@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ |
/*jslint browser: true, eqeqeq: true, bitwise: true, newcap: true, immed: true, regexp: false *//** |
/*jslint browser: true, eqeqeq: true, bitwise: true, newcap: true, immed: true, regexp: false */ |
/** |
LazyLoad makes it easy and painless to lazily load one or more external |
LazyLoad makes it easy and painless to lazily load one or more external |
JavaScript or CSS files on demand either during or after the rendering of a web |
JavaScript or CSS files on demand either during or after the rendering of a web |
page. |
page. |
@class LazyLoad |
@class LazyLoad |
@static |
@static |
@version 2.0.3 (git) |
@version 2.0.3 (git) |
*/LazyLoad=function(a){function h(b,c){var d=a.createElement(b),e;for(e in c)c.hasOwnProperty(e)&&d.setAttribute(e,c[e]);return d}function i(a){var b=d[a],c,g;if(b){c=b.callback;g=b.urls;g.shift();e=0;if(!g.length){c&&c.call(b.context,b.obj);d[a]=null;f[a].length&&k(a)}}}function j(){var c=navigator.userAgent;b={async:a.createElement("script").async===!0};(b.webkit=/AppleWebKit\//.test(c))||(b.ie=/MSIE/.test(c))||(b.opera=/Opera/.test(c))||(b.gecko=/Gecko\//.test(c))||(b.unknown=!0)}function k(e,g,k,n,o){var p=function(){i(e)},q=e==="css",r=[],s,t,u,v,w,x;b||j();if(g){g=typeof g=="string"?[g]:g.concat();if(q||b.async||b.gecko||b.opera)f[e].push({urls:g,callback:k,obj:n,context:o});else for(s=0,t=g.length;s<t;++s)f[e].push({urls:[g[s]],callback:s===t-1?k:null,obj:n,context:o})}if(d[e]||!(v=d[e]=f[e].shift()))return;c||(c=a.head||a.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]);w=v.urls;for(s=0,t=w.length;s<t;++s){x=w[s];if(q)u=b.gecko?h("style"):h("link",{href:x,rel:"stylesheet"});else{u=h("script",{src:x});u.async=!1}u.className="lazyload";u.setAttribute("charset","utf-8");if(b.ie&&!q)u.onreadystatechange=function(){if(/loaded|complete/.test(u.readyState)){u.onreadystatechange=null;p()}};else if(q&&(b.gecko||b.webkit))if(b.webkit){v.urls[s]=u.href;m()}else{u.innerHTML='@import "'+x+'";';l(u)}else u.onload=u.onerror=p;r.push(u)}for(s=0,t=r.length;s<t;++s)c.appendChild(r[s])}function l(a){var b;try{b=!!a.sheet.cssRules}catch(c){e+=1;e<200?setTimeout(function(){l(a)},50):b&&i("css");return}i("css")}function m(){var a=d.css,b;if(a){b=g.length;while(--b>=0)if(g[b].href===a.urls[0]){i("css");break}e+=1;a&&(e<200?setTimeout(m,50):i("css"))}}var b,c,d={},e=0,f={css:[],js:[]},g=a.styleSheets;return{css:function(a,b,c,d){k("css",a,b,c,d)},js:function(a,b,c,d){k("js",a,b,c,d)}}}(this.document);(function(a,b,c){function j(){LazyLoad.js("http://veritetimeline.appspot.com/latest/timeline-min.js",k)}function k(){d=!0;m()}function l(){e=!0;m()}function m(){if(f>40)return;f++;if(d&&e){var a=new VMM.Timeline;a.init("taylor/data.json")}else setTimeout("checkLoad();",250)}var d=!1,e=!1,f=0,g=document.createElement("div");document.getElementById("timeline-embed").appendChild(g);g.setAttribute("id","timeline");LazyLoad.css("http://veritetimeline.appspot.com/latest/timeline.css",l);try{var h=jQuery;h=!0}catch(i){var h=!1}h?j():LazyLoad.js("http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js",j)})(this,document,window); |
*/ |
LazyLoad = (function (doc) { |
// -- Private Variables ------------------------------------------------------
// User agent and feature test information.
var env, |
// Reference to the <head> element (populated lazily).
head, |
// Requests currently in progress, if any.
