compile and run!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

3843 lines
102 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000-2002 Michael R. Elkins <>
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002-2022 Oswald Buddenhagen <>
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004 Theodore Y. Ts'o <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later WITH LicenseRef-isync-GPL-exception
* mbsync - mailbox synchronizer
#include "driver.h"
#include "socket.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
# include <sasl/sasl.h>
# include <sasl/saslutil.h>
# include <Security/Security.h>
typedef struct imap_server_conf {
struct imap_server_conf *next;
char *name;
server_conf_t sconf;
char *user;
char *user_cmd;
char *pass;
char *pass_cmd;
int max_in_progress;
uint cap_mask;
string_list_t *auth_mechs;
char ssl_type;
char use_keychain;
char failed;
} imap_server_conf_t;
typedef union imap_store_conf {
store_conf_t gen;
struct {
imap_server_conf_t *server;
char *path; // Note: this may be modified after the delimiter is determined.
char delimiter;
char use_namespace;
char use_lsub;
} imap_store_conf_t;
typedef union imap_message {
message_t gen;
struct {
MESSAGE(union imap_message)
// uint seq; will be needed when expunges are tracked
} imap_message_t;
#define NIL (void*)0x1
#define LIST (void*)0x2
typedef struct _list {
struct _list *next, *child;
char *val;
uint len;
} list_t;
#define MAX_LIST_DEPTH 5
typedef union imap_store imap_store_t;
typedef struct {
list_t *head, **stack[MAX_LIST_DEPTH];
int (*callback)( imap_store_t *ctx, list_t *list, char *cmd );
int level, need_bytes;
} parse_list_state_t;
typedef struct imap_cmd imap_cmd_t;
union imap_store {
store_t gen;
struct {
STORE(union imap_store)
const char *label; // foreign
const char *name;
char *prefix;
uint ref_count;
uint opts;
enum { SST_BAD, SST_HALF, SST_GOOD } state;
// The trash folder's existence is not confirmed yet
enum { TrashUnknown, TrashChecking, TrashKnown } trashnc;
// What kind of BODY-less FETCH response we're expecting
enum { FetchNone, FetchMsgs, FetchUidNext } fetch_sts;
uint got_namespace:1;
uint has_forwarded:1;
uint capability_hack:1;
char delimiter[2]; // Hierarchy delimiter
char *ns_prefix, ns_delimiter; // NAMESPACE info
string_list_t *boxes; // _list results
char listed; // was _list already run with these flags?
// note that the message counts do _not_ reflect stats from msgs,
// but mailbox totals.
int total_msgs, recent_msgs;
uint uidvalidity, uidnext;
imap_message_t **msgapp, *msgs; // FETCH results
uint caps; // CAPABILITY results
string_list_t *auth_mechs;
parse_list_state_t parse_list_sts;
// Command queue
imap_cmd_t *pending, **pending_append;
imap_cmd_t *in_progress, **in_progress_append;
imap_cmd_t *wait_check, **wait_check_append;
int nexttag, num_in_progress, num_wait_check;
uint buffer_mem; // Memory currently occupied by buffers in the queue
// Used during sequential operations like connect
enum { GreetingPending = 0, GreetingBad, GreetingOk, GreetingPreauth } greeting;
int expectBYE; // LOGOUT is in progress
int expectEOF; // received LOGOUT's OK or unsolicited BYE
int canceling; // imap_cancel() is in progress
union {
void (*imap_open)( int sts, void *aux );
void (*imap_cancel)( void *aux );
} callbacks;
void *callback_aux;
sasl_conn_t *sasl;
int sasl_cont;
void (*bad_callback)( void *aux );
void *bad_callback_aux;
conn_t conn; // This is BIG, so put it last
#define IMAP_CMD \
struct imap_cmd *next; \
char *cmd; \
int tag; \
struct { \
/* Will be called on each continuation request until it resets this pointer. \
* Needs to invoke bad_callback and return -1 on error, otherwise return 0. */ \
int (*cont)( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *cmd, const char *prompt ); \
void (*done)( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *cmd, int response ); \
char *data; \
uint data_len; \
uint uid; /* to identify fetch responses */ \
char high_prio; /* if command is queued, put it at the front of the queue. */ \
char wait_check; /* Don't report success until subsequent CHECK success. */ \
char to_trash; /* we are storing to trash, not current. */ \
char create; /* create the mailbox if we get an error which suggests so. */ \
char failok; /* Don't complain about NO response. */ \
} param;
struct imap_cmd {
void (*callback)( int sts, void *aux ); \
void *callback_aux;
typedef union {
imap_cmd_t gen;
struct {
} imap_cmd_simple_t;
typedef union {
imap_cmd_simple_t gen;
struct {
msg_data_t *msg_data;
} imap_cmd_fetch_msg_t;
typedef union {
imap_cmd_t gen;
struct {
void (*callback)( int sts, uint uid, void *aux );
void *callback_aux;
} imap_cmd_out_uid_t;
typedef union {
imap_cmd_t gen;
struct {
void (*callback)( int sts, message_t *msgs, void *aux );
void *callback_aux;
imap_message_t **out_msgs;
uint uid;
} imap_cmd_find_new_t;
uint ref_count; \
int ret_val;
typedef struct {
} imap_cmd_refcounted_state_t;
typedef union {
imap_cmd_t gen;
struct {
imap_cmd_refcounted_state_t *state;
} imap_cmd_refcounted_t;
#define CAP(cap) (ctx->caps & (1 << (cap)))
static const char *cap_list[] = {
#define RESP_OK 0
#define RESP_NO 1
#define RESP_CANCEL 2
static INLINE void imap_ref( imap_store_t *ctx ) { ++ctx->ref_count; }
static int imap_deref( imap_store_t *ctx );
static void imap_invoke_bad_callback( imap_store_t *ctx );
/* Keep the mailbox driver flag definitions in sync: */
/* grep for MAILBOX_DRIVER_FLAG */
/* The order is according to alphabetical maildir flag sort */
static const char *Flags[] = {
"\\Draft", /* 'D' */
"\\Flagged", /* 'F' */
"$Forwarded", /* 'P' */
"\\Answered", /* 'R' */
"\\Seen", /* 'S' */
"\\Deleted", /* 'T' */
static imap_cmd_t *
new_imap_cmd( uint size )
imap_cmd_t *cmd = nfmalloc( size );
memset( &cmd->param, 0, sizeof(cmd->param) );
return cmd;
#define INIT_IMAP_CMD(type, cmdp, cb, aux) \
cmdp = (type *)new_imap_cmd( sizeof(*cmdp) ); \
cmdp->callback = cb; \
cmdp->callback_aux = aux;
#define INIT_IMAP_CMD_X(type, cmdp, cb, aux) \
cmdp = (type *)new_imap_cmd( sizeof(*cmdp) ); \
cmdp->callback = cb; \
cmdp->callback_aux = aux;
static void
done_imap_cmd( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *cmd, int response )
if (cmd->param.wait_check)
cmd->param.done( ctx, cmd, response );
if (cmd-> {
free( cmd-> );
ctx->buffer_mem -= cmd->param.data_len;
free( cmd->cmd );
free( cmd );
static void
send_imap_cmd( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *cmd )
int litplus, iovcnt = 3;
uint tbufl, lbufl;
conn_iovec_t iov[5];
char tagbuf[16];
char lenbuf[16];
cmd->tag = ++ctx->nexttag;
tbufl = nfsnprintf( tagbuf, sizeof(tagbuf), "%d ", cmd->tag );
if (!cmd-> {
memcpy( lenbuf, "\r\n", 3 );
lbufl = 2;
litplus = 0;
} else if ((cmd->param.to_trash && ctx->trashnc == TrashUnknown) || !CAP(LITERALPLUS) || cmd->param.data_len >= 100*1024) {
lbufl = nfsnprintf( lenbuf, sizeof(lenbuf), "{%u}\r\n", cmd->param.data_len );
litplus = 0;
} else {
lbufl = nfsnprintf( lenbuf, sizeof(lenbuf), "{%u+}\r\n", cmd->param.data_len );
litplus = 1;
if (DFlags & DEBUG_NET) {
if (ctx->num_in_progress)
printf( "(%d in progress) ", ctx->num_in_progress );
if (starts_with( cmd->cmd, -1, "LOGIN", 5 ))
printf( "%s>>> %sLOGIN <user> <pass>\r\n", ctx->label, tagbuf );
else if (starts_with( cmd->cmd, -1, "AUTHENTICATE PLAIN", 18 ))
printf( "%s>>> %sAUTHENTICATE PLAIN <authdata>\r\n", ctx->label, tagbuf );
printf( "%s>>> %s%s%s", ctx->label, tagbuf, cmd->cmd, lenbuf );
fflush( stdout );
iov[0].buf = tagbuf;
iov[0].len = tbufl;
iov[0].takeOwn = KeepOwn;
iov[1].buf = cmd->cmd;
iov[1].len = strlen( cmd->cmd );
iov[1].takeOwn = KeepOwn;
iov[2].buf = lenbuf;
iov[2].len = lbufl;
iov[2].takeOwn = KeepOwn;
if (litplus) {
if (DFlags & DEBUG_NET_ALL) {
printf( "%s>>>>>>>>>\n", ctx->label );
fwrite( cmd->, cmd->param.data_len, 1, stdout );
printf( "%s>>>>>>>>>\n", ctx->label );
fflush( stdout );
iov[3].buf = cmd->;
iov[3].len = cmd->param.data_len;
iov[3].takeOwn = GiveOwn;
cmd-> = NULL;
ctx->buffer_mem -= cmd->param.data_len;
iov[4].buf = "\r\n";
iov[4].len = 2;
iov[4].takeOwn = KeepOwn;
iovcnt = 5;
socket_write( &ctx->conn, iov, iovcnt );
if (cmd->param.to_trash && ctx->trashnc == TrashUnknown)
ctx->trashnc = TrashChecking;
cmd->next = NULL;
*ctx->in_progress_append = cmd;
ctx->in_progress_append = &cmd->next;
socket_expect_activity( &ctx->conn, 1 );
static int
cmd_sendable( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *cmd )
if (ctx->conn.write_buf) {
/* Don't build up a long queue in the socket, so we can
* control when the commands are actually sent.
