mirror of https://github.com/gogits/gogs.git
11 years ago
18 changed files with 1594 additions and 445 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,426 @@ |
// Copyright 2013 The Martini Contrib Authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package middleware |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"io" |
"net/http" |
"reflect" |
"regexp" |
"strconv" |
"strings" |
"unicode/utf8" |
"github.com/go-martini/martini" |
"github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/base" |
) |
/* |
To the land of Middle-ware Earth: |
One func to rule them all, |
One func to find them, |
One func to bring them all, |
And in this package BIND them. |
*/ |
// Bind accepts a copy of an empty struct and populates it with
// values from the request (if deserialization is successful). It
// wraps up the functionality of the Form and Json middleware
// according to the Content-Type of the request, and it guesses
// if no Content-Type is specified. Bind invokes the ErrorHandler
// middleware to bail out if errors occurred. If you want to perform
// your own error handling, use Form or Json middleware directly.
// An interface pointer can be added as a second argument in order
// to map the struct to a specific interface.
func Bind(obj interface{}, ifacePtr ...interface{}) martini.Handler { |
return func(context martini.Context, req *http.Request) { |
contentType := req.Header.Get("Content-Type") |
if strings.Contains(contentType, "form-urlencoded") { |
context.Invoke(Form(obj, ifacePtr...)) |
} else if strings.Contains(contentType, "multipart/form-data") { |
context.Invoke(MultipartForm(obj, ifacePtr...)) |
} else if strings.Contains(contentType, "json") { |
context.Invoke(Json(obj, ifacePtr...)) |
} else { |
context.Invoke(Json(obj, ifacePtr...)) |
if getErrors(context).Count() > 0 { |
context.Invoke(Form(obj, ifacePtr...)) |
} |
} |
context.Invoke(ErrorHandler) |
} |
} |
// BindIgnErr will do the exactly same thing as Bind but without any
// error handling, which user has freedom to deal with them.
// This allows user take advantages of validation.
func BindIgnErr(obj interface{}, ifacePtr ...interface{}) martini.Handler { |
return func(context martini.Context, req *http.Request) { |
contentType := req.Header.Get("Content-Type") |
if strings.Contains(contentType, "form-urlencoded") { |
context.Invoke(Form(obj, ifacePtr...)) |
} else if strings.Contains(contentType, "multipart/form-data") { |
context.Invoke(MultipartForm(obj, ifacePtr...)) |
} else if strings.Contains(contentType, "json") { |
context.Invoke(Json(obj, ifacePtr...)) |
} else { |
context.Invoke(Json(obj, ifacePtr...)) |
if getErrors(context).Count() > 0 { |
context.Invoke(Form(obj, ifacePtr...)) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// Form is middleware to deserialize form-urlencoded data from the request.
// It gets data from the form-urlencoded body, if present, or from the
// query string. It uses the http.Request.ParseForm() method
// to perform deserialization, then reflection is used to map each field
// into the struct with the proper type. Structs with primitive slice types
// (bool, float, int, string) can support deserialization of repeated form
// keys, for example: key=val1&key=val2&key=val3
// An interface pointer can be added as a second argument in order
// to map the struct to a specific interface.
func Form(formStruct interface{}, ifacePtr ...interface{}) martini.Handler { |
return func(context martini.Context, req *http.Request) { |
ensureNotPointer(formStruct) |
formStruct := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(formStruct)) |
errors := newErrors() |
parseErr := req.ParseForm() |
// Format validation of the request body or the URL would add considerable overhead,
// and ParseForm does not complain when URL encoding is off.
// Because an empty request body or url can also mean absence of all needed values,
// it is not in all cases a bad request, so let's return 422.
if parseErr != nil { |
errors.Overall[base.BindingDeserializationError] = parseErr.Error() |
} |
mapForm(formStruct, req.Form, errors) |
validateAndMap(formStruct, context, errors, ifacePtr...) |
} |
} |
func MultipartForm(formStruct interface{}, ifacePtr ...interface{}) martini.Handler { |
return func(context martini.Context, req *http.Request) { |
ensureNotPointer(formStruct) |
formStruct := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(formStruct)) |
errors := newErrors() |
// Workaround for multipart forms returning nil instead of an error
// when content is not multipart
// https://code.google.com/p/go/issues/detail?id=6334
multipartReader, err := req.MultipartReader() |
if err != nil { |
errors.Overall[base.BindingDeserializationError] = err.Error() |
} else { |
form, parseErr := multipartReader.ReadForm(MaxMemory) |
if parseErr != nil { |
errors.Overall[base.BindingDeserializationError] = parseErr.Error() |
} |
req.MultipartForm = form |
} |
mapForm(formStruct, req.MultipartForm.Value, errors) |
validateAndMap(formStruct, context, errors, ifacePtr...) |
} |
} |
// Json is middleware to deserialize a JSON payload from the request
// into the struct that is passed in. The resulting struct is then
// validated, but no error handling is actually performed here.
// An interface pointer can be added as a second argument in order
// to map the struct to a specific interface.
func Json(jsonStruct interface{}, ifacePtr ...interface{}) martini.Handler { |
return func(context martini.Context, req *http.Request) { |
ensureNotPointer(jsonStruct) |
jsonStruct := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(jsonStruct)) |
errors := newErrors() |
if req.Body != nil { |
defer req.Body.Close() |
} |
if err := json.NewDecoder(req.Body).Decode(jsonStruct.Interface()); err != nil && err != io.EOF { |
errors.Overall[base.BindingDeserializationError] = err.Error() |
} |
validateAndMap(jsonStruct, context, errors, ifacePtr...) |
} |
} |
// Validate is middleware to enforce required fields. If the struct
// passed in is a Validator, then the user-defined Validate method
// is executed, and its errors are mapped to the context. This middleware
// performs no error handling: it merely detects them and maps them.
func Validate(obj interface{}) martini.Handler { |
return func(context martini.Context, req *http.Request) { |
errors := newErrors() |
validateStruct(errors, obj) |
if validator, ok := obj.(Validator); ok { |
validator.Validate(errors, req, context) |
} |
context.Map(*errors) |
} |
} |
var ( |
alphaDashPattern = regexp.MustCompile("[^\\d\\w-_]") |
emailPattern = regexp.MustCompile("[\\w!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\\.[\\w!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[\\w](?:[\\w-]*[\\w])?\\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[\\w-]*[\\w])?") |
urlPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`(http|https):\/\/[\w\-_]+(\.[\w\-_]+)+([\w\-\.,@?^=%&:/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&/~\+#])?`) |
) |
func validateStruct(errors *base.BindingErrors, obj interface{}) { |
typ := reflect.TypeOf(obj) |
val := reflect.ValueOf(obj) |
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { |
typ = typ.Elem() |
val = val.Elem() |
} |
for i := 0; i < typ.NumField(); i++ { |
field := typ.Field(i) |
// Allow ignored fields in the struct
if field.Tag.Get("form") == "-" { |
continue |
} |
fieldValue := val.Field(i).Interface() |
if field.Type.Kind() == reflect.Struct { |
validateStruct(errors, fieldValue) |
continue |
} |
zero := reflect.Zero(field.Type).Interface() |
// Match rules.
for _, rule := range strings.Split(field.Tag.Get("binding"), ";") { |
if len(rule) == 0 { |
continue |
} |
switch { |
case rule == "Required": |
if reflect.DeepEqual(zero, fieldValue) { |
errors.Fields[field.Name] = base.BindingRequireError |
break |
} |
case rule == "AlphaDash": |
if alphaDashPattern.MatchString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", fieldValue)) { |
errors.Fields[field.Name] = base.BindingAlphaDashError |
break |
} |
case strings.HasPrefix(rule, "MinSize("): |
min, err := strconv.Atoi(rule[8 : len(rule)-1]) |
if err != nil { |
errors.Overall["MinSize"] = err.Error() |
break |
} |
if str, ok := fieldValue.(string); ok && utf8.RuneCountInString(str) < min { |
errors.Fields[field.Name] = base.BindingMinSizeError |
break |
} |
v := reflect.ValueOf(fieldValue) |
if v.Kind() == reflect.Slice && v.Len() < min { |
errors.Fields[field.Name] = base.BindingMinSizeError |
break |
} |
case strings.HasPrefix(rule, "MaxSize("): |
max, err := strconv.Atoi(rule[8 : len(rule)-1]) |
if err != nil { |
errors.Overall["MaxSize"] = err.Error() |
break |
} |
if str, ok := fieldValue.(string); ok && utf8.RuneCountInString(str) > max { |
errors.Fields[field.Name] = base.BindingMaxSizeError |
break |
} |
v := reflect.ValueOf(fieldValue) |
if v.Kind() == reflect.Slice && v.Len() > max { |
errors.Fields[field.Name] = base.BindingMinSizeError |
break |
} |
case rule == "Email": |
if !emailPattern.MatchString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", fieldValue)) { |
errors.Fields[field.Name] = base.BindingEmailError |
break |
} |
case rule == "Url": |
if !urlPattern.MatchString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", fieldValue)) { |
errors.Fields[field.Name] = base.BindingUrlError |
break |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
func mapForm(formStruct reflect.Value, form map[string][]string, errors *base.BindingErrors) { |
typ := formStruct.Elem().Type() |
for i := 0; i < typ.NumField(); i++ { |
typeField := typ.Field(i) |
if inputFieldName := typeField.Tag.Get("form"); inputFieldName != "" { |
structField := formStruct.Elem().Field(i) |
if !structField.CanSet() { |
continue |
} |
inputValue, exists := form[inputFieldName] |
if !exists { |
continue |
} |
numElems := len(inputValue) |
if structField.Kind() == reflect.Slice && numElems > 0 { |
sliceOf := structField.Type().Elem().Kind() |
slice := reflect.MakeSlice(structField.Type(), numElems, numElems) |
for i := 0; i < numElems; i++ { |
setWithProperType(sliceOf, inputValue[i], slice.Index(i), inputFieldName, errors) |
} |
formStruct.Elem().Field(i).Set(slice) |
} else { |
setWithProperType(typeField.Type.Kind(), inputValue[0], structField, inputFieldName, errors) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// ErrorHandler simply counts the number of errors in the
// context and, if more than 0, writes a 400 Bad Request
// response and a JSON payload describing the errors with
// the "Content-Type" set to "application/json".
// Middleware remaining on the stack will not even see the request
// if, by this point, there are any errors.
// This is a "default" handler, of sorts, and you are
// welcome to use your own instead. The Bind middleware
// invokes this automatically for convenience.
func ErrorHandler(errs base.BindingErrors, resp http.ResponseWriter) { |
if errs.Count() > 0 { |
resp.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") |
if _, ok := errs.Overall[base.BindingDeserializationError]; ok { |
resp.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest) |
} else { |
resp.WriteHeader(422) |
} |
errOutput, _ := json.Marshal(errs) |
resp.Write(errOutput) |
return |
} |
} |
// This sets the value in a struct of an indeterminate type to the
// matching value from the request (via Form middleware) in the
// same type, so that not all deserialized values have to be strings.
