@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ The API recognizes the following properties under the top-level `api` key in you
|`host`|*yes*||specifies the url under which the http service is to run|
|`host`|*yes*||specifies the url under which the http service is to run|
|`textAnalyzer`|*no*|*addressit*|can be either `libpostal` or `addressit` however will soon be **deprecated** and only `libpostal` will be supported going forward|
|`indexName`|*no*|*pelias*|name of the Elasticsearch index to be used when building queries|
|`indexName`|*no*|*pelias*|name of the Elasticsearch index to be used when building queries|
|`relativeScores`|*no*|true|if set to true, confidence scores will be normalized, realistically at this point setting this to false is not tested or desirable
|`relativeScores`|*no*|true|if set to true, confidence scores will be normalized, realistically at this point setting this to false is not tested or desirable
|`accessLog`|*no*||name of the format to use for access logs; may be any one of the [predefined values](https://github.com/expressjs/morgan#predefined-formats) in the `morgan` package. Defaults to `"common"`; if set to `false`, or an otherwise falsy value, disables access-logging entirely.|
|`accessLog`|*no*||name of the format to use for access logs; may be any one of the [predefined values](https://github.com/expressjs/morgan#predefined-formats) in the `morgan` package. Defaults to `"common"`; if set to `false`, or an otherwise falsy value, disables access-logging entirely.|
@ -66,7 +65,6 @@ Example configuration file would look something like this: