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8 years ago
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<title>Traffy STDB Stat</title>
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8 years ago
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8 years ago
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8 years ago
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8 years ago
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8 years ago
.tag-container {
padding: 1rem;
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8 years ago
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8 years ago
<div id="organiz" style="max-width:800px">
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<i class="fa fa-4x fa-spin fa-spinner"></i>
8 years ago
8 years ago
<script type="text/template" class="template" id="each-org">
<div class="cardStyle organization"
id="org-<%- organization.id %>"
data-org="<%- organization.id %>"
<h3 style="font-size:26px;margin-left:20px "><%- organization.name %> (<%- organization.abbv_en %>)</h3>
<div class="flexCenterSpace">
<div class="flex-container column flexCenter">
<i class="medium material-icons " style="">thumb_up</i>
<i class="" style="">อมลครบ</i>
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<i class="medium material-icons " style="">trending_up</i>
<i class="" style="">อมลอพเดท</i>
<i class="" style=""><%- items.recent_update %></i>
<div class="flex-container column flexCenter">
<i class="medium material-icons " style="">featured_play_list</i>
<i class="" style="">งหมด</i>
<i class="" style=""><%- items.all %></i>
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<i class="medium material-icons " style="">photo</i>
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<i class="" style=""><%- items.photos %></i>
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<i class="fa fa-spin fa-spinner"></i>
<script type="text/template" class="template" id="tag-list">
<div class="tags">
<ul class="list-inline"><% for (i in items) {%>
<li><span class="tag"><%- items[i][0] %></span> <%- items[i][1] %></li>
<% } %></ul>
var orgTmpl = _.template($("script#each-org").html());
var tagsTmpl = _.template($("script#tag-list").html());
var getOrgTags = function(orgId) {
var url = `//www.serv.stdb.most.go.th/api/v2/organization/${orgId}/tags/`;
var promise = $.get(url);
var $box = $('#org-' + orgId);
promise.fail(function() {
promise.done(function(resp) {
$box.find('.tag-container').html(tagsTmpl({items: resp}));
8 years ago
8 years ago
var getStatAll = function() {
urlStat = '//www.serv.stdb.most.go.th/api/v2/organization/stats/';
var promise = $.get(urlStat)
promise.fail(function() {
document.getElementById("organiz").innerHTML = 'Try reloading';
promise.done(function(resp) {
var htmlText = ''
for (i=0;i<resp.length;i++ ) {
htmlText += orgTmpl(resp[i]);
document.getElementById("organiz").innerHTML = htmlText;
setTimeout(function() {
for (i=0;i<resp.length;i++ ) {
}, 500);
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8 years ago