// Supported types are string, int, float, and bool.
func setWithProperType(valueKind reflect.Kind, val string, structField reflect.Value, nameInTag string, errors *base.BindingErrors) { |
switch valueKind { |
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: |
if val == "" { |
val = "0" |
} |
intVal, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64) |
if err != nil { |
errors.Fields[nameInTag] = base.BindingIntegerTypeError |
} else { |
structField.SetInt(intVal) |
} |
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: |
if val == "" { |
val = "0" |
} |
uintVal, err := strconv.ParseUint(val, 10, 64) |
if err != nil { |
errors.Fields[nameInTag] = base.BindingIntegerTypeError |
} else { |
structField.SetUint(uintVal) |
} |
case reflect.Bool: |
structField.SetBool(val == "on") |
case reflect.Float32: |
if val == "" { |
val = "0.0" |
} |
floatVal, err := strconv.ParseFloat(val, 32) |
if err != nil { |
errors.Fields[nameInTag] = base.BindingFloatTypeError |
} else { |
structField.SetFloat(floatVal) |
} |
case reflect.Float64: |
if val == "" { |
val = "0.0" |
} |
floatVal, err := strconv.ParseFloat(val, 64) |
if err != nil { |
errors.Fields[nameInTag] = base.BindingFloatTypeError |
} else { |
structField.SetFloat(floatVal) |
} |
case reflect.String: |
structField.SetString(val) |
} |
} |
// Don't pass in pointers to bind to. Can lead to bugs. See:
// https://github.com/codegangsta/martini-contrib/issues/40
// https://github.com/codegangsta/martini-contrib/pull/34#issuecomment-29683659
func ensureNotPointer(obj interface{}) { |
if reflect.TypeOf(obj).Kind() == reflect.Ptr { |
panic("Pointers are not accepted as binding models") |
} |
} |
// Performs validation and combines errors from validation
// with errors from deserialization, then maps both the
// resulting struct and the errors to the context.
func validateAndMap(obj reflect.Value, context martini.Context, errors *base.BindingErrors, ifacePtr ...interface{}) { |
context.Invoke(Validate(obj.Interface())) |
errors.Combine(getErrors(context)) |
context.Map(*errors) |
context.Map(obj.Elem().Interface()) |
if len(ifacePtr) > 0 { |
context.MapTo(obj.Elem().Interface(), ifacePtr[0]) |
} |
} |
func newErrors() *base.BindingErrors { |
return &base.BindingErrors{make(map[string]string), make(map[string]string)} |
} |
func getErrors(context martini.Context) base.BindingErrors { |
return context.Get(reflect.TypeOf(base.BindingErrors{})).Interface().(base.BindingErrors) |
} |
type ( |
// Implement the Validator interface to define your own input
// validation before the request even gets to your application.
// The Validate method will be executed during the validation phase.
Validator interface { |
Validate(*base.BindingErrors, *http.Request, martini.Context) |
} |
) |
var ( |
// Maximum amount of memory to use when parsing a multipart form.
// Set this to whatever value you prefer; default is 10 MB.
MaxMemory = int64(1024 * 1024 * 10) |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,701 @@ |
// Copyright 2013 The Martini Contrib Authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package middleware |
import ( |
"bytes" |
"mime/multipart" |
"net/http" |
"net/http/httptest" |
"strconv" |
"strings" |
"testing" |
"github.com/codegangsta/martini" |
) |
func TestBind(t *testing.T) { |
testBind(t, false) |
} |
func TestBindWithInterface(t *testing.T) { |
testBind(t, true) |
} |
func TestMultipartBind(t *testing.T) { |
index := 0 |
for test, expectStatus := range bindMultipartTests { |
handler := func(post BlogPost, errors Errors) { |
handle(test, t, index, post, errors) |
} |
recorder := testMultipart(t, test, Bind(BlogPost{}), handler, index) |
if recorder.Code != expectStatus { |
t.Errorf("On test case %v, got status code %d but expected %d", test, recorder.Code, expectStatus) |
} |
index++ |
} |
} |
func TestForm(t *testing.T) { |
testForm(t, false) |
} |
func TestFormWithInterface(t *testing.T) { |
testForm(t, true) |
} |
func TestEmptyForm(t *testing.T) { |
testEmptyForm(t) |
} |
func TestMultipartForm(t *testing.T) { |
for index, test := range multipartformTests { |
handler := func(post BlogPost, errors Errors) { |
handle(test, t, index, post, errors) |
} |
testMultipart(t, test, MultipartForm(BlogPost{}), handler, index) |
} |
} |
func TestMultipartFormWithInterface(t *testing.T) { |
for index, test := range multipartformTests { |
handler := func(post Modeler, errors Errors) { |
post.Create(test, t, index) |
} |
testMultipart(t, test, MultipartForm(BlogPost{}, (*Modeler)(nil)), handler, index) |
} |
} |
func TestJson(t *testing.T) { |
testJson(t, false) |
} |
func TestJsonWithInterface(t *testing.T) { |
testJson(t, true) |
} |
func TestEmptyJson(t *testing.T) { |
testEmptyJson(t) |
} |
func TestValidate(t *testing.T) { |
handlerMustErr := func(errors Errors) { |
if errors.Count() == 0 { |
t.Error("Expected at least one error, got 0") |
} |
} |
handlerNoErr := func(errors Errors) { |
if errors.Count() > 0 { |
t.Error("Expected no errors, got", errors.Count()) |
} |
} |
performValidationTest(&BlogPost{"", "...", 0, 0, []int{}}, handlerMustErr, t) |
performValidationTest(&BlogPost{"Good Title", "Good content", 0, 0, []int{}}, handlerNoErr, t) |
performValidationTest(&User{Name: "Jim", Home: Address{"", ""}}, handlerMustErr, t) |
performValidationTest(&User{Name: "Jim", Home: Address{"required", ""}}, handlerNoErr, t) |
} |
func handle(test testCase, t *testing.T, index int, post BlogPost, errors Errors) { |
assertEqualField(t, "Title", index, test.ref.Title, post.Title) |
assertEqualField(t, "Content", index, test.ref.Content, post.Content) |
assertEqualField(t, "Views", index, test.ref.Views, post.Views) |
for i := range test.ref.Multiple { |
if i >= len(post.Multiple) { |
t.Errorf("Expected: %v (size %d) to have same size as: %v (size %d)", post.Multiple, len(post.Multiple), test.ref.Multiple, len(test.ref.Multiple)) |
break |
} |
if test.ref.Multiple[i] != post.Multiple[i] { |
t.Errorf("Expected: %v to deep equal: %v", post.Multiple, test.ref.Multiple) |
break |
} |
} |
if test.ok && errors.Count() > 0 { |
t.Errorf("%+v should be OK (0 errors), but had errors: %+v", test, errors) |
} else if !test.ok && errors.Count() == 0 { |
t.Errorf("%+v should have errors, but was OK (0 errors): %+v", test) |
} |
} |
func handleEmpty(test emptyPayloadTestCase, t *testing.T, index int, section BlogSection, errors Errors) { |
assertEqualField(t, "Title", index, test.ref.Title, section.Title) |
assertEqualField(t, "Content", index, test.ref.Content, section.Content) |
if test.ok && errors.Count() > 0 { |
t.Errorf("%+v should be OK (0 errors), but had errors: %+v", test, errors) |
} else if !test.ok && errors.Count() == 0 { |
t.Errorf("%+v should have errors, but was OK (0 errors): %+v", test) |
} |
} |
func testBind(t *testing.T, withInterface bool) { |
index := 0 |
for test, expectStatus := range bindTests { |
m := martini.Classic() |
recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() |
handler := func(post BlogPost, errors Errors) { handle(test, t, index, post, errors) } |
binding := Bind(BlogPost{}) |
if withInterface { |
handler = func(post BlogPost, errors Errors) { |
post.Create(test, t, index) |
} |
binding = Bind(BlogPost{}, (*Modeler)(nil)) |
} |
switch test.method { |
case "GET": |
m.Get(route, binding, handler) |
case "POST": |
m.Post(route, binding, handler) |
} |
req, err := http.NewRequest(test.method, test.path, strings.NewReader(test.payload)) |
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", test.contentType) |
if err != nil { |
t.Error(err) |
} |
m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req) |
if recorder.Code != expectStatus { |
t.Errorf("On test case %v, got status code %d but expected %d", test, recorder.Code, expectStatus) |
} |
index++ |
} |
} |
func testJson(t *testing.T, withInterface bool) { |
for index, test := range jsonTests { |
recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() |
handler := func(post BlogPost, errors Errors) { handle(test, t, index, post, errors) } |
binding := Json(BlogPost{}) |
if withInterface { |
handler = func(post BlogPost, errors Errors) { |
post.Create(test, t, index) |
} |
binding = Bind(BlogPost{}, (*Modeler)(nil)) |
} |
m := martini.Classic() |
switch test.method { |
case "GET": |
m.Get(route, binding, handler) |
case "POST": |
m.Post(route, binding, handler) |
case "PUT": |
m.Put(route, binding, handler) |
case "DELETE": |
m.Delete(route, binding, handler) |
} |
req, err := http.NewRequest(test.method, route, strings.NewReader(test.payload)) |
if err != nil { |
t.Error(err) |
} |
m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req) |
} |
} |
func testEmptyJson(t *testing.T) { |
for index, test := range emptyPayloadTests { |
recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() |
handler := func(section BlogSection, errors Errors) { handleEmpty(test, t, index, section, errors) } |
binding := Json(BlogSection{}) |
m := martini.Classic() |
switch test.method { |
case "GET": |
m.Get(route, binding, handler) |
case "POST": |
m.Post(route, binding, handler) |
case "PUT": |
m.Put(route, binding, handler) |
case "DELETE": |
m.Delete(route, binding, handler) |
} |
req, err := http.NewRequest(test.method, route, strings.NewReader(test.payload)) |
if err != nil { |
t.Error(err) |
} |
m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req) |
} |
} |
func testForm(t *testing.T, withInterface bool) { |
for index, test := range formTests { |
recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() |
handler := func(post BlogPost, errors Errors) { handle(test, t, index, post, errors) } |
binding := Form(BlogPost{}) |
if withInterface { |
handler = func(post BlogPost, errors Errors) { |
post.Create(test, t, index) |
} |
binding = Form(BlogPost{}, (*Modeler)(nil)) |
} |
m := martini.Classic() |
switch test.method { |
case "GET": |
m.Get(route, binding, handler) |
case "POST": |
m.Post(route, binding, handler) |
} |
req, err := http.NewRequest(test.method, test.path, nil) |
if err != nil { |
t.Error(err) |
} |
m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req) |
} |
} |
func testEmptyForm(t *testing.T) { |
for index, test := range emptyPayloadTests { |
recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() |
handler := func(section BlogSection, errors Errors) { handleEmpty(test, t, index, section, errors) } |
binding := Form(BlogSection{}) |
