an a numerical value for easy |
// array selection. |
switch ( entry ){ |
case 'horizontal': |
parsed.ort = 0; |
break; |
case 'vertical': |
parsed.ort = 1; |
break; |
default: |
throwError("'orientation' option is invalid."); |
} |
} |
function testMargin ( parsed, entry ) { |
if ( parsed.xPct.length > 2 ) { |
throwError("'margin' option is only supported on linear sliders."); |
} |
// Parse value to range and store. As xVal is checked |
// to be no bigger than 2, use it as range. |
parsed.margin = fromPercentage(parsed.xVal, entry); |
if ( !isNumeric(entry) ){ |
throwError("'margin' option must be numeric."); |
} |
} |
function testDirection ( parsed, entry ) { |
// Set direction as a numerical value for easy parsing. |
// Invert connection for RTL sliders, so that the proper |
// handles get the connect/background classes. |
switch ( entry ) { |
case 'ltr': |
parsed.dir = 0; |
break; |
case 'rtl': |
parsed.dir = 1; |
parsed.connect = [0,2,1,3][parsed.connect]; |
break; |
default: |
throwError("'direction' option was not recognized."); |
} |
} |
function testBehaviour ( parsed, entry ) { |
// Make sure the input is a string. |
if ( typeof entry !== 'string' ) { |
throwError("'behaviour' must be a string containing options."); |
} |
// Check if the string contains any keywords. |
// None are required. |
var tap = entry.indexOf('tap') >= 0, |
extend = entry.indexOf('extend') >= 0, |
drag = entry.indexOf('drag') >= 0, |
fixed = entry.indexOf('fixed') >= 0, |
snap = entry.indexOf('snap') >= 0; |
| = { |
tap: tap || snap, |
extend: extend, |
drag: drag, |
fixed: fixed, |
snap: snap |
}; |
} |
function testSerialization ( parsed, entry, sliders ) { |
parsed.ser = [ entry['lower'], entry['upper'] ]; |
parsed.formatting = new Format( entry['format'] ); |
$.each( parsed.ser, function( i, a ){ |
// Check if the provided option is an array. |
if ( !$.isArray(a) ) { |
throwError("'serialization."+(!i?'lower':'upper')+"' must be an array."); |
} |
$.each(a, function(){ |
// Check if entry is a Link. |
if ( !(this instanceof Link) ) { |
throwError("'serialization."+(!i?'lower':'upper')+"' can only contain Link instances."); |
} |
// Assign other properties. |
this.N = i; |
this.obj = sliders; |
this.scope = this.scope || sliders; |
// Run internal validator. |
this.formatting = new Format($.extend({} |
,entry['format'] |
,this.formatting |
)); |
}); |
}); |
// If the slider has two handles and is RTL, |
// reverse the serialization input. For one handle, |
// lower is still lower. |
if ( parsed.dir && parsed.handles > 1 ) { |
parsed.ser.reverse(); |
} |
} |
// Test all developer settings and parse to assumption-safe values. |
function test ( options, sliders ){ |
/* Every input option is tested and parsed. This'll prevent |
endless validation in internal methods. These tests are |
structured with an item for every option available. An |
option can be marked as required by setting the 'r' flag. |
The testing function is provided with three arguments: |
- The provided value for the option; |
- A reference to the options object; |
- The name for the option; |
The testing function returns false when an error is detected, |
or true when everything is OK. It can also modify the option |
object, to make sure all values can be correctly looped elsewhere. */ |
var parsed = { |
xPct: [] |
,xVal: [] |
,xSteps: [ false ] |
,margin: 0 |
}, tests; |
tests = { |
'step': { r: false, t: testStep }, |
'range': { r: true, t: testRange }, |
'start': { r: true, t: testStart }, |
'snap': { r: false, t: testSnap }, |
'connect': { r: true, t: testConnect }, |
'orientation': { r: false, t: testOrientation }, |
'margin': { r: false, t: testMargin }, |
'direction': { r: true, t: testDirection }, |
'behaviour': { r: true, t: testBehaviour }, |
'serialization': { r: true, t: testSerialization } |
}; |
// Set defaults where applicable. |
options = $.extend({ |
'connect': false |
,'direction': 'ltr' |
,'behaviour': 'tap' |
,'orientation': 'horizontal' |
}, options); |
// Make sure the test for serialization runs. |
options['serialization'] = $.extend({ |
'lower': [] |
,'upper': [] |
,'format': {} |
}, options['serialization']); |
// Run all options through a testing mechanism to ensure correct |
