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* cs

Lebedev Konstantin 9 years ago
  1. 127


@ -1,55 +1,61 @@
(function (factory) {
"use strict";
//get ko ref via global or require
var koRef;
if (typeof ko !== 'undefined') {
//global ref already defined
koRef = ko;
else if (typeof require === 'function' && typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') {
//commonjs / node.js
koRef = require('knockout');
//get sortable ref via global or require
var sortableRef;
if (typeof Sortable !== 'undefined') {
//global ref already defined
sortableRef = Sortable;
else if (typeof require === 'function' && typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') {
//commonjs / node.js
sortableRef = require('sortablejs');
//use references if we found them
if (koRef !== undefined && sortableRef !== undefined) {
factory(koRef, sortableRef);
//if both references aren't found yet, get via AMD if available
else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd){
//we may have a reference to only 1, or none
if (koRef !== undefined && sortableRef === undefined) {
define(['./Sortable'], function(amdSortableRef){ factory(koRef, amdSortableRef); });
else if (koRef === undefined && sortableRef !== undefined) {
define(['knockout'], function(amdKnockout){ factory(amdKnockout, sortableRef); });
else if (koRef === undefined && sortableRef === undefined) {
define(['knockout', './Sortable'], factory);
//no more routes to get references
else {
//report specific error
if (koRef !== undefined && sortableRef === undefined) {
throw new Error('knockout-sortable could not get reference to Sortable');
else if (koRef === undefined && sortableRef !== undefined) {
throw new Error('knockout-sortable could not get reference to Knockout');
else if (koRef === undefined && sortableRef === undefined) {
throw new Error('knockout-sortable could not get reference to Knockout or Sortable');
/*global ko*/
(function (factory) {
"use strict";
//get ko ref via global or require
var koRef;
if (typeof ko !== 'undefined') {
//global ref already defined
koRef = ko;
else if (typeof require === 'function' && typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') {
//commonjs / node.js
koRef = require('knockout');
//get sortable ref via global or require
var sortableRef;
if (typeof Sortable !== 'undefined') {
//global ref already defined
sortableRef = Sortable;
else if (typeof require === 'function' && typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') {
//commonjs / node.js
sortableRef = require('sortablejs');
//use references if we found them
if (koRef !== undefined && sortableRef !== undefined) {
factory(koRef, sortableRef);
//if both references aren't found yet, get via AMD if available
else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
//we may have a reference to only 1, or none
if (koRef !== undefined && sortableRef === undefined) {
define(['./Sortable'], function (amdSortableRef) {
factory(koRef, amdSortableRef);
else if (koRef === undefined && sortableRef !== undefined) {
define(['knockout'], function (amdKnockout) {
factory(amdKnockout, sortableRef);
else if (koRef === undefined && sortableRef === undefined) {
define(['knockout', './Sortable'], factory);
//no more routes to get references
else {
//report specific error
if (koRef !== undefined && sortableRef === undefined) {
throw new Error('knockout-sortable could not get reference to Sortable');
else if (koRef === undefined && sortableRef !== undefined) {
throw new Error('knockout-sortable could not get reference to Knockout');
else if (koRef === undefined && sortableRef === undefined) {
throw new Error('knockout-sortable could not get reference to Knockout or Sortable');
})(function (ko, Sortable) {
"use strict";
@ -59,7 +65,7 @@
// It's seems that we cannot update the eventhandlers after we've created
// the sortable, so define them in init instead of update
['onStart', 'onEnd', 'onRemove', 'onAdd', 'onUpdate', 'onSort', 'onFilter'].forEach(function (e) {
['onStart', 'onEnd', 'onRemove', 'onAdd', 'onUpdate', 'onSort', 'onFilter', 'onMove', 'onClone'].forEach(function (e) {
if (options[e] || eventHandlers[e])
options[e] = function (eventType, parentVM, parentBindings, handler, e) {
var itemVM = ko.dataFor(e.item),
@ -116,7 +122,7 @@
moveItem(itemVM, removeOperation.collection, addOperation.collection, addOperation.event.clone, addOperation.event);
// Moves an item from the "to" collection to the "from" collection, these
// Moves an item from the "from" collection to the "to" collection, these
// can be references to the same collection which means it's a sort.
// clone indicates if we should move or copy the item into the new collection
moveItem = function (itemVM, from, to, clone, e) {
@ -127,11 +133,12 @@
originalIndex = fromArray.indexOf(itemVM),
newIndex = e.newIndex;
if (e.item.previousElementSibling)
newIndex = fromArray.indexOf(ko.dataFor(e.item.previousElementSibling));
if (originalIndex > newIndex)
newIndex = newIndex + 1;
// We have to find out the actual desired index of the to array,
// as this might be a computed array. We could otherwise potentially
// drop an item above the 3rd visible item, but the 2nd visible item
// has an actual index of 5.
if (e.item.previousElementSibling) {
newIndex = to().indexOf(ko.dataFor(e.item.previousElementSibling)) + 1;
// Remove sortables "unbound" element
@ -150,6 +157,8 @@
// Force knockout to update
// Force deferred tasks to run now, registering the removal
// Insert the item on its new position
to().splice(newIndex, 0, itemVM);
// Make sure to tell knockout that we've modified the actual array.
