/* * mbsync - mailbox synchronizer * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Michael R. Elkins * Copyright (C) 2002-2006,2010-2017 Oswald Buddenhagen * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * As a special exception, mbsync may be linked with the OpenSSL library, * despite that library's more restrictive license. */ #include "sync.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int DFlags; int JLimit; int UseFSync = 1; #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__NT__) || defined(__CYGWIN__) char FieldDelimiter = ';'; #else char FieldDelimiter = ':'; #endif int Pid; /* for maildir and imap */ char Hostname[256]; /* for maildir */ const char *Home; /* for config */ int BufferLimit = 10 * 1024 * 1024; int chans_total, chans_done; int boxes_total, boxes_done; int new_total[2], new_done[2]; int flags_total[2], flags_done[2]; int trash_total[2], trash_done[2]; static void ATTR_NORETURN version( void ) { puts( PACKAGE " " VERSION ); exit( 0 ); } static void ATTR_NORETURN usage( int code ) { fputs( PACKAGE " " VERSION " - mailbox synchronizer\n" "Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Michael R. Elkins \n" "Copyright (C) 2002-2006,2008,2010-2017 Oswald Buddenhagen \n" "Copyright (C) 2004 Theodore Ts'o \n" "usage:\n" " " EXE " [flags] {{channel[:box,...]|group} ...|-a}\n" " -a, --all operate on all defined channels\n" " -l, --list list mailboxes instead of syncing them\n" " -n, --new propagate new messages\n" " -d, --delete propagate message deletions\n" " -f, --flags propagate message flag changes\n" " -N, --renew propagate previously not propagated new messages\n" " -L, --pull propagate from master to slave\n" " -H, --push propagate from slave to master\n" " -C, --create create mailboxes if nonexistent\n" " -X, --expunge expunge deleted messages\n" " -c, --config CONFIG read an alternate config file (default: ~/." EXE "rc)\n" " -D, --debug debugging modes (see manual)\n" " -V, --verbose display what is happening\n" " -q, --quiet don't display progress counters\n" " -v, --version display version\n" " -h, --help display this help message\n" "\nIf neither --pull nor --push are specified, both are active.\n" "If neither --new, --delete, --flags nor --renew are specified, all are active.\n" "Direction and operation can be concatenated like --pull-new, etc.\n" "--create and --expunge can be suffixed with -master/-slave. Read the man page.\n" "\nSupported mailbox formats are: IMAP4rev1, Maildir\n" "\nCompile time options:\n" #ifdef HAVE_LIBSSL " +HAVE_LIBSSL" #else " -HAVE_LIBSSL" #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBSASL " +HAVE_LIBSASL" #else " -HAVE_LIBSASL" #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBZ " +HAVE_LIBZ" #else " -HAVE_LIBZ" #endif #ifdef USE_DB " +USE_DB" #else " -USE_DB" #endif #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 " +HAVE_IPV6\n" #else " -HAVE_IPV6\n" #endif , code ? stderr : stdout ); exit( code ); } static void ATTR_PRINTFLIKE(1, 2) debug( const char *msg, ... ) { va_list va; va_start( va, msg ); vdebug( DEBUG_MAIN, msg, va ); va_end( va ); } #ifdef __linux__ static void crashHandler( int n ) { int dpid; char pbuf[10], pabuf[20]; close( 0 ); open( "/dev/tty", O_RDWR ); dup2( 0, 1 ); dup2( 0, 2 ); error( "*** " EXE " caught signal %d. Starting debugger ...