Julian Simioni
7 years ago
1 changed files with 317 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
# Installing Pelias from Scratch |
These instructions will help you set up the Pelias geocoder from scratch. We strongly recommend |
using our [Docker](http://github.com/pelias/docker/) tools for your first Pelias installation. |
However, for more in-depth usage, or to learn more about the internals of Pelias, use this guide. |
It assumes some knowledge of the command line and Node.js, but we'd like as many people as possible |
to be able to install Pelias, so if anything is confusing, please don't hesitate to reach out. We'll |
do what we can to help and also improve the documentation. |
## Installation Overview |
These are the steps for fully installing Pelias: |
1. [Check that the hardware and software requirements are met](#system-requirements) |
1. [Decide which datasets to use and download them](#choose-your-datasets) |
1. [Download the Pelias code](#download-the-pelias-repositories) |
1. [Customize Pelias Configuration file `~/pelias.json`](#customize-pelias-config) |
1. [Install the Elasticsearch schema using pelias-schema](#set-up-the-elasticsearch-schema) |
1. [Use one or more importers to load data into Elasticsearch](#run-the-importers) |
1. [Install and start the Pelias services](#install-and-start-the-pelias-services) |
1. [Start the API server to begin handling queries](#start-the-api) |
## System Requirements |
See our [software requirements](requirements.md) and insure all of them are installed before moving forward |
### Hardware recommendations |
* At a minimum 50GB disk space to download, extract, and process data |
* Lots of RAM, 8GB is a good minimum for a small import like a single city or small country. A full North America OSM import just fits in 16GB RAM |
## Choose your datasets |
Pelias can currently import data from [four different sources](data-sources.md), using five different importers. |
Only one dataset is _required_: [Who's on First](https://whosonfirst.org/). This dataset is used to enrich all data imported into Pelias with [administrative information](glossary.md). For more on this process, see the [wof-admin-lookup](https://github.com/pelias/wof-admin-lookup) documentation. |
**Note:** You don't have to run the `whosonfirst` importer, but you do have to have Who's on First |
data available on disk for use by the other importers. |
Here's an overview of how to download each dataset. |
### Who's on First |
The [Who's on First](https://github.com/pelias/whosonfirst#downloading-the-data) importer can download all the Who's |
on First data quickly and easily. |
### Geonames |
The [pelias/geonames](https://github.com/pelias/geonames/#installation) importer contains code and |
instructions for downloading Geonames data automatically. Individual countries, or the entire planet |
(1.3GB compressed) can be specified. |
### OpenAddresses |
The Pelias Openaddresses importer can [download specific files from |
OpenAddresses](https://github.com/pelias/openaddresses/#data-download). |
Additionally, the [OpenAddresses](https://results.openaddresses.io/) project includes numerous download options, |
all of which are `.zip` downloads. The full dataset is just over 6 gigabytes compressed (the |
extracted files are around 30GB), but there are numerous subdivision options. |
### OpenStreetMap |
OpenStreetMap (OSM) has a nearly limitless array of download options, and any of them should work as long as |
they're in [PBF](http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/PBF_Format) format. Generally the files will |
have the extension `.osm.pbf`. Good sources include [download.geofabrik.de](http://download.geofabrik.de/), [Nextzen Metro Extracts](https://metro-extracts.nextzen.org/), [Interline OSM Extracts](https://www.interline.io/osm/extracts/), and planet files listed on the [OSM wiki](http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Planet.osm). |
A full planet PBF file is about 41GB. |
#### Street Data (Polylines) |
To download and import [street data](https://github.com/pelias/polylines#download-data) from OSM, a separate importer is used that operates on a preprocessed dataset |
derived from the OSM planet file. |
## Installation |
### Download the Pelias repositories |
At a minimum, you'll need |
1. [Pelias schema](https://github.com/pelias/schema/) |
2. The Pelias [API](https://github.com/pelias/api/) and other Pelias services |
3. Importer(s) |
Here's a bash snippet that will download all the repositories (they are all small enough that you don't |
have to worry about the space of the code itself), check out the production branch (which is |
probably the one you want), and install all the node module dependencies. |
```bash |
for repository in schema whosonfirst geonames openaddresses openstreetmap polylines api placeholder |
interpolation pip-service; do |
git clone https://github.com/pelias/${repository}.git # clone from Github |
pushd $repository > /dev/null # switch into importer directory |
git checkout production # or remove this line to stay with master |
npm install # install npm dependencies |
popd > /dev/null # return to code directory |
done |
``` |
<details> |
<summary>Not sure which branch to use?</summary> |
Pelias uses three diferent branches as part of our release process. |
`production` **(recommended)**: contains only code that has been well tested, generally against a |
full-planet build. This is the "safest" branch and it will change the least frequently, although we |
generally release new code at least once a week. |
`staging`: these branches contain the code that is currently being tested against a full planet |
build for imminent release. It's useful to track what code will be going out in the next release, |
but not much else. |
`master`: master branches contain the latest code that has passed code review, unit/integration |
tests, and is reasonably functional. While we try to avoid it, the nature of the master branch is |
that it will sometimes be broken. That said, these are the branches to use for development of new |
features. |
</details> |
### Customize Pelias Config |
Nearly all configuration for Pelias is driven through a single config file: `pelias.json`. By |
default, Pelias will look for this file in your home directory, but you can configure where it |
looks. For more details, see the [pelias-config](https://github.com/pelias/config) repository. |
#### Where on the network to find Elasticsearch |
Pelias will by default look for Elasticsearch on `localhost` at port 9200 (the standard |
Elasticsearch port). |
Take a look at the [default config](https://github.com/pelias/config/blob/master/config/defaults.json#L2). You can see the Elasticsearch configuration looks something like this: |
```js |
{ |
"esclient": { |
"hosts": [{ |
"host": "localhost", |
"port": 9200 |
}] |
... // rest of config |
} |
``` |
If you want to connect to Elasticsearch somewhere else, change `localhost` as needed. You can |
specify multiple hosts if you have a large cluster. In fact, the entire `esclient` section of the |
config is sent along to the [elasticsearch-js](https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-js) module, so |
any of its [configuration options](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/javascript-api/current/configuration.html) |
are valid. |
#### Where to find the downloaded data files |
The other major section, `imports`, defines settings for each importer. `adminLookup` has it's own section and its value applies to all importers. The defaults look like this: |
```json |
{ |
"imports": { |
"adminLookup": { |
"enabled": true |
}, |
"geonames": { |
"datapath": "/mnt/pelias/geonames", |
}, |
"openstreetmap": { |
"datapath": "/mnt/pelias/openstreetmap", |
"leveldbpath": "/tmp", |
"import": [{ |
"filename": "planet.osm.pbf" |
}] |
}, |
"openaddresses": { |
"datapath": "/mnt/pelias/openaddresses", |
"files": [] |
}, |
"whosonfirst": { |
"datapath": "/mnt/pelias/whosonfirst" |
}, |
"polyline": { |
"datapath": "/mnt/pelias/polyline", |
"files": [] |
} |
} |
} |
``` |
Note: The datapath must be an _absolute path._ |
As you can see, the default datapaths are meant to be changed. |
### Install Elasticsearch |
Please refer to the [official 2.4 install docs](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/2.4/setup.html) for how to install Elasticsearch. |
Be sure to modify the Elasticsearch [heap size](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/2.x/heap-sizing.html) as appropriate to your machine. |
Make sure Elasticsearch is running and connectable, and then you can continue with the Pelias |
specific setup and importing. Using a plugin like [Sense](https://github.com/bleskes/sense) [(Chrome extension)](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/sense-beta/lhjgkmllcaadmopgmanpapmpjgmfcfig?hl=en), [head](https://mobz.github.io/elasticsearch-head/) |
or [Marvel](https://www.elastic.co/products/marvel) can help monitor Elasticsearch as you import |
data. |
### Set up the Elasticsearch Schema |
Pelias requires specific configuration settings for both performance and accuracy reasons. Fortunately, now that your `pelias.json` file is configured with how to connect to Elasticsearch, |