m := martini.Classic() |
switch test.method { |
case "GET": |
m.Get(route, binding, handler) |
case "POST": |
m.Post(route, binding, handler) |
} |
req, err := http.NewRequest(test.method, test.path, nil) |
if err != nil { |
t.Error(err) |
} |
m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req) |
} |
} |
func testMultipart(t *testing.T, test testCase, middleware martini.Handler, handler martini.Handler, index int) *httptest.ResponseRecorder { |
recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() |
m := martini.Classic() |
m.Post(route, middleware, handler) |
body := &bytes.Buffer{} |
writer := multipart.NewWriter(body) |
writer.WriteField("title", test.ref.Title) |
writer.WriteField("content", test.ref.Content) |
writer.WriteField("views", strconv.Itoa(test.ref.Views)) |
if len(test.ref.Multiple) != 0 { |
for _, value := range test.ref.Multiple { |
writer.WriteField("multiple", strconv.Itoa(value)) |
} |
} |
req, err := http.NewRequest(test.method, test.path, body) |
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", writer.FormDataContentType()) |
if err != nil { |
t.Error(err) |
} |
err = writer.Close() |
if err != nil { |
t.Error(err) |
} |
m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req) |
return recorder |
} |
func assertEqualField(t *testing.T, fieldname string, testcasenumber int, expected interface{}, got interface{}) { |
if expected != got { |
t.Errorf("%s: expected=%s, got=%s in test case %d\n", fieldname, expected, got, testcasenumber) |
} |
} |
func performValidationTest(data interface{}, handler func(Errors), t *testing.T) { |
recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() |
m := martini.Classic() |
m.Get(route, Validate(data), handler) |
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", route, nil) |
if err != nil { |
t.Error("HTTP error:", err) |
} |
m.ServeHTTP(recorder, req) |
} |
func (self BlogPost) Validate(errors *Errors, req *http.Request) { |
if len(self.Title) < 4 { |
errors.Fields["Title"] = "Too short; minimum 4 characters" |
} |
if len(self.Content) > 1024 { |
errors.Fields["Content"] = "Too long; maximum 1024 characters" |
} |
if len(self.Content) < 5 { |
errors.Fields["Content"] = "Too short; minimum 5 characters" |
} |
} |
func (self BlogPost) Create(test testCase, t *testing.T, index int) { |
assertEqualField(t, "Title", index, test.ref.Title, self.Title) |
assertEqualField(t, "Content", index, test.ref.Content, self.Content) |
assertEqualField(t, "Views", index, test.ref.Views, self.Views) |
for i := range test.ref.Multiple { |
if i >= len(self.Multiple) { |
t.Errorf("Expected: %v (size %d) to have same size as: %v (size %d)", self.Multiple, len(self.Multiple), test.ref.Multiple, len(test.ref.Multiple)) |
break |
} |
if test.ref.Multiple[i] != self.Multiple[i] { |
t.Errorf("Expected: %v to deep equal: %v", self.Multiple, test.ref.Multiple) |
break |
} |
} |
} |
func (self BlogSection) Create(test emptyPayloadTestCase, t *testing.T, index int) { |
// intentionally left empty
} |
type ( |
testCase struct { |
method string |
path string |
payload string |
contentType string |
ok bool |
ref *BlogPost |
} |
emptyPayloadTestCase struct { |
method string |
path string |
payload string |
contentType string |
ok bool |
ref *BlogSection |
} |
Modeler interface { |
Create(test testCase, t *testing.T, index int) |
} |
BlogPost struct { |
Title string `form:"title" json:"title" binding:"required"` |
Content string `form:"content" json:"content"` |
Views int `form:"views" json:"views"` |
internal int `form:"-"` |
Multiple []int `form:"multiple"` |
} |
BlogSection struct { |
Title string `form:"title" json:"title"` |
Content string `form:"content" json:"content"` |
} |
User struct { |
Name string `json:"name" binding:"required"` |
Home Address `json:"address" binding:"required"` |
} |
Address struct { |
Street1 string `json:"street1" binding:"required"` |
Street2 string `json:"street2"` |
} |
) |
var ( |
bindTests = map[testCase]int{ |
// These should bail at the deserialization/binding phase
testCase{ |
"POST", |
path, |
`{ bad JSON `, |
"application/json", |
false, |
new(BlogPost), |
}: http.StatusBadRequest, |
testCase{ |
"POST", |
path, |
`not multipart but has content-type`, |
"multipart/form-data", |
false, |
new(BlogPost), |
}: http.StatusBadRequest, |
testCase{ |
"POST", |
path, |
`no content-type and not URL-encoded or JSON"`, |
"", |
false, |
new(BlogPost), |
}: http.StatusBadRequest, |
// These should deserialize, then bail at the validation phase
testCase{ |
"POST", |
path + "?title= This is wrong ", |
`not URL-encoded but has content-type`, |
"x-www-form-urlencoded", |
false, |
new(BlogPost), |
}: 422, // according to comments in Form() -> although the request is not url encoded, ParseForm does not complain
testCase{ |
"GET", |
path + "?content=This+is+the+content", |
``, |
"x-www-form-urlencoded", |
false, |
&BlogPost{Title: "", Content: "This is the content"}, |
}: 422, |
testCase{ |
"GET", |
path + "", |
`{"content":"", "title":"Blog Post Title"}`, |
"application/json", |
false, |
&BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Content: ""}, |
}: 422, |
// These should succeed
testCase{ |
"GET", |
path + "", |
`{"content":"This is the content", "title":"Blog Post Title"}`, |
"application/json", |
true, |
&BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Content: "This is the content"}, |
}: http.StatusOK, |
testCase{ |
"GET", |
path + "?content=This+is+the+content&title=Blog+Post+Title", |
``, |
"", |
true, |
&BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Content: "This is the content"}, |
}: http.StatusOK, |
testCase{ |
"GET", |
path + "?content=This is the content&title=Blog+Post+Title", |
`{"content":"This is the content", "title":"Blog Post Title"}`, |
"", |
true, |
&BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Content: "This is the content"}, |
}: http.StatusOK, |
testCase{ |
"GET", |
path + "", |
`{"content":"This is the content", "title":"Blog Post Title"}`, |
"", |
true, |
&BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Content: "This is the content"}, |
}: http.StatusOK, |
} |
bindMultipartTests = map[testCase]int{ |
// This should deserialize, then bail at the validation phase
testCase{ |
"POST", |
path, |
"", |
"multipart/form-data", |
false, |
&BlogPost{Title: "", Content: "This is the content"}, |
}: 422, |
// This should succeed
testCase{ |
"POST", |
path, |
"", |
"multipart/form-data", |
true, |
&BlogPost{Title: "This is the Title", Content: "This is the content"}, |
}: http.StatusOK, |
} |
formTests = []testCase{ |
{ |
"GET", |
path + "?content=This is the content", |
"", |
"", |
false, |
&BlogPost{Title: "", Content: "This is the content"}, |
}, |
{ |
"POST", |
path + "?content=This+is+the+content&title=Blog+Post+Title&views=3", |
"", |
"", |
false, // false because POST requests should have a body, not just a query string
&BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Content: "This is the content", Views: 3}, |
}, |
{ |
"GET", |
path + "?content=This+is+the+content&title=Blog+Post+Title&views=3&multiple=5&multiple=10&multiple=15&multiple=20", |
"", |
"", |
true, |
&BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Content: "This is the content", Views: 3, Multiple: []int{5, 10, 15, 20}}, |
}, |
} |
multipartformTests = []testCase{ |
{ |
"POST", |
path, |
"", |
"multipart/form-data", |
false, |
&BlogPost{Title: "", Content: "This is the content"}, |
}, |
{ |
"POST", |
path, |
"", |
"multipart/form-data", |
false, |
&BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Views: 3}, |
}, |
{ |
"POST", |
path, |
"", |
"multipart/form-data", |
true, |
&BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Content: "This is the content", Views: 3, Multiple: []int{5, 10, 15, 20}}, |
}, |
} |
emptyPayloadTests = []emptyPayloadTestCase{ |
{ |
"GET", |
"", |
"", |
"", |
true, |
&BlogSection{}, |
}, |
{ |
"POST", |
"", |
"", |
"", |
true, |
&BlogSection{}, |
}, |
{ |
"PUT", |
"", |
"", |
"", |
true, |
&BlogSection{}, |
}, |
{ |
"", |
"", |
"", |
true, |
&BlogSection{}, |
}, |
} |
jsonTests = []testCase{ |
// bad requests
{ |
"GET", |
"", |
`{blah blah blah}`, |
"", |
false, |
&BlogPost{}, |
}, |
{ |
"POST", |
"", |
`{asdf}`, |
"", |
false, |
&BlogPost{}, |
}, |
{ |
"PUT", |
"", |
`{blah blah blah}`, |
"", |
false, |
&BlogPost{}, |
}, |
{ |
"", |
`{;sdf _SDf- }`, |
"", |
false, |
&BlogPost{}, |
}, |
// Valid-JSON requests
{ |
"GET", |
"", |
`{"content":"This is the content"}`, |
"", |
false, |
&BlogPost{Title: "", Content: "This is the content"}, |
}, |
{ |
"POST", |
"", |
`{}`, |
"application/json", |
false, |
&BlogPost{Title: "", Content: ""}, |
}, |
{ |
"POST", |
"", |
`{"content":"This is the content", "title":"Blog Post Title"}`, |
"", |
true, |
&BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Content: "This is the content"}, |
}, |
{ |
"PUT", |
"", |
`{"content":"This is the content", "title":"Blog Post Title"}`, |
"", |
true, |
&BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Content: "This is the content"}, |
}, |
{ |
"", |
`{"content":"This is the content", "title":"Blog Post Title"}`, |
"", |
true, |
&BlogPost{Title: "Blog Post Title", Content: "This is the content"}, |
}, |
} |
) |
const ( |
route = "/blogposts/create" |
path = "http://localhost:3000" + route |
) |
@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ |
// Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package user |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"github.com/go-martini/martini" |
"github.com/gogits/gogs/models" |
"github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/auth" |
"github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/base" |
"github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/middleware" |
) |
func Dashboard(ctx *middleware.Context) { |
ctx.Data["Title"] = "Dashboard" |
ctx.Data["PageIsUserDashboard"] = true |
repos, err := models.GetRepositories(&models.User{Id: ctx.User.Id}) |
if err != nil { |
ctx.Handle(500, "user.Dashboard", err) |
return |
} |
ctx.Data["MyRepos"] = repos |
feeds, err := models.GetFeeds(ctx.User.Id, 0, false) |
if err != nil { |
ctx.Handle(500, "user.Dashboard", err) |
return |
} |
ctx.Data["Feeds"] = feeds |
ctx.HTML(200, "user/dashboard") |
} |
func Profile(ctx *middleware.Context, params martini.Params) { |
ctx.Data["Title"] = "Profile" |
// TODO: Need to check view self or others.