\n", n ); switch ((dpid = fork())) { case -1: perror( "fork()" ); break; case 0: sprintf( pbuf, "%d", Pid ); sprintf( pabuf, "/proc/%d/exe", Pid ); execlp( "gdb", "gdb", pabuf, pbuf, (char *)0 ); perror( "execlp()" ); _exit( 1 ); default: waitpid( dpid, 0, 0 ); break; } exit( 3 ); } #endif void stats( void ) { char buf[3][64]; char *cs; int t, l, ll, cls; static int cols = -1; if (!(DFlags & PROGRESS)) return; if (cols < 0 && (!(cs = getenv( "COLUMNS" )) || !(cols = atoi( cs )))) cols = 80; ll = sprintf( buf[2], "C: %d/%d B: %d/%d", chans_done, chans_total, boxes_done, boxes_total ); cls = (cols - ll - 10) / 2; for (t = 0; t < 2; t++) { l = sprintf( buf[t], "+%d/%d *%d/%d #%d/%d", new_done[t], new_total[t], flags_done[t], flags_total[t], trash_done[t], trash_total[t] ); if (l > cls) buf[t][cls - 1] = '~'; } progress( "\r%s M: %.*s S: %.*s", buf[2], cls, buf[0], cls, buf[1] ); } static int matches( const char *t, const char *p ) { for (;;) { if (!*p) return !*t; if (*p == '*') { p++; do { if (matches( t, p )) return 1; } while (*t++); return 0; } else if (*p == '%') { p++; do { if (*t == '/') return 0; if (matches( t, p )) return 1; } while (*t++); return 0; } else { if (*p != *t) return 0; p++, t++; } } } static int is_inbox( const char *name ) { return starts_with( name, -1, "INBOX", 5 ) && (!name[5] || name[5] == '/'); } static int cmp_box_names( const void *a, const void *b ) { const char *as = *(const char **)a; const char *bs = *(const char **)b; int ai = is_inbox( as ); int bi = is_inbox( bs ); int di = bi - ai; if (di) return di; return strcmp( as, bs ); } static char ** filter_boxes( string_list_t *boxes, const char *prefix, string_list_t *patterns ) { string_list_t *cpat; char **boxarr = 0; const char *ps; int not, fnot, pfxl, num = 0, rnum = 0; pfxl = prefix ? strlen( prefix ) : 0; for (; boxes; boxes = boxes->next) { if (!starts_with( boxes->string, -1, prefix, pfxl )) continue; fnot = 1; for (cpat = patterns; cpat; cpat = cpat->next) { ps = cpat->string; if (*ps == '!') { ps++; not = 1; } else not = 0; if (matches( boxes->string + pfxl, ps )) { fnot = not; break; } } if (!fnot) { if (num + 1 >= rnum) boxarr = nfrealloc( boxarr, (rnum = (rnum + 10) * 2) * sizeof(*boxarr) ); boxarr[num++] = nfstrdup( boxes->string + pfxl ); boxarr[num] = 0; } } qsort( boxarr, num, sizeof(*boxarr), cmp_box_names ); return boxarr; } static void merge_actions( channel_conf_t *chan, int ops[], int have, int mask, int def ) { if (ops[M] & have) { chan->ops[M] &= ~mask; chan->ops[M] |= ops[M] & mask; chan->ops[S] &= ~mask; chan->ops[S] |= ops[S] & mask; } else if (!(chan->ops[M] & have)) { if (global_conf.ops[M] & have) { chan->ops[M] |= global_conf.ops[M] & mask; chan->ops[S] |= global_conf.ops[S] & mask; } else { chan->ops[M] |= def; chan->ops[S] |= def; } } } typedef struct box_ent { struct box_ent *next; char *name; int present[2]; } box_ent_t; typedef struct chan_ent { struct chan_ent *next; channel_conf_t *conf; box_ent_t *boxes; char boxlist; } chan_ent_t; static chan_ent_t * add_channel( chan_ent_t ***chanapp, channel_conf_t *chan, int ops[] ) { chan_ent_t *ce = nfcalloc( sizeof(*ce) ); ce->conf = chan; merge_actions( chan, ops, XOP_HAVE_TYPE, OP_MASK_TYPE, OP_MASK_TYPE ); merge_actions( chan, ops, XOP_HAVE_CREATE, OP_CREATE, 0 ); merge_actions( chan, ops, XOP_HAVE_REMOVE, OP_REMOVE, 0 ); merge_actions( chan, ops, XOP_HAVE_EXPUNGE, OP_EXPUNGE, 0 ); **chanapp = ce; *chanapp = &ce->next; chans_total++; return ce; } static chan_ent_t * add_named_channel( chan_ent_t ***chanapp, char *channame, int ops[] ) { channel_conf_t *chan; chan_ent_t *ce; box_ent_t *boxes = 0, **mboxapp = &boxes, *mbox; char *boxp, *nboxp; int boxl, boxlist = 0; if ((boxp = strchr( channame, ':' ))) *boxp++ = 0; for (chan = channels; chan; chan = chan->next) if (!strcmp( chan->name, channame )) goto gotchan; error( "No channel or group named '%s' defined.\n", channame ); return 0; gotchan: if (boxp) { if (!chan->patterns) { error( "Cannot override mailbox in channel '%s' - no Patterns.\n", channame ); return 0; } boxlist = 1; do { nboxp = strpbrk( boxp, ",\n" ); if (nboxp) { boxl = nboxp - boxp; *nboxp++ = 0; } else { boxl = strlen( boxp ); } mbox = nfmalloc( sizeof(*mbox) ); if (boxl) mbox->name = nfstrndup( boxp, boxl ); else mbox->name = nfstrndup( "INBOX", 5 ); mbox->present[M] = mbox->present[S] = BOX_POSSIBLE; mbox->next = 0; *mboxapp = mbox; mboxapp = &mbox->next; boxes_total++; boxp = nboxp; } while (boxp); } else { if (!chan->patterns) boxes_total++; } ce = add_channel( chanapp, chan, ops ); ce->boxes = boxes; ce->boxlist = boxlist; return ce; } typedef struct { int t[2]; channel_conf_t *chan; driver_t *drv[2]; store_t *ctx[2]; chan_ent_t *chanptr; box_ent_t *boxptr; string_list_t *boxes[2]; char *names[2]; int ret, all, list, state[2]; char done, skip, cben; } main_vars_t; #define AUX &mvars->t[t] #define MVARS(aux) \ int t = *(int *)aux; \ main_vars_t *mvars = (main_vars_t *)(((char *)(&((int *)aux)[-t])) - offsetof(main_vars_t, t)); #define E_START 0 #define E_OPEN 1 #define E_SYNC 2 static void sync_chans( main_vars_t *mvars, int ent ); int main( int argc, char **argv ) { main_vars_t mvars[1]; chan_ent_t *chans = 0, **chanapp = &chans; group_conf_t *group; channel_conf_t *chan; string_list_t *channame; char *config = 0, *opt, *ochar; int oind, cops = 0, op, ops[2] = { 0, 0 }, pseudo = 0; tzset(); gethostname( Hostname, sizeof(Hostname) ); if ((ochar = strchr( Hostname, '.' ))) *ochar = 0; Pid = getpid(); if (!(Home = getenv("HOME"))) { fputs( "Fatal: $HOME not set\n", stderr ); return 1; } arc4_init(); memset( mvars, 0, sizeof(*mvars) ); mvars->t[1] = 1; for (oind = 1, ochar = 0; ; ) { if (!ochar || !*ochar) { if (oind >= argc) break; if (argv[oind][0] != '-') break; if (argv[oind][1] == '-') { opt = argv[oind++] + 2; if (!