NAMES=English,简体中文,繁體中文(香港),繁體中文(台湾),Deutsch,Français,Nederlands,Latviešu,Русский,日本語,Español,Português do Brasil,Polski,български,Italiano,Suomalainen,Türkçe,čeština,Српски,Svenska,한국어,Galego
NAMES=English,简体中文,繁體中文(香港),繁體中文(台湾),Deutsch,Français,Nederlands,Latviešu,Русский,日本語,Español,Português do Brasil,Polski,български,Italiano,Suomalainen,Türkçe,čeština,Српски,Svenska,한국어,Galego,Український
title=Стъпки за инсталиране при първоначално стартиране
docker_helper=Ако Gogs е стартиран в Docker контейнер, моля прочетете <a target="_blank" href="%s">нашите указания</a> внимателно, преди да правите промени по настройките на тази страница!
requite_db_desc=Gogs изисква MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3 или TiDB.
requite_db_desc=Gogs requires MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3, MSSQL or TiDB.
db_title=Настройки на базата данни
db_type=Тип на база данни
@ -58,9 +58,8 @@ db_name=Име на база данни
db_helper=Моля, използвайте INNODB engine с utf8_general_ci кодиране на знаци за MySQL.
ssl_mode=Режим SSL
sqlite_helper=Файл на SQLite3 или TiDB база данни.<br>Моля използвайте абсолютен път до файл когато стартирате Gogs като услуга.
err_empty_db_path=Пътят до SQLite3 или TiDB база данни не може да е празен.
err_invalid_tidb_name=TiDB не позволява "." и "-" в името на базата данни.
sqlite_helper=The file path of SQLite3 database. <br>Please use absolute path when you start as service.
err_empty_db_path=SQLite3 database path cannot be empty.
no_admin_and_disable_registration=Невъзможно изключване на регистрациите без предварително да е създаден поне един административен профил.
err_empty_admin_password=Паролата на администратор не може да е празна.
@ -75,6 +74,8 @@ domain=Домейн
domain_helper=Тази настройка влияе на URL адреса за клониране чрез SSH.
ssh_port=SSH порт
ssh_port_helper=Номер на порт на SSH сървъра. Оставете празно за да изключите достъп през SSH.
use_builtin_ssh_server=Use Builtin SSH Server
use_builtin_ssh_server_popup=Start builtin SSH server for Git operations to distinguish from system SSH daemon.
http_port=HTTP порт
http_port_helper=Порт, на който приложението ще слуша.
app_url=URL адрес на приложението
@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ sqlite3_not_available=Вашата версия не поддържа SQLite3,
invalid_db_setting=Настройките на базата данни са некоректни: %v
invalid_repo_path=Основният път към хранилищата е невалиден: %v
run_user_not_match=Потребителският контекст на приложението не е на текущия потребител: %s -> %s
invalid_smtp_from=SMTP From field is not valid: %v
invalid_smtp_from=Невалидно поле От: %v
save_config_failed=Неуспешно запазване на конфигурация: %v
invalid_admin_setting=Настройките на профил на администратора са невалидни: %v
install_success=Добре дошли! Радваме се, че избрахте Gogs, и Ви пожелаваме приятна работа и сърдечни поздрави!
@ -338,9 +339,9 @@ access_token_deletion=Изтрий индивидуален API ключ за д
access_token_deletion_desc=При изтриване на този индивидуален API ключ за достъп ще се премахнат всички свързани права на приложението. Желаете ли да продължите?
delete_token_success=Индивидуалният API ключ за достъп е изтрит успешно! Не забравяйте да преконфигурирате приложението също.
orgs.none=You are not a member of any organizations.
orgs.leave_title=Leave an organization
orgs.leave_desc=You will lose access to all repositories and teams after you left the organization. Do you want to continue?
orgs.none=Не сте член на никоя организация.
orgs.leave_title=Напусни организация
orgs.leave_desc=Ще загубите достъп до всички хранилища и екипи, след като напуснете организацията. Желаете ли да продължите?
delete_account=Изтриване на собствения профил
delete_prompt=Тази операция ще изтрие Вашия профил завинаги и тя <strong>НЕ МОЖЕ</strong> да бъде отменена в последствие!
@ -389,8 +390,8 @@ migrate_type=Тип мигриране
migrate_type_helper=Това хранилище ще бъде <span class="text blue">огледало</span>
migrate_repo=Мигрирай хранилище
migrate.clone_address=Адрес за клониране
migrate.clone_address_desc=This can be a HTTP/HTTPS/GIT URL.
migrate.clone_address_desc_import_local=You're also allowed to migrate a repository by local server path.
migrate.clone_address_desc=Може да използвате HTTP/HTTPS/GIT адрес.
migrate.clone_address_desc_import_local=Можете да мигрирате хранилище от локален път на сървъра.
migrate.permission_denied=Недостатъчни права за импорт на локални хранилища.
migrate.invalid_local_path=Невалиден път - не съществува или не е директория.
migrate.failed=Грешка при миграция: %v
@ -415,7 +416,7 @@ create_new_repo_command=Създай ново хранилище чрез ком
push_exist_repo=Предай съществуващо хранилище през командния ред
repo_is_empty=Това хранилище е празно. Моля проверете по-късно пак!
settings.default_branch_desc=The default branch is considered the "base" branch for code commits, pull requests and online editing.
settings.update_default_branch_success=Default branch of this repository has been updated successfully!
settings.protected_branches=Protected Branches
settings.protected_branches_desc=Protect branches from force pushing, accidental deletion and whitelist code committers.
settings.choose_a_branch=Choose a branch...
settings.branch_protection=Branch Protection
settings.branch_protection_desc=Please choose protect options for branch <b>%s</b>.
settings.protect_this_branch=Protect this branch
settings.protect_this_branch_desc=Disable force pushes and prevent from deletion.
settings.protect_require_pull_request=Require pull request instead direct pushing
settings.protect_require_pull_request_desc=Enable this option to disable direct pushing to this branch. Commits have to be pushed to another non-protected branch and merged to this branch through pull request.
settings.protect_whitelist_committers=Whitelist who can push to this branch
settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc=Add people or teams to whitelist of direct push to this branch.
settings.githooks=Git куки
settings.basic_settings=Основни настройки
@ -657,8 +674,8 @@ settings.external_wiki_url_desc=Посетителите ще бъдат пре
settings.issues_desc=Включи система за проследяване на задачи
settings.use_internal_issue_tracker=Изполвай вградена система за проследяване на задачи
settings.use_external_issue_tracker=Използвай външна система за проследяване на задачи
settings.add_slack_hook_desc=Добавяне на интеграция със <a href="%s">Slack</a> във Вашето хранилище.
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=Add <a href="%s">Discord</a> integration to your repository.
settings.slack_token=API ключ
settings.deploy_keys=Ключове за внедряване
settings.deploy_keys_helper=<b>Common Gotcha!</b> If you're looking for adding personal public keys, please add them in your <a href="%s%s">account settings</a>.
settings.add_deploy_key=Добави ключ за внедряване
settings.deploy_key_desc=Този ключ за внедряване има права само за четене. Това не е същото като SSH ключове на персонален потребител.
settings.no_deploy_keys=Все още няма настроен никакъв ключ за внедряване.
@ -827,6 +846,7 @@ team_permission_desc=Какво ниво на достъп трябва да и
form.name_reserved=Името на организацията '%s' е запазено.
form.name_pattern_not_allowed=Име на организацията от вида '%s' не е разрешено.
form.team_name_reserved=Team name '%s' is reserved.
@ -917,8 +937,8 @@ dashboard.git_gc_repos=Почисти изтрити данни в хранил
dashboard.git_gc_repos_success=Всички хранилища са почистени от изтрити данни успешно.
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys=Презапис на ".ssh/authorized_keys" файл (внимание: не-Gogs ключове ще бъдат загубени)
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys_success=Всички публични ключове са презаписани успешно.
dashboard.resync_all_update_hooks=Презапис на всички куки, закачени на актуализация на хранилищата (необходимо, когато се ползва собствен път за конфигурацията)
dashboard.resync_all_update_hooks_success=Всички куки, закачени на актуализация на хранилищата, са презаписани успешно.
dashboard.resync_all_hooks=Resync pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks of all repositories.
dashboard.resync_all_hooks_success=All repositories' pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks have been resynced successfully.
dashboard.reinit_missing_repos=Реинициализира всички записи за хранилища
dashboard.reinit_missing_repos_success=Всички записи за хранилища със загубени Git файлове са реинициализирани успешно.
@ -1051,11 +1071,9 @@ config.offline_mode=Офлайн режим
config.disable_router_log=Изключи журнал на маршрутизатора
config.run_user=Потребителски контекст
config.run_mode=Режим на изпълнение
config.git_version=Git Version
config.repo_root_path=Основен път към хранилища
config.git_version=Git версия
config.static_file_root_path=Път към статични файлове
config.log_file_root_path=Път към журнал
config.script_type=Тип на скрипта
config.reverse_auth_user=Потребителско име при обратно удостоверяване
config.ssh_config=SSH конфигурация
@ -1070,6 +1088,16 @@ config.ssh_keygen_path=Път до генератор ('ssh-keygen')
config.ssh_minimum_key_size_check=Проверка за минимален размер на ключове
config.ssh_minimum_key_sizes=Минимален размер на ключове
config.repo_config=Repository Configuration
config.repo_root_path=Основен път към хранилища
config.script_type=Тип на скрипта
config.repo_force_private=Force Private
config.max_creation_limit=Max Creation Limit
config.preferred_licenses=Preferred Licenses
config.disable_http_git=Disable HTTP Git
config.enable_local_path_migration=Enable Local Path Migration
settings.default_branch_desc=The default branch is considered the "base" branch for code commits, pull requests and online editing.
settings.update_default_branch_success=Default branch of this repository has been updated successfully!
settings.protected_branches=Protected Branches
settings.protected_branches_desc=Protect branches from force pushing, accidental deletion and whitelist code committers.
settings.choose_a_branch=Choose a branch...
settings.branch_protection=Branch Protection
settings.branch_protection_desc=Please choose protect options for branch <b>%s</b>.
settings.protect_this_branch=Protect this branch
settings.protect_this_branch_desc=Disable force pushes and prevent from deletion.
settings.protect_require_pull_request=Require pull request instead direct pushing
settings.protect_require_pull_request_desc=Enable this option to disable direct pushing to this branch. Commits have to be pushed to another non-protected branch and merged to this branch through pull request.
settings.protect_whitelist_committers=Whitelist who can push to this branch
settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc=Add people or teams to whitelist of direct push to this branch.
settings.add_slack_hook_desc=Přidat integraci <a href="%s">Slacku</a> do vašeho repositáře.
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=Add <a href="%s">Discord</a> integration to your repository.
settings.deploy_keys=Klíče pro nasazení
settings.deploy_keys_helper=<b>Common Gotcha!</b> If you're looking for adding personal public keys, please add them in your <a href="%s%s">account settings</a>.
settings.add_deploy_key=Přidat klíč pro nasazení
settings.deploy_key_desc=Klíče pro nasazení mají pouze přístup ke čtení. Nejsou stejné jako osobní klíče SSH.
settings.no_deploy_keys=Žádné klíče pro nasazení nebyly ještě přidány.
@ -827,6 +846,7 @@ team_permission_desc=Jakou úroveň přístupu má mít tento tým?
form.name_reserved=Název organizace '%s' je již rezervován.
form.name_pattern_not_allowed=Vzor názvu organizace '%s' není povolen.
form.team_name_reserved=Team name '%s' is reserved.
@ -917,8 +937,8 @@ dashboard.git_gc_repos=Provést úklid nad repositáři
dashboard.git_gc_repos_success=Úklid nad všemi repositáři byl úspěšně proveden.
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys=Přepsat soubor '.ssh/authorized_keys' (upozornění: klíče nevzniklé v Gogs budou ztraceny)
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys_success=Všechny veřejné klíče byly úspěšně přepsány.
dashboard.resync_all_update_hooks=Přepsat háček úprav všech repositářů (potřebný v momentě změny cesty k uživatelskému konfiguračnímu souboru)
dashboard.resync_all_update_hooks_success=Háček úprav všech repositářů byl úspěšně přepsán.
dashboard.resync_all_hooks=Resync pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks of all repositories.
dashboard.resync_all_hooks_success=All repositories' pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks have been resynced successfully.
dashboard.reinit_missing_repos=Znovu inicializovat záznamy všech repositářů, které ztratily soubory Gitu
dashboard.reinit_missing_repos_success=Záznamy všech repositářů, které ztratily soubory Gitu, byly znovu úspěšně inicializovány.
docker_helper=Wenn Gogs innerhalb von Docker läuft, lesen Sie sich bitte den <a target="_blank" href="%s">Leitfaden</a> genau durch, bevor Sie irgendwas auf dieser Seite ändern!
requite_db_desc=Gogs benötigt MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3 oder TiDB.
requite_db_desc=Gogs requires MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3, MSSQL or TiDB.
@ -58,9 +58,8 @@ db_name=Datenbankname
db_helper=Bitte verwenden Sie in MySQL die InnoDB-Engine mit dem Zeichensatz utf8_general_ci.
sqlite_helper=Der Dateipfad zur SQLite3- oder TiDB-Datenbank. <br>Bitte verwenden Sie einen absoluten Pfad, wenn Gogs als Service gestartet wird.
err_empty_db_path=SQLite3 oder TiDB Datenbankpfad darf nicht leer sein.
err_invalid_tidb_name=Der TiDB Datenbankname darf nicht "." und "-" enthalten.
sqlite_helper=The file path of SQLite3 database. <br>Please use absolute path when you start as service.
err_empty_db_path=SQLite3 database path cannot be empty.
no_admin_and_disable_registration=Sie können die Registrierung nicht deaktivieren, ohne ein Administratorkonto zu erstellen.
err_empty_admin_password=Das Administrator-Passwort darf nicht leer sein.
@ -75,6 +74,8 @@ domain=Domain
domain_helper=Dies hat Auswirkung auf die SSH Klon-URLs.
ssh_port=SSH Port
ssh_port_helper=Der Port Ihres SSH-Servers. Leer lassen um SSH zu deaktivieren.
use_builtin_ssh_server=Use Builtin SSH Server
use_builtin_ssh_server_popup=Start builtin SSH server for Git operations to distinguish from system SSH daemon.
http_port=HTTP Port
http_port_helper=Auf dieser Port Nummer wird Gogs erreichbar sein.
settings.default_branch_desc=The default branch is considered the "base" branch for code commits, pull requests and online editing.
settings.update_default_branch_success=Default branch of this repository has been updated successfully!
settings.protected_branches=Protected Branches
settings.protected_branches_desc=Protect branches from force pushing, accidental deletion and whitelist code committers.
settings.choose_a_branch=Choose a branch...
settings.branch_protection=Branch Protection
settings.branch_protection_desc=Please choose protect options for branch <b>%s</b>.
settings.protect_this_branch=Protect this branch
settings.protect_this_branch_desc=Disable force pushes and prevent from deletion.
settings.protect_require_pull_request=Require pull request instead direct pushing
settings.protect_require_pull_request_desc=Enable this option to disable direct pushing to this branch. Commits have to be pushed to another non-protected branch and merged to this branch through pull request.
settings.protect_whitelist_committers=Whitelist who can push to this branch
settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc=Add people or teams to whitelist of direct push to this branch.
@ -657,8 +674,8 @@ settings.external_wiki_url_desc=Besucher werden auf diese URL umgeleitet, wenn s
settings.add_slack_hook_desc=Fügen Sie <a href="%s">Slack</a>-Integration zu Ihrem Repository hinzu.
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=Add <a href="%s">Discord</a> integration to your repository.
settings.deploy_keys_helper=<b>Common Gotcha!</b> If you're looking for adding personal public keys, please add them in your <a href="%s%s">account settings</a>.
settings.deploy_key_desc=Deploy-Schlüssel haben nur lesenden Zugriff. Sie sind nicht identisch mit dem SSH-Schlüssel des persönlichen Kontos.
settings.no_deploy_keys=Sie haben noch keine Deploy-Schlüssel hinzugefügt.
@ -827,6 +846,7 @@ team_permission_desc=Welche Berechtigungsstufe soll das Team haben?
form.name_reserved=Organisationsname '%s' ist bereits vergeben.
form.name_pattern_not_allowed=Organisationsnamen der Form '%s' sind nicht erlaubt.
form.team_name_reserved=Team name '%s' is reserved.
@ -917,8 +937,8 @@ dashboard.git_gc_repos=Garbage Collection auf Repositories ausführen
dashboard.git_gc_repos_success=Garbage Collection wurde auf allen Repositories erfolgreich ausgeführt.
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys=Datei '.ssh/authorized_keys' neu anlegen (Achtung: Schlüssel, die nicht zu Gogs gehören gehen verloren)
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys_success=Alle öffentlichen Keys wurden erfolgreich neu geschrieben.
dashboard.resync_all_update_hooks=Alle Aktualisierungs-Hooks von Repositories neu anlegen (wird benötigt, wenn der angepasste Konfigurationspfad geändert wurde)
dashboard.resync_all_update_hooks_success=Die Hooks aller Repositories wurden erfolgreich neu angelegt.
dashboard.resync_all_hooks=Resync pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks of all repositories.
dashboard.resync_all_hooks_success=All repositories' pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks have been resynced successfully.
dashboard.reinit_missing_repos=Alle Repository-Datensätze mit verloren gegangenen Git-Dateien neu initialisieren
dashboard.reinit_missing_repos_success=Alle Repository-Datensätze, die Git-Dateien verloren haben wurden erfolgreich neu initialisiert.
@ -1010,7 +1030,7 @@ auths.bind_dn=DN binden
auths.bind_password=Passwort binden
auths.bind_password_helper=Achtung: Das Passwort wird im Klartext gespeichert. Benutzen Sie kein Konto mit hoher Berechtigungsstufe.
auths.user_base=Basis für Benutzersuche
auths.attribute_username=Attribut Benutzername
auths.attribute_username_placeholder=Leer lassen, um den Wert aus dem Anmeldeformular als Benutzernamen zu verwenden.
docker_helper=Si está ejecutando Gogs usando Docker, ¡por favor lea <a target="_blank" href="%s"> estas pautas</a> antes de cambiar nada en esta página!
requite_db_desc=Gogs requiere una base de datos MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3 o TiDB.
requite_db_desc=Gogs requires MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3, MSSQL or TiDB.
db_title=Configuración de base de datos
db_type=Tipo de base de datos
@ -58,9 +58,8 @@ db_name=Nombre de la base de datos
db_helper=Por favor utilice el motor INNODB con la configuración de caracteres utf8_general_ci para MySQL.
ssl_mode=Modo SSL
sqlite_helper=Ruta al archivo de base de datos SQLite3 o TiDB. <br>Por favor, usa una ruta absoluta cuando inicies como servicio.
err_empty_db_path=La ruta a la base de datos SQLite3 o TiDB no puede estar vacía.
err_invalid_tidb_name=El nombre de la base de datos TiDB no puede contener los caracteres "." ni "-".
sqlite_helper=The file path of SQLite3 database. <br>Please use absolute path when you start as service.
err_empty_db_path=SQLite3 database path cannot be empty.
no_admin_and_disable_registration=No puede deshabilitar el registro sin crear una cuenta de administrador.
err_empty_admin_password=La contraseña de administrador no puede estar vacía.
