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figure out merge problems. grrr

rmglennon 9 years ago
  1. 188
  2. 18
  3. 3
  4. 75
  5. 90
  6. 4
  7. 10
  8. 2
  9. 12
  10. 9
  11. 32
  12. 80
  13. 34
  14. 24
  15. 12
  16. 14


@ -1,21 +1,167 @@
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@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
# Add the Mapzen Search geocoder to a map
[Mapzen Search]( is a modern, geographic search service based entirely on open-source tools and open data. Use this functionality to enhance any app that has a geographic context, such as ones that assist in delivering goods, locating hotels or venues, or providing local weather forecasts.
[Mapzen Search]( is a modern, geographic search service based entirely on open-source tools and open data. Use this functionality to enhance any app that has a geographic context, such as ones that help in delivering goods, locating hotels or venues, or providing local weather forecasts.
Through a process known as [geocoding](, Mapzen Search allows you to enter an address or the name of a landmark or business, and the service translates the result into geographic coordinates for mapping. Mapzen Search is built on [Pelias](, an open-source geocoding project.
In this walkthrough, you will learn how to make a map with a search box that allows you to enter addresses and place names and locate them on a map. To complete the tutorial, you should have some familiarity with HTML and JavaScript, although all the source code is provided. You also need a Mapzen Search [API key](, which requires a [GitHub account]( for authorization. You can use any text editor and operating system, but must maintain an Internet connection while you are working.
In this walkthrough, you will learn how to make a map with a search box that allows you to enter addresses and place names and locate them on a map. To complete the tutorial, you should have some familiarity with HTML and JavaScript, although all the source code is provided. You also need a Mapzen Search [API key](, which requires a [GitHub account]( for authorization. You can use any text editor and operating system, but must keep an Internet connection while you are working.
## Sign up for a Mapzen Search API key
To use the geocoding service, you must first obtain a Mapzen Search [API key]( Because the search service is shared among many users, an API key is a way to make sure that the performance is acceptable for everyone. Sign in at to create and manage your API keys.
To use the geocoding service, you must first get a Mapzen Search [API key]( Because the search service is shared among many users, an API key is a way to make sure that the performance is acceptable for everyone. Sign in at to create and manage your API keys.
1. Go to
2. Sign in with your [GitHub account]( If you have not done this before, you need to agree to the terms first.
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ A cascading style sheet (CSS) is used to style a webpage, including layout and f
<script src=""></script>
2. In the `<head>` section, immediately after the lines you added for Leaflet, add references to the geocoder's CSS and JavaScript files. These are also being linked to on a website.
2. In the `<head>` section, directly after the lines you added for Leaflet, add references to the geocoder's CSS and JavaScript files. These are also being linked to on a website.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ Note that you are linking to a website that is serving the geocoder's CSS and Ja
To display a Leaflet map on a page, you need a `<div>` element, which is a container on the page that groups elements, with an ID value. If you want to know more about initializing a Leaflet map, see the [Leaflet getting started documentation](
1. At the bottom of the `<head>` section, after the references you added in the previous steps, add a `<style>` tag and the following attributes to set the size of the map on your webpage.
1. At the bottom of the `<head>` section, after the references you added in the earlier steps, add a `<style>` tag and the following attributes to set the size of the map on your webpage.
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ To display a Leaflet map on a page, you need a `<div>` element, which is a conta
<div id="map"></div>
3. Immediately after the `<div>`, add this JavaScript code within a `<script>` tag to initialize Leaflet.
3. Directly after the `<div>`, add this JavaScript code within a `<script>` tag to initialize Leaflet.
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ To display a Leaflet map on a page, you need a `<div>` element, which is a conta
`L.xxxxx` is a convention used with the Leaflet API. The `setView([37.804146, -122.275045], 16)` part sets the center of the map, in decimal degrees, and the zoom level. The map is centered in Oakland, California, with a zoom level that allows you to see the streets and features of the city. Zoom levels are similar to map scales or resolutions, where a smaller value shows a larger area in less detail, and a larger zoom level value depicts smaller area in great detail.
`L.xxxxx` is a convention used with the Leaflet API. The `setView([37.804146, -122.275045], 16)` part sets the center of the map, in decimal degrees, and the zoom level. The map is centered in Oakland, California, with a zoom level that allows you to see the streets and features of the city. Zoom levels are like map scales or resolutions, where a smaller value shows a larger area in less detail, and a larger zoom level value depicts smaller area in great detail.
4. Within the same `<script>` tag, start a new line and set the data source for the map. This line adds the default OpenStreetMap tiles and an attribution.
@ -231,13 +231,13 @@ Your `<body>` section should look like this:
If you want to [customize the geocoder plug-in behavior]( beyond the defaults in this Walkthrough, you can set additional options in your code. For example, the Search box collapses to an icon by default, but you can specify that the text box be shown at full width. There are also options for customizing the parameters for the Mapzen Search service, such as limiting the search to the map's extent or prioritizing results near the current view. Right now, you may notice that results from around the world appear in the list.
Mapzen Search uses a [variety of open data sources](, including OpenStreetMap. Part of the power of open data is that anyone can modify the source data and improve the quality for everyone. If you are unable to find a location, the place could be missing or incorrect in the source datasets. Mapzen is also building a comprehensive, open database of places known as [Who's on First]( that can be publicly edited, and is working on integrating it into the geocoder.
Mapzen Search uses a [variety of open data sources](, including OpenStreetMap. Part of the power of open data is that anyone can change the source data and improve the quality for everyone. If you are unable to find a location, the place could be missing or incorrect in the source datasets. Mapzen is also building a comprehensive, open database of places known as [Who's on First]( that can be publicly edited, and is working on integrating it into the geocoder.
## Walkthrough summary
In this walkthrough, you learned the basics of adding the Mapzen Search geocoding engine to a Leaflet map. If you want to learn more about Mapzen Search, review the [documentation](
Because the geocoder is still under development and considered experimental, if you are getting unexpected search results, please add an issue to the [Pelias GitHub repository]( The developers can investigate and determine if the problem is caused by software or data, and work to fix it either way.
Because the geocoder is still under development and considered experimental, if you are getting unexpected search results, please add an issue to the [Pelias GitHub repository]( The developers can investigate and decide if the problem is caused by software or data, and work to fix it either way.
To take your map even further, you can follow along with some additional Mapzen tutorials. One exercise you can try is to use [Mapzen's Tangram rendering engine]( and vector tiles to draw the data on the map, instead of the OpenStreetMap raster tile layer you used in this walkthrough. When you get your map the way you want, you might be interested in [putting your map on the web]( so you can share your work with others.