the schema repository can automatically create the Pelias index and configure it exactly as needed. |
```bash |
cd schema # assuming you have just run the bash snippet to download the repos from earlier |
node scripts/create_index.js |
``` |
The Elasticsearch Schema is analogous to the layout of a table in a traditional relational database, |
like MySQL or PostgreSQL. While Elasticsearch attempts to auto-detect a schema that works when |
inserting new data, this generally leads to non-optimal results. In the case of Pelias, inserting |
data without first applying the Pelias schema will cause all queries to fail completely. |
### Run the importers |
Now that the schema is set up, you're ready to begin importing data. |
For each importer, you can start the import process with the `npm start` command: |
```bash |
cd importer_directory; npm start |
``` |
Depending on how much data you've imported, now may be a good time to grab a coffee. |
You can expect around 800-2000 inserts per second. |
The order of imports does not matter. Multiple importers can be run in parallel to speed up the setup process. |
Each of our importers operates independent of the data that is already in Elasticsearch. |
For example, you can import OSM data without importing WOF data first. |
#### Aside: When to delete the data already in Elasticsearch |
If you have previously run a build, and are looking to start another one, it generally a good idea |
to delete the existing Pelias index and re-create it. Here's how: |
```bash |
# !! WARNING: this will remove all your data from pelias!! |
node scripts/drop_index.js # it will ask for confirmation first |
node scripts/create_index.js |
``` |
When is this necessary? Here's a guideline: when in doubt, delete the index, re-create it, and start |
fresh. |
This is because Elasticsearch has no analog to a schema migration like a relational database, and |
all the importers start over when re-run. |
The only time when this isn't necessary is if the following conditions are true: |
1. You are trying to re-import the exact same data again (for example, because the build failed, or |
you are testing changes to an importer) |
2. The Pelias schema has not changed |
## Install and start the Pelias Services |
Pelias is made up of several different services, each providing a specific aspect of Pelias's |
functionality. |
The [list of Pelias services](services.md) descibes the functionality of each service, and can be |
used to determine if you need to install that service. It also includes links to setup instructions |
for each service. |
When in doubt, install everything except the interpolation engine (it requires a long download or |
build process). |
### Configure `pelias.json` for services |
The Pelias API needs to know about each of the other services available to it. Once again, this is |
configured in `pelias.json`. The following section will tell the API to use all services running |
locally and on their default ports. |
```js |
{ |
"api": { |
"services": { |
"placeholder": { |
"url": "http://localhost:3000" |
}, |
"libpostal": { |
"url": "http://localhost:8080" |
}, |
"pip": { |
"url": "http://localhost:3102" |
}, |
"interpolation" |
"url": "http://localhost:3000" |
} |
} |
} |
} |
``` |
### Start the API |
Now that the API knows how to connect to Elasticsearch and all other Pelias services, all that is |
required to start the API is: |
``` |
npm start |
``` |
## Geocode with Pelias |
Pelias should now be up and running and will respond to your queries. |
For a quick check, a request to `http://localhost:3100` should display a link to the documentation |
for handy reference. |
*Here are some queries to try:* |
[http://localhost:3100/v1/search?text=london](http://localhost:3100/v1/search?text=london): a search |
for the city of London. |
[http://localhost:3100/v1/autocomplete?text=londo](http://localhost:3100/v1/autocomplete?text=londo): another query for London, but using the autocomplete endpoint which supports partial matches and is intended to be sent queries as a user types (note the query is for `londo` but London is returned) |
[http://localhost:3100/v1/reverse?point.lon=-73.986027&point.lat=40.748517](http://localhost:3100/v1/reverse?point.lon=-73.986027&point.lat=40.748517): a reverse geocode for results near the Empire State Building in New York City. |
For information on everything Pelias can do, see our [documentation |
index](README.md). |
Happy geocoding! |
Reference in new issue