@ -2,16 +2,20 @@ describe('c3 chart tooltip', function () { |
'use strict'; |
'use strict'; |
var chart; |
var chart; |
var tooltipConfiguration; |
var tooltipConfiguration = {}; |
var dataOrder = 'desc'; |
var dataGroups; |
var args = function () { |
var args = function () { |
return { |
return { |
data: { |
data: { |
columns: [ |
columns: [ |
['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250], |
['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250], // 1130
['data2', 50, 20, 10, 40, 15, 25], |
['data2', 50, 20, 10, 40, 15, 25], // 160
['data3', 150, 120, 110, 140, 115, 125] |
['data3', 150, 120, 110, 140, 115, 125] // 760
], |
], |
order: dataOrder, |
groups: dataGroups |
}, |
}, |
tooltip: tooltipConfiguration |
tooltip: tooltipConfiguration |
}; |
}; |
@ -19,6 +23,8 @@ describe('c3 chart tooltip', function () { |
beforeEach(function (done) { |
beforeEach(function (done) { |
chart = window.initChart(chart, args(), done); |
chart = window.initChart(chart, args(), done); |
dataOrder = 'desc'; |
dataGroups = undefined; |
}); |
}); |
describe('tooltip position', function () { |
describe('tooltip position', function () { |
@ -99,24 +105,320 @@ describe('c3 chart tooltip', function () { |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
describe('tooltip getTooltipContent', function () { |
describe('tooltip with data_order as desc with grouped data', function() { |
beforeAll(function () { |
beforeAll(function() { |
dataOrder = 'desc'; |
dataGroups = [ [ 'data1', 'data2', 'data3' ]]; |
}); |
it('should display each data in descending order', function() { |
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', 100, 100, d3.select('.c3-event-rect-2').node()); |
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr')[0].map(function(node) { |
return node.className; |
}); |
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
expect(classes[1]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data1'); // 1130
expect(classes[2]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data3'); // 760
expect(classes[3]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data2'); // 160
}); |
}); |
describe('tooltip with data_order as asc with grouped data', function() { |
beforeAll(function() { |
dataOrder = 'asc'; |
dataGroups = [ [ 'data1', 'data2', 'data3' ]]; |
}); |
it('should display each data in ascending order', function() { |
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', 100, 100, d3.select('.c3-event-rect-2').node()); |
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr')[0].map(function(node) { |
return node.className; |
}); |
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
expect(classes[1]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data2'); // 160
expect(classes[2]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data3'); // 760
expect(classes[3]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data1'); // 1130
}); |
}); |
describe('tooltip with data_order as NULL with grouped data', function() { |
beforeAll(function() { |
dataOrder = null; |
dataGroups = [ [ 'data1', 'data2', 'data3' ]]; |
}); |
it('should display each data in given order', function() { |
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', 100, 100, d3.select('.c3-event-rect-2').node()); |
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr')[0].map(function(node) { |
return node.className; |
}); |
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
expect(classes[1]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data1'); |
expect(classes[2]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data2'); |
expect(classes[3]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data3'); |
}); |
}); |
describe('tooltip with data_order as Function with grouped data', function() { |
beforeAll(function() { |
var order = [ 'data2', 'data1', 'data3' ]; |
dataOrder = function(data1, data2) { |
return order.indexOf(data1.id) - order.indexOf(data2.id); |
}; |
dataGroups = [ [ 'data1', 'data2', 'data3' ]]; |
}); |
it('should display each data in order given by function', function() { |
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', 100, 100, d3.select('.c3-event-rect-2').node()); |
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr')[0].map(function(node) { |
return node.className; |
}); |
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
expect(classes[1]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data2'); |
expect(classes[2]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data1'); |
expect(classes[3]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data3'); |
}); |
}); |
describe('tooltip with data_order as Array with grouped data', function() { |
beforeAll(function() { |
dataOrder = [ 'data2', 'data1', 'data3' ]; |
dataGroups = [ [ 'data1', 'data2', 'data3' ]]; |
}); |
it('should display each data in order given by array', function() { |
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', 100, 100, d3.select('.c3-event-rect-2').node()); |
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr')[0].map(function(node) { |
return node.className; |
}); |
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
expect(classes[1]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data2'); |
expect(classes[2]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data1'); |
expect(classes[3]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data3'); |
}); |
}); |
describe('tooltip with data_order as desc with un-grouped data', function() { |
beforeAll(function() { |
dataOrder = 'desc'; |
}); |
it('should display each tooltip value descending order', function() { |
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', 100, 100, d3.select('.c3-event-rect-2').node()); |
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr')[0].map(function(node) { |
return node.className; |
}); |
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
expect(classes[1]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data3'); // 110
expect(classes[2]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data1'); // 100
expect(classes[3]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data2'); // 10
}); |
}); |
describe('tooltip with data_order as asc with un-grouped data', function() { |
beforeAll(function() { |
dataOrder = 'asc'; |
}); |
it('should display each tooltip value in ascending order', function() { |
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', 100, 100, d3.select('.c3-event-rect-2').node()); |
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr')[0].map(function(node) { |
return node.className; |
}); |
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
expect(classes[1]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data2'); // 10
expect(classes[2]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data1'); // 100
expect(classes[3]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data3'); // 110
}); |
}); |
describe('tooltip with data_order as NULL with un-grouped data', function() { |