@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ If you exceed your limits, the service will respond with the status code `429 To
## Security
Mapzen Search works over HTTPS and HTTP. You are strongly encouraged to use HTTPS for all requests, especially for queries involving potentially sensitive information, such as a user's location or search query.
<<<<<<< HEAD
## Caching to improve performance
@ -74,3 +75,5 @@ These header entries are most helpful to determine whether caching was used:
- `X-Cache` indicates if your request was served from the Mapzen Search application server (`MISS`) or the cache server (`HIT`). This header should be there for any query you make to the Mapzen Search API. Any query with `X-Cache: MISS` is a query that counts toward your rate limit.
- `X-ApiaxleProxy-Qps-Left` is the number of queries per second remaining on your API key, and `X-ApiaxleProxy-Qpd-Left` is the remaining queries per day. These headers are only present when you see `X-Cache: MISS`.
>>>>>>> master


@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
# Search with autocomplete
If you are building an end-user application, you can use the `/autocomplete` endpoint alongside `/search` to enable real-time feedback. This type-ahead functionality helps users find what they are looking for more easily, without requiring them to fully specify their search term. Typically, the user starts typing and a drop-down list appears where they can choose the term from the list below.
If you are building an end-user application, you can use the `/autocomplete` endpoint alongside `/search` to enable real-time feedback. This type-ahead functionality helps users find what they are looking for, without requiring them to fully specify their search term. Typically, the user starts typing and a drop-down list appears where they can choose the term from the list below.
To build a query with autocomplete, you need [a free, API developer key]( and a `text` parameter, representing what a user has typed into your application so far. Optionally, you can specify a geographic point where the search is focused, this will allow users to see more local places in the results.
To build a query with autocomplete, you need an [API key]( and a `text` parameter, representing what a user has typed into your application so far. Optionally, you can specify a geographic point where the search is focused, this will allow users to see more local places in the results.
## User experience guidelines
There are two user experience pitfalls to watch out for when implementing a client-side typeahead solution:
**Requests must be throttled.** The client must only send a maximum of one or two requests per second. Sending requests more frequently than this will result in a sluggish network and laggy user interface for mobile consumers. A general rule is to account for fast typers by batching their keystrokes and sending the input text no more than twice per second. Mapzen Search limits the amount of requests per second (per api key), so be sure to account for those limits in your throttle code. [Learn more in this interactive demo.](
**Requests must be throttled.** The client must only send a maximum of one or two requests per second. Sending requests more often than this will result in a sluggish network and laggy user interface for mobile consumers. A general rule is to account for fast typers by batching their keystrokes and sending the input text no more than twice per second. Mapzen Search limits the amount of requests per second (per API key), so be sure to account for those limits in your throttle code. [Learn more in this interactive demo.](
**Responses are asynchronous.** There is no guarantee that responses will be returned in the same order they were requested. If you were to send two queries synchronously, first `'Lo'` then `'London'`, you may find the `'London'` response would arrive before the `'Lo'` response. This will result in a quick flash of `'London'` results followed by the results for `'Lo'`, which can confuse the user. You must account for this behavior by storing the `requested_at` timestamps for each request and discarding older responses when they arrive late.
**Responses are asynchronous.** This means you cannot be sure responses will be returned in the same order they were requested. If you were to send two queries synchronously, first `'Lo'` then `'London'`, you may find the `'London'` response would arrive before the `'Lo'` response. This will result in a quick flash of `'London'` results followed by the results for `'Lo'`, which can confuse the user. You must account for this behavior by storing the `requested_at` timestamps for each request and discarding older responses when they arrive late.
## Global scope, local focus
@ -50,6 +50,71 @@ without `focus.point` you will find the most popular restaurants first:
2) Hard Rock Café, San Giljan, Malta
## Filters
You can filter the results in several ways: the original data source and/or the type of record.
### Sources
The `sources` parameter allows you to specify from which data sources you'd like to receive results. The sources are as follows
* `openstreetmap` or `osm`
* `openaddresses` or `oa`
* `geonames` or `gn`
* `whosonfirst` or `wof`
> /v1/autocomplete?api_key=search-XXXXXXX&sources=openaddresses&text=pennsylvania
with `sources=openaddresses` you will only find addresses on Pennsylvania Ave or Street:
1) 8 R Pennsylvania Avenue, Amity, PA, USA
2) 7 Pennsylvania Avenue, Amity, PA, USA
3) 9 Pennsylvania Avenue, Cherry, PA, USA
without `sources=openaddresses` you will find the most popular Pennsylvanias first:
1) Pennsylvania, USA
2) Pennsylvania Avenue Heights, Washington, DC, USA
3) Pennsylvania, Satsuma, AL, USA
### Layers
We refer to the type of record as its `layer`. We index all records into the following layers
* `venue`
* `address`
* `microhood`
* `neighbourhood`
* `macrohood`
* `county`
* `macrocounty`
* `localadmin`
* `locality`
* `borough`
* `region`
* `country`
We also allow users to refer to all the administrative hierarchy layers with a single alias, `coarse`.
> /v1/autocomplete?api_key=search-XXXXXXX&layers=coarse&text=starbuck
with `layers=coarse` you will see only administrative areas with names containing Starbuck
1) Starbuckville, NY, USA
2) Starbuck, MN, USA
3) Starbuck, WA, USA
with `layers=venue` you will see only the venues by that name
1) Starbucks, Braunschweig, Germany
2) Starbucks, Islip, NY, USA
3) Starbucks, Austin, TX, USA
## Available autocomplete parameters
| Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Example |
@ -58,3 +123,5 @@ without `focus.point` you will find the most popular restaurants first:
| `text` | string | yes | none | `Union Square` |
| `` | floating point number | no | none | `48.581755` |
| `focus.point.lon` | floating point number | no | none | `7.745843` |
| `sources` | string | no | all sources: osm,oa,gn,wof | openstreetmap,wof |
| `layers` | string | no | all layers: address,venue,neighbourhood,locality,borough,localadmin,county,macrocounty,region,marcoregion,country,coarse | address,venue |


@ -2,42 +2,92 @@
Mapzen Search is powered by several major open data sets and owes a tremendous debt of gratitude to the individuals and communities which produced them.
## OpenStreetMap
Attribution is required for many of the Mapzen Search data providers. Some license information is listed here, but you are responsible for researching each project to follow their license terms.