pending = {}, |
// Number of times we've polled to check whether a pending stylesheet has
// finished loading. If this gets too high, we're probably stalled.
pollCount = 0, |
// Queued requests.
queue = {css: [], js: []}, |
// Reference to the browser's list of stylesheets.
styleSheets = doc.styleSheets; |
// -- Private Methods --------------------------------------------------------
/** |
Creates and returns an HTML element with the specified name and attributes. |
@method createNode |
@param {String} name element name |
@param {Object} attrs name/value mapping of element attributes |
@return {HTMLElement} |
@private |
*/ |
function createNode(name, attrs) { |
var node = doc.createElement(name), attr; |
for (attr in attrs) { |
if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(attr)) { |
node.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]); |
} |
} |
return node; |
} |
/** |
Called when the current pending resource of the specified type has finished |
loading. Executes the associated callback (if any) and loads the next |
resource in the queue. |
@method finish |
@param {String} type resource type ('css' or 'js') |
@private |
*/ |
function finish(type) { |
var p = pending[type], |
callback, |
urls; |
if (p) { |
callback = p.callback; |
urls = p.urls; |
urls.shift(); |
pollCount = 0; |
// If this is the last of the pending URLs, execute the callback and
// start the next request in the queue (if any).
if (!urls.length) { |
callback && callback.call(p.context, p.obj); |
pending[type] = null; |
queue[type].length && load(type); |
} |
} |
} |
/** |
Populates the <code>env</code> variable with user agent and feature test |
information. |
@method getEnv |
@private |
*/ |
function getEnv() { |
var ua = navigator.userAgent; |
env = { |
// True if this browser supports disabling async mode on dynamically
// created script nodes. See
// http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Dynamic_Script_Execution_Order
async: doc.createElement('script').async === true |
}; |
(env.webkit = /AppleWebKit\//.test(ua)) |
|| (env.ie = /MSIE/.test(ua)) |
|| (env.opera = /Opera/.test(ua)) |
|| (env.gecko = /Gecko\//.test(ua)) |
|| (env.unknown = true); |
} |
/** |
Loads the specified resources, or the next resource of the specified type |
in the queue if no resources are specified. If a resource of the specified |
type is already being loaded, the new request will be queued until the |
first request has been finished. |
When an array of resource URLs is specified, those URLs will be loaded in |
parallel if it is possible to do so while preserving execution order. All |
browsers support parallel loading of CSS, but only Firefox and Opera |
support parallel loading of scripts. In other browsers, scripts will be |
queued and loaded one at a time to ensure correct execution order. |
@method load |
@param {String} type resource type ('css' or 'js') |
@param {String|Array} urls (optional) URL or array of URLs to load |
@param {Function} callback (optional) callback function to execute when the |
resource is loaded |
@param {Object} obj (optional) object to pass to the callback function |
@param {Object} context (optional) if provided, the callback function will |
be executed in this object's context |
@private |
*/ |
function load(type, urls, callback, obj, context) { |
var _finish = function () { finish(type); }, |
isCSS = type === 'css', |
nodes = [], |
i, len, node, p, pendingUrls, url; |
env || getEnv(); |
if (urls) { |
// If urls is a string, wrap it in an array. Otherwise assume it's an
// array and create a copy of it so modifications won't be made to the
// original.
urls = typeof urls === 'string' ? [urls] : urls.concat(); |
// Create a request object for each URL. If multiple URLs are specified,
// the callback will only be executed after all URLs have been loaded.
// Sadly, Firefox and Opera are the only browsers capable of loading
// scripts in parallel while preserving execution order. In all other
// browsers, scripts must be loaded sequentially.
// All browsers respect CSS specificity based on the order of the link
// elements in the DOM, regardless of the order in which the stylesheets
// are actually downloaded.
if (isCSS || env.async || env.gecko || env.opera) { |
// Load in parallel.
queue[type].push({ |
urls : urls, |
callback: callback, |
obj : obj, |
context : context |
}); |
} else { |
// Load sequentially.
for (i = 0, len = urls.length; i < len; ++i) { |
queue[type].push({ |
urls : [urls[i]], |
callback: i === len - 1 ? callback : null, // callback is only added to the last URL
obj : obj, |
context : context |
}); |
} |
} |
} |
// If a previous load request of this type is currently in progress, we'll
// wait our turn. Otherwise, grab the next item in the queue.
