@ -55,12 +55,13 @@ RequireTransport.prototype.query = function( coord, number, street, cb ){
allows the api to be used via a remote web service |
**/ |
function HttpTransport( host ){ |
function HttpTransport( host, settings ){ |
this.query = function( coord, number, street, cb ){ |
request |
.get( host + '/search/geojson' ) |
.set( 'Accept', 'application/json' ) |
.query({ lat: coord.lat, lon: coord.lon, number: number, street: street }) |
.timeout( settings && settings.timeout || 1000 ) |
.end( function( err, res ){ |
if( err || !res ){ return cb( err ); } |
if( 200 !== res.status ){ return cb( 'non 200 status' ); } |
@ -96,6 +97,9 @@ module.exports.search = function setup(){
// http adapter
if( 'http' === settings.adapter && settings.hasOwnProperty('host') ){ |
logger.info( 'interpolation: using http transport:', settings.host ); |
if( settings.hasOwnProperty('timeout') ){ |
return new HttpTransport( settings.host, { timeout: parseInt( settings.timeout, 10 ) } ); |
} |
return new HttpTransport( settings.host ); |
} |