user, err := models.GetUserByName(params["username"]) |
if err != nil { |
ctx.Handle(500, "user.Profile", err) |
return |
} |
ctx.Data["Owner"] = user |
tab := ctx.Query("tab") |
ctx.Data["TabName"] = tab |
switch tab { |
case "activity": |
feeds, err := models.GetFeeds(user.Id, 0, true) |
if err != nil { |
ctx.Handle(500, "user.Profile", err) |
return |
} |
ctx.Data["Feeds"] = feeds |
default: |
repos, err := models.GetRepositories(user) |
if err != nil { |
ctx.Handle(500, "user.Profile", err) |
return |
} |
ctx.Data["Repos"] = repos |
} |
ctx.Data["PageIsUserProfile"] = true |
ctx.HTML(200, "user/profile") |
} |
func Email2User(ctx *middleware.Context) { |
u, err := models.GetUserByEmail(ctx.Query("email")) |
if err != nil { |
if err == models.ErrUserNotExist { |
ctx.Handle(404, "user.Email2User", err) |
} else { |
ctx.Handle(500, "user.Email2User(GetUserByEmail)", err) |
} |
return |
} |
ctx.Redirect("/user/" + u.Name) |
} |
const ( |
TPL_FEED = `<i class="icon fa fa-%s"></i> |
<div class="info"><span class="meta">%s</span><br>%s</div>` |
) |
func Feeds(ctx *middleware.Context, form auth.FeedsForm) { |
actions, err := models.GetFeeds(form.UserId, form.Page*20, false) |
if err != nil { |
ctx.JSON(500, err) |
} |
feeds := make([]string, len(actions)) |
for i := range actions { |
feeds[i] = fmt.Sprintf(TPL_FEED, base.ActionIcon(actions[i].OpType), |
base.TimeSince(actions[i].Created), base.ActionDesc(actions[i])) |
} |
ctx.JSON(200, &feeds) |
} |
func Issues(ctx *middleware.Context) { |
ctx.Data["Title"] = "Your Issues" |
ctx.Data["ViewType"] = "all" |
page, _ := base.StrTo(ctx.Query("page")).Int() |
repoId, _ := base.StrTo(ctx.Query("repoid")).Int64() |
ctx.Data["RepoId"] = repoId |
var posterId int64 = 0 |
if ctx.Query("type") == "created_by" { |
posterId = ctx.User.Id |
ctx.Data["ViewType"] = "created_by" |
} |
// Get all repositories.
repos, err := models.GetRepositories(ctx.User) |
if err != nil { |
ctx.Handle(200, "user.Issues(get repositories)", err) |
return |
} |
showRepos := make([]models.Repository, 0, len(repos)) |
isShowClosed := ctx.Query("state") == "closed" |
var closedIssueCount, createdByCount, allIssueCount int |
// Get all issues.
allIssues := make([]models.Issue, 0, 5*len(repos)) |
for i, repo := range repos { |
issues, err := models.GetIssues(0, repo.Id, posterId, 0, page, isShowClosed, false, "", "") |
if err != nil { |
ctx.Handle(200, "user.Issues(get issues)", err) |
return |
} |
allIssueCount += repo.NumIssues |
closedIssueCount += repo.NumClosedIssues |
// Set repository information to issues.
for j := range issues { |
issues[j].Repo = &repos[i] |
} |
allIssues = append(allIssues, issues...) |
repos[i].NumOpenIssues = repo.NumIssues - repo.NumClosedIssues |
if repos[i].NumOpenIssues > 0 { |
showRepos = append(showRepos, repos[i]) |
} |
} |
showIssues := make([]models.Issue, 0, len(allIssues)) |
ctx.Data["IsShowClosed"] = isShowClosed |
// Get posters and filter issues.
for i := range allIssues { |
u, err := models.GetUserById(allIssues[i].PosterId) |
if err != nil { |
ctx.Handle(200, "user.Issues(get poster): %v", err) |
return |
} |
allIssues[i].Poster = u |
if u.Id == ctx.User.Id { |
createdByCount++ |
} |
if repoId > 0 && repoId != allIssues[i].Repo.Id { |
continue |
} |
if isShowClosed == allIssues[i].IsClosed { |
showIssues = append(showIssues, allIssues[i]) |
} |
} |
ctx.Data["Repos"] = showRepos |
ctx.Data["Issues"] = showIssues |
ctx.Data["AllIssueCount"] = allIssueCount |
ctx.Data["ClosedIssueCount"] = closedIssueCount |
ctx.Data["OpenIssueCount"] = allIssueCount - closedIssueCount |
ctx.Data["CreatedByCount"] = createdByCount |
ctx.HTML(200, "issue/user") |
} |
func Pulls(ctx *middleware.Context) { |
ctx.HTML(200, "user/pulls") |
} |
func Stars(ctx *middleware.Context) { |
ctx.HTML(200, "user/stars") |
} |
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@ |
// Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package user |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"net/http" |
"net/url" |
"strconv" |
"strings" |
"code.google.com/p/goauth2/oauth" |
"github.com/gogits/gogs/models" |
"github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/base" |
) |
type SocialGithub struct { |
Token *oauth.Token |
*oauth.Transport |
} |
func (s *SocialGithub) Type() int { |
return models.OT_GITHUB |
} |
func init() { |
github := &SocialGithub{} |
name := "github" |
config := &oauth.Config{ |
ClientId: "09383403ff2dc16daaa1", //base.OauthService.GitHub.ClientId, // FIXME: panic when set
ClientSecret: "0e4aa0c3630df396cdcea01a9d45cacf79925fea", //base.OauthService.GitHub.ClientSecret,
RedirectURL: strings.TrimSuffix(base.AppUrl, "/") + "/user/login/" + name, //ctx.Req.URL.RequestURI(),
Scope: "https://api.github.com/user", |
AuthURL: "https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize", |
TokenURL: "https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token", |
} |