if (pending[type] || !(p = pending[type] = queue[type].shift())) { |
return; |
} |
head || (head = doc.head || doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]); |
pendingUrls = p.urls; |
for (i = 0, len = pendingUrls.length; i < len; ++i) { |
url = pendingUrls[i]; |
if (isCSS) { |
node = env.gecko ? createNode('style') : createNode('link', { |
href: url, |
rel : 'stylesheet' |
}); |
} else { |
node = createNode('script', {src: url}); |
node.async = false; |
} |
node.className = 'lazyload'; |
node.setAttribute('charset', 'utf-8'); |
if (env.ie && !isCSS) { |
node.onreadystatechange = function () { |
if (/loaded|complete/.test(node.readyState)) { |
node.onreadystatechange = null; |
_finish(); |
} |
}; |
} else if (isCSS && (env.gecko || env.webkit)) { |
// Gecko and WebKit don't support the onload event on link nodes.
if (env.webkit) { |
// In WebKit, we can poll for changes to document.styleSheets to
// figure out when stylesheets have loaded.
p.urls[i] = node.href; // resolve relative URLs (or polling won't work)
pollWebKit(); |
} else { |
// In Gecko, we can import the requested URL into a <style> node and
// poll for the existence of node.sheet.cssRules. Props to Zach
// Leatherman for calling my attention to this technique.
node.innerHTML = '@import "' + url + '";'; |
pollGecko(node); |
} |
} else { |
node.onload = node.onerror = _finish; |
} |
nodes.push(node); |
} |
for (i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; ++i) { |
head.appendChild(nodes[i]); |
} |
} |
/** |
Begins polling to determine when the specified stylesheet has finished loading |
in Gecko. Polling stops when all pending stylesheets have loaded or after 10 |
seconds (to prevent stalls). |
Thanks to Zach Leatherman for calling my attention to the @import-based |
cross-domain technique used here, and to Oleg Slobodskoi for an earlier |
same-domain implementation. See Zach's blog for more details: |
@method pollGecko |
@param {HTMLElement} node Style node to poll. |
@private |
*/ |
function pollGecko(node) { |
var hasRules; |
try { |
// We don't really need to store this value or ever refer to it again, but
// if we don't store it, Closure Compiler assumes the code is useless and
// removes it.
hasRules = !!node.sheet.cssRules; |
} catch (ex) { |
// An exception means the stylesheet is still loading.
pollCount += 1; |
if (pollCount < 200) { |
setTimeout(function () { pollGecko(node); }, 50); |
} else { |
// We've been polling for 10 seconds and nothing's happened. Stop
// polling and finish the pending requests to avoid blocking further
// requests.
hasRules && finish('css'); |
} |
return; |
} |
// If we get here, the stylesheet has loaded.
finish('css'); |
} |
/** |
Begins polling to determine when pending stylesheets have finished loading |
in WebKit. Polling stops when all pending stylesheets have loaded or after 10 |
seconds (to prevent stalls). |
@method pollWebKit |
@private |
*/ |
function pollWebKit() { |
var css = pending.css, i; |
if (css) { |
i = styleSheets.length; |
// Look for a stylesheet matching the pending URL.
while (--i >= 0) { |
if (styleSheets[i].href === css.urls[0]) { |
finish('css'); |
break; |
} |
} |
pollCount += 1; |
if (css) { |
if (pollCount < 200) { |
setTimeout(pollWebKit, 50); |
} else { |
// We've been polling for 10 seconds and nothing's happened, which may
// indicate that the stylesheet has been removed from the document
// before it had a chance to load. Stop polling and finish the pending
// request to prevent blocking further requests.
