@ -289,7 +289,8 @@
/*-- Set Variables --*/ |
var clipId = (typeof __bindto === "string" ? __bindto.replace('#', '') : __bindto.id) + '-clip', |
// MEMO: clipId needs to be unique because it conflicts when multiple charts exist
var clipId = (typeof __bindto === "string" ? __bindto.replace(/[# .>~+]/g, '') : CLASS.chart + (+new Date())) + '-clip', |
clipIdForXAxis = clipId + '-xaxis', |
clipIdForYAxis = clipId + '-yaxis', |
clipPath = getClipPath(clipId), |
@ -489,7 +490,7 @@
var leftAxisClass = __axis_rotated ? CLASS.axisX : CLASS.axisY, |
leftAxis = main.select('.' + leftAxisClass).node(), |
svgRect = leftAxis ? leftAxis.getBoundingClientRect() : {right: 0}, |
chartRect = d3.select(__bindto).node().getBoundingClientRect(), |
chartRect = selectChart.node().getBoundingClientRect(), |
hasArc = hasArcType(c3.data.targets), |
svgLeft = svgRect.right - chartRect.left - (hasArc ? 0 : getCurrentPaddingLeft()); |
return svgLeft > 0 ? svgLeft : 0; |
@ -538,10 +539,10 @@
return (getAxisLabelPositionById(axisId).isInner ? 30 : 40) + (axisId === 'y2' ? -10 : 0); |
} |
function getParentWidth() { |
return +d3.select(__bindto).style("width").replace('px', ''); // TODO: if rotated, use height
return +selectChart.style("width").replace('px', ''); // TODO: if rotated, use height
} |
function getParentHeight() { |
return +d3.select(__bindto).style('height').replace('px', ''); // TODO: if rotated, use width
return +selectChart.style('height').replace('px', ''); // TODO: if rotated, use width
} |
function getAxisClipX(forHorizontal) { |
// axis line width + padding for left
@ -2448,7 +2449,7 @@
selectChart = d3.select(__bindto); |
if (selectChart.empty()) { |
throw new Error('Bind element not found. Check the selector specified by "bindto" and existance of that element. Default "bindto" is "#chart".'); |
throw new Error('Element to bind not found'); |
} |
selectChart.html("").classed("c3", true); |
@ -2513,7 +2514,7 @@
} |
// Define tooltip
tooltip = d3.select(__bindto) |
tooltip = selectChart |
.style("position", "relative") |
.append("div") |
.style("position", "absolute") |