@ -354,3 +354,23 @@ In Mapzen Search, place types are referred to as `layers`, ranging from fine to |
| `api_key` | [get yours here](https://mapzen.com/developers) | |
| `api_key` | [get yours here](https://mapzen.com/developers) | |
| `text` | YMCA | |
| `text` | YMCA | |
| `layers` | venue,address | |
| `layers` | venue,address | |
## Available search parameters |
| Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Example | |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |
| `api_key` | string | yes | none | [get yours here](https://mapzen.com/developers) | |
| `text` | string | yes | none | `Union Square` | |
| `focus.point.lat` | floating point number | no | none | `48.581755` | |
| `focus.point.lon` | floating point number | no | none | `7.745843` | |
| `boundary.rect.min_lon` | floating point number | no | none | `139.2794` | |
| `boundary.rect.max_lon` | floating point number | no | none | `140.1471` | |
| `boundary.rect.min_lat` | floating point number | no | none | `35.53308` | |
| `boundary.rect.max_lat` | floating point number | no | none | `35.81346` | |
| `boundary.circle.lat` | floating point number | no | none | `43.818156` | |
| `boundary.circle.lon` | floating point number | no | none | `-79.186484` | |
| `boundary.circle.radius` | floating point number | no | 50 | `35` | |
| `sources` | string | no | all sources: osm,oa,gn,wof | openstreetmap,wof | |
| `layers` | string | no | all layers: address,venue,neighbourhood,locality,borough,localadmin,county,macrocounty,region,marcoregion,country,coarse | address,venue | |
| `boundary.country` | string | no | none | 'GBR' | |
| `size` | integer | no | 10 | 20 | |