[OpenStreetMap]( is a community-driven, editable map of the world. It prioritizes local knowledge and individual contributions over bulk imports, which often means it has excellent coverage even in remote areas where no large-scale mapping efforts have been attempted. OpenStreetMap contains information on landmarks, buildings, roads, and natural features.
## OpenAddresses
With its coverage of roads as well as rich metadata, OpenStreetMap is arguably the most valuable dataset used by Mapzen Search for general usage.
`sources=openaddresses` | `sources=osm`
All OpenStreetMap data is licensed under the [ODbL](, a [share-alike]( license which also requires attribution.
- `address`
## Quattroshapes
[OpenAddresses]( is a collection of over 200 million addresses around the world. Data in OpenAddresses only comes from national, state, and local governments, so this data is highly authoritative. Because it consists of entirely bulk imports, OpenAddresses is a large, global, and rapidly growing dataset. Many countries, particularly in Europe, now have every address represented in OpenAddresses.
[Quattroshapes]( provides global coverage of location data for:
OpenAddresses is by far the largest dataset by number of records used by Mapzen Search. Even though it only contains address data (as in no building names or other metadata), it's a great resource for global geocoding.
- countries
- regions (states/provinces)
- counties
- localities (cities, towns, hamlets, villages)
- neighborhoods (in many places)
Many of the sources used in OpenAddresses require [attribution]( Mapzen Search _does not_ import OpenAddresses sources marked as Share-Alike by the OpenAddresses project.
Originally assembled by Foursquare, Quattroshapes provides not only the organizational hierarchy for nearly any point or address worldwide (town > local government > province > country), but also the borders for each of these places.
## Who's on First
Mapzen Search uses data from Quattroshapes to apply a consistent hierarchy to our data from other sources, so you can be sure that points of interest have consistent data about the cities, regions, and countries in which they are located.
`sources=whosonfirst` | `sources=wof`
Quattroshapes data is licensed [CC BY](, allowing its use for any purpose with proper attribution.
- `country`
- `macroregion`
- `region`
- `macrocounty`
- `county`
- `locality`
- `localadmin`
- `neighbourhood`
- `coarse` (alias for simultaneously using all the above)
## OpenAddresses
[Who's on First]( is an open-data directory of worldwide administrative places. Created by Mapzen, it is the primary provider of:
- Countries
- Macroregions (e.g. England is a Macroregion within the United Kingdom)
- Regions (for example: states, provinces)
- Macro-counties (e.g. [Departments of France](
- Counties
- Localities (cities, towns, hamlets)
- Neighbourhoods
[OpenAddresses]( is a collection of authoritatively sourced data for addresses around the world, with currently over 200 million addresses. OpenAddresses data comes exclusively from regional authorities such as federal, state, or local governments. Because it consists of entirely bulk imports, OpenAddresses is a large, global, and rapidly growing dataset. Many countries, particularly in Europe, now have every address represented in OpenAddresses.
Additionally, for addresses, venues, and points of interest coming from OpenStreetMap, Geonames, and OpenAddresses, Mapzen Search uses Who's on First to provide standardized fields for the country, region, locality, and neighbourhood.
OpenAddresses is by far the largest dataset by number of records used by Mapzen Search, so even though it only contains address data (i.e. no building names or other metadata), it's a great resource for global geocoding.
As OpenAddresses is sourced from regional governments, its data is in the public domain.
## OpenStreetMap
`sources=openstreetmap` | `sources=osm`
- `address`
- `venue`
[OpenStreetMap]( is a community-driven, editable map of the world. It prioritizes local knowledge and individual contributions over bulk imports, which often means it has excellent coverage even in remote areas where no large-scale mapping efforts have been attempted. OpenStreetMap contains information on landmarks, buildings, roads, and natural features.
With its coverage of roads as well as rich metadata, OpenStreetMap is arguably the most valuable dataset used by Mapzen Search for general usage.
All OpenStreetMap data is licensed under the [ODbL](, a [share-alike]( license which also requires attribution.
## Geonames
[Geonames]( is an aggregation of numerous authoritative and non-authoritative datasets. It contains information on everything from country borders to airport names to geographical features. While Geonames does not contain any shape data (such as country borders), it does have a powerful and well defined hierarchy to describe the relationships between different records. Currently, this custom hierarchy makes it harder to use in combination with data from other sources, but the Mapzen [Who's On First]( project will help by providing concordance between Geonames and other datasets.
`sources=geonames` | `sources=gn`
- `venue`
- `country`
- `region`
- `county`
- `locality`
- `localadmin`
- `neighbourhood`
- `coarse` (alias for simultaneously using all the above)
[Geonames]( is an aggregation of many authoritative and non-authoritative datasets. It contains information on everything from country borders to airport names to geographical features. While Geonames does not contain any shape data (such as country borders), it does have a powerful and well defined hierarchy to describe the relationships between different records. This custom hierarchy makes it harder to use in combination with data from other sources, but the Mapzen [Who's On First]( project will help by providing concordance between Geonames and other datasets.
In the meantime, Geonames still provides a wide variety of useful data that helps augment the other datasets used by Mapzen Search.
Geonames data is licensed [CC BY](
Geonames data is licensed [CC-BY-3.0](
# Deprecated sources
Certain data sources used to be supported by Mapzen Search but are no longer offered part of the core service and have been superseded by a new data source.
## Quattroshapes
`sources=quattroshapes` | `sources=qs`
Quattroshapes used to be supported by Mapzen Search and its use was discontinued in April 2016.
It has been replaced by Who's on First, which continues to provide global administrative place data (countries, regions, counties, cities) and administrative lookup (_"what country, region, and city is this address part of?"_).
Quattroshapes data is licensed [CC-BY-2.0](


@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Get started with Mapzen Search
[Mapzen Search]( is a modern, geographic search service based entirely on open-source tools and powered entirely by open data. To start integrating Mapzen Search to your apps, you need a [free, developer API key]( You might use this functionality in any app that has a geographic component, including ones that deliver goods, locate hotels or venues, or even provide local weather forecasts.
[Mapzen Search]( is a modern, geographic search service based entirely on open-source tools and powered entirely by open data. To start integrating Mapzen Search to your apps, you need an [API key]( You might use this functionality in any app that has a geographic part, including ones that deliver goods, locate hotels or venues, or even provide local weather forecasts.
Through a process known as [geocoding](, Mapzen Search allows you to use natural language to find a particular place by entering an address or the name of a landmark or business, and then translates the result in to the geographic coordinates used by computers. Mapzen Search accesses [global databases]( of place names and locations, but you can receive more locally relevant search results by limiting the search to a particular radius around a location (such as a cell phone), region, or country. With text [autocompletion capabilities](, you can search for places and match against Mapzen Search data in real-time.
@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ Mapzen Search also enables the opposite workflow, known as [reverse geocoding](r
Behind the scenes of your app, Mapzen Search can improve the quality of your own data by augmenting it with information where your users are located. You can pass the coordinates returned from Mapzen Search to other services, such as [Mapzen Turn-by-Turn]( that enables navigation and routing directions between points. Mapzen Search can also convert a geographic coordinate pair into the administrative boundary hierarchy containing it, such as a from the neighbourhood to the local administrative area, and on up to the country level. Getting this information can be useful when filtering for places in non-geographic databases.
Mapzen Search is powered by Pelias, an experimental, community-focused geocoder from Mapzen, is available for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. The [source code]( is open to view and modify, and contributions are welcomed.
Mapzen Search is powered by Pelias, an experimental, community-focused geocoder from Mapzen, is available for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. The [source code]( is open to view and change, and contributions are welcomed.


@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
## Common search and geocoding terms
- **geocoding** - the process of converting an address or the name of a landmark or business into a latitude, longitude pair. Sometimes referred to as forward geocoding. Use the `search` endpoint to perform this.
- **reverse geocoding** - the process of converting a latitude, longitude pair into the name and address of the nearest place. Use the `reverse` endpoint to perform this.
- **geocoding** - the process of converting an address or the name of a landmark or business into a latitude, longitude pair. Sometimes referred to as forward geocoding. Use the `search` endpoint to do this.
- **reverse geocoding** - the process of converting a latitude, longitude pair into the name and address of the nearest place. Use the `reverse` endpoint to do this.
- **coarse geocoding** - adds regions and administrative boundaries to the geocoding process. Forward coarse geocoding limits a search to a particular region, while reverse coarse geocoding converts a geographic coordinate pair into the administrative boundary hierarchy containing it, such as a from the neighbourhood to the local administrative area, and on up to the country level.
- **gazetteer** - a directory of geographical places, with a stable identifier and some number of descriptive properties about that location.
## Mapzen Search API and developer terms
- **API endpoint** - an architectural style for accessing web resources through a URL. In Mapzen Search, available endpoints include `search`, `reverse`, and `autocomplete`. You can construct a URL to send queries and receive responses from Mapzen Search.
- **API key** - an code that identifies the developer account without providing a password. Mapzen Search requires the use of a free, API key to interact with the search service.
- **autocomplete** - enables real-time feedback when entering text for a search, typically, where users start typing and a drop-down list appears where they can choose the term from the list below. Use the `autocomplete` endpoint to perform this.
- **API key** - a code that identifies the developer account without providing a password. Mapzen Search requires an API key to interact with the search service.
- **autocomplete** - enables real-time feedback when entering text for a search, typically, where users start typing and a drop-down list appears where they can choose the term from the list below. Use the `autocomplete` endpoint to do this.
- **data source** - the datasets available to Mapzen Search. Only data sources that have open-source licenses are used.
- **focus** - option to make places closer to a particular location be prioritized and appear higher in the search results list. After all nearby results have been found, additional results will come from the rest of the world, without any further location-based prioritization.
- **layer** - types of places available to Mapzen Search and arranged in a hierarchy, such as an address, a venue, a neighbourhood, or a country.
@ -22,4 +22,4 @@
- **bounding box** - a rectangular area defined by two longitudes and two latitudes (the minimum and the maximum latitude, longitude).
- **cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)** - standard allowing a web browser and server to accept requests across domains. Without CORS, browsers may not allow cross-site requests because they could be malicious.
- **latitude** - the distance of a point north or south of the equator. In Mapzen Search, latitudes are expressed in decimal degrees.
- **longitude** - the distance of a point east or west. In Mapzen Search, longitudes are reported in relation to the Prime Meridian and expressed in decimal degrees.
- **longitude** - the distance of a point east or west. In Mapzen Search, longitudes are in relation to the Prime Meridian and expressed in decimal degrees.


@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ The following status codes are returned from the geocoding service:
- `500 Internal Server Error`: Generic fatal error.
- `502 Bad Gateway`: Connection was lost to the Elasticsearch cluster.
In all cases above, the response body will be valid geoJSON.
In all cases above, the response body will be valid GeoJSON.
## Rate limiter
The rate limiter returns the status codes `403 Forbidden` and `429 Too Many Requests`.


@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
[Mapzen Search]( is a modern, geographic search service based entirely on open-source tools and powered entirely by open data. To start integrating Mapzen Search to your apps, you need a [developer API key]( You might use this functionality in any app that has a geographic component, including ones that deliver goods, locate hotels or venues, or even provide local weather forecasts.
[Mapzen Search]( is a modern, geographic search service based entirely on open-source tools and powered entirely by open data. To start integrating Mapzen Search to your apps, you need a [Mapzen developer API key]( You might use this functionality in any app that has a geographic element, including ones that deliver goods, locate hotels or venues, or even provide local weather forecasts.
Through a process known as [geocoding](, Mapzen Search allows you to use natural language to find a particular place by entering an address or the name of a landmark or business, and then translates the result in to the geographic coordinates used by computers. Mapzen Search accesses [global databases]( of place names and locations, but you can receive more locally relevant search results by limiting the search to a particular radius around a location (such as a cell phone), region, or country. With text [autocompletion capabilities](, you can search for places and match against Mapzen Search data in real-time.
Mapzen Search also enables the opposite workflow, known as [reverse geocoding](, to transform latitude and longitude values in to a list of places. This process attempts to find the name and address of the place nearest a longitude and latitude pair. For example, you can click a position on the map to learn which business is located there.
## Features of Mapzen Search
- Forward geocoding to find a place by searching for an address or name
- Reverse geocoding to find what is located at a certain coordinate location
- Autocomplete to give real-time result suggestions without having to type the whole location
- Global coverage with prioritized local results
- Open-source software using open data sources
- Plug-in for embedding search in a Leaflet-based maps
- API with generous rate limits


@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
When you know an identification number and the source it came from, you can use Mapzen Search to get details on the location.
To get started with a `/place` search, you need a [free, developer API key]( and these three pieces of information:
To get started with a `/place` search, you need a [developer API key]( and these three pieces of information:
* source - the data source, such as OpenStreetMap
* layer - the type of place, such as a venue, address, or country.
* id - the identification number of the item
If you have all of those, join them together with semicolons and pass them in with the `ids` parameter.
If you have all those, join them together with semicolons and pass them in with the `ids` parameter.
For example, this `/place` query looks up the Eiffel Tower in OpenStreetMap (OSM):
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
## Search for multiple places in a query
To search for more than one `/place` in a request, join multiple values together and separate them with a comma. For example, this /place query looks up the Eiffel Tower in OSM and `30 West 26th St, New York, NY` in OpenAddresses:
To search for more than one `/place` in a request, join multiple values together and separate them with a comma. For example, this /place query looks up the Eiffel Tower in OpenStreetMap and `30 West 26th St, New York, NY` in OpenAddresses:,oa:address:65cf57e4eb5548eca9bb548fb1461633
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ The results are returned in the order requested.
One reason you'd want to do this is to exclude a particular dataset from being searched; you would include all the other data sources you do want to search.
Keep in mind that if you enter a `source:layer:id` combination that cannot be found, then the `features` array in the response contains a different number of elements than the number of requests. This will be most noticeable in requests with multiple IDs, as your request may have three IDs requested but only two results returned. The reason for this is that the `features` section of the response is GeoJSON-compliant and there is currently no way to convey an exception condition (not even an empty JSON element, `{}`). For this reason, if your application is dependent upon the results mapping directly to the individual input requests in order, then you'll have to do your own bookkeeping to handle exception conditions.
Keep in mind that if you enter a `source:layer:id` combination that cannot be found, then the `features` array in the response contains a different number of elements than the number of requests. This will be most noticeable in requests with multiple IDs, as your request may have three IDs requested but only two results returned. The reason for this is that the `features` section of the response is GeoJSON-compliant, and JSON does not allow a way to convey an exception condition (not even an empty JSON element, `{}`). For this reason, if your application is dependent upon the results mapping directly to the individual input requests in order, then you'll have to do your own bookkeeping to handle exception conditions.
## Valid combinations of place searches
@ -35,4 +35,3 @@ source | layers
`osm` or `openstreetmap` | `venue`, `address`
`oa` or `openaddresses` | `address`
`gn` or `geonames` | `venue`, `address`, `neighbourhood`, `locality`, `county`, `region`, `country`, `coarse`
`qs` or `quattroshapes` | `neighbourhood`, `locality`, `county`, `region`, `country`, `coarse`


@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
## 29 April 2016
* A big improvements to autocomplete results coming from numerous bug fixes and improvements! More details can be found in the pull requests: [pelias/schema#127]( and [pelias/api#526]( Some highlights include:
- Single digit housenumbers like `8 Main St` can be found more easily
- Support for searching for the street name before the house number, as is common in many European countries, is improved.
- Searches that end in common words no longer return no results. These were being treated as stopwords internally in Elasticsearch. Now queries such as `Moscone West` will work better
* [Remove OpenAddresses records with 0 housenumbers in US/CA](
## 18 April 2016
* Address parsing now works without spaces after commas. This was our bad. Feel free to leave those spaces out as long as you provide commas to delimit admin parts.
* Further streamlining of labels. You can expect the labels to a have more consistent and minimal feel. If the results are coming from New York, expect boroughs such as Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, etc. to be part of the label. You're welcome New Yorkers! :heart:
* Fixed a bug where specifying `layers=macrocounty` would fail due to a typo in the API code. You can see how easy it is to mistype `macrocounty` and not notice that `macrocountry` is incorrect. #onlyhuman
## 08 April 2016
This release marks the official integration of the Mapzen `Who's on First` data set into Mapzen Search. This data is replacing `Quattroshapes` across the entire service. Any forward usage or references to `Quattroshapes` will be replaced with `WhosOnFirst`. This substitution allows us to fix long-standing encoding issues in administrative hierarchy place-names. We've also added a bounding box for individual features in the results, not only the all-encompassing bounding box at the top level of the geojson results. Also, the all-encompassing bounding box will extend to include the bounding boxes of all the features in the results, not only their centroids.
Another major improvement that many have been waiting for is the addition of more filters for the `/autocomplete` endpoint. Users can now ask `/autocomplete` to filter by `layers` and `sources`, as documented [here](
See the detailed list of changes below for more specifics.
* Switched from `Quattroshapes` to `WhosOnFirst` as the canonical source for administrative hierarchies and corresponding geometries.
* No longer importing `Quattroshapes` data since `WhosOnFirst` contains all those records and more. Going forward, any use of `quattroshapes` or `qs` in queries will resolve to `whosonfirst` or `wof` automatically.
* New `bbox` property has been added to individual results, for which geometry was available in the original source. This does not affect POI and address data.
* Drastic improvements have been made to the label generation logic.
* `id` and `gid` format has changed to make the ids more unique.
* New id format resolves previously outstanding bugs related to `geonames` ids being invalid for lookup via the `/place` endpoint.
* Additional place-types have been introduced, such as `macroregion`, `macrocounty`, and `borough`.
* `gid` values have been added for each parent in the admin hierarchies of results.
* `/autocomplete` now allows filtering by `sources` and `layers`.
* Fixed a bug that allowed `/autocomplete` to accept the `size` parameter. The default and only size of `/autocomplete` results is now `10`, as originally intended.


@ -19,56 +19,68 @@ The top-level structure to every response looks like this:
The `features` property of the result is where you will find the list of results that best matched your input parameters.
Each item in this list will contain all the information needed to identify it in human-readable format in the `properties` block, as well as computer friendly coordinates in the `geometry` property.
Each item in this list will contain all the information needed to find it in human-readable format in the `properties` block, as well as computer friendly coordinates in the `geometry` property.
``` json
"name":"30 West 26th Street",
"street":"West 26th Street",
"country":"United States",
"region":"New York",
"county":"New York County",
"locality":"New York",
"neighbourhood":"Flatiron District",
"label":"30 West 26th Street, Manhattan, NY"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"id": "101750367",
"gid": "whosonfirst:locality:101750367",
"layer": "locality",
"source": "whosonfirst",
"name": "London",
"confidence": 0.949,
"country": "United Kingdom",
"country_gid": "whosonfirst:country:85633159",
"country_a": "GBR",
"macroregion": "England",
"macroregion_gid": "whosonfirst:macroregion:404227469",
"region": "City of Westminster",
"region_gid": "whosonfirst:region:85684061",
"locality": "London",
"locality_gid": "whosonfirst:locality:101750367",
"label": "London, England, United Kingdom"
"bbox": [
Additionally, `/reverse` queries will have a `distance` parameter, which is the distance, in meters, from the query point.
## Notable features
### GID
This is a "global id" that can be used to reference a result with the [/place]( endpoint. It consists of an identifier for the dataset, a layer, and finally an `id` for the individual record. This `id` corresponds to stable ids from datasets wherever possible (such as the ID of an OpenStreetMap Node or Way), but not all datasets have them.
### `gid`
This is a "global id" that can be used to reference a result with the [/place]( endpoint. It consists of an identifier for the dataset, a layer, and finally an `id` for the individual record. This `id` corresponds to stable ids from datasets wherever possible (such as the ID of an OpenStreetMap Node or Way). Not all datasets have stable ID's (in particular OpenAddresses records), so for OpenAddresses, Mapzen Search includes the name of the source dataset in OpenAddresses as a part of the ID scheme.
### Label
The `label` is a human-friendly representation of the place, ready to be displayed to an end user. The label field attempts to use a format that is appropriate for the region the result is in, although Mapzen Search only supports a few countries at the moment.
The `gid` is also used to retrieve full details on a particular result from the `place` endpoint. [Full details]( on ID schemes are part of the `/place` endpoint.
### Confidence
### `label`
The `label` is a human-friendly representation of the place, ready to be displayed to an end user. The label field attempts to use a format that is right for the region the result is in, although Mapzen Search only supports a few countries at the moment.
### `confidence`
The confidence score is an estimation of how accurately this result matches the query.
For the `/reverse` endpoint, the confidence score is determined solely by its distance from the coordinate specified. Closer results get a higher score.
For the `/search` endpoint, it primarily takes into account how well properties in the result match what was expected from parsing the input text. For example, if the input text looks like an address, but the house number of the result doesn't match the house number that was parsed from the input text, the confidence score will be lower.
Additionally, the confidence score can optionally be biased relative to other results, just like test scores in a classroom might be graded on a curve. This takes into account both the property matches described above and the distance between results. This relative scoring is enabled on Mapzen Search, but can be disabled when hosting your own Pelias instance.
Additionally, the confidence score can optionally be biased along with other results, like test scores in a classroom might be graded on a curve. This takes into account both the property matches described above and the distance between results. This relative scoring is enabled on Mapzen Search, but can be turned off when hosting your own Pelias instance.
### `bbox`
`Feature`s coming from _Who's on First_ and OpenStreetMap ways will often have their own `"bbox"` elements. This `"bbox"` is at the same level as `"properties"`. If present, it describes the geographic extent of the feature (e.g. the screen size necessary to show all of California without needing to send the precise polygon geometry). This should be treated as separate from the `bbox` that describes the entire `FeatureCollection`.
## Result count


@ -12,15 +12,15 @@ With reverse geocoding with Mapzen Search, you can look up all sorts of informat
* postal areas
* countries
To get started with reverse geocoding, you need a [free, developer API key]( and a latitude, longitude pair in decimal degrees specified with the parameters `` and `point.lon`, respectively. For example, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, is located at `48.858268,2.294471`. The reverse geocode query for this would be:
To get started with reverse geocoding, you need a [developer API key]( and a latitude, longitude pair in decimal degrees specified with the parameters `` and `point.lon`, respectively. For example, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, is located at `48.858268,2.294471`. The reverse geocode query for this would be:
Notice that the first result is the Eiffel Tower (well, Tour Eiffel). The output is the standard GeoJSON format.
Notice that the first result is the Eiffel Tower (well, _Tour Eiffel_). The output is the standard GeoJSON format.
## Reverse geocoding parameters
Similar to other queries with Mapzen Search, reverse geocoding has optional, additional parameters you can use to refine results.
Like other queries with Mapzen Search, reverse geocoding has optional, additional parameters you can use to refine results.
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Example
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Example
### Size
A basic parameter for filtering is `size`, which is used to limit the number of results returned. In the previous request that returned the Eiffel Tower (or 'Tour Eiffel', to be exact), notice that other results were returned including "Bureau de Gustave Eiffel" (a museum) and "Le Jules Verne" (a restaurant). To limit a reverse geocode to only the first result, pass the `size` parameter:
A basic parameter for filtering is `size`, which is used to limit the number of results returned. In the earlier request that returned the Eiffel Tower (or 'Tour Eiffel', to be exact), notice that other results were returned including "Bureau de Gustave Eiffel" (a museum) and "Le Jules Verne" (a restaurant). To limit a reverse geocode to only the first result, pass the `size` parameter:
@ -44,12 +44,32 @@ The default value for `size` is `10` and the maximum value is `40`. Specifying a
By default, reverse geocoding returns results from any [data source]( available to Mapzen Search. To filter results by source, specify one or more valid source names in a comma-delimited list using the `sources` parameter. For example, the following request returns only results from OpenStreetMap:
| source | name | short name |
| [OpenStreetMap]( | `openstreetmap` | `osm` |
| [OpenAddresses]( | `openaddresses` | `oa` |
| [Who's on First]( | `whosonfirst` | `wof` |
| [GeoNames]( | `geonames` | `gn` |
### Filter by layers
### Filter by layers (data type)
Without specifying further, reverse geocoding doesn't restrict results to a particular type (street, venue, neighbourhood, and so on). If your application is only concerned with, say, which city a latitude, longitude is closest to, then use the `layers` parameter. For example, the following request returns only results that are localities (cities and towns):
|`venue`|points of interest, businesses, things with walls|
|`address`|places with a street address|
|`country`|places that issue passports, nations, nation-states|
|`region`|states and provinces|
|`county`|official governmental area; usually bigger than a locality, almost always smaller than a region|
|`locality`|towns, hamlets, cities|
|`localadmin`|local administrative boundaries|
|`neighbourhood`|social communities, neighbourhoods|
|`coarse`|alias for simultaneously using `country`, `region`, `county`, `locality`, `localadmin`, and `neighbourhood`|
### Filter by country
@ -60,9 +80,9 @@ If you are performing a reverse geocode near a country boundary, and are only in
Note that `UK` is not a valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
## Confidence scores for the results
## Distance Confidence scores for the results
Each result returned has an associated confidence score. Currently confidence scores are calculated based on the distance from the result to the supplied `` and `point.lon`. Confidence scoring for reverse geocode results is likely to change with different data sources and layers.
Each result returned has a distance from the query point (in meters) and an associated confidence score. Confidence scores are calculated based on the distance from the result to the supplied `` and `point.lon`. Confidence scoring for reverse geocode results is likely to change with different data sources and layers.
Distance from ``/`point.lon` | Confidence score
--- | ---


@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Geospatial search, commonly referred to as geocoding, is the process of matching
There's nothing inherent in the language we use to describe a physical address that allows us to convert that human readable sentence in to a format that a computer can understand, such as latitude & longitude.
Making the leap from text to coordinates is an intricate and challenging process. Lucky for you, Mapzen has done all the hard work and made it accessible though a free web service.
Making the leap from text to coordinates is an intricate and challenging process. Lucky for you, Mapzen has done all the hard work and made it accessible though a web service.
All Mapzen Search requests share the same format:
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ All Mapzen Search requests share the same format:
![Searching globally](/images/world_all.png)
In the simplest search, you can provide only one parameter, the text you want to match in any part of the location details. To accomplish this, build a query where the `text` parameter is set to the item you want to find.
In the simplest search, you can provide only one parameter, the text you want to match in any part of the location details. To do this, build a query where the `text` parameter is set to the item you want to find.
For example, if you want to find a [YMCA]( facility, here's what you'd need to append to the base URL of the service, ``.
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ In the example above, you will find the name of each matched locations in a prop
* YMCA, Jefferson, OH
* YMCA, Belleville, IL
Spelling matters, but not capitalization when performing a query with Mapzen Search. You can type `ymca`, `YMCA`, or even `yMcA`. See for yourself by comparing the results of the previous search to the following:
Spelling matters, but not capitalization when performing a query with Mapzen Search. You can type `ymca`, `YMCA`, or even `yMcA`. See for yourself by comparing the results of the earlier search to the following:
> [/v1/search?api_key=search-XXXXXXX&___text=yMcA___](
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ If you want 25 results, you can build the query where `size` is 25.
## Narrow your search
If you are looking for places in a particular region, or country, or only want to look in the immediate vicinity of a user with a known location, you can narrow your search to an area. There are different ways of including a region in your query. Mapzen Search currently supports three types: country, rectangle, and circle.
If you are looking for places in a particular region, or country, or only want to look in the immediate vicinity of a user with a known location, you can narrow your search to an area. There are different ways of including a region in your query. Mapzen Search supports three types: country, rectangle, and circle.
### Search within a particular country
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Now, you want to search for YMCA again, but this time only in Great Britain. To
| `text` | YMCA |
| `` | GBR |
Note that all the results reside within Great Britain:
Note that all the results are within Great Britain:
> * YMCA, Bargoed Community, United Kingdom
* YMCA, Orpington, Greater London
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ Note that all the results reside within Great Britain:
* YMCA, Lenton Abbey, Nottinghamshire
* YMCA, Old Clee, Lincolnshire
If you attempt the same search request with different country codes, the results change to reflect YMCA locations within this region.
If you try the same search request with different country codes, the results change to show YMCA locations within this region.
> [/v1/search?api_key=search-XXXXXXX&text=YMCA&](
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ For example, to find a YMCA within the state of Texas, you can set the `boundary
Sometimes you don't have a rectangle to work with, but rather you have a point on earth&mdash;for example, your location coordinates&mdash;and a maximum distance within which acceptable results can be located.
In this example, you want to find all YMCA locations within a 35-kilometer radius of a location in Ontario, Canada. This time, you can use the `*` parameter group, where `` and `` represents your location in Ontario and `` is the acceptable distance from that location. Note that the `` parameter is always specified in kilometers.
In this example, you want to find all YMCA locations within a 35-kilometer radius of a location in Ontario, Canada. This time, you can use the `*` parameter group, where `` and `` is your location in Ontario and `` is the acceptable distance from that location. Note that the `` parameter is always specified in kilometers.
> [/v1/search?api_key=search-XXXXXXX&text=YMCA&](
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ You can see the results have fewer than the standard 10 items because there are
![Searching within multiple regions](/images/overlapping_boundaries.gif)
If you're going to attempt using multiple boundary types in a single search request, be aware that the results will come from the intersection of all the boundaries. So, if you provide regions that don't overlap, you'll be looking at an empty set of results.
If you're going to try using multiple boundary types in a single search request, be aware that the results will come from the intersection of all the boundaries. So, if you provide regions that don't overlap, you'll be looking at an empty set of results.
## Prioritize results by proximity
Many use cases call for the ability to promote nearby results to the top of the list, while still allowing important matches from farther away to be visible. Mapzen Search allows you to prioritize results within geographic boundaries, including around a point, within a country, or within a region.
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ Going back to the YMCA search you conducted with a focus around a point in Sydne
| `focus.point.lon` | 151.215281 |
| `` | AUS |
The results below look very different from the ones you saw previously with only a focus point specified. These results are all from within Australia. You'll note the closest results show up at the top of the list, which is facilitated by the focus parameter.
The results below look different from the ones you saw before with only a focus point specified. These results are all from within Australia. You'll note the closest results show up at the top of the list, which is helped by the focus parameter.
> * YMCA, Redfern, New South Wales [distance: 3.836]
* YMCA, St Ives (NSW), New South Wales [distance: 14.844]
@ -285,13 +285,13 @@ With Mapzen Search, you can filter by:
* `layers`: the kind of place you want to find
### Filter by data source
The search examples so far have returned a mix of results from all the data sources available to Mapzen Search. Here are the sources currently being searched:
The search examples so far have returned a mix of results from all the data sources available to Mapzen Search. Here are the sources being searched:
| source | name | short name |
| [OpenStreetMap]( | `openstreetmap` | `osm` |
| [OpenAddresses]( | `openaddresses` | `oa` |
| [Quattroshapes]( | `quattroshapes` | `qs` |
| [Who's on First]( | 'whosonfirst' | 'wof' |
| [GeoNames]( | `geonames` | `gn` |
If you use the `sources` parameter, you can choose which of these data sources to include in your search. So if you're only interested in finding a YMCA in data from OpenAddresses, for example, you can build a query specifying that data source.
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ If you wanted to combine several data sources together, set `sources` to a comma
Each of these data sources has properties, licenses, and strengths. You can learn more about the [data sources for Mapzen Search](
### Filter by data type
In Mapzen Search, place types are referred to as `layers`, ranging from fine to coarse. The Mapzen Search layers are derived from the hierarchy created by the gazetteer [Who's on First]( and can be used to facilitate coarse geocoding. Here's a list of the types of places you could find in the results, sorted by granularity:
In Mapzen Search, place types are referred to as `layers`, ranging from fine to coarse. The Mapzen Search layers are derived from the hierarchy created by the gazetteer [Who's on First]( and can be used to help coarse geocoding. Here's a list of the types of places you could find in the results, sorted by granularity:


@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ The changes aren't too drastic and should be implementable in an afternoon or a
These changes also affect self-hosted users of Pelias upgrading from the beta to 1.0 (leaving aside API key restrictions), but these users can make the upgrade on their own time.
