@ -114,12 +114,29 @@ function setup(libpostalService, should_execute) {
return controller; |
} |
const RECAST_LABELS = [{ value: 'zoo', label: { to: 'house' } }]; |
const DIAGONAL_DIRECTIONALS = ['ne','nw','se','sw']; |
// apply fixes for known bugs in libpostal
function patchBuggyResponses(response){ |
if( !Array.isArray(response) || !response.length ){ return response; } |
// recast labels for certain values, currently only applied to parses which return a single label.
// the RECAST_LABELS array contains match/replace conditions which are applied in order.
// the 'value' and 'label.to' properties are mandatory, they define the value to match on and
// the replacement label to assign. you may optionally also provide 'label.from' which will restrict
// replacements to only records with BOTH a matching 'value' and a matching 'label.from'.
if( response.length === 1 ){ |
let first = response[0]; |
for( var ii=0; ii<RECAST_LABELS.length; ii++ ){ |
let recast = RECAST_LABELS[ii]; |
if( !recast.hasOwnProperty('label') || !recast.label.hasOwnProperty('to') ){ continue; } |
if( recast.value !== first.value ){ continue; } |
if( recast.label.hasOwnProperty('from') && recast.label.from !== first.label ){ continue; } |
response[0].label = recast.label.to; |
} |
} |
// known bug where the street name is only a directional, in this case we will merge it
// with the subsequent element.
// note: the bug only affects diagonals, not N,S,E,W
@ -129,7 +146,7 @@ function patchBuggyResponses(response){
if( 'string' !== typeof response[i].value ){ continue; } |
if( 2 !== response[i].value.length ){ continue; } |
if( DIAGONAL_DIRECTIONALS.includes( response[i].value.toLowerCase() ) ){ |
if( 'string' !== typeof response[i+1].value ){ continue; } |
if( 'string' !== typeof response[i+1].value ){ continue; } |
response[i].value += ' ' + response[i+1].value; // merge elements
response.splice(i+1, 1); // remove merged element
break; |