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170 lines
4.3 KiB
170 lines
4.3 KiB
8 years ago
# mbsync - mailbox synchronizer
# Copyright (C) 2017 Oswald Buddenhagen <ossi@users.sf.net>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# As a special exception, mbsync may be linked with the OpenSSL library,
# despite that library's more restrictive license.
use strict;
use warnings;
die("Usage: $0 driver.h drv_proxy.c drv_proxy.inc\n")
if ($#ARGV != 2);
my ($in_header, $in_source, $out_source) = @ARGV;
my %templates;
my %defines;
my %excluded;
my %special;
open(my $ins, $in_source) or die("Cannot open $in_source: $!\n");
my $template;
my $define;
my $conts;
while (<$ins>) {
if ($template) {
if (/^\/\/\# END$/) {
$templates{$template} = $conts;
$template = undef;
} else {
$conts .= $_;
} elsif ($define) {
if (/^\/\/\# END$/) {
$defines{$define} = $conts;
$define = undef;
} else {
$conts .= $_;
} else {
if (/^\/\/\# TEMPLATE (\w+)$/) {
$template = $1;
$conts = "";
} elsif (/^\/\/\# DEFINE (\w+)$/) {
$define = $1;
$conts = "";
} elsif (/^\/\/\# DEFINE (\w+) (.*)$/) {
$defines{$1} = $2;
} elsif (/^\/\/\# UNDEFINE (\w+)$/) {
$defines{$1} = "";
} elsif (/^\/\/\# EXCLUDE (\w+)$/) {
$excluded{$1} = 1;
} elsif (/^\/\/\# SPECIAL (\w+)$/) {
$special{$1} = 1;
open(my $inh, $in_header) or die("Cannot open $in_header: $!\n");
my $sts = 0;
my $cont = "";
while (<$inh>) {
if ($sts == 0) {
if (/^struct driver \{$/) {
$sts = 1;
} elsif ($sts == 1) {
if (/^\};$/) {
$sts = 0;
} else {
$cont .= $_;
$cont =~ s,\n, ,g;
$cont =~ s,/\*.*?\*/, ,g;
$cont =~ s,\h+, ,g;
my @ptypes = map { s,^ ,,r } split(/;/, $cont);
pop @ptypes; # last one is empty
my @cmd_table;
sub make_args($)
$_ = shift;
s/(?:^|(?<=, ))(?:const )?\w+ \*?//g;
return $_;
sub type_to_format($)
$_ = shift;
s/xint /\%\#x/g;
s/int /\%d/g;
s/const char \*/\%s/g;
return $_;
sub make_format($)
$_ = type_to_format(shift);
s/, (\%\#?.)(\w+)/, $2=$1/g;
return $_;
open(my $outh, ">".$out_source) or die("Cannot create $out_source: $!\n");
for (@ptypes) {
/^([\w* ]+)\(\*(\w+)\)\( (.*) \)$/ or die("Cannot parse prototype '$_'\n");
my ($cmd_type, $cmd_name, $cmd_args) = ($1, $2, $3);
if (defined($excluded{$cmd_name})) {
push @cmd_table, "0";
push @cmd_table, "proxy_$cmd_name";
next if (defined($special{$cmd_name}));
my %replace;
$replace{'name'} = $cmd_name;
$replace{'type'} = $cmd_type;
$cmd_args =~ s/^store_t \*ctx// or die("Arguments '$cmd_args' don't start with 'store_t *ctx'\n");
if ($cmd_type eq "void " && $cmd_args =~ s/, void \(\*cb\)\( (.*)void \*aux \), void \*aux$//) {
my $cmd_cb_args = $1;
$replace{'decl_cb_args'} = $cmd_cb_args;
$replace{'pass_cb_args'} = make_args($cmd_cb_args);
my $cmd_print_cb_args = $cmd_cb_args =~ s/(.*), $/, $1/r;
$replace{'print_pass_cb_args'} = make_args($cmd_print_cb_args);
$replace{'print_fmt_cb_args'} = make_format($cmd_print_cb_args);
$template = "CALLBACK";
} elsif ($cmd_name =~ /^get_/) {
$template = "GETTER";
$replace{'fmt'} = type_to_format($cmd_type);
} elsif ($cmd_type eq "void ") {
$template = "REGULAR_VOID";
} else {
$template = "REGULAR";
$replace{'fmt'} = type_to_format($cmd_type);
$replace{'decl_args'} = $cmd_args;
$replace{'print_pass_args'} = $replace{'pass_args'} = make_args($cmd_args);
$replace{'print_fmt_args'} = make_format($cmd_args);
for (keys %defines) {
$replace{$1} = $defines{$_} if (/^${cmd_name}_(.*)$/);
my $text = $templates{$template};
$text =~ s/^\h*\@(\w+)\@\n/$replace{$1} \/\/ ""/smeg;
$text =~ s/\@(\w+)\@/$replace{$1} \/\/ ""/eg;
print $outh $text."\n";
print $outh "struct driver proxy_driver = {\n".join("", map { "\t$_,\n" } @cmd_table)."};\n";
close $outh;