beforeAll(function() { |
dataOrder = null; |
}); |
it('should display each tooltip value in given data order', function() { |
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', 100, 100, d3.select('.c3-event-rect-2').node()); |
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr')[0].map(function(node) { |
return node.className; |
}); |
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
expect(classes[1]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data1'); |
expect(classes[2]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data2'); |
expect(classes[3]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data3'); |
}); |
}); |
describe('tooltip with data_order as Function with un-grouped data', function() { |
beforeAll(function() { |
var order = [ 'data2', 'data1', 'data3' ]; |
dataOrder = function(data1, data2) { |
return order.indexOf(data1.id) - order.indexOf(data2.id); |
}; |
}); |
it('should display each tooltip value in data order given by function', function() { |
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', 100, 100, d3.select('.c3-event-rect-2').node()); |
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr')[0].map(function(node) { |
return node.className; |
}); |
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
expect(classes[1]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data2'); |
expect(classes[2]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data1'); |
expect(classes[3]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data3'); |
}); |
}); |
describe('tooltip with data_order as Array with un-grouped data', function() { |
beforeAll(function() { |
dataOrder = [ 'data2', 'data1', 'data3' ]; |
}); |
it('should display each tooltip value in data order given by array', function() { |
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', 100, 100, d3.select('.c3-event-rect-2').node()); |
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr')[0].map(function(node) { |
return node.className; |
}); |
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
expect(classes[1]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data2'); |
expect(classes[2]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data1'); |
expect(classes[3]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data3'); |
}); |
}); |
describe('tooltip with tooltip_order as desc', function() { |
beforeAll(function() { |
tooltipConfiguration = { |
tooltipConfiguration = { |
data_order: 'desc' |
order: 'desc' |
}; |
}; |
// this should be ignored
dataOrder = 'asc'; |
dataGroups = [ [ 'data1', 'data2', 'data3' ]]; |
}); |
it('should display each tooltip value descending order', function() { |
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', 100, 100, d3.select('.c3-event-rect-2').node()); |
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr')[0].map(function(node) { |
return node.className; |
}); |
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
expect(classes[1]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data3'); // 110
expect(classes[2]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data1'); // 100
expect(classes[3]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data2'); // 10
}); |
}); |
}); |
describe('tooltip with tooltip_order as asc', function() { |
beforeAll(function() { |
tooltipConfiguration = { |
order: 'asc' |
}; |
it('should sort values desc', function () { |
// this should be ignored
var eventRect = d3.select('.c3-event-rect-2').node(); |
dataOrder = 'desc'; |
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', 100, 100, eventRect); |
dataGroups = [ [ 'data1', 'data2', 'data3' ]]; |
}); |
it('should display each tooltip value in ascending order', function() { |
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', 100, 100, d3.select('.c3-event-rect-2').node()); |
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr')[0].map(function(node) { |
return node.className; |
}); |
var tooltipTable = d3.select('.c3-tooltip')[0]; |
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
var expected = ["", "c3-tooltip-name--data3", |
expect(classes[1]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data2'); // 10
"c3-tooltip-name--data1", "c3-tooltip-name--data2"]; |
expect(classes[2]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data1'); // 100
var i; |
expect(classes[3]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data3'); // 110
for (i = 0; i < tooltipTable[0].rows.length; i++) { |
}); |
expect(tooltipTable[0].rows[i].className).toBe(expected[i]); |
}); |
} |
describe('tooltip with tooltip_order as NULL', function() { |
beforeAll(function() { |
tooltipConfiguration = { |
order: null |
}; |
}); |
it('should display each tooltip value in given order', function() { |
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', 100, 100, d3.select('.c3-event-rect-2').node()); |
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr')[0].map(function(node) { |
return node.className; |
}); |
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
expect(classes[1]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data1'); |
expect(classes[2]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data2'); |
expect(classes[3]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data3'); |
}); |
}); |
describe('tooltip with tooltip_order as Function', function() { |
beforeAll(function() { |
var order = [ 'data2', 'data1', 'data3' ]; |
tooltipConfiguration = { |
order: function(data1, data2) { |
return order.indexOf(data1.id) - order.indexOf(data2.id); |
} |
}; |
}); |
it('should display each tooltip value in data order given by function', function() { |
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', 100, 100, d3.select('.c3-event-rect-2').node()); |
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr')[0].map(function(node) { |
return node.className; |
}); |
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
expect(classes[1]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data2'); |
expect(classes[2]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data1'); |
expect(classes[3]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data3'); |
}); |
}); |
describe('tooltip with tooltip_order as Array', function() { |
beforeAll(function() { |
tooltipConfiguration = { |
order: [ 'data2', 'data1', 'data3' ] |
}; |
}); |
it('should display each tooltip value in data order given by array', function() { |
window.setMouseEvent(chart, 'mousemove', 100, 100, d3.select('.c3-event-rect-2').node()); |
var classes = d3.selectAll('.c3-tooltip tr')[0].map(function(node) { |
return node.className; |
}); |
expect(classes[0]).toBe(''); // header
expect(classes[1]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data2'); |
expect(classes[2]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data1'); |
expect(classes[3]).toBe('c3-tooltip-name--data3'); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |