@ -16,20 +16,17 @@ import uuid
import time |
import flask |
import pickle |
import unittest |
from datetime import datetime |
from threading import Thread |
from tests import emits_module_deprecation_warning |
from flask._compat import text_type |
from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequest, NotFound, Forbidden |
from werkzeug.http import parse_date |
from werkzeug.routing import BuildError |
class TestBasicFunctionality(object): |
def test_options_work(self): |
def test_options_work(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) |
def index(): |
return 'Hello World' |
@ -37,19 +34,24 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert sorted(rv.allow) == ['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'POST'] |
assert rv.data == b'' |
def test_options_on_multiple_rules(self): |
def test_options_on_multiple_rules(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) |
def index(): |
return 'Hello World' |
@app.route('/', methods=['PUT']) |
def index_put(): |
return 'Aha!' |
rv = app.test_client().open('/', method='OPTIONS') |
assert sorted(rv.allow) == ['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'POST', 'PUT'] |
def test_options_handling_disabled(self): |
def test_options_handling_disabled(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
def index(): |
return 'Hello World!' |
index.provide_automatic_options = False |
@ -58,6 +60,7 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert rv.status_code == 405 |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
def index2(): |
return 'Hello World!' |
index2.provide_automatic_options = True |
@ -65,11 +68,14 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
rv = app.test_client().open('/', method='OPTIONS') |
assert sorted(rv.allow) == ['OPTIONS'] |
def test_request_dispatching(self): |
def test_request_dispatching(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
return flask.request.method |
@app.route('/more', methods=['GET', 'POST']) |
def more(): |
return flask.request.method |
@ -88,17 +94,21 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert rv.status_code == 405 |
assert sorted(rv.allow) == ['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'POST'] |
def test_disallow_string_for_allowed_methods(self): |
def test_disallow_string_for_allowed_methods(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
with pytest.raises(TypeError): |
@app.route('/', methods='GET POST') |
def index(): |
return "Hey" |
def test_url_mapping(self): |
def test_url_mapping(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
def index(): |
return flask.request.method |
def more(): |
return flask.request.method |
@ -119,15 +129,18 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert rv.status_code == 405 |
assert sorted(rv.allow) == ['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'POST'] |
def test_werkzeug_routing(self): |
def test_werkzeug_routing(): |
from werkzeug.routing import Submount, Rule |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.url_map.add(Submount('/foo', [ |
Rule('/bar', endpoint='bar'), |
Rule('/', endpoint='index') |
])) |
def bar(): |
return 'bar' |
def index(): |
return 'index' |
app.view_functions['bar'] = bar |
@ -137,7 +150,8 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert c.get('/foo/').data == b'index' |
assert c.get('/foo/bar').data == b'bar' |
def test_endpoint_decorator(self): |
def test_endpoint_decorator(): |
from werkzeug.routing import Submount, Rule |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.url_map.add(Submount('/foo', [ |
@ -157,13 +171,16 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert c.get('/foo/').data == b'index' |
assert c.get('/foo/bar').data == b'bar' |
def test_session(self): |
def test_session(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.secret_key = 'testkey' |
@app.route('/set', methods=['POST']) |
def set(): |
flask.session['value'] = flask.request.form['value'] |
return 'value set' |
@app.route('/get') |
def get(): |
return flask.session['value'] |
@ -172,12 +189,14 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert c.post('/set', data={'value': '42'}).data == b'value set' |
assert c.get('/get').data == b'42' |
def test_session_using_server_name(self): |
def test_session_using_server_name(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.config.update( |
SECRET_KEY='foo', |
SERVER_NAME='example.com' |
) |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
flask.session['testing'] = 42 |
@ -186,12 +205,14 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert 'domain=.example.com' in rv.headers['set-cookie'].lower() |
assert 'httponly' in rv.headers['set-cookie'].lower() |
def test_session_using_server_name_and_port(self): |
def test_session_using_server_name_and_port(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.config.update( |
