/* * mbsync - mailbox synchronizer * Copyright (C) 2017 Oswald Buddenhagen * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, mbsync may be linked with the OpenSSL library, * despite that library's more restrictive license. */ #include "driver.h" #include #include typedef struct { store_t gen; const char *label; // foreign int ref_count; driver_t *real_driver; store_t *real_store; void (*bad_callback)( void *aux ); void *bad_callback_aux; } proxy_store_t; static void ATTR_PRINTFLIKE(1, 2) debug( const char *msg, ... ) { va_list va; va_start( va, msg ); vdebug( DEBUG_DRV, msg, va ); va_end( va ); } static void ATTR_PRINTFLIKE(1, 2) debugn( const char *msg, ... ) { va_list va; va_start( va, msg ); vdebugn( DEBUG_DRV, msg, va ); va_end( va ); } /* Keep the mailbox driver flag definitions in sync: */ /* grep for MAILBOX_DRIVER_FLAG */ /* The order is according to alphabetical maildir flag sort */ static const char Flags[] = { 'D', 'F', 'P', 'R', 'S', 'T' }; static char * proxy_make_flags( int flags, char *buf ) { uint i, d; for (d = 0, i = 0; i < as(Flags); i++) if (flags & (1 << i)) buf[d++] = Flags[i]; buf[d] = 0; return buf; } static void proxy_store_deref( proxy_store_t *ctx ) { if (!--ctx->ref_count) free( ctx ); } static int curr_tag; typedef struct { int ref_count; int tag; proxy_store_t *ctx; } gen_cmd_t; static gen_cmd_t * proxy_cmd_new( proxy_store_t *ctx, int sz ) { gen_cmd_t *cmd = nfmalloc( sz ); cmd->ref_count = 2; cmd->tag = ++curr_tag; cmd->ctx = ctx; ctx->ref_count++; return cmd; } static void proxy_cmd_done( gen_cmd_t *cmd ) { if (!--cmd->ref_count) { proxy_store_deref( cmd->ctx ); free( cmd ); } } #if 0 //# TEMPLATE GETTER static @type@proxy_@name@( store_t *gctx ) { proxy_store_t *ctx = (proxy_store_t *)gctx; @type@rv = ctx->real_driver->@name@( ctx->real_store ); debug( "%sCalled @name@, ret=@fmt@\n", ctx->label, rv ); return rv; } //# END //# TEMPLATE REGULAR static @type@proxy_@name@( store_t *gctx@decl_args@ ) { proxy_store_t *ctx = (proxy_store_t *)gctx; @pre_print_args@ debug( "%sEnter @name@@print_fmt_args@\n", ctx->label@print_pass_args@ ); @print_args@ @type@rv = ctx->real_driver->@name@( ctx->real_store@pass_args@ ); debug( "%sLeave @name@, ret=@fmt@\n", ctx->label, rv ); return rv; } //# END //# TEMPLATE REGULAR_VOID static void proxy_@name@( store_t *gctx@decl_args@ ) { proxy_store_t *ctx = (proxy_store_t *)gctx; @pre_print_args@ debug( "%sEnter @name@@print_fmt_args@\n", ctx->label@print_pass_args@ ); @print_args@ ctx->real_driver->@name@( ctx->real_store@pass_args@ ); debug( "%sLeave @name@\n", ctx->label ); @action@ } //# END //# TEMPLATE CALLBACK typedef struct { gen_cmd_t gen; void (*callback)( @decl_cb_args@void *aux ); void *callback_aux; @decl_state@ } @name@_cmd_t; static void proxy_@name@_cb( @decl_cb_args@void *aux ) { @name@_cmd_t *cmd = (@name@_cmd_t *)aux; @pre_print_cb_args@ debug( "%s[% 2d] Callback enter @name@@print_fmt_cb_args@\n", cmd->gen.ctx->label, cmd->gen.tag@print_pass_cb_args@ ); @print_cb_args@ cmd->callback( @pass_cb_args@cmd->callback_aux ); debug( "%s[% 2d] Callback leave @name@\n", cmd->gen.ctx->label, cmd->gen.tag ); proxy_cmd_done( &cmd->gen ); } static void proxy_@name@( store_t *gctx@decl_args@, void (*cb)( @decl_cb_args@void *aux ), void *aux ) { proxy_store_t *ctx = (proxy_store_t *)gctx; @name@_cmd_t *cmd = (@name@_cmd_t *)proxy_cmd_new( ctx, sizeof(@name@_cmd_t) ); cmd->callback = cb; cmd->callback_aux = aux; @assign_state@ @pre_print_args@ debug( "%s[% 2d] Enter @name@@print_fmt_args@\n", ctx->label, cmd->gen.tag@print_pass_args@ ); @print_args@ ctx->real_driver->@name@( ctx->real_store@pass_args@, proxy_@name@_cb, cmd ); debug( "%s[% 2d] Leave @name@\n", ctx->label, cmd->gen.tag ); proxy_cmd_done( &cmd->gen ); } //# END //# UNDEFINE list_store_print_fmt_cb_args //# UNDEFINE list_store_print_pass_cb_args //# DEFINE list_store_print_cb_args if (sts == DRV_OK) { for (string_list_t *box = boxes; box; box = box->next) debug( " %s\n", box->string ); } //# END //# DEFINE load_box_pre_print_args static char ubuf[12]; //# END //# DEFINE load_box_print_fmt_args , [%u,%s] (new >= %u, seen <= %u) //# DEFINE