* This allows reliable cancelation of pending commands,
* injecting commands in front of other pending commands,
* and keeping num_in_progress accurate. */
return 0;
if (ctx->in_progress) {
/* If the last command in flight ... */
imap_cmd_t *cmdp = (imap_cmd_t *)((char *)ctx->in_progress_append -
offsetof(imap_cmd_t, next));
if (cmdp->param.cont || cmdp-> {
/* ... is expected to trigger a continuation request, we need to
* wait for that round-trip before sending the next command. */
return 0;
if (cmd->param.to_trash && ctx->trashnc == TrashChecking) {
/* Don't build a queue of MOVE/COPY/APPEND commands that may all fail. */
return 0;
if (ctx->num_in_progress >= ctx->conf->server->max_in_progress) {
/* Too many commands in flight. */
return 0;
return 1;
static void
flush_imap_cmds( imap_store_t *ctx )
imap_cmd_t *cmd;
if ((cmd = ctx->pending) && cmd_sendable( ctx, cmd )) {
if (!(ctx->pending = cmd->next))
ctx->pending_append = &ctx->pending;
send_imap_cmd( ctx, cmd );
static void
finalize_checked_imap_cmds( imap_store_t *ctx, int resp )
imap_cmd_t *cmd;
while ((cmd = ctx->wait_check)) {
if (!(ctx->wait_check = cmd->next))
ctx->wait_check_append = &ctx->wait_check;
done_imap_cmd( ctx, cmd, resp );
static void
cancel_pending_imap_cmds( imap_store_t *ctx )
imap_cmd_t *cmd;
while ((cmd = ctx->pending)) {
if (!(ctx->pending = cmd->next))
ctx->pending_append = &ctx->pending;
done_imap_cmd( ctx, cmd, RESP_CANCEL );
static void
cancel_sent_imap_cmds( imap_store_t *ctx )
imap_cmd_t *cmd;
socket_expect_activity( &ctx->conn, 0 );
while ((cmd = ctx->in_progress)) {
ctx->in_progress = cmd->next;
/* don't update num_in_progress and in_progress_append - store is dead */
done_imap_cmd( ctx, cmd, RESP_CANCEL );
static void
submit_imap_cmd( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *cmd )
assert( ctx );
assert( ctx->bad_callback );
assert( cmd );
assert( cmd->param.done );
if (cmd->param.wait_check)
if ((ctx->pending && !cmd->param.high_prio) || !cmd_sendable( ctx, cmd )) {
if (ctx->pending && cmd->param.high_prio) {
cmd->next = ctx->pending;
ctx->pending = cmd;
} else {
cmd->next = NULL;
*ctx->pending_append = cmd;
ctx->pending_append = &cmd->next;
} else {
send_imap_cmd( ctx, cmd );
/* Minimal printf() replacement that supports an %\s format sequence to print backslash-escaped
* string literals. Note that this does not automatically add quotes around the printed string,
* so it is possible to concatenate multiple segments. */
static char *
imap_vprintf( const char *fmt, va_list ap )
const char *s;
char *d, *ed;
char c;
#define MAX_SEGS 16
#define add_seg(s, l) \
do { \
if (nsegs == MAX_SEGS) \
oob(); \
segs[nsegs] = s; \
segls[nsegs++] = l; \
totlen += l; \
} while (0)
int nsegs = 0;
uint totlen = 0;
const char *segs[MAX_SEGS];
uint segls[MAX_SEGS];
char buf[1000];
d = buf;
ed = d + sizeof(buf);
s = fmt;
for (;;) {
c = *fmt;
if (!c || c == '%') {
uint l = fmt - s;
if (l)
add_seg( s, l );
if (!c)
uint maxlen = UINT_MAX;
c = *++fmt;
if (c == '\\') {
c = *++fmt;
if (c != 's') {
fputs( "Fatal: unsupported escaped format specifier. Please report a bug.\n", stderr );
char *bd = d;
s = va_arg( ap, const char * );
while ((c = *s++)) {
if (d + 2 > ed)
if (c == '\\' || c == '"')
*d++ = '\\';
*d++ = c;
l = d - bd;
if (l)
add_seg( bd, l );
} else { /* \\ cannot be combined with anything else. */
if (c == '.') {
c = *++fmt;
if (c != '*') {
fputs( "Fatal: unsupported string length specification. Please report a bug.\n", stderr );
maxlen = va_arg( ap, uint );
c = *++fmt;
if (c == 'c') {
if (d + 1 > ed)
add_seg( d, 1 );
*d++ = (char)va_arg( ap , int );
} else if (c == 's') {
s = va_arg( ap, const char * );
l = strnlen( s, maxlen );
if (l)
add_seg( s, l );
} else if (c == 'd') {
l = nfsnprintf( d, ed - d, "%d", va_arg( ap, int ) );
add_seg( d, l );
d += l;
} else if (c == 'u') {
l = nfsnprintf( d, ed - d, "%u", va_arg( ap, uint ) );
add_seg( d, l );
d += l;
} else {
fputs( "Fatal: unsupported format specifier. Please report a bug.\n", stderr );
s = ++fmt;
} else {
char *out = d = nfmalloc( totlen + 1 );
for (int i = 0; i < nsegs; i++) {
memcpy( d, segs[i], segls[i] );
d += segls[i];
*d = 0;
return out;
static void
imap_exec( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *cmdp,
void (*done)( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *cmd, int response ),
const char *fmt, ... )
va_list ap;
if (!cmdp)
cmdp = new_imap_cmd( sizeof(*cmdp) );
cmdp->param.done = done;
va_start( ap, fmt );
cmdp->cmd = imap_vprintf( fmt, ap );
va_end( ap );
submit_imap_cmd( ctx, cmdp );
static void
transform_box_response( int *response )
switch (*response) {
case RESP_CANCEL: *response = DRV_CANCELED; break;
case RESP_NO: *response = DRV_BOX_BAD; break;
default: *response = DRV_OK; break;
static void
imap_done_simple_box( imap_store_t *ctx ATTR_UNUSED,
imap_cmd_t *cmd, int response )
imap_cmd_simple_t *cmdp = (imap_cmd_simple_t *)cmd;
transform_box_response( &response );
cmdp->callback( response, cmdp->callback_aux );
static void
transform_msg_response( int *response )
switch (*response) {
case RESP_CANCEL: *response = DRV_CANCELED; break;
case RESP_NO: *response = DRV_MSG_BAD; break;
default: *response = DRV_OK; break;
static void
imap_done_simple_msg( imap_store_t *ctx ATTR_UNUSED,
imap_cmd_t *cmd, int response )
imap_cmd_simple_t *cmdp = (imap_cmd_simple_t *)cmd;
transform_msg_response( &response );
cmdp->callback( response, cmdp->callback_aux );
static imap_cmd_refcounted_state_t *
imap_refcounted_new_state( uint sz )
imap_cmd_refcounted_state_t *sts = nfmalloc( sz );
sts->ref_count = 1; /* so forced sync does not cause an early exit */
sts->ret_val = DRV_OK;
return sts;
#define INIT_REFCOUNTED_STATE(type, sts, cb, aux) \
type *sts = (type *)imap_refcounted_new_state( sizeof(type) ); \
sts->callback = cb; \
sts->callback_aux = aux;
static imap_cmd_t *
imap_refcounted_new_cmd( imap_cmd_refcounted_state_t *sts )
imap_cmd_refcounted_t *cmd = (imap_cmd_refcounted_t *)new_imap_cmd( sizeof(*cmd) );
cmd->state = sts;
return &cmd->gen;
if (!--sts->ref_count) { \
sts->callback( sts->ret_val, sts->callback_aux ); \
free( sts ); \
#define DONE_REFCOUNTED_STATE_ARGS(sts, finalize, ...) \
if (!--sts->ref_count) { \
finalize \
sts->callback( sts->ret_val, __VA_ARGS__, sts->callback_aux ); \
free( sts ); \
static void
transform_refcounted_box_response( imap_cmd_refcounted_state_t *sts, int response )
switch (response) {
sts->ret_val = DRV_CANCELED;
case RESP_NO:
if (sts->ret_val == DRV_OK) /* Don't override cancelation. */
sts->ret_val = DRV_BOX_BAD;
static void
transform_refcounted_msg_response( imap_cmd_refcounted_state_t *sts, int response )
switch (response) {
sts->ret_val = DRV_CANCELED;
case RESP_NO:
if (sts->ret_val == DRV_OK) /* Don't override cancelation. */
sts->ret_val = DRV_MSG_BAD;
static const char *
imap_strchr( const char *s, char tc )
for (;; s++) {
char c = *s;
if (c == '\\')
c = *++s;
if (!c)
return NULL;
if (c == tc)
return s;
static char *
next_arg( char **ps )
char *ret, *s, *d;
char c;
assert( ps );
s = *ps;
if (!s)
return NULL;
while (isspace( (uchar)*s ))
if (!*s) {
*ps = NULL;
return NULL;
if (*s == '"') {
ret = d = s;
while ((c = *s++) != '"') {
if (c == '\\')
c = *s++;
if (!c) {
*ps = NULL;
return NULL;
*d++ = c;
*d = 0;
} else {
ret = s;
while ((c = *s)) {
if (isspace( (uchar)c )) {
*s++ = 0;
if (!*s)
s = NULL;
*ps = s;
return ret;
static int
is_opt_atom( list_t *list )
return list && list->val && list->val != LIST;
static int
is_atom( list_t *list )
return list && list->val && list->val != NIL && list->val != LIST;
static int
is_list( list_t *list )
return list && list->val == LIST;
static void
free_list( list_t *list )
list_t *tmp;
for (; list; list = tmp) {
tmp = list->next;
if (is_list( list ))
free_list( list->child );
else if (is_atom( list ))
free( list->val );
free( list );
enum {
static int
parse_imap_list( imap_store_t *ctx, char **sp, parse_list_state_t *sts )
list_t *cur, **curp;
char *s = *sp, *d, *p;
int n, bytes;
char c;
assert( sts );
assert( sts->level > 0 );
curp = sts->stack[--sts->level];
bytes = sts->need_bytes;
if (bytes >= 0) {
sts->need_bytes = -1;
if (!bytes)
goto getline;
cur = (list_t *)((char *)curp - offsetof(list_t, next));
s = cur->val + cur->len - bytes;
goto getbytes;
if (!s)
return LIST_BAD;
for (;;) {
while (isspace( (uchar)*s ))
if (sts->level && *s == ')') {
curp = sts->stack[--sts->level];
goto next;
*curp = cur = nfmalloc( sizeof(*cur) );
cur->val = NULL; /* for clean bail */
curp = &cur->next;
*curp = NULL; /* ditto */
if (*s == '(') {
/* sublist */
if (sts->level == MAX_LIST_DEPTH)
goto bail;
cur->val = LIST;
sts->stack[sts->level++] = curp;
curp = &cur->child;
*curp = NULL; /* for clean bail */
goto next2;
} else if (ctx && *s == '{') {
/* literal */
bytes = (int)(cur->len = strtoul( s + 1, &s, 10 ));
if (*s != '}' || *++s)
goto bail;
if ((uint)bytes >= INT_MAX) {
error( "IMAP error: excessively large literal from %s "
goto bail;
s = cur->val = nfmalloc( cur->len + 1 );
s[cur->len] = 0;
n = socket_read( &ctx->conn, s, (uint)bytes );
if (n < 0) {
error( "IMAP error: unexpected EOF from %s\n", ctx-> );
goto bail;
bytes -= n;
if (bytes > 0)
goto postpone;
if (DFlags & DEBUG_NET_ALL) {
printf( "%s=========\n", ctx->label );
fwrite( cur->val, cur->len, 1, stdout );
printf( "%s=========\n", ctx->label );
fflush( stdout );
if (!(s = socket_read_line( &ctx->conn )))
goto postpone;
if (s == (void *)~0)
goto badeof;
if (DFlags & DEBUG_NET) {
printf( "%s%s\n", ctx->label, s );
fflush( stdout );
} else if (*s == '"') {
/* quoted string */
p = d = s;
while ((c = *s++) != '"') {
if (c == '\\')
c = *s++;
if (!c)
goto bail;
*d++ = c;
cur->len = (uint)(d - p);
cur->val = nfstrndup( p, cur->len );
} else {
/* atom */
p = s;
for (; *s && !isspace( (uchar)*s ); s++)
if (sts->level && *s == ')')
cur->len = (uint)(s - p);
if (equals( p, (int)cur->len, "NIL", 3 ))
cur->val = NIL;
cur->val = nfstrndup( p, cur->len );
if (!sts->level)
if (!*s)
goto bail;
*sp = s;
return LIST_OK;
if (sts->level < MAX_LIST_DEPTH) {
sts->stack[sts->level++] = curp;
sts->need_bytes = bytes;
free_list( sts->head );
sts->level = 0;
return LIST_BAD;
static void
parse_list_init( parse_list_state_t *sts )
sts->need_bytes = -1;
sts->level = 1;
sts->head = NULL;
sts->stack[0] = &sts->head;
static int
parse_list_continue( imap_store_t *ctx, char *s )
list_t *list;
int resp;
if ((resp = parse_imap_list( ctx, &s, &ctx->parse_list_sts )) != LIST_PARTIAL) {
list = (resp == LIST_BAD) ? NULL : ctx->parse_list_sts.head;
ctx->parse_list_sts.head = NULL;
resp = ctx->parse_list_sts.callback( ctx, list, s );
free_list( list );
return resp;
static int
parse_list( imap_store_t *ctx, char *s, int (*cb)( imap_store_t *ctx, list_t *list, char *s ) )
parse_list_init( &ctx->parse_list_sts );
ctx->parse_list_sts.callback = cb;
return parse_list_continue( ctx, s );
static int parse_namespace_rsp_p2( imap_store_t *, list_t *, char * );
static int parse_namespace_rsp_p3( imap_store_t *, list_t *, char * );
static int
parse_namespace_rsp( imap_store_t *ctx, list_t *list, char *s )
// We use only the 1st personal namespace. Making this configurable
// would not add value over just specifying Path.
if (!list) {
error( "IMAP error: malformed NAMESPACE response\n" );
return LIST_BAD;
if (list->val != NIL) {
if (list->val != LIST)
goto bad;
list_t *nsp_1st = list->child;
if (nsp_1st->val != LIST)
goto bad;
list_t *nsp_1st_ns = nsp_1st->child;
if (!is_atom( nsp_1st_ns ))
goto bad;
ctx->ns_prefix = nsp_1st_ns->val;
nsp_1st_ns->val = NULL;
list_t *nsp_1st_dl = nsp_1st_ns->next;
if (!is_opt_atom( nsp_1st_dl ))
goto bad;
if (is_atom( nsp_1st_dl ))
ctx->ns_delimiter = nsp_1st_dl->val[0];
// Namespace response extensions may follow here; we don't care.
return parse_list( ctx, s, parse_namespace_rsp_p2 );
static int
parse_namespace_rsp_p2( imap_store_t *ctx, list_t *list ATTR_UNUSED, char *s )
return parse_list( ctx, s, parse_namespace_rsp_p3 );
static int
parse_namespace_rsp_p3( imap_store_t *ctx ATTR_UNUSED, list_t *list ATTR_UNUSED, char *s ATTR_UNUSED )
return LIST_OK;
static time_t
parse_date( const char *str )
char *end;
time_t date;
int hours, mins;
struct tm datetime;
memset( &datetime, 0, sizeof(datetime) );
if (!(end = strptime( str, "%e-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S ", &datetime )))
return -1;
if ((date = timegm( &datetime )) == -1)
return -1;
if (sscanf( end, "%3d%2d", &hours, &mins ) != 2)
return -1;
return date - (hours * 60 + mins) * 60;
static int
parse_fetched_flags( list_t *list, uchar *flags, uchar *status )
for (; list; list = list->next) {
if (!is_atom( list )) {
error( "IMAP error: unable to parse FLAGS list\n" );
return 0;
if (list->val[0] != '\\' && list->val[0] != '$')
if (!strcmp( "\\Recent", list->val )) {
*status |= M_RECENT;
goto flagok;
for (uint i = 0; i < as(Flags); i++) {
if (!strcmp( Flags[i], list->val )) {
*flags |= 1 << i;
goto flagok;
if (list->val[0] == '$')
goto flagok; // Ignore unknown user-defined flags (keywords)
if (list->val[1] == 'X' && list->val[2] == '-')
goto flagok; // Ignore system flag extensions
warn( "IMAP warning: unknown system flag %s\n", list->val );
flagok: ;
return 1;
static void
parse_fetched_header( char *val, uint uid, char **tuid, char **msgid, uint *msgid_len )
char *end;
int off, in_msgid = 0;
for (; (end = strchr( val, '\n' )); val = end + 1) {
int len = (int)(end - val);
if (len && end[-1] == '\r')
if (!len)
if (starts_with_upper( val, len, "X-TUID: ", 8 )) {
if (len < 8 + TUIDL) {
warn( "IMAP warning: malformed X-TUID header (UID %u)\n", uid );
*tuid = val + 8;
in_msgid = 0;
if (starts_with_upper( val, len, "MESSAGE-ID:", 11 )) {
off = 11;
} else if (in_msgid) {
if (!isspace( val[0] )) {
in_msgid = 0;
off = 1;
} else {
while (off < len && isspace( val[off] ))
if (off == len) {
in_msgid = 1;
*msgid = val + off;
*msgid_len = (uint)(len - off);
in_msgid = 0;
static int
parse_fetch_rsp( imap_store_t *ctx, list_t *list, char *s ATTR_UNUSED )
list_t *body = NULL, *tmp;
char *tuid = NULL, *msgid = NULL, *ep;
imap_message_t *cur;
msg_data_t *msgdata;
imap_cmd_t *cmdp;
uchar mask = 0, status = 0;
uint uid = 0, size = 0, msgid_len = 0;
time_t date = 0;
if (!is_list( list )) {
error( "IMAP error: bogus FETCH response\n" );
return LIST_BAD;
for (tmp = list->child; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
if (!is_atom( tmp )) {
error( "IMAP error: bogus item name in FETCH response\n" );
return LIST_BAD;
const char *name = tmp->val;
tmp = tmp->next;
if (!strcmp( "UID", name )) {
if (!is_atom( tmp ) || (uid = strtoul( tmp->val, &ep, 10 ), *ep)) {
error( "IMAP error: unable to parse UID\n" );
return LIST_BAD;
} else if (!strcmp( "FLAGS", name )) {
if (!is_list( tmp )) {
error( "IMAP error: unable to parse FLAGS\n" );
return LIST_BAD;
if (!parse_fetched_flags( tmp->child, &mask, &status ))
return LIST_BAD;
status |= M_FLAGS;
} else if (!strcmp( "INTERNALDATE", name )) {
if (!is_atom( tmp )) {
error( "IMAP error: unable to parse INTERNALDATE\n" );
return LIST_BAD;
if ((date = parse_date( tmp->val )) == -1) {
error( "IMAP error: unable to parse INTERNALDATE format\n" );
return LIST_BAD;
status |= M_DATE;
} else if (!strcmp( "RFC822.SIZE", name )) {
if (!is_atom( tmp ) || (size = strtoul( tmp->val, &ep, 10 ), *ep)) {
error( "IMAP error: unable to parse RFC822.SIZE\n" );
return LIST_BAD;
status |= M_SIZE;
} else if (!strcmp( "BODY[]", name ) || !strcmp( "BODY[HEADER]", name )) {
if (!is_atom( tmp )) {
error( "IMAP error: unable to parse BODY[]\n" );
return LIST_BAD;
body = tmp;
status |= M_BODY;
} else if (!strcmp( "BODY[HEADER.FIELDS", name )) {
if (!is_list( tmp )) {
error( "IMAP error: unable to parse BODY[HEADER.FIELDS ...]\n" );
return LIST_BAD;
tmp = tmp->next;
if (!is_atom( tmp ) || strcmp( tmp->val, "]" ))
goto bfail;
tmp = tmp->next;
if (!is_atom( tmp ))
goto bfail;
parse_fetched_header( tmp->val, uid, &tuid, &msgid, &msgid_len );
status |= M_HEADER;
if (!uid) {
// Ignore async flag updates for now.
status &= ~(M_FLAGS | M_RECENT);
} else if (status & M_BODY) {
for (cmdp = ctx->in_progress; cmdp; cmdp = cmdp->next)
if (cmdp->param.uid == uid)
goto gotuid;
error( "IMAP error: unexpected FETCH response with BODY (UID %u)\n", uid );
return LIST_BAD;
msgdata = ((imap_cmd_fetch_msg_t *)cmdp)->msg_data;
msgdata->data = body->val;
body->val = NULL; // Don't free together with list.
msgdata->len = body->len;
msgdata->date = date;
if (status & M_FLAGS)
msgdata->flags = mask;
status &= ~(M_FLAGS | M_RECENT | M_BODY | M_DATE);
} else if (ctx->fetch_sts == FetchUidNext) {
// Workaround for server not sending UIDNEXT and/or APPENDUID.
ctx->uidnext = uid + 1;
} else if (ctx->fetch_sts == FetchMsgs) {
cur = nfcalloc( sizeof(*cur) );
*ctx->msgapp = cur;
ctx->msgapp = &cur->next;
cur->uid = uid;
cur->flags = mask;
cur->status = status;
cur->size = size;
if (msgid)
cur->msgid = nfstrndup( msgid, msgid_len );
if (tuid)
memcpy( cur->tuid, tuid, TUIDL );
status &= ~(M_FLAGS | M_RECENT | M_SIZE | M_HEADER);
} else {
// These may come in as a result of STORE FLAGS despite .SILENT.
status &= ~(M_FLAGS | M_RECENT);
if (status) {
error( "IMAP error: received extraneous data in FETCH response\n" );
return LIST_BAD;
return LIST_OK;
static void
parse_capability( imap_store_t *ctx, char *cmd )
char *arg;
uint i;
free_string_list( ctx->auth_mechs );
ctx->auth_mechs = NULL;
ctx->caps = 0x80000000;
while ((arg = next_arg( &cmd ))) {
if (starts_with( arg, -1, "AUTH=", 5 )) {
add_string_list( &ctx->auth_mechs, arg + 5 );
} else {
for (i = 0; i < as(cap_list); i++)
if (!strcmp( cap_list[i], arg ))
ctx->caps |= 1 << i;
ctx->caps &= ~ctx->conf->server->cap_mask;
add_string_list( &ctx->auth_mechs, "LOGIN" );
static int
parse_response_code( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *cmd, char *s )
char *arg, *earg, *p;
if (!s || *s != '[')
return RESP_OK; /* no response code */
if (!(arg = next_arg( &s ))) {
error( "IMAP error: malformed response code\n" );
if (!strcmp( "UIDVALIDITY", arg )) {
if (!(arg = next_arg( &s )) ||
(ctx->uidvalidity = strtoul( arg, &earg, 10 ), *earg != ']'))
error( "IMAP error: malformed UIDVALIDITY status\n" );
} else if (!strcmp( "UIDNEXT", arg )) {
if (!(arg = next_arg( &s )) ||
(ctx->uidnext = strtoul( arg, &earg, 10 ), *earg != ']'))
error( "IMAP error: malformed UIDNEXT status\n" );
} else if (!strcmp( "CAPABILITY", arg )) {
if (!s || !(p = strchr( s, ']' ))) {
error( "IMAP error: malformed CAPABILITY status\n" );
*p = 0;
parse_capability( ctx, s );
if (strstr( p + 1, " IMAP4 service (Oracle Communications Messaging Server" ))
ctx->capability_hack = 1;
} else if (!strcmp( "ALERT]", arg )) {
/* RFC2060 says that these messages MUST be displayed
* to the user
if (!s) {
error( "IMAP error: malformed ALERT status\n" );
for (; isspace( (uchar)*s ); s++);
error( "*** IMAP ALERT *** %s\n", s );
} else if (!strcmp( "APPENDUID", arg )) {
// The checks ensure that:
// - cmd => this is the final tagged response of a command, at which
// point cmd was already removed from ctx->in_progress, so param.uid
// is available for reuse.
// - !param.uid => the command isn't actually a FETCH. This doesn't
// really matter, as the field is safe to overwrite given the
// previous condition; it just has no effect for non-APPENDs.
if (!cmd || cmd->param.uid) {
error( "IMAP error: unexpected APPENDUID status\n" );
if (!(arg = next_arg( &s )) ||
(ctx->uidvalidity = strtoul( arg, &earg, 10 ), *earg) ||
!(arg = next_arg( &s )) ||
(cmd->param.uid = strtoul( arg, &earg, 10 ), *earg != ']'))
error( "IMAP error: malformed APPENDUID status\n" );
} else if (!strcmp( "PERMANENTFLAGS", arg )) {
parse_list_init( &ctx->parse_list_sts );
if (parse_imap_list( NULL, &s, &ctx->parse_list_sts ) != LIST_OK || *s != ']') {
error( "IMAP error: malformed PERMANENTFLAGS status\n" );
int ret = RESP_OK;
for (list_t *tmp = ctx->parse_list_sts.head->child; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
if (!is_atom( tmp )) {
error( "IMAP error: malformed PERMANENTFLAGS status item\n" );
if (!strcmp( tmp->val, "\\*" ) || !strcmp( tmp->val, "$Forwarded" )) {
ctx->has_forwarded = 1;
free_list( ctx->parse_list_sts.head );
ctx->parse_list_sts.head = NULL;
return ret;
return RESP_OK;
static int parse_list_rsp_p1( imap_store_t *, list_t *, char * );
static int parse_list_rsp_p2( imap_store_t *, list_t *, char * );
static int
parse_list_rsp( imap_store_t *ctx, list_t *list, char *cmd )
list_t *lp;
if (!is_list( list )) {
error( "IMAP error: malformed LIST response\n" );
return LIST_BAD;
for (lp = list->child; lp; lp = lp->next)
if (is_atom( lp ) && !strcasecmp( lp->val, "\\NoSelect" ))
return LIST_OK;
return parse_list( ctx, cmd, parse_list_rsp_p1 );
static int
parse_list_rsp_p1( imap_store_t *ctx, list_t *list, char *cmd ATTR_UNUSED )
if (!is_opt_atom( list )) {
error( "IMAP error: malformed LIST response\n" );
return LIST_BAD;
if (!ctx->delimiter[0] && is_atom( list ))
ctx->delimiter[0] = list->val[0];
return parse_list( ctx, cmd, parse_list_rsp_p2 );
// Use this to check whether a full path refers to the actual IMAP INBOX.
static int
is_inbox( imap_store_t *ctx, const char *arg, int argl )
if (!starts_with_upper( arg, argl, "INBOX", 5 ))
return 0;
if (arg[5] && arg[5] != ctx->delimiter[0])
return 0;
return 1;
// Use this to check whether a path fragment collides with the canonical INBOX.
static int
is_INBOX( imap_store_t *ctx, const char *arg, int argl )
if (!starts_with( arg, argl, "INBOX", 5 ))
return 0;
if (arg[5] && arg[5] != ctx->delimiter[0])
return 0;
return 1;
static void
normalize_INBOX( imap_store_t *ctx, char *arg, int argl )
if (is_inbox( ctx, arg, argl ))
memcpy( arg, "INBOX", 5 );
static int
parse_list_rsp_p2( imap_store_t *ctx, list_t *list, char *cmd ATTR_UNUSED )
string_list_t *narg;
char *arg, c;
int argl;
uint l;
if (!is_atom( list )) {
error( "IMAP error: malformed LIST response\n" );
return LIST_BAD;
arg = list->val;
argl = (int)list->len;
if (argl > 1000) {
warn( "IMAP warning: ignoring unreasonably long mailbox name '%.100s[...]'\n", arg );
return LIST_OK;
// The server might be weird and have a non-uppercase INBOX. It
// may legitimately do so, but we need the canonical spelling.
normalize_INBOX( ctx, arg, argl );
if ((l = strlen( ctx->prefix ))) {
if (!starts_with( arg, argl, ctx->prefix, l )) {
if (!is_INBOX( ctx, arg, argl ))
return LIST_OK;
// INBOX and its subfolders bypass the namespace.
} else {
arg += l;
argl -= l;
// A folder named "INBOX" would be indistinguishable from the
// actual INBOX after prefix stripping, so drop it. This applies
// only to the fully uppercased spelling, as our canonical box
// names are case-sensitive (unlike IMAP's INBOX).
if (is_INBOX( ctx, arg, argl )) {
if (!arg[5]) // No need to complain about subfolders as well.
warn( "IMAP warning: ignoring INBOX in %s\n", ctx->prefix );
return LIST_OK;
if (argl >= 5 && !memcmp( arg + argl - 5, ".lock", 5 )) /* workaround broken servers */
return LIST_OK;
if (map_name( arg, (char **)&narg, offsetof(string_list_t, string), ctx->delimiter, "/") < 0) {
warn( "IMAP warning: ignoring mailbox %s (reserved character '/' in name)\n", arg );
return LIST_OK;
// Validate the normalized name. Technically speaking, we could tolerate
// '//' and '/./', and '/../' being forbidden is a limitation of the Maildir
// driver, but there isn't really a legitimate reason for these being present.
for (const char *p = narg->string, *sp = p;;) {
if (!(c = *p) || c == '/') {
uint pcl = (uint)(p - sp);
if (!pcl) {
error( "IMAP warning: ignoring mailbox '%s' due to empty name component\n", narg->string );
free( narg );
return LIST_OK;
if (pcl == 1 && sp[0] == '.') {
error( "IMAP warning: ignoring mailbox '%s' due to '.' component\n", narg->string );
free( narg );
return LIST_OK;
if (pcl == 2 && sp[0] == '.' && sp[1] == '.') {
error( "IMAP error: LIST'd mailbox name '%s' contains '..' component - THIS MIGHT BE AN ATTEMPT TO HACK YOU!\n", narg->string );
free( narg );
return LIST_BAD;
if (!c)
sp = ++p;
} else {
narg->next = ctx->boxes;
ctx->boxes = narg;
return LIST_OK;
static int
prepare_name( char **buf, const imap_store_t *ctx, const char *prefix, const char *name )
uint pl = strlen( prefix );
switch (map_name( name, buf, pl, "/", ctx->delimiter )) {
case -1:
error( "IMAP error: mailbox name %s contains server's hierarchy delimiter\n", name );
return -1;
case -2:
error( "IMAP error: server's hierarchy delimiter not known\n" );
return -1;
memcpy( *buf, prefix, pl );
return 0;
static int
prepare_box( char **buf, const imap_store_t *ctx )
const char *name = ctx->name;
const char *pfx = ctx->prefix;
if (starts_with_upper( name, -1, "INBOX", 5 ) && (!name[5] || name[5] == '/')) {
if (!memcmp( name, "INBOX", 5 )) {
pfx = "";
} else if (!*pfx) {
error( "IMAP error: cannot use unqualified '%s'. Did you mean INBOX?", name );
return -1;
return prepare_name( buf, ctx, pfx, name );
static int
prepare_trash( char **buf, const imap_store_t *ctx )
return prepare_name( buf, ctx, ctx->prefix, ctx->conf->trash );
typedef union {
imap_cmd_t gen;
struct {
imap_cmd_t *orig_cmd;
} imap_cmd_trycreate_t;
static void imap_open_store_greeted( imap_store_t * );
static void get_cmd_result_p2( imap_store_t *, imap_cmd_t *, int );
static void
imap_socket_read( void *aux )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)aux;
imap_cmd_t *cmdp, **pcmdp;
char *cmd, *arg, *arg1, *p;
int resp, resp2, tag;
conn_iovec_t iov[2];
for (;;) {
if (ctx->parse_list_sts.level) {
resp = parse_list_continue( ctx, NULL );
if (resp == LIST_PARTIAL)
if (resp == LIST_BAD)
if (!(cmd = socket_read_line( &ctx->conn )))
if (cmd == (void *)~0) {
if (!ctx->expectEOF)
error( "IMAP error: unexpected EOF from %s\n", ctx-> );
/* A clean shutdown sequence ends with bad_callback as well (see imap_cleanup()). */
if (DFlags & DEBUG_NET) {
printf( "%s%s\n", ctx->label, cmd );
fflush( stdout );
arg = next_arg( &cmd );
if (!arg) {
error( "IMAP error: empty response\n" );
if (*arg == '*') {
arg = next_arg( &cmd );
if (!arg) {
error( "IMAP error: malformed untagged response\n" );
if (ctx->greeting == GreetingPending && !strcmp( "PREAUTH", arg )) {
parse_response_code( ctx, NULL, cmd );
ctx->greeting = GreetingPreauth;
imap_ref( ctx );
imap_open_store_greeted( ctx );
if (imap_deref( ctx ))
} else if (!strcmp( "OK", arg )) {
parse_response_code( ctx, NULL, cmd );
if (ctx->greeting == GreetingPending) {
ctx->greeting = GreetingOk;
goto dogreet;
} else if (!strcmp( "BYE", arg )) {
if (!ctx->expectBYE) {
ctx->greeting = GreetingBad;
error( "IMAP error: unexpected BYE response: %s\n", cmd );
/* We just wait for the server to close the connection now. */
ctx->expectEOF = 1;
socket_expect_eof( &ctx->conn );
} else {
/* We still need to wait for the LOGOUT's tagged OK. */
} else if (ctx->greeting == GreetingPending) {
error( "IMAP error: bogus greeting response %s\n", arg );
} else if (!strcmp( "NO", arg )) {
warn( "Warning from IMAP server: %s\n", cmd );
} else if (!strcmp( "BAD", arg )) {
error( "Error from IMAP server: %s\n", cmd );
} else if (!strcmp( "CAPABILITY", arg )) {
parse_capability( ctx, cmd );
} else if (!strcmp( "LIST", arg ) || !strcmp( "LSUB", arg )) {
resp = parse_list( ctx, cmd, parse_list_rsp );
goto listret;
} else if (!strcmp( "NAMESPACE", arg )) {
resp = parse_list( ctx, cmd, parse_namespace_rsp );
goto listret;
} else if ((arg1 = next_arg( &cmd ))) {
if (!strcmp( "EXISTS", arg1 ))
ctx->total_msgs = atoi( arg );
else if (!strcmp( "EXPUNGE", arg1 ))
else if (!strcmp( "RECENT", arg1 ))
ctx->recent_msgs = atoi( arg );
else if(!strcmp ( "FETCH", arg1 )) {
resp = parse_list( ctx, cmd, parse_fetch_rsp );
goto listret;
} else {
error( "IMAP error: unrecognized untagged response '%s'\n", arg );
break; /* this may mean anything, so prefer not to spam the log */
} else if (!ctx->in_progress) {
error( "IMAP error: unexpected reply: %s %s\n", arg, cmd ? cmd : "" );
break; /* this may mean anything, so prefer not to spam the log */
} else if (*arg == '+') {
socket_expect_activity( &ctx->conn, 0 );
/* There can be any number of commands in flight, but only the last
* one can require a continuation, as it enforces a round-trip. */
cmdp = (imap_cmd_t *)((char *)ctx->in_progress_append -
offsetof(imap_cmd_t, next));
if (cmdp-> {
if (cmdp->param.to_trash)
ctx->trashnc = TrashKnown; /* Can't get NO [TRYCREATE] any more. */
if (DFlags & DEBUG_NET_ALL) {
printf( "%s>>>>>>>>>\n", ctx->label );
fwrite( cmdp->, cmdp->param.data_len, 1, stdout );
printf( "%s>>>>>>>>>\n", ctx->label );
fflush( stdout );
iov[0].buf = cmdp->;
iov[0].len = cmdp->param.data_len;
iov[0].takeOwn = GiveOwn;
cmdp-> = NULL;
ctx->buffer_mem -= cmdp->param.data_len;
iov[1].buf = "\r\n";
iov[1].len = 2;
iov[1].takeOwn = KeepOwn;
socket_write( &ctx->conn, iov, 2 );
} else if (cmdp->param.cont) {
if (cmdp->param.cont( ctx, cmdp, cmd ))
} else {
error( "IMAP error: unexpected command continuation request\n" );
socket_expect_activity( &ctx->conn, 1 );
} else {
tag = atoi( arg );
for (pcmdp = &ctx->in_progress; (cmdp = *pcmdp); pcmdp = &cmdp->next)
if (cmdp->tag == tag)
goto gottag;
error( "IMAP error: unexpected tag %s\n", arg );
if (!(*pcmdp = cmdp->next))
ctx->in_progress_append = pcmdp;
if (!--ctx->num_in_progress)
socket_expect_activity( &ctx->conn, 0 );
arg = next_arg( &cmd );
if (!arg) {
error( "IMAP error: malformed tagged response\n" );
if (!strcmp( "OK", arg )) {
if (cmdp->param.to_trash)
ctx->trashnc = TrashKnown; /* Can't get NO [TRYCREATE] any more. */
resp = RESP_OK;
} else {
if (!strcmp( "NO", arg )) {
if (cmdp->param.create && cmd && starts_with( cmd, -1, "[TRYCREATE]", 11 )) { /* APPEND or UID COPY */
imap_cmd_trycreate_t *cmd2 =
(imap_cmd_trycreate_t *)new_imap_cmd( sizeof(*cmd2) );
cmd2->orig_cmd = cmdp;
cmd2->param.high_prio = 1;
p = strchr( cmdp->cmd, '"' );
imap_exec( ctx, &cmd2->gen, get_cmd_result_p2,
"CREATE %.*s", imap_strchr( p + 1, '"' ) - p + 1, p );
resp = RESP_NO;
if (cmdp->param.failok)
goto doresp;
} else /*if (!strcmp( "BAD", arg ))*/
error( "IMAP command '%s' returned an error: %s %s\n",
starts_with( cmdp->cmd, -1, "LOGIN", 5 ) ?
"LOGIN <user> <pass>" :
starts_with( cmdp->cmd, -1, "AUTHENTICATE PLAIN", 18 ) ?
arg, cmd ? cmd : "" );
if ((resp2 = parse_response_code( ctx, cmdp, cmd )) > resp)
resp = resp2;
imap_ref( ctx );
if (resp == RESP_CANCEL)
imap_invoke_bad_callback( ctx );
if (resp == RESP_OK && cmdp->param.wait_check) {
cmdp->next = NULL;
*ctx->wait_check_append = cmdp;
ctx->wait_check_append = &cmdp->next;
} else {
done_imap_cmd( ctx, cmdp, resp );
if (imap_deref( ctx ))
if (ctx->canceling && !ctx->in_progress) {
ctx->canceling = 0;
ctx->callbacks.imap_cancel( ctx->callback_aux );
flush_imap_cmds( ctx );
imap_invoke_bad_callback( ctx );
static void
get_cmd_result_p2( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *cmd, int response )
imap_cmd_trycreate_t *cmdp = (imap_cmd_trycreate_t *)cmd;
imap_cmd_t *ocmd = cmdp->orig_cmd;
if (response != RESP_OK) {
done_imap_cmd( ctx, ocmd, response );
} else {
assert( !ocmd->param.wait_check );
ctx->uidnext = 1;
if (ocmd->param.to_trash)
ctx->trashnc = TrashKnown;
ocmd->param.create = 0;
ocmd->param.high_prio = 1;
submit_imap_cmd( ctx, ocmd );
/******************* imap_cancel_store *******************/
static void
imap_cancel_store( store_t *gctx )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)gctx;
sasl_dispose( &ctx->sasl );
socket_close( &ctx->conn );
finalize_checked_imap_cmds( ctx, RESP_CANCEL );
cancel_sent_imap_cmds( ctx );
cancel_pending_imap_cmds( ctx );
free( ctx->ns_prefix );
free_string_list( ctx->auth_mechs );
free_generic_messages( &ctx->msgs->gen );
free_string_list( ctx->boxes );
imap_deref( ctx );
static int
imap_deref( imap_store_t *ctx )
if (!--ctx->ref_count) {
free( ctx );
return -1;
return 0;
static void
imap_set_bad_callback( store_t *gctx, void (*cb)( void *aux ), void *aux )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)gctx;
ctx->bad_callback = cb;
ctx->bad_callback_aux = aux;
static void
imap_invoke_bad_callback( imap_store_t *ctx )
ctx->bad_callback( ctx->bad_callback_aux );
/******************* imap_free_store *******************/
static imap_store_t *unowned;
static void
imap_cancel_unowned( void *gctx )
imap_store_t *store, **storep;
for (storep = &unowned; (store = *storep); storep = &store->next)
if (store == gctx) {
*storep = store->next;
imap_cancel_store( gctx );
static void
imap_free_store( store_t *gctx )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)gctx;
assert( !ctx->pending && !ctx->in_progress && !ctx->wait_check );
if (ctx->state == SST_BAD) {
imap_cancel_store( gctx );
free_generic_messages( &ctx->msgs->gen );
ctx->msgs = NULL;
imap_set_bad_callback( gctx, imap_cancel_unowned, gctx );
ctx->next = unowned;
unowned = ctx;
/******************* imap_cleanup *******************/
static void imap_cleanup_p2( imap_store_t *, imap_cmd_t *, int );
static void
imap_cleanup( void )
imap_store_t *ctx, *nctx;
for (ctx = unowned; ctx; ctx = nctx) {
nctx = ctx->next;
imap_set_bad_callback( &ctx->gen, (void (*)(void *))imap_cancel_store, ctx );
ctx->expectBYE = 1;
imap_exec( ctx, NULL, imap_cleanup_p2, "LOGOUT" );
static void
imap_cleanup_p2( imap_store_t *ctx,
imap_cmd_t *cmd ATTR_UNUSED, int response )
if (response == RESP_NO) {
imap_cancel_store( &ctx->gen );
} else if (response == RESP_OK) {
ctx->expectEOF = 1;
socket_expect_eof( &ctx->conn );
/******************* imap_open_store *******************/
static void imap_open_store_connected( int, void * );
static void imap_open_store_tlsstarted1( int, void * );
static void imap_open_store_p2( imap_store_t *, imap_cmd_t *, int );
static void imap_open_store_authenticate( imap_store_t * );
static void imap_open_store_authenticate_p2( imap_store_t *, imap_cmd_t *, int );
static void imap_open_store_tlsstarted2( int, void * );
static void imap_open_store_authenticate_p3( imap_store_t *, imap_cmd_t *, int );
static void imap_open_store_authenticate2( imap_store_t * );
static void imap_open_store_authenticate2_p2( imap_store_t *, imap_cmd_t *, int );
static void imap_open_store_authenticate2_p3( imap_store_t *, imap_cmd_t *, int );
static void imap_open_store_compress( imap_store_t * );
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
static void imap_open_store_compress_p2( imap_store_t *, imap_cmd_t *, int );
static void imap_open_store_namespace( imap_store_t * );
static void imap_open_store_namespace_p2( imap_store_t *, imap_cmd_t *, int );
static void imap_open_store_namespace2( imap_store_t * );
static void imap_open_store_finalize( imap_store_t * );
static void imap_open_store_ssl_bail( imap_store_t * );
static void imap_open_store_bail( imap_store_t *, int );
static store_t *
imap_alloc_store( store_conf_t *conf, const char *label )
imap_store_conf_t *cfg = (imap_store_conf_t *)conf;
imap_server_conf_t *srvc = cfg->server;
imap_store_t *ctx, **ctxp;
/* First try to recycle a whole store. */
for (ctxp = &unowned; (ctx = *ctxp); ctxp = &ctx->next)
if (ctx->state == SST_GOOD && ctx->conf == cfg) {
*ctxp = ctx->next;
goto gotstore;
/* Then try to recycle a server connection. */
for (ctxp = &unowned; (ctx = *ctxp); ctxp = &ctx->next)
if (ctx->conf->server == srvc) {
*ctxp = ctx->next;
free_string_list( ctx->boxes );
ctx->boxes = NULL;
ctx->listed = 0;
/* One could ping the server here, but given that the idle timeout
* is at least 30 minutes, this sounds pretty pointless. */
ctx->state = SST_HALF;
goto gotsrv;
/* Finally, schedule opening a new server connection. */
ctx = nfcalloc( sizeof(*ctx) );
ctx->driver = &imap_driver;
ctx->ref_count = 1;
socket_init( &ctx->conn, &srvc->sconf,
(void (*)( void * ))imap_invoke_bad_callback,
imap_socket_read, (void (*)(void *))flush_imap_cmds, ctx );
ctx->in_progress_append = &ctx->in_progress;
ctx->pending_append = &ctx->pending;
ctx->wait_check_append = &ctx->wait_check;
ctx->conf = cfg;
ctx->label = label;
return &ctx->gen;
static void
imap_connect_store( store_t *gctx,
void (*cb)( int sts, void *aux ), void *aux )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)gctx;
if (ctx->state == SST_GOOD) {
cb( DRV_OK, aux );
} else {
ctx->callbacks.imap_open = cb;
ctx->callback_aux = aux;
if (ctx->state == SST_HALF)
imap_open_store_namespace( ctx );
socket_connect( &ctx->conn, imap_open_store_connected );
static void
