Geospacial search, frequently reffered to as **geocoding** is the process of matching an address to its corresponding geographic coordinates. There's nothing inherent in the words we use to describe an address that conveys its location at some coordinates on earth, i.e. *[lat,lon]*. Making the leap from text to coordinates is an intricate and challenging process. Lucky for you, we've done all the hard work and made it accessible via a really simple and free web service.
In the simplest search, all you provide is the text you'd like to match in any part of the location details. So to accomplish this, you just set the `text` parameter to whatever you want to find. Let's see a few examples.
As mentioned above, query `text` can be a partial or full name of a place we're looking for. So here's an example of another way of finding that address we just searched for:
You can type **yankee stadium** or **Yankee Stadium** or even **YANKEE STADIUM** if you're really excited about finding it. See for yourself by comparing the results of the previous search to the following:
When requesting search results you will always get back `GeoJSON` results, unless something goes terribly wrong, in which case you'll get a really helpful error.
Each item in this list will contain all the information needed to identify it in human-readable format in the `properties` block, as well as computer friendly coordinates in the `geometry` property. Note the `label` property, which is a human-friendly representation of the place, ready to be displayed to an end-user.
Sometimes it's necessary to limit the search to a portion of the world. This can be useful if you're looking for places in a particular region, or country, or only want to look in the immediate viscinity of a user with a known location. Different usecases call for different specifications of this bounding region. We currently support three types: **rectangle**, **circle**, and **country**.
Below is the region that will be searched. Museums located outside of this highlighted region will **NOT** be included in the results. The museums returned will be sorted based on how well they matched the `text` parameter, in this case **museum**.
> [/v1/search?api_key={YOUR-KEY}&text=28 Main Ave&___boundary.rect.min_lat=51.286839&boundary.rect.min_lon=-74.258904&boundary.rect.max_lat=40.477421&boundary.rect.max_lon=-73.700378___]({YOUR_API_KEY}&text=28 Main Ave&boundary.rect.min_lat=51.286839&boundary.rect.min_lon=-74.258904&boundary.rect.max_lat=40.477421&boundary.rect.max_lon=-73.700378)
Sometimes you don't have a rectangle to work with, but you you've got instead a point on earth, for example your location coordinates, and a maximum distance within which acceptable results can be located.
##### Find all *Starbucks* locations within a *3km* radius of a spot in *Madrid*
This time, we'll use the `*` parameter grouping to get the job done. `` and `` should be set to your location in **Madrid**, while `` should be set to the acceptable distance from that location. Note that the `` parameter is always specified in **kilometers**.
Sometimes your usecase might require that all the search results are from a particular country. Well, we've got that covered! You just need to set the `` parameter value to the **alpha-2** or **alpha-3** [ISO-3166 country code](
##### Try searching for *San Francisco* in *Columbia*
If you're going to attempt using multiple boundary types in a single search request, be aware that the results will come from the **intersection** of all the boundaries! So if you provide regions that don't overlap, you'll be looking at an empty set of results. You've been warned. Here's a visual of how it works:
Many usecases call for the ability to surface nearby results to the front of the list, while still allow important matches from further away to be visible. If that's your conundrum, here's what you've got to do.
Search will focus on a given point anywhere on earth, and results within **~100km** will be prioritized, thereby surfacing highest in the list. Once all the nearby results have been found, additional results will come from the rest of the world, without any further location-based prioritization.
|`venue`|Points of interest, businesses, things with walls|
|`address`|Places with a street address|
|`country`|Places that issue passports, nations, nation-states|
|`region`|States and provinces|
|`county`|Official governmental area; usually bigger than a locality, almost always smaller than a region|
|`locality`|Towns, hamlets, cities, etc.|
|`localadmin`| |
|`coarse`|Alias for simultaneously using `country`, `region`, `county`, `locality`, `localadmin`, and `neighbourhood`||
Our layers are derived from the hierarchy created by the gazetteer [Who's on First]( and can be used to facilitate coarse geocoding.