// input. It should be noted that options might get modified to |
// be handled properly. E.g. wrapping integers in arrays. |
$.each( tests, function( name, test ){ |
if ( options[name] === undefined ) { |
if ( test.r ) { |
throwError("'" + name + "' is required."); |
} else { |
return true; |
} |
} |
test.t( parsed, options[name], sliders ); |
}); |
// Pre-define the styles. |
| = parsed.ort ? 'top' : 'left'; |
return parsed; |
} |
// DOM additions |
// Append a handle to the base. |
function addHandle ( options, index ) { |
var handle = $('<div><div/></div>').addClass( Classes[2] ), |
additions = [ '-lower', '-upper' ]; |
if ( options.dir ) { |
additions.reverse(); |
} |
handle.children().addClass( |
Classes[3] + " " + Classes[3]+additions[index] |
); |
return handle; |
} |
// Create a copy of an element-creating Link. |
function addElement ( handle, link ) { |
// If the Link requires creation of a new element, |
// create this element and return a new Link instance. |
if ( link.el ) { |
link = new Link({ |
'target': $(link.el).clone().appendTo( handle ), |
'method': link.method, |
'format': link.formatting |
}, true); |
} |
// Otherwise, return the reference. |
return link; |
} |
// Loop all links for a handle. |
function addElements ( elements, handle, formatting ) { |
var index, list = []; |
// Use the Link interface to provide unified |
// formatting for the .val() method. |
list.push( |
new Link({ |
'format': formatting |
}, true) |
); |
// Loop all links in either 'lower' or 'upper'. |
for ( index = 0; index < elements.length; index++ ) { |
list.push(addElement(handle, elements[index])); |
} |
return list; |
} |
// Go over all Links and assign them to a handle. |
function addLinks ( options, handles ) { |
var index, links = []; |
// Copy the links into a new array, instead of modifying |
// the 'options.ser' list. This allows replacement of the invalid |
// '.el' Links, while the others are still passed by reference. |
for ( index = 0; index < options.handles; index++ ) { |
// Append a new array. |
links[index] = addElements( |
options.ser[index], |
handles[index].children(), |
options.formatting |
); |
} |
return links; |
} |
// Add the proper connection classes. |
function addConnection ( connect, target, handles ) { |
// Apply the required connection classes to the elements |
// that need them. Some classes are made up for several |
// segments listed in the class list, to allow easy |
// renaming and provide a minor compression benefit. |
switch ( connect ) { |
case 1: target.addClass( Classes[7] ); |
handles[0].addClass( Classes[6] ); |
break; |
case 3: handles[1].addClass( Classes[6] ); |
/* falls through */ |
case 2: handles[0].addClass( Classes[7] ); |
/* falls through */ |
case 0: target.addClass(Classes[6]); |
break; |
} |
} |
// Add handles and loop Link elements. |
function addHandles ( options, base ) { |
var index, handles = []; |
// Append handles. |
for ( index = 0; index < options.handles; index++ ) { |
// Keep a list of all added handles. |
handles.push( addHandle( options, index ).appendTo(base) ); |
} |
return handles; |
} |
// Initialize a single slider. |
function addSlider ( options, target ) { |
// Apply classes and data to the target. |
target.addClass([ |
Classes[0], |
Classes[8 + options.dir], |
Classes[4 + options.ort] |
].join(' ')); |
return $('<div/>').appendTo(target).addClass( Classes[1] ); |
} |
// Slider scope |
function closure ( target, options, originalOptions ){ |
// Internal variables |
// All variables local to 'closure' are marked $. |
var $Target = $(target), |
$Locations = [-1, -1], |
$Base, |
$Serialization, |
$Handles; |
// Shorthand for base dimensions. |
function baseSize ( ) { |
return $Base[['width', 'height'][options.ort]](); |
} |
// External event handling |
function fireEvents ( events ) { |
// Use the external api to get the values. |
// Wrap the values in an array, as .trigger takes |
// only one additional argument. |
var index, values = [ $Target.val() ]; |
for ( index = 0; index < events.length; index++ ){ |
$Target.trigger(events[index], values); |
} |
} |
// Handle placement |
// Test suggested values and apply margin, step. |
function setHandle ( handle, to, delimit ) { |
var n = handle[0] !== $Handles[0][0] ? 1 : 0, |
lower = $Locations[0] + options.margin, |
upper = $Locations[1] - options.margin; |
// Don't delimit range dragging. |
if ( delimit && $Handles.length > 1 ) { |
to = n ? Math.max( to, lower ) : Math.min( to, upper ); |
} |
// Handle the step option. |
if ( to < 100 ){ |
to = getStep(options, to); |
} |
// Limit to 0/100 for .val input, trim anything beyond 7 digits, as |
// JavaScript has some issues in its floating point implementation. |
to = limit(parseFloat(to.toFixed(7))); |
// Return falsy if handle can't move. False for 0 or 100 limit, |
// '0' for limiting by another handle. |
if ( to === $Locations[n] ) { |
if ( $Handles.length === 1 ) { |
return false; |
} |
return ( to === lower || to === upper ) ? 0 : false; |
} |
// Set the handle to the new position. |
handle.css(, to + '%' ); |
// Force proper handle stacking |
if (':first-child') ) { |
handle.toggleClass(Classes[17], to > 50 ); |
} |
// Update locations. |
$Locations[n] = to; |
// Invert the value if this is a right-to-left slider. |
if ( options.dir ) { |
to = 100 - to; |
} |
// Write values to serialization Links. |
// Convert the value to the correct relative representation. |
$($Serialization[n]).each(function(){ |
this.write( options, to, handle.children(), $Target ); |
}); |
return true; |
} |
// Delimit proposed values for handle positions. |
function getPositions ( a, b, delimit ) { |
// Add movement to current position. |
var c = a + b[0], d = a + b[1]; |
// Only alter the other position on drag, |
// not on standard sliding. |
if ( delimit ) { |
if ( c < 0 ) { |
d += Math.abs(c); |
} |
if ( d > 100 ) { |
c -= ( d - 100 ); |
} |
// Limit values to 0 and 100. |
return [limit(c), limit(d)]; |
} |
return [c,d]; |
} |
// Handles movement by tapping. |
function jump ( handle, to, instant ) { |
if ( !instant ) { |
// Flag the slider as it is now in a transitional state. |
// Transition takes 300 ms, so re-enable the slider afterwards. |
addClassFor( $Target, Classes[14], 300 ); |
} |
// Move the handle to the new position. |
setHandle( handle, to, false ); |
fireEvents(['slide', 'set', 'change']); |
} |
// Events |
// Handler for attaching events trough a proxy. |
function attach ( events, element, callback, data ) { |
// Add the noUiSlider namespace to all events. |
events = events.replace( /\s/g, namespace + ' ' ) + namespace; |
// Bind a closure on the target. |
return element.on( events, function( e ){ |
// jQuery and Zepto handle unset attributes differently. |
var disabled = $Target.attr('disabled'); |
disabled = !( disabled === undefined || disabled === null ); |
// Test if there is anything that should prevent an event |
// from being handled, such as a disabled state or an active |
// 'tap' transition. |
if( $Target.hasClass( Classes[14] ) || disabled ) { |
return false; |
} |
e = fixEvent(e); |
e.calcPoint = e.points[ options.ort ]; |
// Call the event handler with the event [ and additional data ]. |
callback ( e, data ); |
}); |
} |
// Handle movement on document for handle and range drag. |
function move ( event, data ) { |
var handles = data.handles || $Handles, positions, state = false, |
proposal = ((event.calcPoint - data.start) * 100) / baseSize(), |
h = handles[0][0] !== $Handles[0][0] ? 1 : 0; |
// Calculate relative positions for the handles. |
positions = getPositions( proposal, data.positions, handles.length > 1); |
state = setHandle ( handles[0], positions[h], handles.length === 1 ); |
if ( handles.length > 1 ) { |
state = setHandle ( handles[1], positions[h?0:1], false ) || state; |
} |
// Fire the 'slide' event if any handle moved. |
if ( state ) { |
fireEvents(['slide']); |
} |
} |
// Unbind move events on document, call callbacks. |
function end ( event ) { |
// The handle is no longer active, so remove the class. |
$('.' + Classes[15]).removeClass(Classes[15]); |
// Remove cursor styles and text-selection events bound to the body. |
if ( event.cursor ) { |
$('body').css('cursor', '').off( namespace ); |
} |
// Unbind the move and end events, which are added on 'start'. |
| namespace ); |
// Remove dragging class. |
$Target.removeClass(Classes[12]); |
// Fire the change and set events. |
fireEvents(['set', 'change']); |
} |
// Bind move events on document. |