imap_open_store_connected( int ok, void *aux )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)aux;
if (!ok)
imap_open_store_bail( ctx, FAIL_WAIT );
else if (ctx->conf->server->ssl_type == SSL_IMAPS)
socket_start_tls( &ctx->conn, imap_open_store_tlsstarted1 );
socket_expect_activity( &ctx->conn, 1 );
static void
imap_open_store_tlsstarted1( int ok, void *aux )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)aux;
if (!ok)
imap_open_store_ssl_bail( ctx );
socket_expect_activity( &ctx->conn, 1 );
static void
imap_open_store_greeted( imap_store_t *ctx )
socket_expect_activity( &ctx->conn, 0 );
if (!ctx->caps)
imap_exec( ctx, NULL, imap_open_store_p2, "CAPABILITY" );
imap_open_store_authenticate( ctx );
static void
imap_open_store_p2( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *cmd ATTR_UNUSED, int response )
if (response == RESP_NO)
imap_open_store_bail( ctx, FAIL_FINAL );
else if (response == RESP_OK)
imap_open_store_authenticate( ctx );
static void
imap_open_store_authenticate( imap_store_t *ctx )
imap_server_conf_t *srvc = ctx->conf->server;
if (ctx->greeting != GreetingPreauth) {
if (srvc->ssl_type == SSL_STARTTLS) {
imap_exec( ctx, NULL, imap_open_store_authenticate_p2, "STARTTLS" );
} else {
error( "IMAP error: SSL support not available\n" );
imap_open_store_bail( ctx, FAIL_FINAL );
imap_open_store_authenticate2( ctx );
} else {
if (srvc->ssl_type == SSL_STARTTLS) {
error( "IMAP error: SSL support not available\n" );
imap_open_store_bail( ctx, FAIL_FINAL );
imap_open_store_compress( ctx );
static void
imap_open_store_authenticate_p2( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *cmd ATTR_UNUSED, int response )
if (response == RESP_NO)
imap_open_store_bail( ctx, FAIL_FINAL );
else if (response == RESP_OK)
socket_start_tls( &ctx->conn, imap_open_store_tlsstarted2 );
static void
imap_open_store_tlsstarted2( int ok, void *aux )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)aux;
if (!ok)
imap_open_store_ssl_bail( ctx );
imap_exec( ctx, NULL, imap_open_store_authenticate_p3, "CAPABILITY" );
static void
imap_open_store_authenticate_p3( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *cmd ATTR_UNUSED, int response )
if (response == RESP_NO)
imap_open_store_bail( ctx, FAIL_FINAL );
else if (response == RESP_OK)
imap_open_store_authenticate2( ctx );
static char *
cred_from_cmd( const char *cred, const char *cmd, const char *srv_name )
FILE *fp;
int ret;
char buffer[8192]; // Hopefully more than enough room for XOAUTH2, etc. tokens
if (*cmd == '+') {
if (!(fp = popen( cmd, "r" ))) {
sys_error( "Skipping account %s, %s failed", srv_name, cred );
return NULL;
if (!fgets( buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp ))
buffer[0] = 0;
if ((ret = pclose( fp )) < 0)
goto pipeerr;
if (ret) {
if (WIFSIGNALED( ret ))
error( "Skipping account %s, %s crashed\n", srv_name, cred );
error( "Skipping account %s, %s exited with status %d\n", srv_name, cred, WEXITSTATUS( ret ) );
return NULL;
if (!buffer[0]) {
error( "Skipping account %s, %s produced no output\n", srv_name, cred );
return NULL;
buffer[strcspn( buffer, "\n" )] = 0; /* Strip trailing newline */
return nfstrdup( buffer );
static const char *
ensure_user( imap_server_conf_t *srvc )
if (!srvc->user) {
if (srvc->user_cmd) {
srvc->user = cred_from_cmd( "UserCmd", srvc->user_cmd, srvc->name );
} else {
error( "Skipping account %s, no user\n", srvc->name );
return srvc->user;
static const char *
ensure_password( imap_server_conf_t *srvc )
if (!srvc->pass) {
if (srvc->pass_cmd) {
srvc->pass = cred_from_cmd( "PassCmd", srvc->pass_cmd, srvc->name );
} else if (srvc->use_keychain) {
void *password_data;
UInt32 password_length;
OSStatus ret = SecKeychainFindInternetPassword(
NULL, // keychainOrArray
strlen( srvc-> ), srvc->,
0, NULL, // securityDomain
strlen( srvc->user ), srvc->user,
0, NULL, // path
0, // port - we could use it, but it seems pointless
&password_length, &password_data,
NULL ); // itemRef
if (ret != errSecSuccess) {
CFStringRef errmsg = SecCopyErrorMessageString( ret, NULL );
error( "Looking up Keychain failed: %s\n",
CFStringGetCStringPtr( errmsg, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ) );
CFRelease( errmsg );
return NULL;
srvc->pass = nfstrndup( password_data, password_length );
SecKeychainItemFreeContent( NULL, password_data );
} else {
char prompt[80];
sprintf( prompt, "Password (%s): ", srvc->name );
char *pass = getpass( prompt );
if (!pass) {
perror( "getpass" );
exit( 1 );
if (!*pass) {
error( "Skipping account %s, no password\n", srvc->name );
return NULL;
/* getpass() returns a pointer to a static buffer. Make a copy for long term storage. */
srvc->pass = nfstrdup( pass );
return srvc->pass;
static sasl_callback_t sasl_callbacks[] = {
static int
process_sasl_interact( sasl_interact_t *interact, imap_server_conf_t *srvc )
const char *val;
for (;; ++interact) {
switch (interact->id) {
return 0;
case SASL_CB_USER: // aka authorization id - who to act as
case SASL_CB_AUTHNAME: // who is really logging in
val = ensure_user( srvc );
val = ensure_password( srvc );
error( "Error: Unknown SASL interaction ID\n" );
return -1;
if (!val)
return -1;
interact->result = val;
interact->len = strlen( val );
static int
process_sasl_step( imap_store_t *ctx, int rc, const char *in, uint in_len,
sasl_interact_t *interact, const char **out, uint *out_len )
imap_server_conf_t *srvc = ctx->conf->server;
while (rc == SASL_INTERACT) {
if (process_sasl_interact( interact, srvc ) < 0)
return -1;
rc = sasl_client_step( ctx->sasl, in, in_len, &interact, out, out_len );
if (rc == SASL_CONTINUE) {
ctx->sasl_cont = 1;
} else if (rc == SASL_OK) {
ctx->sasl_cont = 0;
} else {
error( "Error performing SASL authentication step: %s\n", sasl_errdetail( ctx->sasl ) );
return -1;
return 0;
static int
decode_sasl_data( const char *prompt, char **in, uint *in_len )
if (prompt) {
int rc;
uint prompt_len = strlen( prompt );
/* We're decoding, the output will be shorter than prompt_len. */
*in = nfmalloc( prompt_len );
rc = sasl_decode64( prompt, prompt_len, *in, prompt_len, in_len );
if (rc != SASL_OK) {
free( *in );
error( "Error decoding SASL prompt: %s\n", sasl_errstring( rc, NULL, NULL ) );
return -1;
} else {
*in = NULL;
*in_len = 0;
return 0;
static int
encode_sasl_data( const char *out, uint out_len, char **enc, uint *enc_len )
int rc;
uint enc_len_max = ((out_len + 2) / 3) * 4 + 1;
*enc = nfmalloc( enc_len_max );
rc = sasl_encode64( out, out_len, *enc, enc_len_max, enc_len );
if (rc != SASL_OK) {
free( *enc );
error( "Error encoding SASL response: %s\n", sasl_errstring( rc, NULL, NULL ) );
return -1;
return 0;
static int
do_sasl_auth( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *cmdp ATTR_UNUSED, const char *prompt )
int rc, ret, iovcnt = 0;
uint in_len, out_len, enc_len;
const char *out;
char *in, *enc;
sasl_interact_t *interact = NULL;
conn_iovec_t iov[2];
if (!ctx->sasl_cont) {
error( "Error: IMAP wants more steps despite successful SASL authentication.\n" );
goto bail;
if (decode_sasl_data( prompt, &in, &in_len ) < 0)
goto bail;
rc = sasl_client_step( ctx->sasl, in, in_len, &interact, &out, &out_len );
ret = process_sasl_step( ctx, rc, in, in_len, interact, &out, &out_len );
free( in );
if (ret < 0)
goto bail;
if (out) {
if (encode_sasl_data( out, out_len, &enc, &enc_len ) < 0)
goto bail;
iov[0].buf = enc;
iov[0].len = enc_len;
iov[0].takeOwn = GiveOwn;
iovcnt = 1;
if (DFlags & DEBUG_NET) {
printf( "%s>+> %s\n", ctx->label, enc );
fflush( stdout );
} else {
if (DFlags & DEBUG_NET) {
printf( "%s>+>\n", ctx->label );
fflush( stdout );
iov[iovcnt].buf = "\r\n";
iov[iovcnt].len = 2;
iov[iovcnt].takeOwn = KeepOwn;
socket_write( &ctx->conn, iov, iovcnt );
return 0;
imap_open_store_bail( ctx, FAIL_FINAL );
return -1;
static void
done_sasl_auth( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *cmd ATTR_UNUSED, int response )
if (response == RESP_OK && ctx->sasl_cont) {
sasl_interact_t *interact = NULL;
const char *out;
uint out_len;
int rc = sasl_client_step( ctx->sasl, NULL, 0, &interact, &out, &out_len );
if (process_sasl_step( ctx, rc, NULL, 0, interact, &out, &out_len ) < 0)
warn( "Warning: SASL reported failure despite successful IMAP authentication. Ignoring...\n" );
else if (out_len > 0)
warn( "Warning: SASL wants more steps despite successful IMAP authentication. Ignoring...\n" );
imap_open_store_authenticate2_p2( ctx, NULL, response );
static void
imap_open_store_authenticate2( imap_store_t *ctx )
imap_server_conf_t *srvc = ctx->conf->server;
string_list_t *mech, *cmech;
int auth_login = 0;
int skipped_login = 0;
const char *saslavail;
char saslmechs[1024], *saslend = saslmechs;
int want_external = 0;
// Ensure that there are no leftovers from previous runs. This is needed in case
// the credentials have a timing dependency or otherwise lose validity after use.
if (srvc->user_cmd) {
free( srvc->user );
srvc->user = NULL;
if (srvc->pass_cmd) {
free( srvc->pass );
srvc->pass = NULL;
info( "Logging in...\n" );
for (mech = srvc->auth_mechs; mech; mech = mech->next) {
int any = !strcmp( mech->string, "*" );
for (cmech = ctx->auth_mechs; cmech; cmech = cmech->next) {
if (any || !strcasecmp( mech->string, cmech->string )) {
if (!strcasecmp( cmech->string, "LOGIN" )) {
if (ctx->conn.ssl || !any)
if (!any)
auth_login = 1;
skipped_login = 1;
} else {
uint len = strlen( cmech->string );
if (saslend + len + 2 > saslmechs + sizeof(saslmechs))
*saslend++ = ' ';
memcpy( saslend, cmech->string, len + 1 );
saslend += len;
if (!strcasecmp( cmech->string, "EXTERNAL" ))
want_external = 1;
if (saslend != saslmechs) {
int rc;
uint out_len = 0;
char *enc = NULL;
const char *gotmech = NULL, *out = NULL;
sasl_interact_t *interact = NULL;
imap_cmd_t *cmd;
static int sasl_inited;
if (!sasl_inited) {
rc = sasl_client_init( sasl_callbacks );
if (rc != SASL_OK) {
error( "Error initializing SASL client: %s\n", sasl_errstring( rc, NULL, NULL ) );
goto bail;
sasl_inited = 1;
rc = sasl_client_new( "imap", srvc->, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, &ctx->sasl );
if (rc != SASL_OK) {
if (rc == SASL_NOMECH)
goto notsasl;
if (!ctx->sasl)
goto saslbail;
error( "Error initializing SASL context: %s\n", sasl_errdetail( ctx->sasl ) );
goto bail;
// The built-in EXTERNAL mechanism wants the authentication id to be set
// even before instantiation; consequently it won't prompt for it, either.
// While this clearly makes sense on the server side, it arguably does not
// on the client side. Ah, well ...
if (want_external && ensure_user( srvc )) {
rc = sasl_setprop( ctx->sasl, SASL_AUTH_EXTERNAL, srvc->user );
if (rc != SASL_OK ) {
error( "Error setting SASL authentication id: %s\n", sasl_errdetail( ctx->sasl ) );
goto bail;
rc = sasl_client_start( ctx->sasl, saslmechs + 1, &interact, CAP(SASLIR) ? &out : NULL, &out_len, &gotmech );
if (rc == SASL_NOMECH)
goto notsasl;
if (gotmech)
info( "Authenticating with SASL mechanism %s...\n", gotmech );
/* Technically, we are supposed to loop over sasl_client_start(),
* but it just calls sasl_client_step() anyway. */
if (process_sasl_step( ctx, rc, NULL, 0, interact, CAP(SASLIR) ? &out : NULL, &out_len ) < 0)
goto bail;
if (out) {
if (!out_len)
enc = nfstrdup( "=" ); /* A zero-length initial response is encoded as padding. */
else if (encode_sasl_data( out, out_len, &enc, NULL ) < 0)
goto bail;
cmd = new_imap_cmd( sizeof(*cmd) );
cmd->param.cont = do_sasl_auth;
ctx->caps = 0;
imap_exec( ctx, cmd, done_sasl_auth, enc ? "AUTHENTICATE %s %s" : "AUTHENTICATE %s", gotmech, enc );
free( enc );
if (!ctx->sasl || sasl_listmech( ctx->sasl, NULL, "", " ", "", &saslavail, NULL, NULL ) != SASL_OK)
saslavail = "(none)";
if (!auth_login) {
error( "IMAP error: selected SASL mechanism(s) not available;\n"
" selected:%s\n available: %s\n", saslmechs, saslavail );
goto skipnote;
info( "NOT using available SASL mechanism(s): %s\n", saslavail );
sasl_dispose( &ctx->sasl );
if (auth_login) {
if (!ensure_user( srvc ) || !ensure_password( srvc ))
goto bail;
if (!ctx->conn.ssl)
warn( "*** IMAP Warning *** Password is being sent in the clear\n" );
ctx->caps = 0;
imap_exec( ctx, NULL, imap_open_store_authenticate2_p2,
"LOGIN \"%\\s\" \"%\\s\"", srvc->user, srvc->pass );
error( "IMAP error: server supports no acceptable authentication mechanism\n" );
if (skipped_login)
error( "Note: not using LOGIN because connection is not encrypted;\n"
" use 'AuthMechs LOGIN' explicitly to force it.\n" );
imap_open_store_bail( ctx, FAIL_FINAL );
static void
imap_open_store_authenticate2_p2( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *cmd ATTR_UNUSED, int response )
if (response == RESP_NO) {
imap_open_store_bail( ctx, FAIL_FINAL );
} else if (response == RESP_OK) {
// iCloud ( apparently runs the real server behind a
// proxy that injects XAPPLEPUSHSERVICE into (and deletes STARTTLS from)
// the server's outgoing data stream following occurrences of CAPABILITY.
// This process is rather indiscriminate, so it will mess up IMAP
// literals if it is not deactivated in time by issuing a (redundant)
// CAPABILITY command after logging in.
if (!ctx->caps || ctx->capability_hack)
imap_exec( ctx, NULL, imap_open_store_authenticate2_p3, "CAPABILITY" );
imap_open_store_compress( ctx );
static void
imap_open_store_authenticate2_p3( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *cmd ATTR_UNUSED, int response )
if (response == RESP_NO)
imap_open_store_bail( ctx, FAIL_FINAL );
else if (response == RESP_OK)
imap_open_store_compress( ctx );
static void
imap_open_store_compress( imap_store_t *ctx )
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
imap_exec( ctx, NULL, imap_open_store_compress_p2, "COMPRESS DEFLATE" );
imap_open_store_namespace( ctx );
#ifdef HAVE_LIBZ
static void
imap_open_store_compress_p2( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *cmd ATTR_UNUSED, int response )
if (response == RESP_NO) {
/* We already reported an error, but it's not fatal to us. */
imap_open_store_namespace( ctx );
} else if (response == RESP_OK) {
socket_start_deflate( &ctx->conn );
imap_open_store_namespace( ctx );
static void
imap_open_store_namespace( imap_store_t *ctx )
imap_store_conf_t *cfg = ctx->conf;
ctx->state = SST_HALF;
ctx->prefix = cfg->path;
ctx->delimiter[0] = cfg->delimiter;
if (((!ctx->prefix && cfg->use_namespace) || !cfg->delimiter) && CAP(NAMESPACE)) {
/* get NAMESPACE info */
if (!ctx->got_namespace)
imap_exec( ctx, NULL, imap_open_store_namespace_p2, "NAMESPACE" );
imap_open_store_namespace2( ctx );
imap_open_store_finalize( ctx );
static void
imap_open_store_namespace_p2( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *cmd ATTR_UNUSED, int response )
if (response == RESP_NO) {
imap_open_store_bail( ctx, FAIL_FINAL );
} else if (response == RESP_OK) {
ctx->got_namespace = 1;
imap_open_store_namespace2( ctx );
static void
imap_open_store_namespace2( imap_store_t *ctx )
if (!ctx->prefix && ctx->conf->use_namespace)
ctx->prefix = ctx->ns_prefix;
if (!ctx->delimiter[0])
ctx->delimiter[0] = ctx->ns_delimiter;
imap_open_store_finalize( ctx );
static void
imap_open_store_finalize( imap_store_t *ctx )
ctx->state = SST_GOOD;
if (!ctx->prefix)
ctx->prefix = "";
normalize_INBOX( ctx, ctx->prefix, -1 );
ctx->trashnc = TrashUnknown;
ctx->callbacks.imap_open( DRV_OK, ctx->callback_aux );
static void
imap_open_store_ssl_bail( imap_store_t *ctx )
/* This avoids that we try to send LOGOUT to an unusable socket. */
socket_close( &ctx->conn );
imap_open_store_bail( ctx, FAIL_FINAL );
static void
imap_open_store_bail( imap_store_t *ctx, int failed )
ctx->conf->server->failed = (char)failed;
ctx->callbacks.imap_open( DRV_STORE_BAD, ctx->callback_aux );
/******************* imap_open_box *******************/
static int
imap_select_box( store_t *gctx, const char *name )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)gctx;
assert( !ctx->pending && !ctx->in_progress && !ctx->wait_check );
free_generic_messages( &ctx->msgs->gen );
ctx->msgs = NULL;
ctx->msgapp = &ctx->msgs;
ctx->name = name;
return DRV_OK;
static const char *
imap_get_box_path( store_t *gctx ATTR_UNUSED )
return NULL;
typedef union {
imap_cmd_t gen;
struct {
void (*callback)( int sts, uint uidvalidity, void *aux );
void *callback_aux;
} imap_cmd_open_box_t;
static void imap_open_box_p2( imap_store_t *, imap_cmd_t *, int );
static void imap_open_box_p3( imap_store_t *, imap_cmd_t *, int );
static void imap_open_box_p4( imap_store_t *, imap_cmd_open_box_t *, int );
static void
imap_open_box( store_t *gctx,
void (*cb)( int sts, uint uidvalidity, void *aux ), void *aux )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)gctx;
imap_cmd_open_box_t *cmd;
char *buf;
if (prepare_box( &buf, ctx ) < 0) {
ctx->uidvalidity = UIDVAL_BAD;
ctx->uidnext = 0;
INIT_IMAP_CMD(imap_cmd_open_box_t, cmd, cb, aux)
cmd->param.failok = 1;
imap_exec( ctx, &cmd->gen, imap_open_box_p2,
"SELECT \"%\\s\"", buf );
free( buf );
static void
imap_open_box_p2( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *gcmd, int response )
imap_cmd_open_box_t *cmdp = (imap_cmd_open_box_t *)gcmd;
imap_cmd_open_box_t *cmd;
if (response != RESP_OK || ctx->uidnext) {
imap_open_box_p4( ctx, cmdp, response );
assert( ctx->fetch_sts == FetchNone );
ctx->fetch_sts = FetchUidNext;
INIT_IMAP_CMD(imap_cmd_open_box_t, cmd, cmdp->callback, cmdp->callback_aux)
imap_exec( ctx, &cmd->gen, imap_open_box_p3,
"UID FETCH * (UID)" );
static void
imap_open_box_p3( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *gcmd, int response )
imap_cmd_open_box_t *cmdp = (imap_cmd_open_box_t *)gcmd;
ctx->fetch_sts = FetchNone;
if (!ctx->uidnext) {
if (ctx->total_msgs) {
error( "IMAP error: querying server for highest UID failed\n" );
imap_open_box_p4( ctx, cmdp, RESP_NO );
// This is ok, the box is simply empty.
ctx->uidnext = 1;
imap_open_box_p4( ctx, cmdp, response );
static void
imap_open_box_p4( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_open_box_t *cmdp, int response )
transform_box_response( &response );
cmdp->callback( response, ctx->uidvalidity, cmdp->callback_aux );
static uint
imap_get_uidnext( store_t *gctx )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)gctx;
return ctx->uidnext;
static xint
imap_get_supported_flags( store_t *gctx )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)gctx;
return ctx->has_forwarded ? 255 : (255 & ~F_FORWARDED);
/******************* imap_create_box *******************/
static void
imap_create_box( store_t *gctx,
void (*cb)( int sts, void *aux ), void *aux )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)gctx;
imap_cmd_simple_t *cmd;
char *buf;
if (prepare_box( &buf, ctx ) < 0) {
cb( DRV_BOX_BAD, aux );
INIT_IMAP_CMD(imap_cmd_simple_t, cmd, cb, aux)
imap_exec( ctx, &cmd->gen, imap_done_simple_box,
"CREATE \"%\\s\"", buf );
free( buf );
/******************* imap_delete_box *******************/
static int
imap_confirm_box_empty( store_t *gctx )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)gctx;
return ctx->total_msgs ? DRV_BOX_BAD : DRV_OK;
static void imap_delete_box_p2( imap_store_t *, imap_cmd_t *, int );
static void
imap_delete_box( store_t *gctx,
void (*cb)( int sts, void *aux ), void *aux )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)gctx;
imap_cmd_simple_t *cmd;
INIT_IMAP_CMD(imap_cmd_simple_t, cmd, cb, aux)
imap_exec( ctx, &cmd->gen, imap_delete_box_p2, "CLOSE" );
static void
imap_delete_box_p2( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *gcmd, int response )
imap_cmd_simple_t *cmdp = (imap_cmd_simple_t *)gcmd;
imap_cmd_simple_t *cmd;
char *buf;
if (response != RESP_OK) {
imap_done_simple_box( ctx, &cmdp->gen, response );
if (prepare_box( &buf, ctx ) < 0) {
imap_done_simple_box( ctx, &cmdp->gen, RESP_NO );
INIT_IMAP_CMD(imap_cmd_simple_t, cmd, cmdp->callback, cmdp->callback_aux)
imap_exec( ctx, &cmd->gen, imap_done_simple_box,
"DELETE \"%\\s\"", buf );
free( buf );
static int
imap_finish_delete_box( store_t *gctx ATTR_UNUSED )
return DRV_OK;
/******************* imap_load_box *******************/
static uint
imap_prepare_load_box( store_t *gctx, uint opts )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)gctx;
ctx->opts = opts;
return opts;
enum { WantSize = 1, WantTuids = 2, WantMsgids = 4 };
typedef struct {
uint first, last;
int flags;
} imap_range_t;
#define MAX_RANGES 4
static void
imap_set_range( imap_range_t *ranges, uint *nranges, int low_flags, int high_flags, uint maxlow )
if (low_flags != high_flags) {
for (uint r = 0; r < *nranges; r++) {
if (ranges[r].first > maxlow)
break; /* Range starts above split point; so do all subsequent ranges. */
if (ranges[r].last < maxlow)
continue; /* Range ends below split point; try next one. */
if (ranges[r].last != maxlow) {
/* Range does not end exactly at split point; need to split. */
if (*nranges == MAX_RANGES)
memmove( &ranges[r + 1], &ranges[r], ((*nranges)++ - r) * sizeof(*ranges) );
ranges[r].last = maxlow;
ranges[r + 1].first = maxlow + 1;
for (uint r = 0; r < *nranges; r++)
ranges[r].flags |= (ranges[r].last <= maxlow) ? low_flags : high_flags;
typedef union {
imap_cmd_refcounted_state_t gen;
struct {
void (*callback)( int sts, message_t *msgs, int total_msgs, int recent_msgs, void *aux );
void *callback_aux;
} imap_load_box_state_t;
static void imap_submit_load( imap_store_t *, const char *, int, imap_load_box_state_t * );
static void imap_submit_load_p3( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_load_box_state_t * );
static void
imap_load_box( store_t *gctx, uint minuid, uint maxuid, uint finduid, uint pairuid, uint newuid, uint_array_t excs,
void (*cb)( int sts, message_t *msgs, int total_msgs, int recent_msgs, void *aux ), void *aux )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)gctx;
char buf[1000];
if (!ctx->total_msgs) {
free( );
cb( DRV_OK, NULL, 0, 0, aux );
} else {
assert( ctx->fetch_sts == FetchNone );
ctx->fetch_sts = FetchMsgs;
INIT_REFCOUNTED_STATE(imap_load_box_state_t, sts, cb, aux)
for (uint i = 0; i < excs.size; ) {
for (int bl = 0; i < excs.size && bl < 960; i++) {
if (bl)
buf[bl++] = ',';
bl += sprintf( buf + bl, "%u",[i] );
uint j = i;
for (; i + 1 < excs.size &&[i + 1] ==[i] + 1; i++) {}
if (i != j)
bl += sprintf( buf + bl, ":%u",[i] );
imap_submit_load( ctx, buf, shifted_bit( ctx->opts, OPEN_OLD_IDS, WantMsgids ), sts );
if (maxuid == UINT_MAX)
maxuid = ctx->uidnext - 1;
if (maxuid >= minuid) {
imap_range_t ranges[MAX_RANGES];
ranges[0].first = minuid;
ranges[0].last = maxuid;
ranges[0].flags = 0;
uint nranges = 1;
if (ctx->opts & OPEN_NEW_SIZE)
imap_set_range( ranges, &nranges, 0, WantSize, newuid );
if (ctx->opts & OPEN_FIND)
imap_set_range( ranges, &nranges, 0, WantTuids, finduid - 1 );
if (ctx->opts & OPEN_OLD_IDS)
imap_set_range( ranges, &nranges, WantMsgids, 0, pairuid );
for (uint r = 0; r < nranges; r++) {
sprintf( buf, "%u:%u", ranges[r].first, ranges[r].last );
imap_submit_load( ctx, buf, ranges[r].flags, sts );
free( );
imap_submit_load_p3( ctx, sts );
static int
imap_sort_msgs_comp( const void *a_, const void *b_ )
const message_t *a = *(const message_t * const *)a_;
const message_t *b = *(const message_t * const *)b_;
if (a->uid < b->uid)
return -1;
if (a->uid > b->uid)
return 1;
return 0;
static void
imap_sort_msgs( imap_store_t *ctx )
uint count = count_generic_messages( &ctx->msgs->gen );
if (count <= 1)
imap_message_t **t = nfmalloc( sizeof(*t) * count );
imap_message_t *m = ctx->msgs;
for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) {
t[i] = m;
m = m->next;
qsort( t, count, sizeof(*t), imap_sort_msgs_comp );
ctx->msgs = t[0];
uint j;
for (j = 0; j < count - 1; j++)
t[j]->next = t[j + 1];
ctx->msgapp = &t[j]->next;
*ctx->msgapp = NULL;
free( t );
static void imap_submit_load_p2( imap_store_t *, imap_cmd_t *, int );
static void
imap_submit_load( imap_store_t *ctx, const char *buf, int flags, imap_load_box_state_t *sts )
imap_exec( ctx, imap_refcounted_new_cmd( &sts->gen ), imap_submit_load_p2,
"UID FETCH %s (UID%s%s%s%s%s%s%s)", buf,
(ctx->opts & OPEN_FLAGS) ? " FLAGS" : "",
(flags & WantSize) ? " RFC822.SIZE" : "",
(flags & (WantTuids | WantMsgids)) ? " BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (" : "",
(flags & WantTuids) ? "X-TUID" : "",
!(~flags & (WantTuids | WantMsgids)) ? " " : "",
(flags & WantMsgids) ? "MESSAGE-ID" : "",
(flags & (WantTuids | WantMsgids)) ? ")]" : "");
static void
imap_submit_load_p2( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *cmd, int response )
imap_load_box_state_t *sts = (imap_load_box_state_t *)((imap_cmd_refcounted_t *)cmd)->state;
transform_refcounted_box_response( &sts->gen, response );
imap_submit_load_p3( ctx, sts );
static void
imap_submit_load_p3( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_load_box_state_t *sts )
ctx->fetch_sts = FetchNone;
if (sts->ret_val == DRV_OK)
imap_sort_msgs( ctx );
}, &ctx->msgs->gen, ctx->total_msgs, ctx->recent_msgs)
/******************* imap_fetch_msg *******************/
static void imap_fetch_msg_p2( imap_store_t *, imap_cmd_t *, int );
static void
imap_fetch_msg( store_t *ctx, message_t *msg, msg_data_t *data, int minimal,
void (*cb)( int sts, void *aux ), void *aux )
imap_cmd_fetch_msg_t *cmd;
INIT_IMAP_CMD_X(imap_cmd_fetch_msg_t, cmd, cb, aux)
cmd->param.uid = msg->uid;
cmd->msg_data = data;
data->data = NULL;
imap_exec( (imap_store_t *)ctx, &cmd->gen.gen, imap_fetch_msg_p2,
"UID FETCH %u (%s%sBODY.PEEK[%s])", msg->uid,
!(msg->status & M_FLAGS) ? "FLAGS " : "",
(data->date== -1) ? "INTERNALDATE " : "",
minimal ? "HEADER" : "" );
static void
imap_fetch_msg_p2( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *gcmd, int response )
imap_cmd_fetch_msg_t *cmd = (imap_cmd_fetch_msg_t *)gcmd;
if (response == RESP_OK && !cmd->msg_data->data) {
/* The FETCH succeeded, but there is no message with this UID. */
response = RESP_NO;
imap_done_simple_msg( ctx, gcmd, response );
/******************* imap_set_msg_flags *******************/
static uint
imap_make_flags( int flags, char *buf )
const char *s;
uint i, d;
for (i = d = 0; i < as(Flags); i++)
if (flags & (1 << i)) {
buf[d++] = ' ';
for (s = Flags[i]; *s; s++)
buf[d++] = *s;
buf[0] = '(';
buf[d++] = ')';
return d;
typedef union {
imap_cmd_refcounted_state_t gen;
struct {
void (*callback)( int sts, void *aux );
void *callback_aux;
} imap_set_msg_flags_state_t;
static void imap_set_flags_p2( imap_store_t *, imap_cmd_t *, int );
static void imap_set_flags_p3( imap_set_msg_flags_state_t * );
static void
imap_flags_helper( imap_store_t *ctx, uint uid, char what, int flags,
imap_set_msg_flags_state_t *sts )
char buf[256];
buf[imap_make_flags( flags, buf )] = 0;
imap_cmd_t *cmd = imap_refcounted_new_cmd( &sts->gen );
cmd->param.wait_check = 1;
imap_exec( ctx, cmd, imap_set_flags_p2,
"UID STORE %u %cFLAGS.SILENT %s", uid, what, buf );
static void
imap_set_msg_flags( store_t *gctx, message_t *msg, uint uid, int add, int del,
void (*cb)( int sts, void *aux ), void *aux )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)gctx;
if (msg) {
uid = msg->uid;
add &= ~msg->flags;
del &= msg->flags;
msg->flags |= add;
msg->flags &= ~del;
if (add || del) {
INIT_REFCOUNTED_STATE(imap_set_msg_flags_state_t, sts, cb, aux)
if (add)
imap_flags_helper( ctx, uid, '+', add, sts );
if (del)
imap_flags_helper( ctx, uid, '-', del, sts );
imap_set_flags_p3( sts );
} else {
cb( DRV_OK, aux );
static void
imap_set_flags_p2( imap_store_t *ctx ATTR_UNUSED, imap_cmd_t *cmd, int response )
imap_set_msg_flags_state_t *sts = (imap_set_msg_flags_state_t *)((imap_cmd_refcounted_t *)cmd)->state;
transform_refcounted_msg_response( &sts->gen, response);
imap_set_flags_p3( sts );
static void
imap_set_flags_p3( imap_set_msg_flags_state_t *sts )
/******************* imap_close_box *******************/
typedef union {
imap_cmd_refcounted_state_t gen;
struct {
void (*callback)( int sts, void *aux );
void *callback_aux;
} imap_expunge_state_t;
static void imap_close_box_p2( imap_store_t *, imap_cmd_t *, int );
static void imap_close_box_p3( imap_expunge_state_t * );
static void
imap_close_box( store_t *gctx,
void (*cb)( int sts, void *aux ), void *aux )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)gctx;
assert( !ctx->num_wait_check );
if (ctx->conf->trash && CAP(UIDPLUS)) {
INIT_REFCOUNTED_STATE(imap_expunge_state_t, sts, cb, aux)
imap_message_t *msg, *fmsg, *nmsg;
int bl;
char buf[1000];
for (msg = ctx->msgs; ; ) {
for (bl = 0; msg && bl < 960; msg = msg->next) {
if (!(msg->flags & F_DELETED))
if (bl)
buf[bl++] = ',';
bl += sprintf( buf + bl, "%u", msg->uid );
fmsg = msg;
for (; (nmsg = msg->next) && (nmsg->flags & F_DELETED); msg = nmsg) {}
if (msg != fmsg)
bl += sprintf( buf + bl, ":%u", msg->uid );
if (!bl)
imap_exec( ctx, imap_refcounted_new_cmd( &sts->gen ), imap_close_box_p2,
"UID EXPUNGE %s", buf );
imap_close_box_p3( sts );
} else {
/* This is inherently racy: it may cause messages which other clients
* marked as deleted to be expunged without being trashed. */
imap_cmd_simple_t *cmd;
INIT_IMAP_CMD(imap_cmd_simple_t, cmd, cb, aux)
imap_exec( ctx, &cmd->gen, imap_done_simple_box, "CLOSE" );
static void
imap_close_box_p2( imap_store_t *ctx ATTR_UNUSED, imap_cmd_t *cmd, int response )
imap_expunge_state_t *sts = (imap_expunge_state_t *)((imap_cmd_refcounted_t *)cmd)->state;
transform_refcounted_box_response( &sts->gen, response );
imap_close_box_p3( sts );
static void
imap_close_box_p3( imap_expunge_state_t *sts )
/******************* imap_trash_msg *******************/
static void
imap_trash_msg( store_t *gctx, message_t *msg,
void (*cb)( int sts, void *aux ), void *aux )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)gctx;
imap_cmd_simple_t *cmd;
char *buf;
INIT_IMAP_CMD(imap_cmd_simple_t, cmd, cb, aux)
cmd->param.create = 1;
cmd->param.to_trash = 1;
if (prepare_trash( &buf, ctx ) < 0) {
cb( DRV_BOX_BAD, aux );
free( cmd );
imap_exec( ctx, &cmd->gen, imap_done_simple_msg,
CAP(MOVE) ? "UID MOVE %u \"%\\s\"" : "UID COPY %u \"%\\s\"", msg->uid, buf );
free( buf );
/******************* imap_store_msg *******************/
static void imap_store_msg_p2( imap_store_t *, imap_cmd_t *, int );
static void
imap_store_msg( store_t *gctx, msg_data_t *data, int to_trash,
void (*cb)( int sts, uint uid, void *aux ), void *aux )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)gctx;
imap_cmd_out_uid_t *cmd;
char *buf;
uint d;
char flagstr[128], datestr[64];
d = 0;
if (data->flags) {
d = imap_make_flags( data->flags, flagstr );
flagstr[d++] = ' ';
flagstr[d] = 0;
INIT_IMAP_CMD(imap_cmd_out_uid_t, cmd, cb, aux)
ctx->buffer_mem += data->len;
cmd->param.data_len = data->len;
cmd-> = data->data;
if (to_trash) {
cmd->param.create = 1;
cmd->param.to_trash = 1;
if (prepare_trash( &buf, ctx ) < 0) {
cb( DRV_BOX_BAD, 0, aux );
free( cmd );
} else {
if (prepare_box( &buf, ctx ) < 0) {
cb( DRV_BOX_BAD, 0, aux );
free( cmd );
if (data->date) {
/* configure ensures that %z actually works. */
strftime( datestr, sizeof(datestr), "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S %z", localtime( &data->date ) );
imap_exec( ctx, &cmd->gen, imap_store_msg_p2,
"APPEND \"%\\s\" %s\"%\\s\" ", buf, flagstr, datestr );
} else {
imap_exec( ctx, &cmd->gen, imap_store_msg_p2,
"APPEND \"%\\s\" %s", buf, flagstr );
free( buf );
static void
imap_store_msg_p2( imap_store_t *ctx ATTR_UNUSED, imap_cmd_t *cmd, int response )
imap_cmd_out_uid_t *cmdp = (imap_cmd_out_uid_t *)cmd;
transform_msg_response( &response );
cmdp->callback( response, cmdp->param.uid, cmdp->callback_aux );
/******************* imap_find_new_msgs *******************/
static void imap_find_new_msgs_p2( imap_store_t *, imap_cmd_t *, int );
static void imap_find_new_msgs_p3( imap_store_t *, imap_cmd_t *, int );
static void imap_find_new_msgs_p4( imap_store_t *, imap_cmd_t *, int );
static void
imap_find_new_msgs( store_t *gctx, uint newuid,
void (*cb)( int sts, message_t *msgs, void *aux ), void *aux )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)gctx;
imap_cmd_find_new_t *cmd;
INIT_IMAP_CMD(imap_cmd_find_new_t, cmd, cb, aux)
cmd->out_msgs = ctx->msgapp;
cmd->uid = newuid;
// Some servers fail to enumerate recently STOREd messages without syncing first.
imap_exec( ctx, &cmd->gen, imap_find_new_msgs_p2, "CHECK" );
static void
imap_find_new_msgs_p2( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *gcmd, int response )
imap_cmd_find_new_t *cmdp = (imap_cmd_find_new_t *)gcmd;
imap_cmd_find_new_t *cmd;
if (response != RESP_OK) {
imap_done_simple_box( ctx, gcmd, response );
// We appended messages, so we need to re-query UIDNEXT.
ctx->uidnext = 0;
assert( ctx->fetch_sts == FetchNone );
ctx->fetch_sts = FetchUidNext;
INIT_IMAP_CMD(imap_cmd_find_new_t, cmd, cmdp->callback, cmdp->callback_aux)
cmd->out_msgs = cmdp->out_msgs;
cmd->uid = cmdp->uid;
imap_exec( ctx, &cmd->gen, imap_find_new_msgs_p3,
"UID FETCH * (UID)" );
static void
imap_find_new_msgs_p3( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *gcmd, int response )
imap_cmd_find_new_t *cmdp = (imap_cmd_find_new_t *)gcmd;
imap_cmd_find_new_t *cmd;
if (response != RESP_OK) {
imap_find_new_msgs_p4( ctx, gcmd, response );
if (ctx->uidnext <= cmdp->uid) {
if (!ctx->uidnext && ctx->total_msgs) {
error( "IMAP error: re-querying server for highest UID failed\n" );
imap_find_new_msgs_p4( ctx, gcmd, RESP_NO );
} else {
// The messages evaporated, or the server just didn't register them -
// we'll catch that later (via lost TUIDs).
// This case is why we do the extra roundtrip instead of simply passing
// '*' as the end of the range below - IMAP ranges are unordered, so we
// would potentially re-fetch an already loaded message.
imap_find_new_msgs_p4( ctx, gcmd, RESP_OK );
ctx->fetch_sts = FetchMsgs;
INIT_IMAP_CMD(imap_cmd_find_new_t, cmd, cmdp->callback, cmdp->callback_aux)
cmd->out_msgs = cmdp->out_msgs;
imap_exec( ctx, &cmd->gen, imap_find_new_msgs_p4,
"UID FETCH %u:%u (UID BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (X-TUID)])", cmdp->uid, ctx->uidnext - 1 );
static void
imap_find_new_msgs_p4( imap_store_t *ctx ATTR_UNUSED, imap_cmd_t *gcmd, int response )
imap_cmd_find_new_t *cmdp = (imap_cmd_find_new_t *)gcmd;
ctx->fetch_sts = FetchNone;
transform_box_response( &response );
cmdp->callback( response, &(*cmdp->out_msgs)->gen, cmdp->callback_aux );
/******************* imap_list_store *******************/
typedef union {
imap_cmd_refcounted_state_t gen;
struct {
void (*callback)( int sts, string_list_t *, void *aux );
void *callback_aux;
} imap_list_store_state_t;
static void imap_list_store_p2( imap_store_t *, imap_cmd_t *, int );
static void imap_list_store_p3( imap_store_t *, imap_list_store_state_t * );
static void
imap_list_store( store_t *gctx, int flags,
void (*cb)( int sts, string_list_t *boxes, void *aux ), void *aux )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)gctx;
imap_store_conf_t *cfg = ctx->conf;
INIT_REFCOUNTED_STATE(imap_list_store_state_t, sts, cb, aux)
// ctx->prefix may be empty, "INBOX.", or something else.
// 'flags' may be LIST_INBOX, LIST_PATH (or LIST_PATH_MAYBE), or both. 'listed'
// already containing a particular value effectively removes it from 'flags'.
// This matrix determines what to query, and what comes out as a side effect.
// The lowercase letters indicate unnecessary results; the queries are done
// this way to have non-overlapping result sets, so subsequent calls create
// no duplicates:
// qry \ pfx | empty | inbox | other
// ----------+-------+-------+-------
// inbox | p [I] | I [p] | I
// both | P [I] | I [P] | I + P
// path | P [i] | i [P] | P
int pfx_is_empty = !*ctx->prefix;
int pfx_is_inbox = !pfx_is_empty && is_inbox( ctx, ctx->prefix, -1 );
if (((flags & (LIST_PATH | LIST_PATH_MAYBE)) || pfx_is_empty) && !pfx_is_inbox && !(ctx->listed & LIST_PATH)) {
ctx->listed |= LIST_PATH;
if (pfx_is_empty)
ctx->listed |= LIST_INBOX;
imap_exec( ctx, imap_refcounted_new_cmd( &sts->gen ), imap_list_store_p2,
"%s \"\" \"%\\s*\"", cfg->use_lsub ? "LSUB" : "LIST", ctx->prefix );
if (((flags & LIST_INBOX) || pfx_is_inbox) && !pfx_is_empty && !(ctx->listed & LIST_INBOX)) {
ctx->listed |= LIST_INBOX;
if (pfx_is_inbox)
ctx->listed |= LIST_PATH;
imap_exec( ctx, imap_refcounted_new_cmd( &sts->gen ), imap_list_store_p2,
"%s \"\" INBOX*", cfg->use_lsub ? "LSUB" : "LIST" );
imap_list_store_p3( ctx, sts );
static void
imap_list_store_p2( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *cmd, int response )
imap_list_store_state_t *sts = (imap_list_store_state_t *)((imap_cmd_refcounted_t *)cmd)->state;
transform_refcounted_box_response( &sts->gen, response );
imap_list_store_p3( ctx, sts );
static void
imap_list_store_p3( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_list_store_state_t *sts )
/******************* imap_cancel_cmds *******************/
static void
imap_cancel_cmds( store_t *gctx,
void (*cb)( void *aux ), void *aux )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)gctx;
finalize_checked_imap_cmds( ctx, RESP_CANCEL );
cancel_pending_imap_cmds( ctx );
if (ctx->in_progress) {
ctx->canceling = 1;
ctx->callbacks.imap_cancel = cb;
ctx->callback_aux = aux;
} else {
cb( aux );
/******************* imap_commit_cmds *******************/
static void imap_commit_cmds_p2( imap_store_t *, imap_cmd_t *, int );
static void
imap_commit_cmds( store_t *gctx )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)gctx;
if (ctx->num_wait_check)
imap_exec( ctx, NULL, imap_commit_cmds_p2, "CHECK" );
static void
imap_commit_cmds_p2( imap_store_t *ctx, imap_cmd_t *cmd ATTR_UNUSED, int response )
finalize_checked_imap_cmds( ctx, response );
/******************* imap_get_memory_usage *******************/
static uint
imap_get_memory_usage( store_t *gctx )
imap_store_t *ctx = (imap_store_t *)gctx;
return ctx->buffer_mem + ctx->conn.buffer_mem;
/******************* imap_get_fail_state *******************/
static int
imap_get_fail_state( store_conf_t *gconf )
return ((imap_store_conf_t *)gconf)->server->failed;
/******************* imap_parse_store *******************/
static imap_server_conf_t *servers, **serverapp = &servers;
static int
imap_parse_store( conffile_t *cfg, store_conf_t **storep )
imap_store_conf_t *store;
imap_server_conf_t *server, *srv, sserver;
const char *type, *name, *arg;
unsigned u;
int acc_opt = 0;
/* Legacy SSL options */
int require_ssl = -1, use_imaps = -1;
int use_tlsv1 = -1, use_tlsv11 = -1, use_tlsv12 = -1, use_tlsv13 = -1;
/* Legacy SASL option */
int require_cram = -1;
if (!strcasecmp( "IMAPAccount", cfg->cmd )) {
server = nfcalloc( sizeof(*server) );
name = server->name = nfstrdup( cfg->val );
*serverapp = server;
serverapp = &server->next;
store = NULL;
*storep = NULL;
type = "IMAP account";
} else if (!strcasecmp( "IMAPStore", cfg->cmd )) {
store = nfcalloc( sizeof(*store) );
store->driver = &imap_driver;
name = store->name = nfstrdup( cfg->val );
store->use_namespace = 1;
*storep = &store->gen;
memset( &sserver, 0, sizeof(sserver) );
server = &sserver;
type = "IMAP store";
} else
return 0;
server->sconf.timeout = 20;
server->ssl_type = -1;
server->sconf.ssl_versions = -1;
server->sconf.system_certs = 1;
server->max_in_progress = INT_MAX;
while (getcline( cfg ) && cfg->cmd) {
if (!strcasecmp( "Host", cfg->cmd )) {
/* The imap[s]: syntax is just a backwards compat hack. */
arg = cfg->val;
if (starts_with( arg, -1, "imaps:", 6 )) {
arg += 6;
server->ssl_type = SSL_IMAPS;
if (server->sconf.ssl_versions == -1)
server->sconf.ssl_versions = TLSv1 | TLSv1_1 | TLSv1_2 | TLSv1_3;
} else
if (starts_with( arg, -1, "imap:", 5 ))
arg += 5;
if (starts_with( arg, -1, "//", 2 ))
arg += 2;
if (arg != cfg->val)
warn( "%s:%d: Notice: URL notation is deprecated; use a plain host name and possibly 'SSLType IMAPS' instead\n", cfg->file, cfg->line );
server-> = nfstrdup( arg );
else if (!strcasecmp( "User", cfg->cmd ))
server->user = nfstrdup( cfg->val );
else if (!strcasecmp( "UserCmd", cfg->cmd ))
server->user_cmd = nfstrdup( cfg->val );
else if (!strcasecmp( "Pass", cfg->cmd ))
server->pass = nfstrdup( cfg->val );
else if (!strcasecmp( "PassCmd", cfg->cmd ))
server->pass_cmd = nfstrdup( cfg->val );
else if (!strcasecmp( "UseKeychain", cfg->cmd ))
server->use_keychain = parse_bool( cfg );
else if (!strcasecmp( "Port", cfg->cmd )) {
int port = parse_int( cfg );
if ((unsigned)port > 0xffff) {
error( "%s:%d: Invalid port number\n", cfg->file, cfg->line );
cfg->err = 1;
} else {
server->sconf.port = (ushort)port;
} else if (!strcasecmp( "Timeout", cfg->cmd ))
server->sconf.timeout = parse_int( cfg );
else if (!strcasecmp( "PipelineDepth", cfg->cmd )) {
if ((server->max_in_progress = parse_int( cfg )) < 1) {
error( "%s:%d: PipelineDepth must be at least 1\n", cfg->file, cfg->line );
cfg->err = 1;
} else if (!strcasecmp( "DisableExtension", cfg->cmd ) ||
!strcasecmp( "DisableExtensions", cfg->cmd )) {
arg = cfg->val;
do {
for (u = 0; u < as(cap_list); u++) {
if (!strcasecmp( cap_list[u], arg )) {
server->cap_mask |= 1 << u;
goto gotcap;
error( "%s:%d: Unrecognized IMAP extension '%s'\n", cfg->file, cfg->line, arg );
cfg->err = 1;
gotcap: ;
} while ((arg = get_arg( cfg, ARG_OPTIONAL, NULL )));
else if (!strcasecmp( "CertificateFile", cfg->cmd )) {
server->sconf.cert_file = expand_strdup( cfg->val );
if (access( server->sconf.cert_file, R_OK )) {
sys_error( "%s:%d: CertificateFile '%s'",
cfg->file, cfg->line, server->sconf.cert_file );
cfg->err = 1;
} else if (!strcasecmp( "SystemCertificates", cfg->cmd )) {
server->sconf.system_certs = parse_bool( cfg );
} else if (!strcasecmp( "ClientCertificate", cfg->cmd )) {
server->sconf.client_certfile = expand_strdup( cfg->val );
if (access( server->sconf.client_certfile, R_OK )) {
sys_error( "%s:%d: ClientCertificate '%s'",
cfg->file, cfg->line, server->sconf.client_certfile );
cfg->err = 1;
} else if (!strcasecmp( "ClientKey", cfg->cmd )) {
server->sconf.client_keyfile = expand_strdup( cfg->val );
if (access( server->sconf.client_keyfile, R_OK )) {
sys_error( "%s:%d: ClientKey '%s'",
cfg->file, cfg->line, server->sconf.client_keyfile );
cfg->err = 1;
} else if (!strcasecmp( "CipherString", cfg->cmd )) {
server->sconf.cipher_string = nfstrdup( cfg->val );
} else if (!strcasecmp( "SSLType", cfg->cmd )) {
if (!strcasecmp( "None", cfg->val )) {
server->ssl_type = SSL_None;
} else if (!strcasecmp( "STARTTLS", cfg->val )) {
server->ssl_type = SSL_STARTTLS;
} else if (!strcasecmp( "IMAPS", cfg->val )) {
server->ssl_type = SSL_IMAPS;
} else {
error( "%s:%d: Invalid SSL type\n", cfg->file, cfg->line );
cfg->err = 1;
} else if (!strcasecmp( "SSLVersion", cfg->cmd ) ||
!strcasecmp( "SSLVersions", cfg->cmd )) {
server->sconf.ssl_versions = 0;
arg = cfg->val;
do {
if (!strcasecmp( "SSLv2", arg )) {
warn( "Warning: SSLVersion SSLv2 is no longer supported\n" );
} else if (!strcasecmp( "SSLv3", arg )) {
warn( "Warning: SSLVersion SSLv3 is no longer supported\n" );
} else if (!strcasecmp( "TLSv1", arg )) {
server->sconf.ssl_versions |= TLSv1;
} else if (!strcasecmp( "TLSv1.1", arg )) {
server->sconf.ssl_versions |= TLSv1_1;
} else if (!strcasecmp( "TLSv1.2", arg )) {
server->sconf.ssl_versions |= TLSv1_2;
} else if (!strcasecmp( "TLSv1.3", arg )) {
server->sconf.ssl_versions |= TLSv1_3;
} else {
error( "%s:%d: Unrecognized SSL version\n", cfg->file, cfg->line );
cfg->err = 1;
} while ((arg = get_arg( cfg, ARG_OPTIONAL, NULL )));
} else if (!strcasecmp( "RequireSSL", cfg->cmd ))
require_ssl = parse_bool( cfg );
else if (!strcasecmp( "UseIMAPS", cfg->cmd ))
use_imaps = parse_bool( cfg );
else if (!strcasecmp( "UseSSLv2", cfg->cmd ))
warn( "Warning: UseSSLv2 is no longer supported\n" );
else if (!strcasecmp( "UseSSLv3", cfg->cmd ))
warn( "Warning: UseSSLv3 is no longer supported\n" );
else if (!strcasecmp( "UseTLSv1", cfg->cmd ))
use_tlsv1 = parse_bool( cfg );
else if (!strcasecmp( "UseTLSv1.1", cfg->cmd ))
use_tlsv11 = parse_bool( cfg );
else if (!strcasecmp( "UseTLSv1.2", cfg->cmd ))
use_tlsv12 = parse_bool( cfg );
else if (!strcasecmp( "UseTLSv1.3", cfg->cmd ))
use_tlsv13 = parse_bool( cfg );
else if (!strcasecmp( "AuthMech", cfg->cmd ) ||
!strcasecmp( "AuthMechs", cfg->cmd )) {
arg = cfg->val;
add_string_list( &server->auth_mechs, arg );
while ((arg = get_arg( cfg, ARG_OPTIONAL, NULL )));
} else if (!strcasecmp( "RequireCRAM", cfg->cmd ))
require_cram = parse_bool( cfg );
else if (!strcasecmp( "Tunnel", cfg->cmd ))
server->sconf.tunnel = nfstrdup( cfg->val );
else if (store) {
if (!strcasecmp( "Account", cfg->cmd )) {
for (srv = servers; srv; srv = srv->next)
if (srv->name && !strcmp( srv->name, cfg->val ))
goto gotsrv;
error( "%s:%d: unknown IMAP account '%s'\n", cfg->file, cfg->line, cfg->val );
cfg->err = 1;
store->server = srv;
} else if (!strcasecmp( "UseNamespace", cfg->cmd ))
store->use_namespace = parse_bool( cfg );
else if (!strcasecmp( "SubscribedOnly", cfg->cmd ))
store->use_lsub = parse_bool( cfg );
else if (!strcasecmp( "Path", cfg->cmd ))
store->path = nfstrdup( cfg->val );
else if (!strcasecmp( "PathDelimiter", cfg->cmd )) {
if (strlen( cfg->val ) != 1) {
error( "%s:%d: Path delimiter must be exactly one character long\n", cfg->file, cfg->line );
cfg->err = 1;
store->delimiter = cfg->val[0];
} else
parse_generic_store( &store->gen, cfg, "IMAPStore" );
} else {
error( "%s:%d: keyword '%s' is not recognized in IMAPAccount sections\n",
cfg->file, cfg->line, cfg->cmd );
cfg->err = 1;
acc_opt = 1;
if (!store || !store->server) {
if (!server->sconf.tunnel && !server-> {
error( "%s '%s' has neither Tunnel nor Host\n", type, name );
cfg->err = 1;
return 1;
if (server->user && server->user_cmd) {
error( "%s '%s' has both User and UserCmd\n", type, name );
cfg->err = 1;
return 1;
if (server->pass && server->pass_cmd) {
error( "%s '%s' has both Pass and PassCmd\n", type, name );
cfg->err = 1;
return 1;
if (server->use_keychain && (server->pass || server->pass_cmd)) {
error( "%s '%s' has UseKeychain enabled despite specifying Pass/PassCmd\n", type, name );
cfg->err = 1;
return 1;
if ((use_tlsv1 & use_tlsv11 & use_tlsv12 & use_tlsv13) != -1 || use_imaps >= 0 || require_ssl >= 0) {
if (server->ssl_type >= 0 || server->sconf.ssl_versions >= 0) {
error( "%s '%s': The deprecated UseSSL*, UseTLS*, UseIMAPS, and RequireSSL options are mutually exclusive with SSLType and SSLVersions.\n", type, name );
cfg->err = 1;
return 1;
warn( "Notice: %s '%s': UseSSL*, UseTLS*, UseIMAPS, and RequireSSL are deprecated. Use SSLType and SSLVersions instead.\n", type, name );
server->sconf.ssl_versions =
(use_tlsv1 == 0 ? 0 : TLSv1) |
(use_tlsv11 != 1 ? 0 : TLSv1_1) |
(use_tlsv12 != 1 ? 0 : TLSv1_2) |
(use_tlsv13 != 1 ? 0 : TLSv1_3);
if (use_imaps == 1) {
server->ssl_type = SSL_IMAPS;
} else if (require_ssl) {
server->ssl_type = SSL_STARTTLS;
} else if (!server->sconf.ssl_versions) {
server->ssl_type = SSL_None;
} else {
warn( "Notice: %s '%s': 'RequireSSL no' is being ignored\n", type, name );
server->ssl_type = SSL_STARTTLS;
if (server->ssl_type != SSL_None && !server->sconf.ssl_versions) {
error( "%s '%s' requires SSL but no SSL versions enabled\n", type, name );
cfg->err = 1;
return 1;
} else {
if (server->sconf.ssl_versions < 0)
server->sconf.ssl_versions = TLSv1 | TLSv1_1 | TLSv1_2 | TLSv1_3;
if (server->ssl_type < 0)
server->ssl_type = server->sconf.tunnel ? SSL_None : SSL_STARTTLS;
if (require_cram >= 0) {
if (server->auth_mechs) {
error( "%s '%s': The deprecated RequireCRAM option is mutually exclusive with AuthMech.\n", type, name );
cfg->err = 1;
return 1;
warn( "Notice: %s '%s': RequireCRAM is deprecated. Use AuthMech instead.\n", type, name );
if (require_cram)
add_string_list(&server->auth_mechs, "CRAM-MD5");
if (!server->auth_mechs)
add_string_list( &server->auth_mechs, "*" );
if (!server->sconf.port)
server->sconf.port =
server->ssl_type == SSL_IMAPS ? 993 :
if (store) {
if (!store->server) {
store->server = nfmalloc( sizeof(sserver) );
memcpy( store->server, &sserver, sizeof(sserver) );
store->server->name = store->name;
} else if (acc_opt) {
error( "%s '%s' has both Account and account-specific options\n", type, name );
cfg->err = 1;
return 1;
static uint
imap_get_caps( store_t *gctx ATTR_UNUSED )
struct driver imap_driver = {