*opt) break; if (!strcmp( opt, "config" )) { if (oind >= argc) { error( "--config requires an argument.\n" ); return 1; } config = argv[oind++]; } else if (starts_with( opt, -1, "config=", 7 )) config = opt + 7; else if (!strcmp( opt, "all" )) mvars->all = 1; else if (!strcmp( opt, "list" )) mvars->list = 1; else if (!strcmp( opt, "help" )) usage( 0 ); else if (!strcmp( opt, "version" )) version(); else if (!strcmp( opt, "quiet" )) { if (DFlags & QUIET) DFlags |= VERYQUIET; else DFlags |= QUIET; } else if (!strcmp( opt, "verbose" )) { DFlags |= VERBOSE; } else if (starts_with( opt, -1, "debug", 5 )) { opt += 5; if (!*opt) op = VERBOSE | DEBUG_ALL; else if (!strcmp( opt, "-crash" )) op = DEBUG_CRASH; else if (!strcmp( opt, "-driver" )) op = VERBOSE | DEBUG_DRV; else if (!strcmp( opt, "-driver-all" )) op = VERBOSE | DEBUG_DRV | DEBUG_DRV_ALL; else if (!strcmp( opt, "-maildir" )) op = VERBOSE | DEBUG_MAILDIR; else if (!strcmp( opt, "-main" )) op = VERBOSE | DEBUG_MAIN; else if (!strcmp( opt, "-net" )) op = VERBOSE | DEBUG_NET; else if (!strcmp( opt, "-net-all" )) op = VERBOSE | DEBUG_NET | DEBUG_NET_ALL; else if (!strcmp( opt, "-sync" )) op = VERBOSE | DEBUG_SYNC; else goto badopt; DFlags |= op; } else if (!strcmp( opt, "pull" )) cops |= XOP_PULL, ops[M] |= XOP_HAVE_TYPE; else if (!strcmp( opt, "push" )) cops |= XOP_PUSH, ops[M] |= XOP_HAVE_TYPE; else if (starts_with( opt, -1, "create", 6 )) { opt += 6; op = OP_CREATE|XOP_HAVE_CREATE; lcop: if (!*opt) cops |= op; else if (!strcmp( opt, "-master" )) ops[M] |= op; else if (!strcmp( opt, "-slave" )) ops[S] |= op; else goto badopt; ops[M] |= op & (XOP_HAVE_CREATE|XOP_HAVE_REMOVE|XOP_HAVE_EXPUNGE); } else if (starts_with( opt, -1, "remove", 6 )) { opt += 6; op = OP_REMOVE|XOP_HAVE_REMOVE; goto lcop; } else if (starts_with( opt, -1, "expunge", 7 )) { opt += 7; op = OP_EXPUNGE|XOP_HAVE_EXPUNGE; goto lcop; } else if (!strcmp( opt, "no-expunge" )) ops[M] |= XOP_HAVE_EXPUNGE; else if (!strcmp( opt, "no-create" )) ops[M] |= XOP_HAVE_CREATE; else if (!strcmp( opt, "no-remove" )) ops[M] |= XOP_HAVE_REMOVE; else if (!strcmp( opt, "full" )) ops[M] |= XOP_HAVE_TYPE|XOP_PULL|XOP_PUSH; else if (!strcmp( opt, "noop" )) ops[M] |= XOP_HAVE_TYPE; else if (starts_with( opt, -1, "pull", 4 )) { op = XOP_PULL; lcac: opt += 4; if (!*opt) cops |= op; else if (*opt == '-') { opt++; goto rlcac; } else goto badopt; } else if (starts_with( opt, -1, "push", 4 )) { op = XOP_PUSH; goto lcac; } else { op = 0; rlcac: if (!strcmp( opt, "new" )) op |= OP_NEW; else if (!strcmp( opt, "renew" )) op |= OP_RENEW; else if (!strcmp( opt, "delete" )) op |= OP_DELETE; else if (!strcmp( opt, "flags" )) op |= OP_FLAGS; else { badopt: error( "Unknown option '%s'\n", argv[oind - 1] ); return 1; } switch (op & XOP_MASK_DIR) { case XOP_PULL: ops[S] |= op & OP_MASK_TYPE; break; case XOP_PUSH: ops[M] |= op & OP_MASK_TYPE; break; default: cops |= op; break; } ops[M] |= XOP_HAVE_TYPE; } continue; } ochar = argv[oind++] + 1; if (!*ochar) { error( "Invalid option '-'\n" ); return 1; } } switch (*ochar++) { case 'a': mvars->all = 1; break; case 'l': mvars->list = 1; break; case 'c': if (*ochar == 'T') { ochar++; pseudo = 1; } if (oind >= argc) { error( "-c requires an argument.\n" ); return 1; } config = argv[oind++]; break; case 'C': op = OP_CREATE|XOP_HAVE_CREATE; cop: if (*ochar == 'm') ops[M] |= op, ochar++; else if (*ochar == 's') ops[S] |= op, ochar++; else if (*ochar == '-') ochar++; else cops |= op; ops[M] |= op & (XOP_HAVE_CREATE|XOP_HAVE_REMOVE|XOP_HAVE_EXPUNGE); break; case 'R': op = OP_REMOVE|XOP_HAVE_REMOVE; goto cop; case 'X': op = OP_EXPUNGE|XOP_HAVE_EXPUNGE; goto cop; case 'F': cops |= XOP_PULL|XOP_PUSH; FALLTHROUGH case '0': ops[M] |= XOP_HAVE_TYPE; break; case 'n': case 'd': case 'f': case 'N': --ochar; op = 0; cac: for (;; ochar++) { if (*ochar == 'n') op |= OP_NEW; else if (*ochar == 'd') op |= OP_DELETE; else if (*ochar == 'f') op |= OP_FLAGS; else if (*ochar == 'N') op |= OP_RENEW; else break; } if (op & OP_MASK_TYPE) switch (op & XOP_MASK_DIR) { case XOP_PULL: ops[S] |= op & OP_MASK_TYPE; break; case XOP_PUSH: ops[M] |= op & OP_MASK_TYPE; break; default: cops |= op; break; } else cops |= op; ops[M] |= XOP_HAVE_TYPE; break; case 'L': op = XOP_PULL; goto cac; case 'H': op = XOP_PUSH; goto cac; case 'q': if (DFlags & QUIET) DFlags |= VERYQUIET; else DFlags |= QUIET; break; case 'V': DFlags |= VERBOSE; break; case 'D': for (op = 0; *ochar; ochar++) { switch (*ochar) { case 'C': op |= DEBUG_CRASH; break; case 'd': op |= DEBUG_DRV | VERBOSE; break; case 'D': op |= DEBUG_DRV | DEBUG_DRV_ALL | VERBOSE; break; case 'm': op |= DEBUG_MAILDIR | VERBOSE; break; case 'M': op |= DEBUG_MAIN | VERBOSE; break; case 'n': op |= DEBUG_NET | VERBOSE; break; case 'N': op |= DEBUG_NET | DEBUG_NET_ALL | VERBOSE; break; case 's': op |= DEBUG_SYNC | VERBOSE; break; default: error( "Unknown -D flag '%c'\n", *ochar ); return 1; } } if (!op) op = DEBUG_ALL | VERBOSE; DFlags |= op; break; case 'J': DFlags |= KEEPJOURNAL; JLimit = strtol( ochar, &ochar, 10 ); break; case 'Z': DFlags |= ZERODELAY; break; case 'v': version(); case 'h': usage( 0 ); default: error( "Unknown option '-%c'\n", *(ochar - 1) ); return 1; } } if (!(DFlags & (QUIET | DEBUG_ALL)) && isatty( 1 )) DFlags |= PROGRESS; #ifdef __linux__ if (DFlags & DEBUG_CRASH) { signal( SIGSEGV, crashHandler ); signal( SIGBUS, crashHandler ); signal( SIGILL, crashHandler ); } #endif if (merge_ops( cops, ops )) return 1; if (load_config( config, pseudo )) return 1; if (!channels) { fputs( "No channels defined. Try 'man " EXE "'\n", stderr ); return 1; } if (mvars->all) { for (chan = channels; chan; chan = chan->next) { add_channel( &chanapp, chan, ops ); if (!chan->patterns) boxes_total++; } } else { for (; argv[oind]; oind++) { for (group = groups; group; group = group->next) { if (!strcmp( group->name, argv[oind] )) { for (channame = group->channels; channame; channame = channame->next) if (!add_named_channel( &chanapp, channame->string, ops )) mvars->ret = 1; goto gotgrp; } } if (!add_named_channel( &chanapp, argv[oind], ops )) mvars->ret = 1; gotgrp: ; } } if (!chans) { fputs( "No channel specified. Try '" EXE " -h'\n", stderr ); return 1; } mvars->chanptr = chans; if (!mvars->list) stats(); mvars->cben = 1; sync_chans( mvars, E_START ); main_loop(); if (!mvars->list) flushn(); return mvars->ret; } #define ST_FRESH 0 #define ST_CONNECTED 1 #define ST_OPEN 2 #define ST_CANCELING 3 #define ST_CLOSED 4 static void cancel_prep_done( void *aux ) { MVARS(aux) mvars->drv[t]->free_store( mvars->ctx[t] ); mvars->state[t] = ST_CLOSED; sync_chans( mvars, E_OPEN ); } static void store_bad( void *aux ) { MVARS(aux) mvars->drv[t]->cancel_store( mvars->ctx[t] ); mvars->state[t] = ST_CLOSED; mvars->ret = mvars->skip = 1; sync_chans( mvars, E_OPEN ); } static void store_connected( int sts, void *aux ); static void store_listed( int sts, string_list_t *boxes, void *aux ); static int sync_listed_boxes( main_vars_t *mvars, box_ent_t *mbox ); static void done_sync_2_dyn( int sts, void *aux ); static void done_sync( int sts, void *aux ); #define nz(a,b) ((a)?(a):(b)) static void sync_chans( main_vars_t *mvars, int ent ) { box_ent_t *mbox, *nmbox, **mboxapp; char **boxes[2]; const char *labels[2]; int t, mb, sb, cmp; if (!mvars->cben) return; switch (ent) { case E_OPEN: goto opened; case E_SYNC: goto syncone; } do { mvars->chan = mvars->chanptr->conf; info( "Channel %s\n", mvars->chan->name ); mvars->skip = mvars->cben = 0; for (t = 0; t < 2; t++) { int st = mvars->chan->stores[t]->driver->get_fail_state( mvars->chan->stores[t] ); if (st != FAIL_TEMP) { info( "Skipping due to %sfailed %s store %s.\n", (st == FAIL_WAIT) ? "temporarily " : "", str_ms[t], mvars->chan->stores[t]->name ); mvars->skip = 1; } } if (mvars->skip) goto next2; mvars->state[M] = mvars->state[S] = ST_FRESH; if ((DFlags & DEBUG_DRV) || (mvars->chan->stores[M]->driver->get_caps( 0 ) & mvars->chan->stores[S]->driver->get_caps( 0 ) & DRV_VERBOSE)) labels[M] = "M: ", labels[S] = "S: "; else labels[M] = labels[S] = ""; for (t = 0; t < 2; t++) { driver_t *drv = mvars->chan->stores[t]->driver; store_t *ctx = drv->alloc_store( mvars->chan->stores[t], labels[t] ); if (DFlags & DEBUG_DRV) { drv = &proxy_driver; ctx = proxy_alloc_store( ctx, labels[t] ); } mvars->drv[t] = drv; mvars->ctx[t] = ctx; drv->set_bad_callback( ctx, store_bad, AUX ); } for (t = 0; ; t++) { info( "Opening %s store %s...\n", str_ms[t], mvars->chan->stores[t]->name ); mvars->drv[t]->connect_store( mvars->ctx[t], store_connected, AUX ); if (t || mvars->skip) break; } mvars->cben = 1; opened: if (mvars->skip) goto next; if (mvars->state[M] != ST_OPEN || mvars->state[S] != ST_OPEN) return; if (!mvars->chanptr->boxlist && mvars->chan->patterns) { mvars->chanptr->boxlist = 2; boxes[M] = filter_boxes( mvars->boxes[M], mvars->chan->boxes[M], mvars->chan->patterns ); boxes[S] = filter_boxes( mvars->boxes[S], mvars->chan->boxes[S], mvars->chan->patterns ); mboxapp = &mvars->chanptr->boxes; for (mb = sb = 0; ; ) { char *mname = boxes[M] ? boxes[M][mb] : 0; char *sname = boxes[S] ? boxes[S][sb] : 0; if (!mname && !sname) break; mbox = nfmalloc( sizeof(*mbox) ); if (!