Werkzeug - Werkzeug is a set of utilities for applications that communicate through an interface specification called WSGI (Web Server
Gateway Interface), which as stated in the werkzeug documentation, "WSGI itself is a protocol or convetion that ensures that your web
applicationcan speak with the webserver and more importantly that web applications work nicely together." The werkzeug tutorial can get
you up and running on werkzeug, the link is this: http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/docs/0.11/tutorial/#introducint-shortly
Werkzeug - Werkzeug is a set of utilities for applications that communicate through an interface specification called WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface), which as stated in the werkzeug documentation, "WSGI itself is a protocol or convetion that ensures that your web applicationcan speak with the webserver and more importantly that web applications work nicely together." The werkzeug tutorial can get you up and running on werkzeug, the link is this: