This release marks the official integration of the Mapzen `Who's on First` data set into Mapzen Search. This data is replacing `Quattroshapes` across the entire service. Any forward usage or references to `Quattroshapes` will be replaced with `WhosOnFirst`. This substitution allows us to fix long-standing encoding issues in administrative hierarchy place-names. We've also added a bounding box for individual features in the results, not only the all-encompassing bounding box at the top level of the geojson results. Also, the all-encompassing bounding box will extend to include the bounding boxes of all the features in the results, not only their centroids. See the detailed list of changes below for more specifics.
* Switched from `Quattroshapes` to `WhosOnFirst` as the canonical source for administrative hierarchies and corresponding geometries.
* Switched from `Quattroshapes` to `WhosOnFirst` as the canonical source for administrative hierarchies and corresponding geometries.
* No longer importing `Quattroshapes` data since `WhosOnFirst` contains all those records and more. Going forward, any use of `quattroshapes` or `qs` in queries will resolve to `whosonfirst` or `wof` automatically.
* No longer importing `Quattroshapes` data since `WhosOnFirst` contains all those records and more. Going forward, any use of `quattroshapes` or `qs` in queries will resolve to `whosonfirst` or `wof` automatically.