@ -75,6 +74,8 @@ domain=Dominio
domain_helper=Esto afecta a las URLs para clonar por SSH.
ssh_port=Puerto SSH
ssh_port_helper=Número de puerto de su servidor SSH, déjelo en blanco para desactivar SSH.
use_builtin_ssh_server=Use Builtin SSH Server
use_builtin_ssh_server_popup=Start builtin SSH server for Git operations to distinguish from system SSH daemon.
http_port=Puerto HTTP
http_port_helper=Puerto en el que escuchará la aplicación.
app_url=URL de la aplicación
@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ sqlite3_not_available=Tu versión no soporta SQLite3, por favor descarga el bina
invalid_db_setting=La configuración de la base de datos no es correcta: %v
invalid_repo_path=La ruta de la raíz del repositorio es inválida: %v
run_user_not_match=El usuario que está ejecutando la aplicación no es el usuario actual: %s -> %s
invalid_smtp_from=SMTP From field is not valid: %v
invalid_smtp_from=El campo SMTP no es válido: %v
save_config_failed=Error al guardar la configuración: %v
invalid_admin_setting=La configuración de la cuenta de administración es inválida: %v
install_success=Bienvenido! Estamos encantados de que hayas escogido Gogs, diviértete y cuídate.
settings.default_branch_desc=The default branch is considered the "base" branch for code commits, pull requests and online editing.
settings.update_default_branch_success=Default branch of this repository has been updated successfully!
settings.protected_branches=Protected Branches
settings.protected_branches_desc=Protect branches from force pushing, accidental deletion and whitelist code committers.
settings.choose_a_branch=Choose a branch...
settings.branch_protection=Branch Protection
settings.branch_protection_desc=Please choose protect options for branch <b>%s</b>.
settings.protect_this_branch=Protect this branch
settings.protect_this_branch_desc=Disable force pushes and prevent from deletion.
settings.protect_require_pull_request=Require pull request instead direct pushing
settings.protect_require_pull_request_desc=Enable this option to disable direct pushing to this branch. Commits have to be pushed to another non-protected branch and merged to this branch through pull request.
settings.protect_whitelist_committers=Whitelist who can push to this branch
settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc=Add people or teams to whitelist of direct push to this branch.
settings.githooks=Git Hooks
settings.basic_settings=Configuración Básica
@ -657,8 +674,8 @@ settings.external_wiki_url_desc=Los visitantes serán redireccionados a la URL c
settings.issues_desc=Habilitar rastreo de incidencias
settings.use_internal_issue_tracker=Usar rastreo de incidencias ligero incluido
settings.use_external_issue_tracker=Usar tracker externo de incidencias
settings.add_slack_hook_desc=Añade integración con <a href="%s">Slack</a> a tu repositorio.
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=Add <a href="%s">Discord</a> integration to your repository.
settings.deploy_keys=Claves de Despliegue
settings.deploy_keys_helper=<b>Common Gotcha!</b> If you're looking for adding personal public keys, please add them in your <a href="%s%s">account settings</a>.
settings.add_deploy_key=Añadir Clave de Despliegue
settings.deploy_key_desc=La clave de desarrollo tiene sólo acceso de lectura. No es igual que las claves SSH de las cuentas personales.
settings.no_deploy_keys=No has añadido ninguna clave de despliegue.
@ -827,6 +846,7 @@ team_permission_desc=¿Qué nivel de permisos debería tener este equipo?
form.name_reserved=El nombre de la organización '%s' está reservado.
form.name_pattern_not_allowed=El patrón de nombre de la organización '%s' no está permitido.
form.team_name_reserved=Team name '%s' is reserved.
@ -917,8 +937,8 @@ dashboard.git_gc_repos=Ejecutar la recolección de basura en los repositorios
dashboard.git_gc_repos_success=Todos los repositorios han ejecutado correctamente el recolector de basuras.
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys=Reescribir el fichero '.ssh/authorized_keys'(atención: se perderán las claves que no pertenezcan a Gogs)
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys_success=Todas las claves públicas se han reescrito correctamente.
dashboard.resync_all_update_hooks=Reescribir todos los hooks de actualización de los repositorios (necesario cuando se modifica la ruta de configuración personalizada)
dashboard.resync_all_update_hooks_success=Todos los hooks de actualización de los repositorios se han reescrito correctamente.
dashboard.resync_all_hooks=Resync pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks of all repositories.
dashboard.resync_all_hooks_success=All repositories' pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks have been resynced successfully.
dashboard.reinit_missing_repos=Reinicializar todos los registros del repositorio que tienen archivos Git eliminados
dashboard.reinit_missing_repos_success=Todos los registros del repositorio con archivos Git eliminados han sido reinicializados con éxito.
@ -1051,11 +1071,9 @@ config.offline_mode=Modo Sin Conexión
config.disable_router_log=Deshabilitar Log del Router
config.run_user=Ejecutada como Usuario
config.run_mode=Modo de ejecución
config.git_version=Git Version
config.repo_root_path=Ruta del Repositorio
config.git_version=Versión de Git
config.static_file_root_path=Ruta de los Ficheros Estáticos
config.log_file_root_path=Ruta de los Ficheros de Log
config.script_type=Tipo de Script
config.reverse_auth_user=Autenticación Inversa de Usuario
config.ssh_config=Configuración SSH
@ -1070,6 +1088,16 @@ config.ssh_keygen_path=Ruta del generador de claves ('ssh-keygen')
config.ssh_minimum_key_size_check=Tamaño mínimo de la clave de verificación
config.ssh_minimum_key_sizes=Tamaños de clave mínimos
config.repo_config=Repository Configuration
config.repo_root_path=Ruta del Repositorio
config.script_type=Tipo de Script
config.repo_force_private=Force Private
config.max_creation_limit=Max Creation Limit
config.preferred_licenses=Preferred Licenses
config.disable_http_git=Disable HTTP Git
config.enable_local_path_migration=Enable Local Path Migration
title=Asennusvaiheet ottaessa ensi kertaa käyttöön
docker_helper=Jos käytät Gogsia Dockerin sisällä, ole hyvä ja lue <a target="_blank" href="%s">ohjeet</a> huolellisesti ennen kuin muutat mitään tältä sivulta!
requite_db_desc=Gogs tarvitsee MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3 tai TiDB.
requite_db_desc=Gogs requires MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3, MSSQL or TiDB.
db_title=Tietokanta asetukset
db_type=Tietokanta tyyppi
@ -58,9 +58,8 @@ db_name=Tietokannan nimi
db_helper=Ole hyvä ja käytä INNODB moottoria ja utf8_general_ci merkistöä MySQLssä.
ssl_mode=SSL tila
sqlite_helper=SQLite3 tai TiDB tietokanta polku. <br>Käytä absoluuttista polkua kun käynnistät palvelun.
err_empty_db_path=SQLite3 tai TiDB tietokanta polku ei voi olla tyhjä.
err_invalid_tidb_name=TiDB tietokannan nimessä ei voi olla merkkejä "." ja "-".
sqlite_helper=The file path of SQLite3 database. <br>Please use absolute path when you start as service.
err_empty_db_path=SQLite3 database path cannot be empty.
no_admin_and_disable_registration=Et voi poistaa käytöstä rekisteröintiä luomatta ylläpito tiliä.
err_empty_admin_password=Ylläpito salasana ei voi olla tyhjä.
@ -75,6 +74,8 @@ domain=Verkkotunnus
domain_helper=Tämä vaikuttaa SSH klooni URLeihin.
ssh_port=SSH portti
ssh_port_helper=Portti numero jota SSH palvelimesi käyttää, jätä tyhjäksi poistaaksesi käytöstä SSH toiminnon.
use_builtin_ssh_server=Use Builtin SSH Server
use_builtin_ssh_server_popup=Start builtin SSH server for Git operations to distinguish from system SSH daemon.
http_port=HTTP portti
http_port_helper=Portti numero jota sovellus tulee kuuntelemaan.
app_url=Sovellus URL
@ -96,8 +97,8 @@ offline_mode=Ota käyttöön Offline tila
offline_mode_popup=Poista käytöstä CDN myös tuotanto tilassa, kaikki resurssi tiedostot palvellaan paikallisesti.
disable_gravatar=Poista käytöstä Gravatar palvelu
disable_gravatar_popup=Poista käytöstä Gravatar ja mukautetut lähteet, kaikki profiilikuvat on käyttäjien palvelimelle lähettämiä tai oletus.
confirmation_mail_sent_prompt=Uusi varmistus sähköposti on lähetetty osoitteeseen <b>%s</b>, ole hyvä ja tarkista saapuneet seuraavan %d tunnin sisällä saadaksesi rekisteröintiprosessin valmiiksi.
active_your_account=Aktivoi tilisi
prohibit_login=Kirjautuminen kielletty
prohibit_login_desc=Your account is prohibited to login, please contact site admin.
prohibit_login_desc=Käyttäjätilisi kirjautuminen on estetty. Ota yhteys sivuston ylläpitäjään.
resent_limit_prompt=Sori, olet jo tilannut aktivointi sähköpostin lähiaikoina. Ole hyvä ja odota 3 minuuttia ja yritä sitten uudelleen.
has_unconfirmed_mail=Hei %s, sinulla on varmistamaton sähköposti osoite (<b>%s</b>). Jos et ole saanut varmistus sähköpostia tai tarvitset uudelleenlähetyksen, ole hyvä ja klikkaa allaolevaa painiketta.