github.Transport = &oauth.Transport{ |
Config: config, |
Transport: http.DefaultTransport, |
} |
SocialMap[name] = github |
} |
func (s *SocialGithub) SetRedirectUrl(url string) { |
s.Transport.Config.RedirectURL = url |
} |
func (s *SocialGithub) UserInfo(token *oauth.Token, _ *url.URL) (*BasicUserInfo, error) { |
transport := &oauth.Transport{ |
Token: token, |
} |
var data struct { |
Id int `json:"id"` |
Name string `json:"login"` |
Email string `json:"email"` |
} |
var err error |
r, err := transport.Client().Get(s.Transport.Scope) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
defer r.Body.Close() |
if err = json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&data); err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
return &BasicUserInfo{ |
Identity: strconv.Itoa(data.Id), |
Name: data.Name, |
Email: data.Email, |
}, nil |
} |
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ |
// Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package user |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"net/http" |
"net/url" |
"github.com/gogits/gogs/models" |
"code.google.com/p/goauth2/oauth" |
) |
type SocialGoogle struct { |
Token *oauth.Token |
*oauth.Transport |
} |
func (s *SocialGoogle) Type() int { |
return models.OT_GOOGLE |
} |
func init() { |
google := &SocialGoogle{} |
name := "google" |
// get client id and secret from
// https://console.developers.google.com/project
config := &oauth.Config{ |
ClientId: "849753812404-mpd7ilvlb8c7213qn6bre6p6djjskti9.apps.googleusercontent.com", //base.OauthService.GitHub.ClientId, // FIXME: panic when set
ClientSecret: "VukKc4MwaJUSmiyv3D7ANVCa", //base.OauthService.GitHub.ClientSecret,
Scope: "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile", |
AuthURL: "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth", |
TokenURL: "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token", |
} |
google.Transport = &oauth.Transport{ |
Config: config, |
Transport: http.DefaultTransport, |
} |
SocialMap[name] = google |
} |
func (s *SocialGoogle) SetRedirectUrl(url string) { |
s.Transport.Config.RedirectURL = url |
} |
func (s *SocialGoogle) UserInfo(token *oauth.Token, _ *url.URL) (*BasicUserInfo, error) { |
transport := &oauth.Transport{Token: token} |
var data struct { |
Id string `json:"id"` |
Name string `json:"name"` |
Email string `json:"email"` |
} |
var err error |
reqUrl := "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/userinfo" |
r, err := transport.Client().Get(reqUrl) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
defer r.Body.Close() |
if err = json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&data); err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
return &BasicUserInfo{ |
Identity: data.Id, |
Name: data.Name, |
Email: data.Email, |
}, nil |
} |
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ |
// Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// api reference: http://wiki.open.t.qq.com/index.php/OAuth2.0%E9%89%B4%E6%9D%83/Authorization_code%E6%8E%88%E6%9D%83%E6%A1%88%E4%BE%8B
package user |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"net/http" |
"net/url" |
"github.com/gogits/gogs/models" |
"code.google.com/p/goauth2/oauth" |
) |
type SocialQQ struct { |
Token *oauth.Token |
*oauth.Transport |
reqUrl string |
} |
func (s *SocialQQ) Type() int { |
return models.OT_QQ |
} |
func init() { |
qq := &SocialQQ{} |
name := "qq" |
config := &oauth.Config{ |
ClientId: "801497180", //base.OauthService.GitHub.ClientId, // FIXME: panic when set
ClientSecret: "16cd53b8ad2e16a36fc2c8f87d9388f2", //base.OauthService.GitHub.ClientSecret,
Scope: "all", |
AuthURL: "https://open.t.qq.com/cgi-bin/oauth2/authorize", |
TokenURL: "https://open.t.qq.com/cgi-bin/oauth2/access_token", |
} |
qq.reqUrl = "https://open.t.qq.com/api/user/info" |
qq.Transport = &oauth.Transport{ |
Config: config, |
Transport: http.DefaultTransport, |
} |
SocialMap[name] = qq |
} |
func (s *SocialQQ) SetRedirectUrl(url string) { |
s.Transport.Config.RedirectURL = url |
} |
func (s *SocialQQ) UserInfo(token *oauth.Token, URL *url.URL) (*BasicUserInfo, error) { |
var data struct { |
Data struct { |
Id string `json:"openid"` |
Name string `json:"name"` |
Email string `json:"email"` |
} `json:"data"` |
} |
var err error |
// https://open.t.qq.com/api/user/info?
var urls = url.Values{ |
"oauth_consumer_key": {s.Transport.Config.ClientId}, |
"access_token": {token.AccessToken}, |
"openid": URL.Query()["openid"], |
"oauth_version": {"2.a"}, |
"scope": {"all"}, |
} |
r, err := http.Get(s.reqUrl + "?" + urls.Encode()) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
defer r.Body.Close() |
if err = json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&data); err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
return &BasicUserInfo{ |
Identity: data.Data.Id, |
Name: data.Data.Name, |
Email: data.Data.Email, |
}, nil |
} |
Reference in new issue