load_box_print_pass_args , minuid, (maxuid == UINT_MAX) ? "inf" : (nfsnprintf( ubuf, sizeof(ubuf), "%u", maxuid ), ubuf), newuid, seenuid //# DEFINE load_box_print_args if (excs.size) { debugn( " excs:" ); for (int t = 0; t < excs.size; t++) debugn( " %u", excs.data[t] ); debug( "\n" ); } //# END //# DEFINE load_box_pre_print_cb_args static char fbuf[as(Flags) + 1]; //# END //# DEFINE load_box_print_fmt_cb_args , sts=%d, total=%d, recent=%d //# DEFINE load_box_print_pass_cb_args , sts, total_msgs, recent_msgs //# DEFINE load_box_print_cb_args if (sts == DRV_OK) { for (message_t *msg = msgs; msg; msg = msg->next) debug( " uid=%5u, flags=%4s, size=%6d, tuid=%." stringify(TUIDL) "s\n", msg->uid, (msg->status & M_FLAGS) ? (proxy_make_flags( msg->flags, fbuf ), fbuf) : "?", msg->size, *msg->tuid ? msg->tuid : "?" ); } //# END //# DEFINE find_new_msgs_print_fmt_cb_args , sts=%d //# DEFINE find_new_msgs_print_pass_cb_args , sts //# DEFINE find_new_msgs_print_cb_args if (sts == DRV_OK) { for (message_t *msg = msgs; msg; msg = msg->next) debug( " uid=%5u, tuid=%." stringify(TUIDL) "s\n", msg->uid, msg->tuid ); } //# END //# DEFINE fetch_msg_decl_state msg_data_t *data; //# END //# DEFINE fetch_msg_assign_state cmd->data = data; //# END //# DEFINE fetch_msg_print_fmt_args , uid=%u, want_flags=%s, want_date=%s //# DEFINE fetch_msg_print_pass_args , msg->uid, !(msg->status & M_FLAGS) ? "yes" : "no", data->date ? "yes" : "no" //# DEFINE fetch_msg_pre_print_cb_args static char fbuf[as(Flags) + 1]; proxy_make_flags( cmd->data->flags, fbuf ); //# END //# DEFINE fetch_msg_print_fmt_cb_args , flags=%s, date=%lld, size=%d //# DEFINE fetch_msg_print_pass_cb_args , fbuf, (long long)cmd->data->date, cmd->data->len //# DEFINE fetch_msg_print_cb_args if (sts == DRV_OK && (DFlags & DEBUG_DRV_ALL)) { printf( "%s=========\n", cmd->gen.ctx->label ); fwrite( cmd->data->data, cmd->data->len, 1, stdout ); printf( "%s=========\n", cmd->gen.ctx->label ); fflush( stdout ); } //# END //# DEFINE store_msg_pre_print_args static char fbuf[as(Flags) + 1]; proxy_make_flags( data->flags, fbuf ); //# END //# DEFINE store_msg_print_fmt_args , flags=%s, date=%lld, size=%d, to_trash=%s //# DEFINE store_msg_print_pass_args , fbuf, (long long)data->date, data->len, to_trash ? "yes" : "no" //# DEFINE store_msg_print_args if (DFlags & DEBUG_DRV_ALL) { printf( "%s>>>>>>>>>\n", ctx->label ); fwrite( data->data, data->len, 1, stdout ); printf( "%s>>>>>>>>>\n", ctx->label ); fflush( stdout ); } //# END //# DEFINE set_msg_flags_pre_print_args static char fbuf1[as(Flags) + 1], fbuf2[as(Flags) + 1]; proxy_make_flags( add, fbuf1 ); proxy_make_flags( del, fbuf2 ); //# END //# DEFINE set_msg_flags_print_fmt_args , uid=%u, add=%s, del=%s //# DEFINE set_msg_flags_print_pass_args , uid, fbuf1, fbuf2 //# DEFINE trash_msg_print_fmt_args , uid=%u //# DEFINE trash_msg_print_pass_args , msg->uid //# DEFINE free_store_action proxy_store_deref( ctx ); //# END //# DEFINE cancel_store_action proxy_store_deref( ctx ); //# END #endif //# SPECIAL commit_cmds static void proxy_commit_cmds( store_t *gctx ) { // Currently a dummy in all real drivers. (void) gctx; } //# SPECIAL set_bad_callback static void proxy_set_bad_callback( store_t *gctx, void (*cb)( void *aux ), void *aux ) { proxy_store_t *ctx = (proxy_store_t *)gctx; ctx->bad_callback = cb; ctx->bad_callback_aux = aux; } static void proxy_invoke_bad_callback( proxy_store_t *ctx ) { ctx->ref_count++; debug( "%sCallback enter bad store\n", ctx->label ); ctx->bad_callback( ctx->bad_callback_aux ); debug( "%sCallback leave bad store\n", ctx->label ); proxy_store_deref( ctx ); } //# EXCLUDE alloc_store store_t * proxy_alloc_store( store_t *real_ctx, const char *label ) { proxy_store_t *ctx; ctx = nfcalloc( sizeof(*ctx) ); ctx->gen.driver = &proxy_driver; ctx->gen.conf = real_ctx->conf; ctx->ref_count = 1; ctx->label = label; ctx->real_driver = real_ctx->driver; ctx->real_store = real_ctx; ctx->real_driver->set_bad_callback( ctx->real_store, (void (*)(void *))proxy_invoke_bad_callback, ctx ); return &ctx->gen; } //# EXCLUDE parse_store //# EXCLUDE cleanup //# EXCLUDE get_fail_state #include "drv_proxy.inc"