resend_mail=Klikkaa tästä uudelleenlähettääksesi aktivointi sähköpostisi
editor.commit_directly_to_this_branch=Committaa suoraan haaraan <strong class="branch-name">%s</strong>.
editor.create_new_branch=Luo <strong>uusi haara</strong> tälle commitille tai aloita pull-pyyntö.
editor.new_branch_name_desc=Uuden haaran nimi...
editor.filename_cannot_be_empty=Filename cannot be empty.
editor.branch_already_exists=Branch '%s' already exists in this repository.
editor.directory_is_a_file=Entry '%s' in the parent path is a file not a directory in this repository.
editor.file_is_a_symlink=The file '%s' is a symlink that cannot be modified from the web editor.
editor.filename_is_a_directory=The filename '%s' is an existing directory in this repository.
editor.file_editing_no_longer_exists=The file '%s' you are editing no longer exists in the repository.
editor.file_changed_while_editing=File content has been changed since you started editing. <a target="_blank" href="%s">Click here</a> to see what have been changed or <strong>press commit again</strong> to overwrite those changes.
editor.file_already_exists=A file with name '%s' already exists in this repository.
editor.no_changes_to_show=There are no changes to show.
editor.fail_to_update_file=Failed to update/create file '%s' with error: %v
editor.add_subdir=Add subdirectory...
editor.unable_to_upload_files=Failed to upload files to '%s' with error: %v
editor.upload_files_to_dir=Upload files to '%s'
editor.filename_cannot_be_empty=Tiedostonimi ei voi olla tyhjä.
editor.branch_already_exists=Haara '%s' on jo olemassa tässä repossa.
editor.directory_is_a_file=Annettu nimi '%s' on tiedosto, ei kansio.
editor.file_is_a_symlink=Tiedosto '%s' on symlinkki jota ei voi muokata web-selaimesta.
editor.filename_is_a_directory=Kansio nimeltä '%s' on jo olemassa tässä repossa.
editor.file_editing_no_longer_exists=Tiedostoa '%s' jota olet muokkaamassa ei ole enää olemassa tässä repossa.
editor.file_changed_while_editing=Tiedoston sisältöä on muutettu aloittamisesi jälkeen. <a target="_blank" href="%s">Klikkaa tästä</a> nähdäksesi mitä on muutettu tai <strong>paina commit uudelleen</strong> ylikirjoittaaksesi muutokset.
editor.file_already_exists=Tiedosto '%s' on jo olemassa tässä repossa.
editor.no_changes_to_show=Ei muutoksia näytettäväksi.
editor.fail_to_update_file=Tiedoston '%s' päivitys/luonti epäonnistui virheeseen: %v
editor.add_subdir=Lisää alikansio...
editor.unable_to_upload_files=Tiedostojen lataus epäonnistui kansioon '%s' virheellä: %v
@ -587,8 +588,8 @@ pulls.cannot_auto_merge_desc=Tätä pull-pyyntöä ei voi yhdistää automaattis
pulls.cannot_auto_merge_helper=Ole hyvä ja yhdistä manuaalisesti konfliktien ratkaisemiseksi.
pulls.merge_pull_request=Yhdistä Pull-pyyntö
pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists=`Et voi suorittaa uudelleenavaus toimintoa koska on jo olemassa pull-pyyntö (#%d) samasta reposta samoilla yhdistämistiedoilla ja odottaa yhdistämistä.`
pulls.delete_branch=Delete Branch
pulls.delete_branch_has_new_commits=Branch cannot be deleted because it has new commits after mergence.
pulls.delete_branch=Poista haara
pulls.delete_branch_has_new_commits=Haaraa ei voida poistaa koska siinä on uusia committeja mergen jälkeen.
settings.default_branch_desc=The default branch is considered the "base" branch for code commits, pull requests and online editing.
settings.update_default_branch_success=Default branch of this repository has been updated successfully!
settings.protected_branches=Protected Branches
settings.protected_branches_desc=Protect branches from force pushing, accidental deletion and whitelist code committers.
settings.choose_a_branch=Choose a branch...
settings.branch_protection=Branch Protection
settings.branch_protection_desc=Please choose protect options for branch <b>%s</b>.
settings.protect_this_branch=Protect this branch
settings.protect_this_branch_desc=Disable force pushes and prevent from deletion.
settings.protect_require_pull_request=Require pull request instead direct pushing
settings.protect_require_pull_request_desc=Enable this option to disable direct pushing to this branch. Commits have to be pushed to another non-protected branch and merged to this branch through pull request.
settings.protect_whitelist_committers=Whitelist who can push to this branch
settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc=Add people or teams to whitelist of direct push to this branch.
settings.githooks=Git koukut
settings.mirror_settings=Mirror Settings
settings.sync_mirror=Sync Now
settings.mirror_sync_in_progress=Mirror syncing is in progress, please refresh page in about a minute.
settings.mirror_settings=Peilauksen asetukset
settings.sync_mirror=Synkronisoi nyt
settings.mirror_sync_in_progress=Peilaus käynnissä. Päivitä sivu minuutin kuluttua uudelleen. sivusto
settings.update_settings=Päivitä asetukset
settings.change_reponame_prompt=Tämä muutos vaikuttaa siihen miten linkit liittyvät repoon.
settings.tracker_url_format_desc=Voit käyttää paikkamerkkiä <code>{user} {repo} {index}</code> käyttäjänimelle, reponimelle ja vikanumerolle.
settings.pulls_desc=Ota käyttöön pull-pyynnöt salliaksesi julkiset koodilahjoitukset
@ -685,7 +702,7 @@ settings.delete=Poista tämä repo
settings.delete_desc=Huomio, kun kerran poistat repon, niin ei ole paluuta. Varmista että haluat todella tehdä tämän.
settings.delete_notices_1=- Tätä toimintoa <strong>EI VOI</strong> peruuttaa myöhemmin.
settings.delete_notices_2=- Tämä toiminto poistaa pysyvästi kaikki tästä reposta, mukaanlukien Git tiedot, ongelmat, kommentit ja yhteistyökumppanien pääsyoikeudet.
settings.delete_notices_fork_1=- All forks will become independent after deletion.
settings.delete_notices_fork_1=- Kaikki haarat muuttuvat itsenäisiksi poiston jälkeen.
settings.deletion_success=Repo on poistettu onnistuneesti!
settings.update_settings_success=Repom asetukset on päivitetty onnistuneesti.
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=Add <a href="%s">Discord</a> integration to your repository.
settings.deploy_keys=Deploy avaimet
settings.deploy_keys_helper=<b>Common Gotcha!</b> If you're looking for adding personal public keys, please add them in your <a href="%s%s">account settings</a>.
settings.add_deploy_key=Lisää deploy avain
settings.deploy_key_desc=Deploy avaimilla on vain luku-oikeudet. Ne eivät ole sama asia kuin henkilökohtaiset SSH avaimet.
settings.no_deploy_keys=Et ole lisännyt yhtään deploy avainta.
auths.still_in_used=Tämä todennus on yhä joidenkin käyttäjien käytössä, ole hyvä ja poista tai muunna nämä käyttäjät toiselle kirjaututumistyypille ensin.
auths.deletion_success=Todennus on poistettu onnistuneesti!
docker_helper=Si vous exécutez Gogs grâce à Docker, merci de lire la <a target="_blank" href="%s">procédure</a> attentivement avant de modifier quoi que ce soit sur cette page !
requite_db_desc=Gogs requiert MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3 ou TiDB.
requite_db_desc=Gogs requires MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3, MSSQL or TiDB.
db_title=Paramètres de la base de données
db_type=Type de base de données
@ -58,9 +58,8 @@ db_name=Nom de base de données
db_helper=Veuillez utiliser le moteur INNODB avec le jeu de caractères utf8_general_ci pour MySQL.
ssl_mode=Mode SSL
sqlite_helper=Le chemin du fichier de base de données SQLite3 ou TiDB. <br>Utilisez un chemin absolu lorsque vous démarrez en tant que service.
err_empty_db_path=Le chemin de la base de données SQLite3 ou TiDB ne peut être vide.
err_invalid_tidb_name=Le nom de la base de données TiDB ne peut contenir les caractères "." ou "-".
sqlite_helper=The file path of SQLite3 database. <br>Please use absolute path when you start as service.
err_empty_db_path=SQLite3 database path cannot be empty.
no_admin_and_disable_registration=Vous ne pouvez pas désactiver l'enregistrement sans créer un compte administrateur.
err_empty_admin_password=Le mot de passe du compte administrateur ne peut être vide.
@ -75,6 +74,8 @@ domain=Domaine
domain_helper=Cela affecte les doublons d'URL SSH.
ssh_port=Port SSH
ssh_port_helper=Numéro de port utilisé par votre serveur SSH, le laisser vide pour désactiver la fonctionnalité.
use_builtin_ssh_server=Use Builtin SSH Server
use_builtin_ssh_server_popup=Start builtin SSH server for Git operations to distinguish from system SSH daemon.
http_port=Port HTTP
http_port_helper=Numéro de port que l'application écoutera.
app_url=URL de l'application
@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ sqlite3_not_available=Votre version publiée ne prend pas en charge SQLite3. Veu
invalid_db_setting=Paramètres de base de données incorrects : %v
invalid_repo_path=Chemin vers la racine du dépôt invalide : %v
run_user_not_match=L'utilisateur d'exécution saisi n'est pas l'utilisateur d'exécution actuel : %s -> %s
invalid_smtp_from=SMTP From field is not valid: %v
invalid_smtp_from=Le champ SMTP Provenant de n'est pas valide: %v
save_config_failed=La sauvegarde de la configuration a échoué : %v
invalid_admin_setting=Paramètres du compte administrateur invalides : %v
install_success=Bienvenue ! Nous sommes heureux que vous ayez choisi Gogs, amusez-vous et prenez soin de vous.
@ -338,9 +339,9 @@ access_token_deletion=Suppression du jeton d'accès
access_token_deletion_desc=Supprimer ce jeton d'accès supprimera tous les accès de l'application. Voulez-vous continuer ?
delete_token_success=Le jeton d'accèsa été supprimé avec succès ! N'oubliez pas de mettre à jour vos applications.
orgs.none=You are not a member of any organizations.
orgs.leave_title=Leave an organization
orgs.leave_desc=You will lose access to all repositories and teams after you left the organization. Do you want to continue?
orgs.none=Vous n'êtes membre d'aucune organisation.
orgs.leave_title=Quitter une organisation
orgs.leave_desc=Vous perdrez accès à tous les dépôts et équipes après que vous ayez quitté l'organisation. Voulez-vous continuer ?
delete_account=Supprimer votre compte
delete_prompt=Votre compte sera définitivement supprimé et cette opération est <strong>irréversible</strong> !
@ -389,8 +390,8 @@ migrate_type=Type de migration
migrate_type_helper=Ce dépôt sera un <span class="text blue"> miroir</span>
migrate_repo=Migrer le dépôt
migrate.clone_address=Adresse du clone
migrate.clone_address_desc=This can be a HTTP/HTTPS/GIT URL.
migrate.clone_address_desc_import_local=You're also allowed to migrate a repository by local server path.
migrate.clone_address_desc=Cela peut être une URL HTTP/HTTPS/GIT.
migrate.clone_address_desc_import_local=Vous êtes aussi autorisé à migrer un dépôt via un chemin local du serveur.
migrate.permission_denied=Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à importer des dépôts locaux.
migrate.invalid_local_path=Chemin local non valide, non existant ou n'étant pas un dossier.
migrate.failed=Echec de migration: %v
@ -415,7 +416,7 @@ create_new_repo_command=Créer un nouveau dépôt en ligne de commande
push_exist_repo=Soumettre un dépôt existant par ligne de commande
repo_is_empty=Ce dépôt est vide, veuillez revenir plus tard !
filter_branch_and_tag=Filtrer une branche ou un tag
settings.default_branch_desc=The default branch is considered the "base" branch for code commits, pull requests and online editing.
settings.update_default_branch_success=Default branch of this repository has been updated successfully!
settings.protected_branches=Protected Branches
settings.protected_branches_desc=Protect branches from force pushing, accidental deletion and whitelist code committers.
settings.choose_a_branch=Choose a branch...
settings.branch_protection=Branch Protection
settings.branch_protection_desc=Please choose protect options for branch <b>%s</b>.
settings.protect_this_branch=Protect this branch
settings.protect_this_branch_desc=Disable force pushes and prevent from deletion.
settings.protect_require_pull_request=Require pull request instead direct pushing
settings.protect_require_pull_request_desc=Enable this option to disable direct pushing to this branch. Commits have to be pushed to another non-protected branch and merged to this branch through pull request.
settings.protect_whitelist_committers=Whitelist who can push to this branch
settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc=Add people or teams to whitelist of direct push to this branch.
settings.githooks=Git Hooks
settings.basic_settings=Paramètres de base
@ -657,8 +674,8 @@ settings.external_wiki_url_desc=Les visiteurs seront redirigés vers cette URL l
settings.issues_desc=Activer le système de tickets
settings.use_internal_issue_tracker=Utiliser le système simplifié de tickets interne
settings.use_external_issue_tracker=Utiliser un bug-tracker externe
settings.external_tracker_url_desc=Visitors will be redirected to URL when they click on the tab.
settings.external_tracker_url=Adresse de l'issue tracker externe
settings.external_tracker_url_desc=Les visiteurs seront redirigés vers cette URL lorsqu'ils cliqueront sur l'onglet.
settings.tracker_url_format=Format d'URL du bug tracker
settings.tracker_issue_style=Style de nommage des bugs du tracker externe :
@ -745,10 +762,12 @@ settings.delete_webhook=Supprimer le Webhook
settings.recent_deliveries=Livraisons récentes
settings.hook_type=Type de Hook
settings.add_slack_hook_desc=Intégrer <a href="%s"> Slack</a> à votre dépôt.
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=Add <a href="%s">Discord</a> integration to your repository.
settings.deploy_keys=Clés de déploiement
settings.deploy_keys_helper=<b>Common Gotcha!</b> If you're looking for adding personal public keys, please add them in your <a href="%s%s">account settings</a>.
settings.add_deploy_key=Ajouter une Clé de Déploiement
settings.deploy_key_desc=Déployer une clé uniquement en lecture seule. Il ne s'agit pas des clés ssh de compte personnel.
settings.no_deploy_keys=Vous n'avez ajouté aucune clé de déploiement.
@ -827,6 +846,7 @@ team_permission_desc=Quel niveau d'accès cette équipe devrait-elle posséder ?
form.name_reserved=Le nom d'organisation '%s' est réservé.
form.name_pattern_not_allowed=Motif '%s' interdit pour les noms d'organisation.
form.team_name_reserved=Team name '%s' is reserved.
@ -917,8 +937,8 @@ dashboard.git_gc_repos=Collecter les déchets des dépôts
dashboard.git_gc_repos_success=Tous les dépôts ont effectué la collecte avec succès.
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys=Ré-écrire le fichier '.ssh/authorized_keys' (attention : les clés hors-Gogs vont être perdues)
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys_success=Toutes les clés publiques ont été ré-écrites avec succès.
dashboard.resync_all_update_hooks=Ré-écrire tous les hooks de mises à jour des dépôts (requis quand le chemin de la configuration personnalisé est modifié)
dashboard.resync_all_update_hooks_success=Tous les hooks de mises à jour des dépôts ont été ré-écris avec succès.
dashboard.resync_all_hooks=Resync pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks of all repositories.
dashboard.resync_all_hooks_success=All repositories' pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks have been resynced successfully.
dashboard.reinit_missing_repos=Réinitialiser tous les dépôts qui ont perdu des fichiers Git
dashboard.reinit_missing_repos_success=Tous les enregistrements de dépôts qui ont perdu des fichiers Git ont été réinitialisés avec succès.
settings.default_branch_desc=The default branch is considered the "base" branch for code commits, pull requests and online editing.
settings.update_default_branch_success=Default branch of this repository has been updated successfully!
settings.protected_branches=Protected Branches
settings.protected_branches_desc=Protect branches from force pushing, accidental deletion and whitelist code committers.
settings.choose_a_branch=Choose a branch...
settings.branch_protection=Branch Protection
settings.branch_protection_desc=Please choose protect options for branch <b>%s</b>.
settings.protect_this_branch=Protect this branch
settings.protect_this_branch_desc=Disable force pushes and prevent from deletion.
settings.protect_require_pull_request=Require pull request instead direct pushing
settings.protect_require_pull_request_desc=Enable this option to disable direct pushing to this branch. Commits have to be pushed to another non-protected branch and merged to this branch through pull request.
settings.protect_whitelist_committers=Whitelist who can push to this branch
settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc=Add people or teams to whitelist of direct push to this branch.
settings.add_slack_hook_desc=Engade integración con <a href="%s">Slack</a> ao teu repositorio.
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=Add <a href="%s">Discord</a> integration to your repository.
settings.deploy_keys=Claves de despregamento
settings.deploy_keys_helper=<b>Common Gotcha!</b> If you're looking for adding personal public keys, please add them in your <a href="%s%s">account settings</a>.
settings.add_deploy_key=Engadir clave de despregamento
settings.deploy_key_desc=A clave de desenvolvemento ten só acceso de lectura. Non é igual cás claves SSH das contas persoais.
settings.no_deploy_keys=Non engadiches ningunha clave de despregamento.
@ -827,6 +846,7 @@ team_permission_desc=Que nivel de permisos debería ter este equipo?
form.name_reserved=O nome da organización '%s' está reservado.
form.name_pattern_not_allowed=O patrón de nome da organización '%s' non está permitido.
form.team_name_reserved=Team name '%s' is reserved.
@ -917,8 +937,8 @@ dashboard.git_gc_repos=Executar a recolección de lixo nos repositorios
dashboard.git_gc_repos_success=Todos os repositorios executaron correctamente o recolector de lixo.
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys=Reescribir o ficheiro '.ssh/authorized_keys'(atención: perderanse as claves que non pertenzan a Gogs)
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys_success=Todas as claves públicas reescribíronse correctamente.
dashboard.resync_all_update_hooks=Reescribir todos os hooks de actualización dos repositorios (necesario cando se modifica a ruta de configuración personalizada)
dashboard.resync_all_update_hooks_success=Todos os hooks de actualización dos repositorios reescribíronse correctamente.
dashboard.resync_all_hooks=Resync pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks of all repositories.
dashboard.resync_all_hooks_success=All repositories' pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks have been resynced successfully.
dashboard.reinit_missing_repos=Reinicializar todos os rexistros do repositorio que teñen arquivos Git eliminados
dashboard.reinit_missing_repos_success=Todos os rexistros do repositorio con arquivos Git eliminados foron reinicializados con éxito.