SECRET_KEY='foo', |
SERVER_NAME='example.com:8080' |
) |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
flask.session['testing'] = 42 |
@ -200,13 +221,15 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert 'domain=.example.com' in rv.headers['set-cookie'].lower() |
assert 'httponly' in rv.headers['set-cookie'].lower() |
def test_session_using_server_name_port_and_path(self): |
def test_session_using_server_name_port_and_path(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.config.update( |
SECRET_KEY='foo', |
SERVER_NAME='example.com:8080', |
) |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
flask.session['testing'] = 42 |
@ -216,11 +239,14 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert 'path=/foo' in rv.headers['set-cookie'].lower() |
assert 'httponly' in rv.headers['set-cookie'].lower() |
def test_session_using_application_root(self): |
def test_session_using_application_root(): |
class PrefixPathMiddleware(object): |
def __init__(self, app, prefix): |
self.app = app |
self.prefix = prefix |
def __call__(self, environ, start_response): |
environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = self.prefix |
return self.app(environ, start_response) |
@ -231,6 +257,7 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
SECRET_KEY='foo', |
) |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
flask.session['testing'] = 42 |
@ -238,7 +265,8 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
rv = app.test_client().get('/', 'http://example.com:8080/') |
assert 'path=/bar' in rv.headers['set-cookie'].lower() |
def test_session_using_session_settings(self): |
def test_session_using_session_settings(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.config.update( |
SECRET_KEY='foo', |
@ -249,6 +277,7 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
) |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
flask.session['testing'] = 42 |
@ -260,8 +289,10 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert 'secure' in cookie |
assert 'httponly' not in cookie |
def test_missing_session(self): |
def test_missing_session(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
def expect_exception(f, *args, **kwargs): |
try: |
f(*args, **kwargs) |
@ -274,10 +305,12 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
expect_exception(flask.session.__setitem__, 'foo', 42) |
expect_exception(flask.session.pop, 'foo') |
def test_session_expiration(self): |
def test_session_expiration(): |
permanent = True |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.secret_key = 'testkey' |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
flask.session['test'] = 42 |
@ -307,7 +340,8 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
match = re.search(r'\bexpires=([^;]+)', rv.headers['set-cookie']) |
assert match is None |
def test_session_stored_last(self): |
def test_session_stored_last(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.secret_key = 'development-key' |
app.testing = True |
@ -316,6 +350,7 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
def modify_session(response): |
flask.session['foo'] = 42 |
return response |
@app.route('/') |
def dump_session_contents(): |
return repr(flask.session.get('foo')) |
@ -324,7 +359,8 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert c.get('/').data == b'None' |
assert c.get('/').data == b'42' |
def test_session_special_types(self): |
def test_session_special_types(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.secret_key = 'development-key' |
app.testing = True |
@ -355,7 +391,8 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert type(rv['b']) == bytes |
assert rv['t'] == (1, 2, 3) |
def test_session_cookie_setting(self): |
def test_session_cookie_setting(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.testing = True |
app.secret_key = 'dev key' |
@ -398,7 +435,8 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
app.config['SESSION_REFRESH_EACH_REQUEST'] = False |
run_test(expect_header=False) |
def test_flashes(self): |
def test_flashes(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.secret_key = 'testkey' |
@ -410,7 +448,8 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert flask.session.modified |
assert list(flask.get_flashed_messages()) == ['Zap', 'Zip'] |
def test_extended_flashing(self): |
def test_extended_flashing(): |
# Be sure app.testing=True below, else tests can fail silently. |
# |
# Specifically, if app.testing is not set to True, the AssertionErrors |
@ -451,13 +490,15 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
@app.route('/test_filter/') |
def test_filter(): |
messages = flask.get_flashed_messages(category_filter=['message'], with_categories=True) |
messages = flask.get_flashed_messages( |
category_filter=['message'], with_categories=True) |
assert list(messages) == [('message', u'Hello World')] |
return '' |
