@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ c3ext.generate = function (options) {
refresh ( ) ;
var zoom2 = ZoomBehavior . create ( { changed : onZoomChanged , bindto : options . bindto } ) ;
var zoom2 = c3ext . ZoomBehavior ( { changed : onZoomChanged , bindto : options . bindto } ) ;
zoom2 . enhance = function ( ) {
_zoom2 _maxItems *= 2 ;
@ -57,12 +57,14 @@ c3ext.generate = function (options) {
var list3 = list2 ;
if ( list3 . length > maxItems ) {
var chunkSize = Math . ceil ( list2 . length / maxItems ) ;
list3 = list3 . splitIntoChunksOf ( chunkSize ) . select ( func ) ;
list3 = list3 . splitIntoChunksOf ( chunkSize ) . map ( func ) ;
//console.log("x" + getCurrentZoomLevel() + ", maxItems=" + maxItems + " chunkSize=" + chunkSize + " totalBefore=" + list2.length + ", totalAfter=" + list3.length);
return list3 ;
function first ( t ) { return t [ 0 ] ; }
var getDataForZoom = function ( data ) {
if ( data . columns == null || data . columns . length == 0 )
return ;
@ -72,9 +74,9 @@ c3ext.generate = function (options) {
zoom2 . setOptions ( { totalItems : data . columns [ 0 ] . length - 1 } ) ;
zoomInfo = zoom2 . getZoom ( ) ;
data . columns = originalData . columns . select ( function ( column ) {
data . columns = originalData . columns . map ( function ( column ) {
var name = column [ 0 ] ;
var reducer = zoom2 _reducers [ name ] || "t=>t[0]" . toLambda ( ) ; //by default take the first
var reducer = zoom2 _reducers [ name ] || first ; //by default take the first
var values = column . slice ( 1 ) ;
var newValues = zoomAndReduceData ( values , zoomInfo . currentZoom , reducer , _zoom2 _maxItems ) ;
@ -115,9 +117,7 @@ c3ext.generate = function (options) {
return chart ;
var ZoomBehavior = { } ;
ZoomBehavior . create = function ( options ) {
c3ext . ZoomBehavior = function ( options ) {
var zoom = { _ _type : "ZoomBehavior" } ;
var _zoom2 _factor ;
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ ZoomBehavior.create = function (options) {
zoom . getZoom = function ( ) {
return { totalItems : totalItems , currentZoom : currentZoom . toArray ( ) } ;
return { totalItems : totalItems , currentZoom : currentZoom . slice ( ) } ;
zoom . factor = function ( factor , skipDraw ) {
@ -252,8 +252,6 @@ ZoomBehavior.create = function (options) {
applyZoomAndPan ( ) ;
function doZoom ( ) {
if ( deltaY != 0 ) {
var maxDelta = 10 ;
@ -285,3 +283,98 @@ ZoomBehavior.create = function (options) {
return zoom ;
if ( typeof ( Q ) == "undefined" ) {
var Q = function ( ) {
} ;
Q . copy = function ( src , target , options , depth ) {
///<summary>Copies an object into a target object, recursively cloning any object or array in the way, overwrite=true will overwrite a primitive field value even if exists</summary>
///<param name="src" />
///<param name="target" />
///<param name="options" type="Object">{ overwrite:false }</param>
///<returns type="Object">The copied object</returns>
if ( depth == null )
depth = 0 ;
if ( depth == 100 ) {
console . warn ( "Q.copy is in depth of 100 - possible circular reference" )
options = options || { overwrite : false } ;
if ( src == target || src == null )
return target ;
if ( typeof ( src ) != "object" ) {
if ( options . overwrite || target == null )
return src ;
return target ;
if ( typeof ( src . clone ) == "function" ) {
if ( options . overwrite || target == null )
return src . clone ( ) ;
return target ;
if ( target == null ) {
if ( src instanceof Array )
target = [ ] ;
target = { } ;
if ( src instanceof Array ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < src . length ; i ++ ) {
var item = src [ i ] ;
var item2 = target [ i ] ;
item2 = Q . copy ( item , item2 , options , depth + 1 ) ;
target [ i ] = item2 ;
target . splice ( src . length , target . length - src . length ) ;
return target ;
for ( var p in src ) {
var value = src [ p ] ;
var value2 = target [ p ] ;
value2 = Q . copy ( value , value2 , options , depth + 1 ) ;
target [ p ] = value2 ;
return target ;
if ( typeof ( Timer ) == "undefined" ) {
var Timer = function ( action , ms ) {
this . action = action ;
if ( ms != null )
this . set ( ms ) ;
Timer . prototype . set = function ( ms ) {
if ( ms == null )
ms = this . _ms ;
this . _ms = ms ;
this . clear ( ) ;
if ( ms == null )
return ;
this . timeout = window . setTimeout ( this . onTick . bind ( this ) , ms ) ;
Timer . prototype . onTick = function ( ) {
this . clear ( ) ;
this . action ( ) ;
Timer . prototype . clear = function ( ms ) {
if ( this . timeout == null )
return ;
window . clearTimeout ( this . timeout ) ;
this . timeout = null ;
if ( typeof ( Array . prototype . splitIntoChunksOf ) == "undefined" ) {
Array . prototype . splitIntoChunksOf = function ( countInEachChunk ) {
var chunks = Math . ceil ( this . length / countInEachChunk ) ;
var list = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . length ; i += countInEachChunk ) {
list . push ( this . slice ( i , i + countInEachChunk ) ) ;
return list ;