@ -1051,11 +1071,9 @@ config.offline_mode=Modo sen conexión
config.disable_router_log=Deshabilitar log do router
config.run_user=Executada como usuario
config.run_mode=Modo de execución
config.git_version=Git Version
config.repo_root_path=Ruta do repositorio
config.git_version=Versión de Git
config.static_file_root_path=Ruta dos ficheiros estáticos
config.log_file_root_path=Ruta dos ficheiros de log
config.script_type=Tipo de Script
config.reverse_auth_user=Autenticación inversa de usuario
config.ssh_config=Configuración SSH
@ -1070,6 +1088,16 @@ config.ssh_keygen_path=Ruta do xerador de claves ('ssh-keygen')
config.ssh_minimum_key_size_check=Tamaño mínimo da clave de verificación
config.ssh_minimum_key_sizes=Tamaños de clave mínimos
config.repo_config=Repository Configuration
config.repo_root_path=Ruta do repositorio
config.script_type=Tipo de Script
config.repo_force_private=Force Private
config.max_creation_limit=Max Creation Limit
config.preferred_licenses=Preferred Licenses
config.disable_http_git=Disable HTTP Git
config.enable_local_path_migration=Enable Local Path Migration
docker_helper=Se stai utilizzando Gogs su Docker, per favore leggi le <a target="_blank" href="%s">Linee guida</a> con attenzione prima di cambiare qualcosa su questa pagina!
requite_db_desc=Gogs necessita MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3 o TiDB.
requite_db_desc=Gogs requires MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3, MSSQL or TiDB.
db_title=Impostazioni Database
db_type=Tipo di database
@ -58,9 +58,8 @@ db_name=Nome del database
db_helper=Utilizza il motore INNODB con codifica utf8_general_ci per MySQL.
ssl_mode=Modalità SSL
sqlite_helper=Il path assoluto per il database SQLite3 o TiDB. <br>Per favore usa il path assoluto quando lo avvii come servizio.
err_empty_db_path=Il percorso file del database SQLite3 o TiDB non può essere vuoto.
err_invalid_tidb_name=Il nome del database TiDB non ammette caratteri "." e "-".
sqlite_helper=The file path of SQLite3 database. <br>Please use absolute path when you start as service.
err_empty_db_path=SQLite3 database path cannot be empty.
no_admin_and_disable_registration=Non puoi disabilitare la registrazione senza aver creato un amministratore.
err_empty_admin_password=La password dell'amministratore non puo' essere vuota.
@ -75,6 +74,8 @@ domain=Dominio
domain_helper=Questo influisce sugli URL per il clonaggio via SSH.
ssh_port=Porta SSH
ssh_port_helper=Numero di porta utilizzato dal server SSH, lasciare vuoto per disabilitare l'integrazione SSH.
use_builtin_ssh_server=Use Builtin SSH Server
use_builtin_ssh_server_popup=Start builtin SSH server for Git operations to distinguish from system SSH daemon.
http_port=Porta HTTP
http_port_helper=Porta di ascolto dell'applicazione.
editor.cannot_edit_non_text_files=Non è possibile modificare i file non di testo
editor.edit_this_file=Modifica questo file
editor.must_be_on_a_branch=You must be on a branch to make or propose changes to this file
editor.fork_before_edit=You must fork this repository before editing the file
editor.delete_this_file=Delete this file
editor.must_have_write_access=You must have write access to make or propose changes to this file
editor.file_delete_success=File '%s' has been deleted successfully!
editor.name_your_file=Name your file...
editor.filename_help=To add directory, just type it and press /. To remove a directory, go to the beginning of the field and press backspace.
editor.commit_changes=Commit Changes
editor.add_tmpl=Add '%s/<filename>'
editor.add=Add '%s'
editor.update=Update '%s'
editor.delete=Delete '%s'
editor.commit_message_desc=Add an optional extended description...
editor.commit_directly_to_this_branch=Commit directly to the <strong class="branch-name">%s</strong> branch.
editor.create_new_branch=Create a <strong>new branch</strong> for this commit and start a pull request.
editor.new_branch_name_desc=New branch name...
editor.filename_cannot_be_empty=Filename cannot be empty.
editor.branch_already_exists=Branch '%s' already exists in this repository.
editor.directory_is_a_file=Entry '%s' in the parent path is a file not a directory in this repository.
editor.file_is_a_symlink=The file '%s' is a symlink that cannot be modified from the web editor.
editor.filename_is_a_directory=The filename '%s' is an existing directory in this repository.
editor.file_editing_no_longer_exists=The file '%s' you are editing no longer exists in the repository.
editor.file_changed_while_editing=File content has been changed since you started editing. <a target="_blank" href="%s">Click here</a> to see what have been changed or <strong>press commit again</strong> to overwrite those changes.
editor.file_already_exists=A file with name '%s' already exists in this repository.
editor.no_changes_to_show=There are no changes to show.
editor.fail_to_update_file=Failed to update/create file '%s' with error: %v
editor.add_subdir=Add subdirectory...
editor.unable_to_upload_files=Failed to upload files to '%s' with error: %v
editor.upload_files_to_dir=Upload files to '%s'
editor.must_be_on_a_branch=Devi essere su quel branch per eseguire o proporre modifiche su quel determinato branch
editor.fork_before_edit=Forka il repository per modificare il file
editor.delete_this_file=Elimina questo file
editor.must_have_write_access=È necessario un accesso in scrittura per eseguire o proporre modifiche a questo file
editor.file_delete_success=Il file '%s' è stato eliminato!
editor.name_your_file=Dai un nome al file...
editor.filename_help=Per aggiungere una cartella, scrivine il nome seguito da /. Per eliminare una cartella, spostati all'inizio del campo di testo e premi "backspace".
editor.add_tmpl=Aggiungi '%s/<filename>'
editor.add=Aggiungi '%s'
editor.update=Aggiorna '%s'
editor.delete=Elimina '%s'
editor.commit_message_desc=Aggiungi una descrizione (opzionale)...
editor.commit_directly_to_this_branch=Commit direttamente nel branch <strong class="branch-name">%s</strong>.
editor.create_new_branch=Crea un <strong>nuovo branch</strong> per questo commit e inizia una pull request.
editor.new_branch_name_desc=Nome del nuovo branch...
editor.filename_cannot_be_empty=Il nome del file non può essere vuoto.
editor.branch_already_exists=Il branch '%s' esiste già in questo repository.
editor.directory_is_a_file='%s' nel percorso corrente è un file e non una cartella.
editor.file_is_a_symlink=Il file '%s' è un link simbolico che non può essere modificato con l'editor web.
editor.filename_is_a_directory=Il nome '%s' corrisponde a una cartella già presente in questo repository.
editor.file_editing_no_longer_exists=Il file '%s' non esiste più nel repository.
editor.file_changed_while_editing=Il file è stato cambiato in un'altra posizione. <a target="_blank" href="%s">Clicca qui</a> per vedere le modifiche o <strong>committa</strong> per sovrascrivere con la versione corrente.
editor.file_already_exists=Un file di nome '%s' esiste già in questo repository.
editor.no_changes_to_show=Nessuna modifica da mostrare.
editor.fail_to_update_file=La creazione o la modifica del file '%s' è fallita: %v
editor.add_subdir=Aggiungi sottocartella...
editor.unable_to_upload_files=È fallito il caricamento dei file su '%s': %v
issues.label_templates.title=Load a predefined set of labels aren’t any labels yet. You can click on the "New Label" button above to create one or use a predefined set below.
issues.label_templates.helper=Select a label set
issues.label_templates.use=Use this label set
issues.label_templates.title=Carica un set predefinito di etichette sono presenti etichette. Puoi cliccare sul pulsante "Nuova etichetta" per crearne una, oppure usare un set predefinito mostrato qui sotto.
issues.label_templates.helper=Scegli un set di etichette
issues.label_templates.use=Usa questo set di etichette
issues.label_templates.fail_to_load_file=Failed to load label template file '%s': %v
settings.default_branch_desc=The default branch is considered the "base" branch for code commits, pull requests and online editing.
settings.update_default_branch_success=Default branch of this repository has been updated successfully!
settings.protected_branches=Protected Branches
settings.protected_branches_desc=Protect branches from force pushing, accidental deletion and whitelist code committers.
settings.choose_a_branch=Choose a branch...
settings.branch_protection=Branch Protection
settings.branch_protection_desc=Please choose protect options for branch <b>%s</b>.
settings.protect_this_branch=Protect this branch
settings.protect_this_branch_desc=Disable force pushes and prevent from deletion.
settings.protect_require_pull_request=Require pull request instead direct pushing
settings.protect_require_pull_request_desc=Enable this option to disable direct pushing to this branch. Commits have to be pushed to another non-protected branch and merged to this branch through pull request.
settings.protect_whitelist_committers=Whitelist who can push to this branch
settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc=Add people or teams to whitelist of direct push to this branch.
settings.githooks=Git Hooks
settings.basic_settings=Impostazioni di Base
@ -732,8 +749,8 @@ settings.event_send_everything=Ho bisogno di <strong>tutto</strong>.
settings.event_choose=Lasciami scegliere ciò di cui ho bisogno.
settings.add_slack_hook_desc=Aggiungi <a href="%s"> Slack</a> integrazione al tuo repository.
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=Add <a href="%s">Discord</a> integration to your repository.
settings.deploy_keys=Dispiega Chiavi
settings.deploy_keys_helper=<b>Common Gotcha!</b> If you're looking for adding personal public keys, please add them in your <a href="%s%s">account settings</a>.
settings.add_deploy_key=Aggiungi Deploy Key
settings.deploy_key_desc=Le deploy keys hanno accesso in sola lettura. Non equivalgono alle chiavi SSH personali.
settings.no_deploy_keys=Non hai aggiunto alcuna deploy key.
@ -827,6 +846,7 @@ team_permission_desc=Quale livello di autorizzazione dovrebbe avere questa squad
form.name_reserved=Il nome organizzazione '%s' è riservato.
form.name_pattern_not_allowed=La struttura del nome dell'organizzazione '%s' non è consentita.
form.team_name_reserved=Team name '%s' is reserved.
