It's a barebone setup for Tornado + Flask
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

104 lines
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"""An extended version of the log_settings module from zamboni:
from __future__ import absolute_import
from tornado.log import LogFormatter as TornadoLogFormatter
import logging, logging.handlers
import os.path
import types
from logconfig import dictconfig
# Pulled from commonware.log we don't have to import that, which drags with
# it Django dependencies.
class RemoteAddressFormatter(logging.Formatter):
"""Formatter that makes sure REMOTE_ADDR is available."""
def format(self, record):
if ('%(REMOTE_ADDR)' in self._fmt
and 'REMOTE_ADDR' not in record.__dict__):
record.__dict__['REMOTE_ADDR'] = None
return logging.Formatter.format(self, record)
class UTF8SafeFormatter(RemoteAddressFormatter):
def __init__(self, fmt=None, datefmt=None, encoding='utf-8'):
logging.Formatter.__init__(self, fmt, datefmt)
self.encoding = encoding
def formatException(self, e):
r = logging.Formatter.formatException(self, e)
if type(r) in [types.StringType]:
r = r.decode(self.encoding, 'replace') # Convert to unicode
return r
def format(self, record):
t = RemoteAddressFormatter.format(self, record)
if type(t) in [types.UnicodeType]:
t = t.encode(self.encoding, 'replace')
return t
class NullHandler(logging.Handler):
def emit(self, record):
def initialize_logging(syslog_tag, syslog_facility, loggers,
log_level=logging.INFO, use_syslog=False):
if os.path.exists('/dev/log'):
syslog_device = '/dev/log'
elif os.path.exists('/var/run/syslog'):
syslog_device = '/var/run/syslog'
base_fmt = ('%(name)s:%(levelname)s %(message)s:%(pathname)s:%(lineno)s')
cfg = {
'version': 1,
'filters': {},
'formatters': {
'debug': {
'()': UTF8SafeFormatter,
'datefmt': '%H:%M:%s',
'format': '%(asctime)s ' + base_fmt,
'prod': {
'()': UTF8SafeFormatter,
'datefmt': '%H:%M:%s',
'format': '%s: [%%(REMOTE_ADDR)s] %s' % (syslog_tag, base_fmt),
'tornado': {
'()': TornadoLogFormatter,
'color': True
'handlers': {
'console': {
'()': logging.StreamHandler,
'formatter': 'tornado'
'null': {
'()': NullHandler,
'syslog': {
'()': logging.handlers.SysLogHandler,
'facility': syslog_facility,
'address': syslog_device,
'formatter': 'prod',
'loggers': {
for key, value in loggers.items():
# Set the level and handlers for all loggers.
for logger in cfg['loggers'].values():
if 'handlers' not in logger:
logger['handlers'] = ['syslog' if use_syslog else 'console']
if 'level' not in logger:
logger['level'] = log_level
if 'propagate' not in logger:
logger['propagate'] = False