function start ( event, data ) { |
// Mark the handle as 'active' so it can be styled. |
if( data.handles.length === 1 ) { |
data.handles[0].children().addClass(Classes[15]); |
} |
// A drag should never propagate up to the 'tap' event. |
event.stopPropagation(); |
// Attach the move event. |
attach ( actions.move, doc, move, { |
start: event.calcPoint, |
handles: data.handles, |
positions: [ |
$Locations[0], |
$Locations[$Handles.length - 1] |
] |
}); |
// Unbind all movement when the drag ends. |
attach ( actions.end, doc, end, null ); |
// Text selection isn't an issue on touch devices, |
// so adding cursor styles can be skipped. |
if ( event.cursor ) { |
// Prevent the 'I' cursor and extend the range-drag cursor. |
$('body').css('cursor', $('cursor')); |
// Mark the target with a dragging state. |
if ( $Handles.length > 1 ) { |
$Target.addClass(Classes[12]); |
} |
// Prevent text selection when dragging the handles. |
$('body').on('selectstart' + namespace, false); |
} |
} |
// Move closest handle to tapped location. |
function tap ( event ) { |
var location = event.calcPoint, total = 0, to; |
// The tap event shouldn't propagate up and cause 'edge' to run. |
event.stopPropagation(); |
// Add up the handle offsets. |
$.each( $Handles, function(){ |
total += this.offset()[ ]; |
}); |
// Find the handle closest to the tapped position. |
total = ( location < total/2 || $Handles.length === 1 ) ? 0 : 1; |
location -= $Base.offset()[ ]; |
// Calculate the new position. |
to = ( location * 100 ) / baseSize(); |
// Find the closest handle and calculate the tapped point. |
// The set handle to the new position. |
jump( $Handles[total], to, ); |
if ( ) { |
start(event, { handles: [$Handles[total]] }); |
} |
} |
// Move handle to edges when target gets tapped. |
function edge ( event ) { |
var i = event.calcPoint < $Base.offset()[ ], |
to = i ? 0 : 100; |
i = i ? 0 : $Handles.length - 1; |
jump( $Handles[i], to, false ); |
} |
// Attach events to several slider parts. |
function events ( behaviour ) { |
var i, drag; |
// Attach the standard drag event to the handles. |
if ( !behaviour.fixed ) { |
for ( i = 0; i < $Handles.length; i++ ) { |
// These events are only bound to the visual handle |
// element, not the 'real' origin element. |
attach ( actions.start, $Handles[i].children(), start, { |
handles: [ $Handles[i] ] |
}); |
} |
} |
// Attach the tap event to the slider base. |
if ( behaviour.tap ) { |
attach ( actions.start, $Base, tap, { |
handles: $Handles |
}); |
} |
// Extend tapping behaviour to target |
if ( behaviour.extend ) { |
$Target.addClass( Classes[16] ); |
if ( behaviour.tap ) { |
attach ( actions.start, $Target, edge, { |
handles: $Handles |
}); |
} |
} |
// Make the range dragable. |
if ( behaviour.drag ){ |
drag = $Base.find( '.' + Classes[7] ).addClass( Classes[10] ); |
// When the range is fixed, the entire range can |
// be dragged by the handles. The handle in the first |
// origin will propagate the start event upward, |
// but it needs to be bound manually on the other. |
if ( behaviour.fixed ) { |
drag = drag.add($Base.children().not( drag ).children()); |
} |
attach ( actions.start, drag, start, { |
handles: $Handles |
}); |
} |
} |
// Initialize slider |
// Throw an error if the slider was already initialized. |
if ( !$':empty') ) { |
throw new Error('Slider was already initialized.'); |
} |
// Create the base element, initialise HTML and set classes. |
// Add handles and links. |
$Base = addSlider( options, $Target ); |
$Handles = addHandles( options, $Base ); |
$Serialization = addLinks( options, $Handles ); |
// Set the connect classes. |
addConnection ( options.connect, $Target, $Handles ); |
// Attach user events. |
events( ); |
// Methods |
// Set the slider value. |
target.vSet = function ( values, callback, link, update, animate ){ |
var i, to; |
// The RTL settings is implemented by reversing the front-end, |
// internal mechanisms are the same. |
if ( options.dir && options.handles > 1 ) { |
values.reverse(); |
} |
// Animation is optional. |
if ( animate ) { |
addClassFor( $Target, Classes[14], 300 ); |
} |
// If there are multiple handles to be set run the setting |
// mechanism twice for the first handle, to make sure it |