@app.route('/test_filters/') |
def test_filters(): |
messages = flask.get_flashed_messages(category_filter=['message', 'warning'], with_categories=True) |
messages = flask.get_flashed_messages( |
category_filter=['message', 'warning'], with_categories=True) |
assert list(messages) == [ |
('message', u'Hello World'), |
('warning', flask.Markup(u'<em>Testing</em>')) |
@ -466,7 +507,8 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
@app.route('/test_filters_without_returning_categories/') |
def test_filters2(): |
messages = flask.get_flashed_messages(category_filter=['message', 'warning']) |
messages = flask.get_flashed_messages( |
category_filter=['message', 'warning']) |
assert len(messages) == 2 |
assert messages[0] == u'Hello World' |
assert messages[1] == flask.Markup(u'<em>Testing</em>') |
@ -494,17 +536,21 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
c.get('/') |
c.get('/test_filters_without_returning_categories/') |
def test_request_processing(self): |
def test_request_processing(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
evts = [] |
@app.before_request |
def before_request(): |
evts.append('before') |
@app.after_request |
def after_request(response): |
response.data += b'|after' |
evts.append('after') |
return response |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
assert 'before' in evts |
@ -515,9 +561,11 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert 'after' in evts |
assert rv == b'request|after' |
def test_after_request_processing(self): |
def test_after_request_processing(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.testing = True |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
@flask.after_this_request |
@ -530,13 +578,16 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert resp.status_code == 200 |
assert resp.headers['X-Foo'] == 'a header' |
def test_teardown_request_handler(self): |
def test_teardown_request_handler(): |
called = [] |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
@app.teardown_request |
def teardown_request(exc): |
called.append(True) |
return "Ignored" |
@app.route('/') |
def root(): |
return "Response" |
@ -545,14 +596,17 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert b'Response' in rv.data |
assert len(called) == 1 |
def test_teardown_request_handler_debug_mode(self): |
def test_teardown_request_handler_debug_mode(): |
called = [] |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.testing = True |
@app.teardown_request |
def teardown_request(exc): |
called.append(True) |
return "Ignored" |
@app.route('/') |
def root(): |
return "Response" |
@ -561,10 +615,12 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert b'Response' in rv.data |
assert len(called) == 1 |
def test_teardown_request_handler_error(self): |
def test_teardown_request_handler_error(): |
called = [] |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.config['LOGGER_HANDLER_POLICY'] = 'never' |
@app.teardown_request |
def teardown_request1(exc): |
assert type(exc) == ZeroDivisionError |
@ -576,6 +632,7 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
raise TypeError() |
except: |
pass |
@app.teardown_request |
def teardown_request2(exc): |
assert type(exc) == ZeroDivisionError |
@ -587,6 +644,7 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
raise TypeError() |
except: |
pass |
@app.route('/') |
def fails(): |
1 // 0 |
@ -595,29 +653,37 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert b'Internal Server Error' in rv.data |
assert len(called) == 2 |
def test_before_after_request_order(self): |
def test_before_after_request_order(): |
called = [] |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
@app.before_request |
def before1(): |
called.append(1) |
@app.before_request |
def before2(): |
called.append(2) |
@app.after_request |
def after1(response): |
called.append(4) |
return response |
@app.after_request |
def after2(response): |
called.append(3) |
return response |
@app.teardown_request |
def finish1(exc): |
called.append(6) |
@app.teardown_request |
def finish2(exc): |
called.append(5) |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
return '42' |
@ -625,24 +691,31 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert rv.data == b'42' |
assert called == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] |
def test_error_handling(self): |
def test_error_handling(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.config['LOGGER_HANDLER_POLICY'] = 'never' |
@app.errorhandler(404) |
def not_found(e): |
return 'not found', 404 |
@app.errorhandler(500) |
def internal_server_error(e): |
return 'internal server error', 500 |
@app.errorhandler(Forbidden) |
def forbidden(e): |
return 'forbidden', 403 |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
flask.abort(404) |
@app.route('/error') |
def error(): |
1 // 0 |
@app.route('/forbidden') |
def error2(): |
flask.abort(403) |
@ -657,11 +730,14 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert rv.status_code == 403 |
assert b'forbidden' == rv.data |
def test_before_request_and_routing_errors(self): |
def test_before_request_and_routing_errors(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
@app.before_request |
def attach_something(): |
flask.g.something = 'value' |
@app.errorhandler(404) |
def return_something(error): |
return flask.g.something, 404 |
@ -669,15 +745,18 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert rv.status_code == 404 |
assert rv.data == b'value' |
def test_user_error_handling(self): |
def test_user_error_handling(): |
class MyException(Exception): |
pass |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
@app.errorhandler(MyException) |
def handle_my_exception(e): |
assert isinstance(e, MyException) |
return '42' |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
raise MyException() |
@ -685,15 +764,18 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
c = app.test_client() |
assert c.get('/').data == b'42' |
def test_http_error_subclass_handling(self): |
def test_http_error_subclass_handling(): |
class ForbiddenSubclass(Forbidden): |
pass |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
@app.errorhandler(ForbiddenSubclass) |
def handle_forbidden_subclass(e): |
assert isinstance(e, ForbiddenSubclass) |
return 'banana' |
@app.errorhandler(403) |
def handle_forbidden_subclass(e): |
assert not isinstance(e, ForbiddenSubclass) |
@ -703,9 +785,11 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
@app.route('/1') |
def index1(): |
raise ForbiddenSubclass() |
@app.route('/2') |
def index2(): |
flask.abort(403) |
@app.route('/3') |
def index3(): |
raise Forbidden() |
@ -715,9 +799,11 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert c.get('/2').data == b'apple' |
assert c.get('/3').data == b'apple' |
def test_trapping_of_bad_request_key_errors(self): |
def test_trapping_of_bad_request_key_errors(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.testing = True |
@app.route('/fail') |
def fail(): |
flask.request.form['missing_key'] |
@ -733,26 +819,26 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
else: |
assert False, 'Expected exception' |
def test_trapping_of_all_http_exceptions(self): |
def test_trapping_of_all_http_exceptions(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.testing = True |
app.config['TRAP_HTTP_EXCEPTIONS'] = True |
@app.route('/fail') |
def fail(): |
flask.abort(404) |
c = app.test_client() |
try: |
with pytest.raises(NotFound): |
c.get('/fail') |
except NotFound as e: |
pass |
else: |
assert False, 'Expected exception' |
def test_enctype_debug_helper(self): |
def test_enctype_debug_helper(): |
from flask.debughelpers import DebugFilesKeyError |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.debug = True |
@app.route('/fail', methods=['POST']) |
def index(): |
return flask.request.files['foo'].filename |
@ -769,29 +855,36 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
else: |
assert False, 'Expected exception' |
def test_response_creation(self): |
def test_response_creation(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
@app.route('/unicode') |
def from_unicode(): |
return u'Hällo Wörld' |
@app.route('/string') |
def from_string(): |
return u'Hällo Wörld'.encode('utf-8') |
@app.route('/args') |
def from_tuple(): |
return 'Meh', 400, { |
'X-Foo': 'Testing', |
'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' |
} |
@app.route('/two_args') |
def from_two_args_tuple(): |
return 'Hello', { |
'X-Foo': 'Test', |
'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' |
} |
@app.route('/args_status') |
def from_status_tuple(): |
return 'Hi, status!', 400 |
@app.route('/args_header') |
def from_response_instance_status_tuple(): |
return flask.Response('Hello world', 404), { |
@ -822,7 +915,8 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert rv4.headers['X-Bar'] == 'Foo' |
assert rv4.status_code == 404 |
def test_make_response(self): |
def test_make_response(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
with app.test_request_context(): |
rv = flask.make_response() |
@ -840,7 +934,8 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert rv.data == b'W00t' |
assert rv.mimetype == 'text/html' |
def test_make_response_with_response_instance(self): |
def test_make_response_with_response_instance(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
with app.test_request_context(): |
rv = flask.make_response( |
@ -862,8 +957,10 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert rv.headers['Content-Type'] == 'text/html' |
assert rv.headers['X-Foo'] == 'bar' |
def test_url_generation(self): |
def test_url_generation(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
@app.route('/hello/<name>', methods=['POST']) |
def hello(): |
pass |
@ -872,7 +969,8 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert flask.url_for('hello', name='test x', _external=True) == \ |
'http://localhost/hello/test%20x' |
def test_build_error_handler(self): |
def test_build_error_handler(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
# Test base case, a URL which results in a BuildError. |
@ -888,7 +986,8 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
try: |
raise RuntimeError('Test case where BuildError is not current.') |
except RuntimeError: |
pytest.raises(BuildError, app.handle_url_build_error, error, 'spam', {}) |
pytest.raises( |
BuildError, app.handle_url_build_error, error, 'spam', {}) |
# Test a custom handler. |
def handler(error, endpoint, values): |
@ -898,23 +997,29 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
with app.test_request_context(): |
assert flask.url_for('spam') == '/test_handler/' |
def test_custom_converters(self): |
def test_custom_converters(): |
from werkzeug.routing import BaseConverter |
class ListConverter(BaseConverter): |
def to_python(self, value): |
return value.split(',') |
def to_url(self, value): |
base_to_url = super(ListConverter, self).to_url |
return ','.join(base_to_url(x) for x in value) |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.url_map.converters['list'] = ListConverter |
@app.route('/<list:args>') |
def index(args): |
return '|'.join(args) |
c = app.test_client() |
assert c.get('/1,2,3').data == b'1|2|3' |
def test_static_files(self): |
def test_static_files(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.testing = True |
rv = app.test_client().get('/static/index.html') |
@ -925,9 +1030,11 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
'/static/index.html' |
rv.close() |
def test_none_response(self): |
def test_none_response(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.testing = True |
@app.route('/') |
def test(): |
return None |
@ -939,15 +1046,18 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
else: |
assert "Expected ValueError" |
def test_request_locals(self): |
def test_request_locals(): |
assert repr(flask.g) == '<LocalProxy unbound>' |
assert not flask.g |
def test_test_app_proper_environ(self): |
def test_test_app_proper_environ(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.config.update( |
SERVER_NAME='localhost.localdomain:5000' |
) |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
return 'Foo' |
@ -998,10 +1108,12 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
rv = app.test_client().get('/', 'http://foo.localhost.localdomain') |
assert rv.data == b'Foo SubDomain' |
def test_exception_propagation(self): |
def test_exception_propagation(): |
def apprunner(configkey): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.config['LOGGER_HANDLER_POLICY'] = 'never' |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
1 // 0 |
@ -1026,17 +1138,21 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
t.start() |
t.join() |
def test_max_content_length(self): |
def test_max_content_length(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.config['MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH'] = 64 |
@app.before_request |
def always_first(): |
flask.request.form['myfile'] |
assert False |
@app.route('/accept', methods=['POST']) |
def accept_file(): |
flask.request.form['myfile'] |
assert False |
@app.errorhandler(413) |
def catcher(error): |
return '42' |
@ -1045,7 +1161,8 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
rv = c.post('/accept', data={'myfile': 'foo' * 100}) |
assert rv.data == b'42' |
def test_url_processors(self): |
def test_url_processors(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
@app.url_defaults |
@ -1076,7 +1193,8 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert c.get('/de/about').data == b'/foo' |
assert c.get('/foo').data == b'/en/about' |
def test_inject_blueprint_url_defaults(self): |
def test_inject_blueprint_url_defaults(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
bp = flask.Blueprint('foo.bar.baz', __name__, |
template_folder='template') |
@ -1084,8 +1202,10 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
@bp.url_defaults |
def bp_defaults(endpoint, values): |
values['page'] = 'login' |
@bp.route('/<page>') |
def view(page): pass |
def view(page): |
pass |
app.register_blueprint(bp) |
@ -1099,7 +1219,8 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
expected = '/login' |
assert url == expected |
def test_nonascii_pathinfo(self): |
def test_nonascii_pathinfo(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.testing = True |
@ -1111,9 +1232,11 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
rv = c.get(u'/киртест') |
assert rv.data == b'Hello World!' |
def test_debug_mode_complains_after_first_request(self): |
def test_debug_mode_complains_after_first_request(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.debug = True |
@app.route('/') |
def index(): |
return 'Awesome' |
@ -1129,15 +1252,18 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert False, 'Expected exception' |
app.debug = False |
@app.route('/foo') |
def working(): |
return 'Meh' |
assert app.test_client().get('/foo').data == b'Meh' |
assert app.got_first_request |
def test_before_first_request_functions(self): |
def test_before_first_request_functions(): |
got = [] |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
@app.before_first_request |
def foo(): |
got.append(42) |
@ -1148,7 +1274,8 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert got == [42] |
assert app.got_first_request |
def test_before_first_request_functions_concurrent(self): |
def test_before_first_request_functions_concurrent(): |
got = [] |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
@ -1158,6 +1285,7 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
got.append(42) |
c = app.test_client() |
def get_and_assert(): |
c.get("/") |
assert got == [42] |
@ -1168,9 +1296,11 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
t.join() |
assert app.got_first_request |
def test_routing_redirect_debugging(self): |
def test_routing_redirect_debugging(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.debug = True |
@app.route('/foo/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) |
def foo(): |
return 'success' |
@ -1192,7 +1322,8 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
rv = c.post('/foo', data={}, follow_redirects=True) |
assert rv.data == b'success' |
def test_route_decorator_custom_endpoint(self): |
def test_route_decorator_custom_endpoint(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.debug = True |
@ -1218,7 +1349,8 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert c.get('/bar/').data == b'bar' |
assert c.get('/bar/123').data == b'123' |
def test_preserve_only_once(self): |
def test_preserve_only_once(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.debug = True |
@ -1238,7 +1370,8 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert flask._request_ctx_stack.top is None |
assert flask._app_ctx_stack.top is None |
def test_preserve_remembers_exception(self): |
def test_preserve_remembers_exception(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.debug = True |
errors = [] |
@ -1270,20 +1403,22 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
# At this point another request does nothing. |
c.get('/success') |
assert len(errors) == 3 |
assert errors[1] == None |
assert errors[1] is None |
def test_get_method_on_g(self): |
def test_get_method_on_g(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.testing = True |
with app.app_context(): |
assert flask.g.get('x') == None |
assert flask.g.get('x') is None |
assert flask.g.get('x', 11) == 11 |
flask.g.x = 42 |
assert flask.g.get('x') == 42 |
assert flask.g.x == 42 |
def test_g_iteration_protocol(self): |
def test_g_iteration_protocol(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.testing = True |
@ -1295,14 +1430,14 @@ class TestBasicFunctionality(object):
assert sorted(flask.g) == ['bar', 'foo'] |
class TestSubdomain(object): |
def test_basic_support(self): |
def test_subdomain_basic_support(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.config['SERVER_NAME'] = 'localhost' |
@app.route('/') |
def normal_index(): |
return 'normal index' |
@app.route('/', subdomain='test') |
def test_index(): |
return 'test index' |
@ -1314,9 +1449,11 @@ class TestSubdomain(object):
rv = c.get('/', 'http://test.localhost/') |
assert rv.data == b'test index' |
def test_subdomain_matching(self): |
def test_subdomain_matching(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.config['SERVER_NAME'] = 'localhost' |
@app.route('/', subdomain='<user>') |
def index(user): |
return 'index for %s' % user |
@ -1325,9 +1462,11 @@ class TestSubdomain(object):
rv = c.get('/', 'http://mitsuhiko.localhost/') |
assert rv.data == b'index for mitsuhiko' |
def test_subdomain_matching_with_ports(self): |
def test_subdomain_matching_with_ports(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
app.config['SERVER_NAME'] = 'localhost:3000' |
@app.route('/', subdomain='<user>') |
def index(user): |
return 'index for %s' % user |
@ -1336,7 +1475,8 @@ class TestSubdomain(object):
rv = c.get('/', 'http://mitsuhiko.localhost:3000/') |
assert rv.data == b'index for mitsuhiko' |
def test_multi_route_rules(self): |
def test_multi_route_rules(): |
app = flask.Flask(__name__) |
@app.route('/') |
@ -1349,8 +1489,10 @@ class TestSubdomain(object):
rv = app.test_client().open('/b/') |
assert rv.data == b'b' |
def test_multi_route_class_views(self): |
def test_multi_route_class_views(): |
class View(object): |
def __init__(self, app): |
app.add_url_rule('/', 'index', self.index) |
app.add_url_rule('/<test>/', 'index', self.index) |