## API keys
The first big change is the introduction of API keys. Like all other Mapzen APIs, Search now requires a free API key. You can register at the [Mapzen Developer Portal]( and generate one (or more) for all your search needs.
The first big change is the introduction of API keys. Like all other Mapzen APIs, Search now requires an API key. You can register at the [Mapzen Developer Portal]( and generate one (or more) for all your search needs.
Mapzen Search API keys allow you:
@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ Most parameters (and options) for search have been renamed:
| `size` | `count` | Number of responses. Minimum: 1, maximum: 50 |
| `layers` | `layers` (SEE BELOW) | While the parameter remains the same, the options have changed. See the table below for a description.|
| `bbox` | `boundary.rect.min_lon`, `boundary.rect.min_lat`, `boundary.rect.max_lon`, `boundary.rect.max_lat`| Bounding box parameters are now individually specified to prevent error.|
| `details` | Deprecated (for the moment) | `details=false` used to respond with a minimized set of elements. We are reevaluating which elements of the response document make most sense for minimization. If you've got opinions, let us know at [](|
| `details` | Deprecated (for the moment) | `details=false` used to respond with a minimized set of elements. Mapzen is reevaluating which elements of the response document make most sense for minimization. If you've got opinions, let us know at [](|
`layers` were previously opaque about many of the kinds of places they represented (particularly the administrative layers). `layers` were also used to retrieve places from a particular source. `sources` is now a separate parameter from `layers` to facilitate clarity.
`layers` used to be opaque about many of the kinds of places they represented (particularly the administrative layers). `layers` were also used to retrieve places from a particular source. `sources` is now a separate parameter from `layers` to help improve clarity.
| Beta | V1 | Represents |
| -------------- | ------------ | ---------------- |
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ And the `sources` values are:
| `` | Search only within a particular country. Takes Alpha-2 or Alpha-3 country code abbreviations.|
## Coarse search
Coarse search (looking for countries, regions, counties, localities, neighbourhoods), was previously available on `/search/coarse`. This is now handled as a layer on search.
Coarse search (looking for countries, regions, counties, localities, neighbourhoods), were available on `/search/coarse`. This is now handled as a layer on search.
A former query for a coarse geocode may have been:
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ You can also call the coarse layers directly, namely, `country`, `region`, `coun
Feel free to mix and match these layers with `boundary` parameters, particularly `` if you want to restrict your results to a particular country.
## `/autocomplete` (formerly `/suggest`)
The `/autocomplete` endpoint serves as a renamed `/suggest` to indicate that these are not recommendations. It is subject to many of the same changes as `/search`:
The `/autocomplete` endpoint serves as a renamed `/suggest` to show that these are not recommendations. It is subject to many of the same changes as `/search`:
| Used to be (Beta) | New parameter (V1) | New behavior (if any) |
| ---------- | ------------- | --------------------- |
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ Instead, Mapzen Search supports [Cross-Origin Resource Sharing](https://develope
Mapzen Search is set to allow CORS requests from all domains.
Mapzen Search continues to support HTTPS and traditional HTTP. We encourage you to use HTTPS in lieu of HTTP, especially when handling sensitive personal information (such as users' searches or users' location data).
Mapzen Search continues to support HTTPS and traditional HTTP. You are encouraged to use HTTPS instead of HTTP, especially when handling sensitive personal information (such as users' searches or users' location data).
## What's happening to
The beta API available at will be available through the end of November, 2015. Starting December 1, 2015, you will only be able to use or your own hosted version of Pelias.


@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
# Load data from the browser
For security reasons, web browsers prevent what are called cross-origin or cross-site requests from one domain to another. JavaScript `XMLHTTPRequests` (commonly called “AJAX” requests) inherit all of the authentication context of the currently logged in user, so a malicious web page could attempt to make malicious requests that cross domain contexts and cause trouble. Historically, that has made it difficult for web developers to build web applications making use of third-party APIs.
For security reasons, web browsers prevent what are called cross-origin or cross-site requests from one domain to another. JavaScript `XMLHTTPRequests` (commonly called “AJAX” requests) inherit all the authentication context of the logged in user, so a malicious web page could try to make malicious requests that cross domain contexts and cause trouble. Historically, that has made it difficult for web developers to build web applications making use of third-party APIs.
Fortunately, techniques have since been developed that allow developers to securely access APIs cross-domain.
## Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
`CORS` is the recommended standard for allowing your web browser and a web server to negotiate and allow requests to be made across domain contexts. `CORS` is currently supported in modern Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer (10+) web browsers. It became an official W3C Recommendation on the 16th January 2014.
`CORS` is the recommended standard for allowing your web browser and a web server to negotiate and allow requests to be made across domain contexts. `CORS` is supported in modern Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer (10+) web browsers. It became a [W3C Recommendation]( in 2014.
You don’t need to do anything special to use `CORS` with JavaScript in a modern browser. Your web browser and our servers will automatically negotiate the cross-origin request. For example, to make a `CORS` request with `jQuery`, you’d make your request just like you were performing it within the context of your own domain.
You don’t need to do anything special to use `CORS` with JavaScript in a modern browser. Your web browser and the Mapzen Search servers will automatically negotiate the cross-origin request. For example, to make a `CORS` request with `jQuery`, you’d make your request like you were performing it within the context of your own domain.
For a full list of supported browsers see:
### Add a Pelias search box to a Leaflet map
### Add a search box to a Leaflet map
Mapzen provides a plug-in that adds a Pelias search box to any [Leaflet]( map.
Mapzen provides a plug-in that adds a search box to any [Leaflet]( map.
See for installation instructions and a live demo.
See for installation instructions and a live demo. There is also a [tutorial]( available.
### Loading data with jQuery
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ interactive demo:
Also called “JSON with Padding”, `JSONP` is a technique for fooling a web browser into performing cross-origin requests using a special `<script>` tag that uses the `src` attribute that to make a special API request.
Instead of responding with just a `JSON` object, the server responds with JavaScript code that calls a client-declared callback function, passing the data as that function’s first parameter.
Instead of responding with a `JSON` object, the server responds with JavaScript code that calls a client-declared callback function, passing the data as that function’s first parameter.
`JSONP` **is disabled** by default for Mapzen Search, as `CORS` is offered as a more modern alternative.
