@ -233,55 +233,62 @@ if(typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM.ExternalAPI == 'undefined') {
} ,
defaultType : function ( name ) {
if ( name . toLowerCase ( ) == "satellite" || name . toLowerCase ( ) == "hybrid" || name . toLowerCase ( ) == "terrain" || name . toLowerCase ( ) == "roadmap" ) {
return true ;
} else {
return false ;
} ,
map _subdomains : [ "" , "a." , "b." , "c." , "d." ] ,
map _attribution : {
"stamen" : "Map tiles by <a href='http://stamen.com'>Stamen Design</a>, under <a href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0'>CC BY 3.0</a>. Data by <a href='http://openstreetmap.org'>OpenStreetMap</a>, under <a href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0'>CC BY SA</a>." ,
"apple" : "Map data © 2012 Apple, Imagery © 2012 Apple"
"stamen" : "Map tiles by <a href='http://stamen.com'>Stamen Design</a>, under <a href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0'>CC BY 3.0</a>. Data by <a href='http://openstreetmap.org'>OpenStreetMap</a>, under <a href='http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0'>CC BY SA</a>." ,
"apple" : "Map data © 2012 Apple, Imagery © 2012 Apple"
} ,
map _providers : {
"toner" : {
"url" : "http://{S}tile.stamen.com/toner/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png" ,
"minZoom" : 0 ,
"maxZoom" : 20 ,
"attribution" : "stamen"
"url" : "http://{S}tile.stamen.com/toner/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png" ,
"minZoom" : 0 ,
"maxZoom" : 20 ,
"attribution" : "stamen"
} ,
"toner-lines" : {
"url" : "http://{S}tile.stamen.com/toner-lines/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png" ,
"minZoom" : 0 ,
"maxZoom" : 20 ,
"attribution" : "stamen"
"url" : "http://{S}tile.stamen.com/toner-lines/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png" ,
"minZoom" : 0 ,
"maxZoom" : 20 ,
"attribution" : "stamen"
} ,
"toner-labels" : {
"url" : "http://{S}tile.stamen.com/toner-labels/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png" ,
"minZoom" : 0 ,
"maxZoom" : 20 ,
"attribution" : "stamen"
"url" : "http://{S}tile.stamen.com/toner-labels/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png" ,
"minZoom" : 0 ,
"maxZoom" : 20 ,
"attribution" : "stamen"
} ,
"sterrain" : {
"url" : "http://{S}tile.stamen.com/terrain/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.jpg" ,
"minZoom" : 4 ,
"maxZoom" : 20 ,
"attribution" : "stamen"
"url" : "http://{S}tile.stamen.com/terrain/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.jpg" ,
"minZoom" : 4 ,
"maxZoom" : 20 ,
"attribution" : "stamen"
} ,
"apple" : {
"url" : "http://gsp2.apple.com/tile?api=1&style=slideshow&layers=default&lang=en_US&z={z}&x={x}&y={y}&v=9" ,
"minZoom" : 4 ,
"maxZoom" : 20 ,
"attribution" : "apple"
"url" : "http://gsp2.apple.com/tile?api=1&style=slideshow&layers=default&lang=en_US&z={z}&x={x}&y={y}&v=9" ,
"minZoom" : 4 ,
"maxZoom" : 14 ,
"attribution" : "apple"
} ,
"watercolor" : {
"url" : "http://{S}tile.stamen.com/watercolor/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.jpg" ,
"minZoom" : 3 ,
"maxZoom" : 16 ,
"attribution" : "stamen"
"url" : "http://{S}tile.stamen.com/watercolor/{Z}/{X}/{Y}.jpg" ,
"minZoom" : 3 ,
"maxZoom" : 16 ,
"attribution" : "stamen"
} ,
createMap : function ( m ) {
trace ( VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . stamen _map _attribution ) ;
/ * M A P P R O V I D E R S
Including Stamen Maps
http : //maps.stamen.com/
@ -295,31 +302,40 @@ if(typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM.ExternalAPI == 'undefined') {
map _attribution = VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . map _attribution [ VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . map _providers [ name ] . attribution ] ;
return VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . map _providers [ name ] ;
} else {
throw 'No such provider: "' + name + '"' ;
if ( VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . defaultType ( name ) ) {
return google . maps . MapTypeId [ name . toUpperCase ( ) ] ;
} else {
trace ( "Not a maptype: " + name ) ;
google . maps . VeriteMapType = function ( name ) {
var provider = mapProvider ( name ) ;
return google . maps . ImageMapType . call ( this , {
"getTileUrl" : function ( coord , zoom ) {
var index = ( zoom + coord . x + coord . y ) % VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . map _subdomains . length ;
return [
provider . url
. replace ( "{S}" , VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . map _subdomains [ index ] )
. replace ( "{Z}" , zoom )
. replace ( "{X}" , coord . x )
. replace ( "{Y}" , coord . y )
. replace ( "{z}" , zoom )
. replace ( "{x}" , coord . x )
. replace ( "{y}" , coord . y )
] ;
} ,
"tileSize" : new google . maps . Size ( 256 , 256 ) ,
"name" : name ,
"minZoom" : provider . minZoom ,
"maxZoom" : provider . maxZoom
} ) ;
if ( VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . defaultType ( name ) ) {
return google . maps . MapTypeId [ name . toUpperCase ( ) ] ;
} else {
var provider = mapProvider ( name ) ;
return google . maps . ImageMapType . call ( this , {
"getTileUrl" : function ( coord , zoom ) {
var index = ( zoom + coord . x + coord . y ) % VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . map _subdomains . length ;
return [
provider . url
. replace ( "{S}" , VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . map _subdomains [ index ] )
. replace ( "{Z}" , zoom )
. replace ( "{X}" , coord . x )
. replace ( "{Y}" , coord . y )
. replace ( "{z}" , zoom )
. replace ( "{x}" , coord . x )
. replace ( "{y}" , coord . y )
] ;
} ,
"tileSize" : new google . maps . Size ( 256 , 256 ) ,
"name" : name ,
"minZoom" : provider . minZoom ,
"maxZoom" : provider . maxZoom
} ) ;
} ;
google . maps . VeriteMapType . prototype = new google . maps . ImageMapType ( "_" ) ;
@ -328,96 +344,94 @@ if(typeof VMM != 'undefined' && typeof VMM.ExternalAPI == 'undefined') {
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
var layer ;
if ( type . of ( VMM . master _config . Timeline . maptype ) == "string" ) {
layer = VMM . master _config . Timeline . maptype ;
if ( VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . defaultType ( VMM . master _config . Timeline . maptype ) ) {
layer = google . maps . MapTypeId [ VMM . master _config . Timeline . maptype . toUpperCase ( ) ] ;
} else {
layer = VMM . master _config . Timeline . maptype ;
} else {
layer = "toner" ;
layer = "toner" ;
var location = new google . maps . LatLng ( 41.875696 , - 87.624207 ) ;
var location = new google . maps . LatLng ( 41.875696 , - 87.624207 ) ;
var latlong ;
var zoom = 11 ;
var has _location = false ;
var has _zoom = false ;
var zoom = 11 ;
var has _location = false ;
var has _zoom = false ;
var map _bounds ;
if ( type . of ( VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( m . url ) [ "ll" ] ) == "string" ) {
has _location = true ;
latlong = VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( m . url ) [ "ll" ] . split ( "," ) ;
location = new google . maps . LatLng ( parseFloat ( latlong [ 0 ] ) , parseFloat ( latlong [ 1 ] ) ) ;
has _location = true ;
latlong = VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( m . url ) [ "ll" ] . split ( "," ) ;
location = new google . maps . LatLng ( parseFloat ( latlong [ 0 ] ) , parseFloat ( latlong [ 1 ] ) ) ;
} else if ( type . of ( VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( m . url ) [ "sll" ] ) == "string" ) {
