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Use inline code delimiters for parameter names.
	-Since parameter names are code-related, use inline-code
	rather than bold delimiters for them.
	-Use a uniform "default value" syntax.
Severyn Kozak 10 years ago
  1. 49


@ -3,32 +3,31 @@
The full text search endpoint that matches the name of a place to points on the planet.
#### Required Parameters
* **input**: the string to search for (eg `new york city` or `london`)
* `input`: the string to search for (eg `new york city` or `london`)
#### Optional Parameters
* **lat**, **lon**: the latitude/longitude coordinates to bias search results towards (may increase relevancy)
* **zoom**: zoom level from which you wish to view the world
* **size**: number of results requested (defaults to 10)
* **layers**: the datasets you wish to query (defaults to `poi,admin,address`). Valid values are:
* `lat`, `lon`: the latitude/longitude coordinates to bias search results towards (may increase relevancy)
* `zoom`: zoom level from which you wish to view the world
* `size` (default: `10`): the number of results to return
* `layers` (default: `poi,admin,address`): the comma-separated names of datasets you wish to query. Valid values are:
* aliases for multiple datasets like `poi`, `admin` or `address`
* `poi` expands internally to `geoname`, `osmnode`, `osmway`
* `admin` expands to `admin0`, `admin1`, `admin2`, `neighborhood`, `locality`, `local_admin`
* `address` expands to `osmaddress`, `openaddresses`
* the name of one particular dataset, like `geoname` or `osmaddress`
* **bbox**: the bounding box from which you want all your results to come
* `bbox`: the bounding box from which you want all your results to come
* can be one of the following comma separated string values
* "southwest_lng,southwest_lat,northeast_lng,northeast_lat" `L.latLngBounds(southwestLatLng, northeastLatLng).toBBoxString()`
* bottom left lon, bottom left lat, top right lon, top right lat
* left, bottom, right, top
* min longitude, min latitude, max longitude, max latitude
* **details**: indicates if results should contain detailed, should be `true` or `false`
* when false results will only contain `id`, `layer`, and `text` properties
* when true, all available properties will be included in results
* `details` (default: `true`): indicates if results should contain detailed. Valid values:
* `false`: results will only contain `id`, `layer`, and `text` properties
* `true`: all available properties will be included in results
## /search/coarse
This is a coarse forward geocoder endpoint which only searches admin dataset layers.
Like the `/search` endpoint, but performs a "coarse" search, meaning that it only searches administrative regions
(countries, states, counties, neighborhoods, etc.).
@ -44,15 +43,15 @@ The autocompletion endpoint that offers very fast response times; ideal for comp
results from around the provided lat/lon coordinates and also from precision level 1 and 3.
#### Required Parameters
* **input**: query string
* **lat**, **lon**: The latitude/longitude coordinates to bias results towards.
* lat/lon are currently **required** because of this [open issue](
* `input`: query string
* `lat`, `lon`: The latitude/longitude coordinates to bias results towards.
* `lat`/`lon` are currently **required** because of this [open issue](
#### Optional Parameters
* **zoom**: zoom level from which you wish to view the world
* **size**: number of results requested (defaults to 10)
* **layers**: datasets you wish to query (defaults to `poi,admin,address`)
* **details**: (defaults to `true`)
* `zoom`: zoom level from which you wish to view the world
* `size` (default: `10`): number of results requested
* `layers` (default: `poi,admin,address`): datasets you wish to query
* `details` (default: `true`)
## /suggest/coarse
@ -82,13 +81,13 @@ Same as `/suggest`.
The reverse geocoding endpoint; matches a point on the planet to the name of that place.
#### Required Parameters
* **lat**, **lon**: The coordinates of the point.
* `lat`, `lon`: The coordinates of the point.
#### Optional Parameters
* **zoom**: zoom level from which you wish to view the world
* **bbox**: bounding box
* **layers**: (defaults to `poi,admin,address`)
* **details**: (defaults to `true`)
* `zoom`: zoom level from which you wish to view the world
* `bbox`: bounding box
* `layers` (default: `poi,admin,address`)
* `details` (default: `true`)
## /doc
@ -96,9 +95,9 @@ The reverse geocoding endpoint; matches a point on the planet to the name of tha
The endpoint for retrieving one or more elasticsearch documents with specific ids.
#### Required Parameters
* one of **id** or **ids**
* **id**:
* one of `id` or `ids`
* `id`:
* unique id of the document to be retrieved
* should be in the form of type:id, for example: `geoname:4163334`
* **ids**:
* `ids`:
* if multiple docs are to be fetched in bulk, an array of ids
