<p><imgclass="img-rounded img-polaroid"src="{{ static_url }}/img/make/publish_to_web_small.png"alt="Publish to Web"></p>
<p>Under the File menu, select <em>“Publish to the Web.”</em></p>
<p>In the next window, click the blue "publish" button. When asked, "Are you sure…?" click OK.</p>
<p>Now, copy the URL that appears in the center of the window. You'll use this in the next step.</p>
<p><imgclass="img-rounded img-polaroid"src="{{ static_url }}/img/make/publish_to_web_url_small.png"alt="Publish to Web"></p>
<p>Under the File menu, select <em>“Publish to the Web.”</em></p>
<p>In the next window, check <em>“Automatically republish when changes are made.”</em> Uncheck all other boxes. Click <em>“start publishing.”</em> This will give you the URL to embed in your HTML file.</p>
<p><imgclass="img-rounded img-polaroid"src="{{ static_url }}/img/make/publish_to_web_button_small.png"alt="Publish to Web 2"></p><p><imgclass="img-rounded img-polaroid"src="{{ static_url }}/img/make/publish_to_web_url_small.png"alt="Publish to Web 3"></p>