latlong = VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( m . url ) [ "sll" ] . split ( "," ) ;
location = new google . maps . LatLng ( parseFloat ( latlong [ 0 ] ) , parseFloat ( latlong [ 1 ] ) ) ;
latlong = VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( m . url ) [ "sll" ] . split ( "," ) ;
location = new google . maps . LatLng ( parseFloat ( latlong [ 0 ] ) , parseFloat ( latlong [ 1 ] ) ) ;
if ( type . of ( VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( m . url ) [ "z" ] ) == "string" ) {
has _zoom = true ;
zoom = parseFloat ( VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( m . url ) [ "z" ] ) ;
has _zoom = true ;
zoom = parseFloat ( VMM . Util . getUrlVars ( m . url ) [ "z" ] ) ;
var map _options = {
zoom : zoom ,
disableDefaultUI : true ,
mapTypeControl : false ,
zoomControl : true ,
zoom : zoom ,
disableDefaultUI : true ,
mapTypeControl : false ,
zoomControl : true ,
zoomControlOptions : {
style : google . maps . ZoomControlStyle . SMALL ,
position : google . maps . ControlPosition . TOP _RIGHT
style : google . maps . ZoomControlStyle . SMALL ,
position : google . maps . ControlPosition . TOP _RIGHT
} ,
center : location ,
mapTypeId : layer ,
center : location ,
mapTypeId : layer ,
mapTypeControlOptions : {
mapTypeIds : [ layer ]
mapTypeIds : [ layer ]
var unique _map _id = m . id . toString ( ) + "_gmap" ;
var unique _map _id = m . id . toString ( ) + "_gmap" ;
VMM . attachElement ( "#" + m . id , "<div class='google-map' id='" + unique _map _id + "' style='width=100%;height=100%;'></div>" ) ;
var map = new google . maps . Map ( document . getElementById ( unique _map _id ) , map _options ) ;
map . mapTypes . set ( layer , new google . maps . VeriteMapType ( layer ) ) ;
var map = new google . maps . Map ( document . getElementById ( unique _map _id ) , map _options ) ;
/ * A T T R I B U T I O N
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
var map _attribution _html = "<div class='map-attribution'><div class='attribution-text'>" + map _attribution + "</div></div>" ;
VMM . appendElement ( "#" + unique _map _id , map _attribution _html ) ;
if ( VMM . ExternalAPI . googlemaps . defaultType ( VMM . master _config . Timeline . maptype ) ) {
} else {
map . mapTypes . set ( layer , new google . maps . VeriteMapType ( layer ) ) ;
var map _attribution _html = "<div class='map-attribution'><div class='attribution-text'>" + map _attribution + "</div></div>" ;
VMM . appendElement ( "#" + unique _map _id , map _attribution _html ) ;
loadKML ( ) ;
/ * K M L
=== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === == * /
// KML
function loadKML ( ) {
var kml _url = m . url + "&output=kml" ;
kml _url = kml _url . replace ( "&output=embed" , "" ) ;
var kml _layer = new google . maps . KmlLayer ( kml _url , { preserveViewport : true } ) ;
var kml _url = m . url + "&output=kml" ;
kml _url = kml _url . replace ( "&output=embed" , "" ) ;
var kml _layer = new google . maps . KmlLayer ( kml _url , { preserveViewport : true } ) ;
var infowindow = new google . maps . InfoWindow ( ) ;
kml _layer . setMap ( map ) ;
var infowindow = new google . maps . InfoWindow ( ) ;
google . maps . event . addListenerOnce ( kml _layer , "defaultviewport_changed" , function ( ) {
map . fitBounds ( kml _layer . getDefaultViewport ( ) ) ;
if ( has _location ) {
map . panTo ( location ) ;
if ( has _zoom ) {
map . setZoom ( zoom ) ;
} ) ;
google . maps . event . addListener ( kml _layer , 'click' , function ( kmlEvent ) {
var text = kmlEvent . featureData . description ;
trace ( kmlEvent . featureData . infoWindowHtml )
var text = kmlEvent . featureData . description ;
showInfoWindow ( text ) ;
function showInfoWindow ( c ) {
infowindow . setContent ( c ) ;
infowindow . open ( map ) ;