finish('css'); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return { |
/** |
Requests the specified CSS URL or URLs and executes the specified |
callback (if any) when they have finished loading. If an array of URLs is |
specified, the stylesheets will be loaded in parallel and the callback |
will be executed after all stylesheets have finished loading. |
@method css |
@param {String|Array} urls CSS URL or array of CSS URLs to load |
@param {Function} callback (optional) callback function to execute when |
the specified stylesheets are loaded |
@param {Object} obj (optional) object to pass to the callback function |
@param {Object} context (optional) if provided, the callback function |
will be executed in this object's context |
@static |
*/ |
css: function (urls, callback, obj, context) { |
load('css', urls, callback, obj, context); |
}, |
/** |
Requests the specified JavaScript URL or URLs and executes the specified |
callback (if any) when they have finished loading. If an array of URLs is |
specified and the browser supports it, the scripts will be loaded in |
parallel and the callback will be executed after all scripts have |
finished loading. |
Currently, only Firefox and Opera support parallel loading of scripts while |
preserving execution order. In other browsers, scripts will be |
queued and loaded one at a time to ensure correct execution order. |
@method js |
@param {String|Array} urls JS URL or array of JS URLs to load |
@param {Function} callback (optional) callback function to execute when |
the specified scripts are loaded |
@param {Object} obj (optional) object to pass to the callback function |
@param {Object} context (optional) if provided, the callback function |
will be executed in this object's context |
@static |
*/ |
js: function (urls, callback, obj, context) { |
load('js', urls, callback, obj, context); |
} |
}; |
})(this.document); |
/*********************************************** |
Begin timeline-embed.js
***********************************************/ |
/*! |
Verite Timeline Loader 0.1 |
Designed and built by Zach Wise digitalartwork.net |
Date: March 30, 2012 |
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
(at your option) any later version. |
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
GNU General Public License for more details. |
*/ |
/* CodeKit Import |
================================================== */ |
// @codekit-prepend "lazyload.js";
Add container div so that user can set width and height |
================================================== */ |
// <div id="timeline-embed"></div><script src="load-timeline.js"></script>
(function(embed_loc, embed_doc, embed_window) { |
var jsReady = false; |
var cssReady = false; |
var preload_checks = 0; |
/* Add Timeline Div |
================================================== */ |
var t = document.createElement('div'); |
document.getElementById("timeline-embed").appendChild(t); |
t.setAttribute("id", 'timeline'); |
LazyLoad.css('http://veritetimeline.appspot.com/latest/timeline.css', cssComplete); |
try { |
var jqueryLoaded=jQuery; |
jqueryLoaded=true; |
} catch(err) { |
var jqueryLoaded=false; |
} |
//var head= document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if (!jqueryLoaded) { |
LazyLoad.js('http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js', onJQueryLoaded); |
} else { |
onJQueryLoaded(); |
} |
function onJQueryLoaded() { |
LazyLoad.js('http://veritetimeline.appspot.com/latest/timeline-min.js', onJSLoaded); |
} |
function onJSLoaded() { |
jsReady = true; |
checkLoad(); |
} |
function cssComplete() { |
cssReady = true; |
checkLoad(); |
} |
function checkLoad() { |
if (preload_checks > 40) { |
return; |
alert("Error Loading Files") |
} else { |
preload_checks++; |
if (jsReady && cssReady) { |
var timeline = new VMM.Timeline(); |
timeline.init("taylor/data.json"); |
} else { |
setTimeout('checkLoad();', 250); |
} |
} |
} |
/* |
var stylesheet = document.createElement('link'); |
stylesheet.href = '/inc/body/jquery/css/start/jquery-ui-1.8.10.custom.css'; |
stylesheet.rel = 'stylesheet'; |
stylesheet.type = 'text/css'; |
document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(stylesheet); |
var tjs = document.createElement('script'); |
tjs.type = 'text/javascript'; |
tjs.async = true; |
tjs.url = '/inc/body/jquery/css/start/jquery-ui-1.8.10.custom.css'; |
document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(tjs); |
*/ |
}) (this, document, window); |
/* |
document.getElementById('myText'); |
function(embed_loc, embed_doc, embed_window) { |
function e(embed_loc, embed_doc) { |
var c, |
d = [], |
e, |
g; |
try { |
if (document.querySelectorAll) d = document.querySelectorAll(embed_loc + "." + embed_doc); |
else if (document.getElementsByClassName) { |
c = document.getElementsByClassName(embed_doc); |
for (e = 0; g = c[e]; e++) g.tagName.toLowerCase() == embed_loc && d.push(g) |
} else { |
c = document.getElementsByTagName(a); |
var h = RegExp("\\b" + embed_doc + "\\b"); |
f(c, |
function(embed_loc, embed_doc) { |
var c = embed_loc.className || embed_loc.getAttribute("class"); |
c && c.match(h) && d.push(embed_loc) |
}) |
} |
} catch(i) {} |
return d |
} |
} (this, document, window) |
*/ |