// can be bounced of the second one properly. |
for ( i = 0; i < ( $Handles.length > 1 ? 3 : 1 ); i++ ) { |
to = link || $Serialization[i%2][0]; |
to = to.valueOf( values[i%2] ); |
if ( to === false ) { |
continue; |
} |
// Calculate the new handle position |
to = toStepping( options, to ); |
// Invert the value if this is a right-to-left slider. |
if ( options.dir ) { |
to = 100 - to; |
} |
// Force delimitation. |
if ( setHandle( $Handles[i%2], to, true ) === true ) { |
continue; |
} |
// Reset the input if it doesn't match the slider. |
$($Serialization[i%2]).each(function(){ |
this.write( |
options, |
$Locations[i%2], |
$Handles[i%2].children(), |
$Target, |
update |
); |
}); |
} |
// Optionally fire the 'set' event. |
if( callback === true ) { |
fireEvents(['set']); |
} |
return this; |
}; |
// Get the slider value. |
target.vGet = function ( ){ |
var i, retour = []; |
// Get the value from all handles. |
for ( i = 0; i < options.handles; i++ ){ |
retour[i] = $Serialization[i][0].saved; |
} |
// If only one handle is used, return a single value. |
if ( retour.length === 1 ){ |
return retour[0]; |
} |
if ( options.dir && options.handles > 1 ) { |
return retour.reverse(); |
} |
return retour; |
}; |
// Destroy the slider and unbind all events. |
target.destroy = function ( ){ |
// Loop all linked serialization objects and unbind all |
// events in the noUiSlider namespace. |
$.each($Serialization, function(){ |
$.each(this, function(){ |
// Won't remove 'change' when bound implicitly. |
if ( ) { |
| namespace ); |
} |
}); |
}); |
// Unbind events on the slider, remove all classes and child elements. |
$(this).off(namespace) |
.removeClass(Classes.join(' ')) |
.empty(); |
// Return the original options from the closure. |
return originalOptions; |
}; |
// Value setting |
// Use the public value method to set the start values. |
$Target.val( options.start ); |
} |
// Access points |
// Run the standard initializer |
function initialize ( originalOptions ) { |
// Throw error if group is empty. |
if ( !this.length ){ |
throwError("Can't initialize slider on empty selection."); |
} |
// Test the options once, not for every slider. |
var options = test( originalOptions, this ); |
// Loop all items, and provide a new closed-scope environment. |
return this.each(function(){ |
closure(this, options, originalOptions); |
}); |
} |
// Destroy the slider, then re-enter initialization. |
function rebuild ( options ) { |
return this.each(function(){ |
// Get the current values from the slider, |
// including the initialization options. |
var values = $(this).val(), |
originalOptions = this.destroy(), |
// Extend the previous options with the newly provided ones. |
newOptions = $.extend( {}, originalOptions, options ); |
// Run the standard initializer. |
$(this).noUiSlider( newOptions ); |
// If the start option hasn't changed, |
// reset the previous values. |
if ( originalOptions.start === newOptions.start ) { |
$(this).val(values); |
} |
}); |
} |
// Expose serialization constructor. |
/** @expose */ |
$.noUiSlider = { 'Link': Link }; |
// Extend jQuery/Zepto with the noUiSlider method. |
/** @expose */ |
$.fn.noUiSlider = function ( options, re ) { |
return ( re ? rebuild : initialize ).call(this, options); |
}; |
$.fn.val = function ( ) { |
// Convert the function arguments to an array. |
var args = arguments, 0 ), |
set, link, update, animate; |
// Test if there are arguments, and if not, call the 'get' method. |
if ( !args.length ) { |
// Determine whether to use the native val method. |
if ( this.hasClass(Classes[0]) ) { |
return this[0].vGet(); |
} |
return $val.apply( this ); |
} |
// Extract modifiers for value method. |
if ( typeof args[1] === 'object' ) { |
set = args[1]['set']; |
link = args[1]['link']; |
update = args[1]['update']; |
animate = args[1]['animate']; |
// Support the 'true' option. |
} else if ( args[1] === true ) { |
set = true; |
} |
// Loop all individual items, and handle setting appropriately. |
return this.each(function(){ |
if ( $(this).hasClass(Classes[0]) ) { |
this.vSet( asArray(args[0]), set, link, update, animate ); |
} else { |
$val.apply( $(this), args ); |
} |
}); |
}; |
}( window['jQuery'] || window['Zepto'] ));