(cmp = !mname - !sname) && !(cmp = cmp_box_names( &mname, &sname ))) { mbox->name = mname; free( sname ); mbox->present[M] = mbox->present[S] = BOX_PRESENT; mb++; sb++; } else if (cmp < 0) { mbox->name = mname; mbox->present[M] = BOX_PRESENT; mbox->present[S] = (!mb && !strcmp( mbox->name, "INBOX" )) ? BOX_PRESENT : BOX_ABSENT; mb++; } else { mbox->name = sname; mbox->present[M] = (!sb && !strcmp( mbox->name, "INBOX" )) ? BOX_PRESENT : BOX_ABSENT; mbox->present[S] = BOX_PRESENT; sb++; } mbox->next = 0; *mboxapp = mbox; mboxapp = &mbox->next; boxes_total++; } free( boxes[M] ); free( boxes[S] ); if (!mvars->list) stats(); } mvars->boxptr = mvars->chanptr->boxes; if (mvars->list && chans_total > 1) printf( "%s:\n", mvars->chan->name ); syncml: mvars->done = mvars->cben = 0; if (mvars->chanptr->boxlist) { while ((mbox = mvars->boxptr)) { mvars->boxptr = mbox->next; if (sync_listed_boxes( mvars, mbox )) goto syncw; } } else { if (!mvars->list) { int present[] = { BOX_POSSIBLE, BOX_POSSIBLE }; sync_boxes( mvars->ctx, mvars->chan->boxes, present, mvars->chan, done_sync, mvars ); mvars->skip = 1; syncw: mvars->cben = 1; if (!mvars->done) return; syncone: if (!mvars->skip) goto syncml; } else printf( "%s <=> %s\n", nz( mvars->chan->boxes[M], "INBOX" ), nz( mvars->chan->boxes[S], "INBOX" ) ); } next: mvars->cben = 0; for (t = 0; t < 2; t++) { free_string_list( mvars->boxes[t] ); mvars->boxes[t] = 0; if (mvars->state[t] == ST_FRESH) { /* An unconnected store may be only cancelled. */ mvars->state[t] = ST_CLOSED; mvars->drv[t]->cancel_store( mvars->ctx[t] ); } else if (mvars->state[t] == ST_CONNECTED || mvars->state[t] == ST_OPEN) { mvars->state[t] = ST_CANCELING; mvars->drv[t]->cancel_cmds( mvars->ctx[t], cancel_prep_done, AUX ); } } mvars->cben = 1; if (mvars->state[M] != ST_CLOSED || mvars->state[S] != ST_CLOSED) { mvars->skip = 1; return; } if (mvars->chanptr->boxlist == 2) { for (nmbox = mvars->chanptr->boxes; (mbox = nmbox); ) { nmbox = mbox->next; free( mbox->name ); free( mbox ); } mvars->chanptr->boxes = 0; mvars->chanptr->boxlist = 0; } next2: if (!mvars->list) { chans_done++; stats(); } } while ((mvars->chanptr = mvars->chanptr->next)); for (t = 0; t < N_DRIVERS; t++) drivers[t]->cleanup(); } static void store_connected( int sts, void *aux ) { MVARS(aux) string_list_t *cpat; int cflags; switch (sts) { case DRV_CANCELED: return; case DRV_OK: if (!mvars->skip && !mvars->chanptr->boxlist && mvars->chan->patterns) { for (cflags = 0, cpat = mvars->chan->patterns; cpat; cpat = cpat->next) { const char *pat = cpat->string; if (*pat != '!') { char buf[8]; int bufl = snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", nz( mvars->chan->boxes[t], "" ), pat ); int flags = 0; /* Partial matches like "INB*" or even "*" are not considered, * except implicity when the INBOX lives under Path. */ if (starts_with( buf, bufl, "INBOX", 5 )) { char c = buf[5]; if (!c) { /* User really wants the INBOX. */ flags |= LIST_INBOX; } else if (c == '/') { /* Flattened