| `layers=osmway` | `layers=venue,address&sources=openstreetmap` | Streets and highways with addresses |
| `layers=admin0` | `layers=country` | Countries|
| `layers=admin0` | `layers=country` | Countries|
| `layers=admin1` | `layers=region` | Provinces & States (for the most part) |
| `layers=admin1` | `layers=region` | Provinces and states (for the most part) |
| `layers=admin2` | `layers=county` | Things within states that often aren't cities, but sometimes are.|
| `layers=admin2` | `layers=county` | Things within states that often aren't cities, but sometimes are.|
| `layers=neighborhood` | `layers=neighbourhood` | Neighbourhoods (within localities, may be [macrohoods](http://whosonfirst.mapzen.com/spelunker/placetypes/macrohood/), neighbourhoods, or [microhoods](http://whosonfirst.mapzen.com/spelunker/placetypes/microhood/)) |
| `layers=neighborhood` | `layers=neighbourhood` | Neighbourhoods (within localities, may be [macrohoods](http://whosonfirst.mapzen.com/spelunker/placetypes/macrohood/), neighbourhoods, or [microhoods](http://whosonfirst.mapzen.com/spelunker/placetypes/microhood/)) |