sub-folders of INBOX actually end up in Path. */ if (mvars->ctx[t]->conf->flat_delim) flags |= LIST_PATH; else flags |= LIST_INBOX; } else if (c == '*' || c == '%') { /* It can be both INBOX and Path, but don't require Path to be configured. */ flags |= LIST_INBOX | LIST_PATH_MAYBE; } else { /* It's definitely not the INBOX. */ flags |= LIST_PATH; } } else { flags |= LIST_PATH; } debug( "pattern '%s' (effective '%s'): %sPath, %sINBOX\n", pat, buf, (flags & LIST_PATH) ? "" : "no ", (flags & LIST_INBOX) ? "" : "no "); cflags |= flags; } } mvars->state[t] = ST_CONNECTED; mvars->drv[t]->list_store( mvars->ctx[t], cflags, store_listed, AUX ); return; } mvars->state[t] = ST_OPEN; break; default: mvars->ret = mvars->skip = 1; mvars->state[t] = ST_OPEN; break; } sync_chans( mvars, E_OPEN ); } static void store_listed( int sts, string_list_t *boxes, void *aux ) { MVARS(aux) string_list_t *box; switch (sts) { case DRV_CANCELED: return; case DRV_OK: for (box = boxes; box; box = box->next) { if (mvars->ctx[t]->conf->flat_delim) { string_list_t *nbox; if (map_name( box->string, (char **)&nbox, offsetof(string_list_t, string), mvars->ctx[t]->conf->flat_delim, "/" ) < 0) { error( "Error: flattened mailbox name '%s' contains canonical hierarchy delimiter\n", box->string ); mvars->ret = mvars->skip = 1; } else { nbox->next = mvars->boxes[t]; mvars->boxes[t] = nbox; } } else { add_string_list( &mvars->boxes[t], box->string ); } } if (mvars->ctx[t]->conf->map_inbox) { debug( "adding mapped inbox to %s: %s\n", str_ms[t], mvars->ctx[t]->conf->map_inbox ); add_string_list( &mvars->boxes[t], mvars->ctx[t]->conf->map_inbox ); } break; default: mvars->ret = mvars->skip = 1; break; } mvars->state[t] = ST_OPEN; sync_chans( mvars, E_OPEN ); } static int sync_listed_boxes( main_vars_t *mvars, box_ent_t *mbox ) { if (mvars->chan->boxes[M] || mvars->chan->boxes[S]) { const char *mpfx = nz( mvars->chan->boxes[M], "" ); const char *spfx = nz( mvars->chan->boxes[S], "" ); if (!mvars->list) { nfasprintf( &mvars->names[M], "%s%s", mpfx, mbox->name ); nfasprintf( &mvars->names[S], "%s%s", spfx, mbox->name ); sync_boxes( mvars->ctx, (const char **)mvars->names, mbox->present, mvars->chan, done_sync_2_dyn, mvars ); return 1; } printf( "%s%s <=> %s%s\n", mpfx, mbox->name, spfx, mbox->name ); } else { if (!mvars->list) { mvars->names[M] = mvars->names[S] = mbox->name; sync_boxes( mvars->ctx, (const char **)mvars->names, mbox->present, mvars->chan, done_sync, mvars ); return 1; } puts( mbox->name ); } return 0; } static void done_sync_2_dyn( int sts, void *aux ) { main_vars_t *mvars = (main_vars_t *)aux; free( mvars->names[M] ); free( mvars->names[S] ); done_sync( sts, aux ); } static void done_sync( int sts, void *aux ) { main_vars_t *mvars = (main_vars_t *)aux; mvars->done = 1; boxes_done++; stats(); if (sts) { mvars->ret = 1; if (sts & (SYNC_BAD(M) | SYNC_BAD(S))) { if (sts & SYNC_BAD(M)) mvars->state[M] = ST_CLOSED; if (sts & SYNC_BAD(S)) mvars->state[S] = ST_CLOSED; mvars->skip = 1; } } sync_chans( mvars, E_SYNC ); }