@ -917,8 +937,8 @@ dashboard.git_gc_repos=Fare la procedura di garbage collection sui repository
dashboard.git_gc_repos_success=Tutti i repository hanno fatto la procedura di garbage collection con successo.
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys=Riscrivi il file '.ssh/authorized_keys' (attenzione: le chiavi non appartenenti a Gogs saranno perse)
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys_success=Tutte le chiavi pubbliche riscritte con successo.
dashboard.resync_all_update_hooks=Riscrivere tutti gli update hook dei repository (necessario quando il percorso di configurazione personalizzata viene modificato)
dashboard.resync_all_update_hooks_success=Tutti gli update hook dei repository riscritti con successo.
dashboard.resync_all_hooks=Resync pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks of all repositories.
dashboard.resync_all_hooks_success=All repositories' pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks have been resynced successfully.
dashboard.reinit_missing_repos=Reinitialize all repository records that lost Git files
dashboard.reinit_missing_repos_success=All repository records that lost Git files have been reinitialized successfully.
@ -962,16 +982,16 @@ users.created=Creato
users.send_register_notify=Send Registration Notification To User
users.new_success=Il nuovo account '%s' è stato creato correttamente.
users.auth_source=Authentication Source
users.auth_source=Fonte di autenticazione
users.auth_login_name=Authentication Login Name
users.password_helper=Leave it empty to remain unchanged.
users.auth_login_name=Nome utente per l'autenticazione
users.password_helper=Lascia vuoto per non modificare.
users.update_profile_success=Profilo dell'account aggiornato con successo.
users.edit_account=Modifica Account
users.max_repo_creation=Limite massimo per la creazione di Repository
users.max_repo_creation_desc=(Inserire -1 per usare il limite globale di default)
users.is_activated=Questo account è attivato
users.prohibit_login=This account is prohibited to login
users.prohibit_login=Questo account non è abilitato al login
users.is_admin=Questo account ha permessi di amministratore
users.allow_git_hook=Questo account ha il permesso di creare hooks di Git
users.allow_import_local=Questo account dispone delle autorizzazioni per importare repository locali
auths.delete_auth_title=Eliminazione del meccanismo di autenticazione
auths.delete_auth_desc=Eliminazione del meccanismo di autenticazione. Continuare?
auths.still_in_used=Questo meccanismo di autenticazione è ancora attivo per alcuni utenti. Eliminare gli utenti o cambiare il loro meccanismo di autenticazione prima di ritentare.
auths.deletion_success=Il meccanismo di autenticazione è stato eliminato!
auths.login_source_exist=La fonte di autenticazione '%s' esiste già.
settings.default_branch_desc=The default branch is considered the "base" branch for code commits, pull requests and online editing.
settings.update_default_branch_success=Default branch of this repository has been updated successfully!
settings.protected_branches=Protected Branches
settings.protected_branches_desc=Protect branches from force pushing, accidental deletion and whitelist code committers.
settings.choose_a_branch=Choose a branch...
settings.branch_protection=Branch Protection
settings.branch_protection_desc=Please choose protect options for branch <b>%s</b>.
settings.protect_this_branch=Protect this branch
settings.protect_this_branch_desc=Disable force pushes and prevent from deletion.
settings.protect_require_pull_request=Require pull request instead direct pushing
settings.protect_require_pull_request_desc=Enable this option to disable direct pushing to this branch. Commits have to be pushed to another non-protected branch and merged to this branch through pull request.
settings.protect_whitelist_committers=Whitelist who can push to this branch
settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc=Add people or teams to whitelist of direct push to this branch.
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=Add <a href="%s">Discord</a> integration to your repository.
settings.deploy_keys_helper=<b>Common Gotcha!</b> If you're looking for adding personal public keys, please add them in your <a href="%s%s">account settings</a>.
settings.default_branch_desc=The default branch is considered the "base" branch for code commits, pull requests and online editing.
settings.update_default_branch_success=Default branch of this repository has been updated successfully!
settings.protected_branches=Protected Branches
settings.protected_branches_desc=Protect branches from force pushing, accidental deletion and whitelist code committers.
settings.choose_a_branch=Choose a branch...
settings.branch_protection=Branch Protection
settings.branch_protection_desc=Please choose protect options for branch <b>%s</b>.
settings.protect_this_branch=Protect this branch
settings.protect_this_branch_desc=Disable force pushes and prevent from deletion.
settings.protect_require_pull_request=Require pull request instead direct pushing
settings.protect_require_pull_request_desc=Enable this option to disable direct pushing to this branch. Commits have to be pushed to another non-protected branch and merged to this branch through pull request.
settings.protect_whitelist_committers=Whitelist who can push to this branch
settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc=Add people or teams to whitelist of direct push to this branch.
settings.add_slack_hook_desc=저장소에 <a href="%s">슬랙</a>연동을 추가
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=Add <a href="%s">Discord</a> integration to your repository.
settings.deploy_keys=배포 키
settings.deploy_keys_helper=<b>Common Gotcha!</b> If you're looking for adding personal public keys, please add them in your <a href="%s%s">account settings</a>.
settings.add_deploy_key=배포 키 추가
settings.deploy_key_desc=배포 키는 읽기 전용 입니다. 개인 계정 SSH 키와 동일하지 않습니다.
settings.no_deploy_keys=배포 키를 추가하지 않았습니다.
@ -828,6 +847,7 @@ team_permission_desc=이 팀이 가진 권한이 무엇입니까?
settings.default_branch_desc=The default branch is considered the "base" branch for code commits, pull requests and online editing.
settings.update_default_branch_success=Default branch of this repository has been updated successfully!
settings.protected_branches=Protected Branches
settings.protected_branches_desc=Protect branches from force pushing, accidental deletion and whitelist code committers.
settings.choose_a_branch=Choose a branch...
settings.branch_protection=Branch Protection
settings.branch_protection_desc=Please choose protect options for branch <b>%s</b>.
settings.protect_this_branch=Protect this branch
settings.protect_this_branch_desc=Disable force pushes and prevent from deletion.
settings.protect_require_pull_request=Require pull request instead direct pushing
settings.protect_require_pull_request_desc=Enable this option to disable direct pushing to this branch. Commits have to be pushed to another non-protected branch and merged to this branch through pull request.
settings.protect_whitelist_committers=Whitelist who can push to this branch
settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc=Add people or teams to whitelist of direct push to this branch.
settings.hooks=Tīmekļa āķi
settings.githooks=Git āķi
@ -745,10 +762,12 @@ settings.delete_webhook=Dzēst tīmekļa āķi
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=Add <a href="%s">Discord</a> integration to your repository.
settings.deploy_keys=Izvietot atslēgas
settings.deploy_keys_helper=<b>Common Gotcha!</b> If you're looking for adding personal public keys, please add them in your <a href="%s%s">account settings</a>.
title=Installatiestappen voor de eerste keer opstarten
docker_helper=Als u gebruik maakt Gogs binnen Docker, lees dan de <a target="_blank" href="%s">richtlijnen</a> voordat u iets veranderen op deze pagina!
requite_db_desc=Gogs vereist MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQite3 of TiDB.
requite_db_desc=Gogs requires MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3, MSSQL or TiDB.
@ -58,9 +58,8 @@ db_name=Database naam
db_helper=Gebruik InnoDB engine met utf8_general_ci karakterset voor MySQL.
sqlite_helper=Het pad van de SQLite3- of TiDB-database.<br>Als u Gogs start als een service, geef dan een absoluut pad op.
err_empty_db_path=SQLite3 of TiDB databankpad mag niet leeg.
err_invalid_tidb_name=TiDB databank naam niet tekens kunnen "." en "-".
sqlite_helper=The file path of SQLite3 database. <br>Please use absolute path when you start as service.
err_empty_db_path=SQLite3 database path cannot be empty.
no_admin_and_disable_registration=Je kunt niet de registratie uit te schakelen zonder een beheerders account.
err_empty_admin_password=Beheerder wachtwoord kan niet leeg zijn.
@ -75,6 +74,8 @@ domain=Domein
domain_helper=Dit heeft invloed op de SSH kloon URLs
ssh_port_helper=Nummer van de poort die uw SSH-server gebruikt, laat dit leeg om de SSH functie uit te schakelen.
use_builtin_ssh_server=Use Builtin SSH Server
use_builtin_ssh_server_popup=Start builtin SSH server for Git operations to distinguish from system SSH daemon.
http_port_helper=Poortnummer waar het programma naar luistert.
confirmation_mail_sent_prompt=Een bevestigingsemail is gestuurd naar <b>%s</b>, Bevestig u aanvraag binnen %d uren om uw registratie te voltooien.
active_your_account=Activeer uw account
prohibit_login=Login Prohibited
prohibit_login_desc=Your account is prohibited to login, please contact site admin.
prohibit_login=Inloggen niet toegestaan
prohibit_login_desc=U mag met dit account niet inloggen, neem contact op met de websitebeheerder.
resent_limit_prompt=Sorry, u heeft te snel na elkaar een aanvraag gedaan voor een activatie mail. Wacht drie minuten voor uw volgende aanvraag.
has_unconfirmed_mail=Beste %s, u heeft een onbevestigd e-mailadres (<b>%s</b>). Als u nog geen bevestiging heeft ontvangen, of u een nieuwe aanvraag wilt doen, klik dan op de onderstaande knop.
resend_mail=Klik hier om uw activatie mail nog een keer te verzenden
access_token_deletion_desc=Verwijderen van deze persoonlijke toegang token zal alle verwante toegang verwijderen. Wilt u doorgaan?
delete_token_success=Persoonlijke toegangstoken is met succes verwijderd! Vergeet niet uw toepassingen ook bij te werken.
orgs.none=You are not a member of any organizations.
orgs.leave_title=Leave an organization
orgs.leave_desc=You will lose access to all repositories and teams after you left the organization. Do you want to continue?
orgs.none=U bent geen lid van een organisatie.
orgs.leave_title=Een organisatie verlaten
orgs.leave_desc=U verliest toegang tot alle repositories en teams nadat u de organisatie verlaten hebt. Wilt u doorgaan?
delete_account=Verwijder uw account
delete_prompt=Deze handeling zal uw account definitief verwijderen, u kunt dit <strong> NIET </strong> terug draaien!
@ -389,7 +390,7 @@ migrate_type=Migratie type
migrate_type_helper=Deze repositorie zal een <span class="text blue">mirror</span> zijn
migrate_repo=Migreer repositorie
migrate.clone_address=Clone adres
migrate.clone_address_desc=This can be a HTTP/HTTPS/GIT URL.
migrate.clone_address_desc=Dit kan een HTTP/HTTPS/GIT URL zijn.
migrate.clone_address_desc_import_local=You're also allowed to migrate a repository by local server path.
migrate.permission_denied=U bent niet toegestaan om deze lokale repositories te importeren.
migrate.invalid_local_path=Ongeldig lokaal pad, het pad bestaat niet of het is geen map.
@ -415,7 +416,7 @@ create_new_repo_command=Maak een nieuwe repositorie aan vanaf de console
push_exist_repo=Push een bestaande repositorie vanaf de console
repo_is_empty=Deze repositories is leeg is, probeer het later opnieuw!
filter_branch_and_tag=Filter branch of tag
@ -432,7 +433,7 @@ file_history=Geschiedenis
file_view_raw=Weergave ruwe
file_too_large=Dit bestand is te groot om te worden getoond
video_not_supported_in_browser=Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video tag.
video_not_supported_in_browser=Uw browser ondersteunt geen HTML5 video label.
editor.new_file=Nieuw bestand
editor.upload_file=Bestand uploaden
@ -445,33 +446,33 @@ editor.fork_before_edit=Je moet deze repository eerst vorken om dit bestand aan
editor.delete_this_file=Verwijder dit bestand
editor.must_have_write_access=You must have write access to make or propose changes to this file
editor.file_delete_success=Bestand '%s' is succesvol verwijderd!
editor.name_your_file=Name your file...
editor.filename_help=To add directory, just type it and press /. To remove a directory, go to the beginning of the field and press backspace.
editor.commit_changes=Commit Changes
editor.add_tmpl=Add '%s/<filename>'
editor.add=Add '%s'
editor.update=Update '%s'
editor.delete=Delete '%s'
editor.add_tmpl='%s/<filename>' toevoegen
editor.add='%s' toevoegen
editor.update='%s' updaten
editor.delete='%s' verwijderen
editor.commit_message_desc=Add an optional extended description...
editor.commit_directly_to_this_branch=Commit directly to the <strong class="branch-name">%s</strong> branch.
editor.create_new_branch=Create a <strong>new branch</strong> for this commit and start a pull request.
editor.new_branch_name_desc=New branch name...
editor.filename_cannot_be_empty=Filename cannot be empty.
editor.branch_already_exists=Branch '%s' already exists in this repository.
editor.new_branch_name_desc=Naam nieuwe aftakking...
editor.filename_cannot_be_empty=Bestandsnaam mag niet leeg zijn.
editor.branch_already_exists=Aftakking '%s' bestaat al in deze repository.
editor.directory_is_a_file=Entry '%s' in the parent path is a file not a directory in this repository.
editor.file_is_a_symlink=The file '%s' is a symlink that cannot be modified from the web editor.
editor.filename_is_a_directory=The filename '%s' is an existing directory in this repository.
editor.file_editing_no_longer_exists=The file '%s' you are editing no longer exists in the repository.
editor.file_changed_while_editing=File content has been changed since you started editing. <a target="_blank" href="%s">Click here</a> to see what have been changed or <strong>press commit again</strong> to overwrite those changes.
editor.file_already_exists=A file with name '%s' already exists in this repository.
editor.no_changes_to_show=There are no changes to show.
editor.no_changes_to_show=Er zijn geen wijzigingen om weer te geven.
editor.fail_to_update_file=Failed to update/create file '%s' with error: %v
editor.add_subdir=Add subdirectory...
editor.add_subdir=Submap toevoegen...
editor.unable_to_upload_files=Failed to upload files to '%s' with error: %v
editor.upload_files_to_dir=Upload files to '%s'
editor.upload_files_to_dir=Bestanden uploaden naar '%s'
@ -499,9 +500,9 @@ issues.new_label=Nieuw Label
issues.new_label_placeholder=Tekst label...
issues.create_label=Maak label
issues.label_templates.title=Load a predefined set of labels aren’t any labels yet. You can click on the "New Label" button above to create one or use a predefined set below.
issues.label_templates.helper=Select a label set
issues.label_templates.use=Use this label set zijn nog geen labels. U kunt op de 'Nieuw label'-knop drukken om een nieuwe toe te voegen of een voorgedefinieerde set hieronder gebruiken.
issues.label_templates.helper=Selecteer een labelset
issues.label_deletion_desc=Het verwijderen van dit label zal alle informatie in de gerelateerde problemen verwijderen. Wilt u doorgaan?
issues.label_deletion_success=Label werd met succes verwijderd!
issues.num_participants=%d deelnemers
issues.attachment.open_tab=`Click to see "%s" in a new tab``Click to download "%s"`
issues.attachment.open_tab=`Klik om "%s" in een nieuw tabblad te bekijken``Klik om te downloaden "%s"` Pull aanvraag
pulls.compare_changes=Vergelijk veranderingen
@ -587,7 +588,7 @@ pulls.cannot_auto_merge_desc=Dit pull-request kan niet worden gemerged omdat er
pulls.cannot_auto_merge_helper=Gelieve beide versies manueel samen te voegen om de conflicten op te lossen.
pulls.merge_pull_request=Samenvoegen van pull verzoek
pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists=U kan de bewerking 'heropenen' niet uitvoeren omdat er al een pull-aanvraag (#%d) is van dezelfde repository met dezelfde informatie. Voeg deze eerst samen.
pulls.delete_branch=Delete Branch
pulls.delete_branch=Aftakking verwijderen
pulls.delete_branch_has_new_commits=Branch cannot be deleted because it has new commits after mergence.
settings.default_branch_desc=The default branch is considered the "base" branch for code commits, pull requests and online editing.
settings.update_default_branch_success=Default branch of this repository has been updated successfully!
settings.protected_branches=Protected Branches
settings.protected_branches_desc=Protect branches from force pushing, accidental deletion and whitelist code committers.
settings.choose_a_branch=Choose a branch...
settings.branch_protection=Branch Protection
settings.branch_protection_desc=Please choose protect options for branch <b>%s</b>.
settings.protect_this_branch=Protect this branch
settings.protect_this_branch_desc=Disable force pushes and prevent from deletion.
settings.protect_require_pull_request=Require pull request instead direct pushing
settings.protect_require_pull_request_desc=Enable this option to disable direct pushing to this branch. Commits have to be pushed to another non-protected branch and merged to this branch through pull request.
settings.protect_whitelist_committers=Whitelist who can push to this branch
settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc=Add people or teams to whitelist of direct push to this branch.
settings.basic_settings=Basis instellingen
settings.mirror_settings=Mirror Settings
settings.sync_mirror=Sync Now
settings.sync_mirror=Nu synchroniseren
settings.mirror_sync_in_progress=Mirror syncing is in progress, please refresh page in about a minute.ële site
settings.update_settings=Instellingen bewerken
settings.change_reponame_prompt=Deze verandering zal gevolgen hebben voor hoe links zich verhouden tot de repository.
settings.advanced_settings=Geavanceerde opties
settings.wiki_desc=Enable wiki system
settings.use_internal_wiki=Use builtin wiki
settings.wiki_desc=Wiki-systeem inschakelen
settings.use_internal_wiki=Ingebouwde wiki gebruiken
settings.use_external_wiki=Externe wiki gebruiken
settings.external_wiki_url=Externe wiki-URL
settings.external_wiki_url_desc=Bezoekers worden doorgestuurd naar de URL als ze op het tabblad klikken.
settings.tracker_url_format_desc=U kan de aanduidingen <code>{user} {repo} {index}</code> gebruiken voor de gebruikersnaam, de naam van de repository en de lijst van open tickets.
settings.pulls_desc=Schakel 'pull request' in om publieke bijdragen te mogelijk te maken
settings.danger_zone=Gevaren zone
@ -732,8 +749,8 @@ settings.event_send_everything=Ik moet <strong>alles</strong> hebben.
settings.event_choose=Laat me kiezen wat ik nodig heb.
settings.event_create_desc=Branch, of tag aangemaakt
settings.add_slack_hook_desc=<a href="%s"> toegestane vertraging</a> integratie toevoegen aan uw repository.
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=Add <a href="%s">Discord</a> integration to your repository.
settings.slack_token=Slack token
settings.slack_domain=Slack domein
settings.slack_channel=Slack kanaal
settings.deploy_keys=Installeer sleutels
settings.deploy_keys_helper=<b>Common Gotcha!</b> If you're looking for adding personal public keys, please add them in your <a href="%s%s">account settings</a>.
settings.add_deploy_key=Toevoegen deploy sleutel
settings.deploy_key_desc=Sleutels voor uitrol hebben enkel leesrechten. Ze zijn niet dezelfde als de SSH sleutels van persoonlijke accounts.
settings.no_deploy_keys=U hebt nog geen deploy sleutels toegevoegd.
settings.default_branch_desc=The default branch is considered the "base" branch for code commits, pull requests and online editing.
settings.update_default_branch_success=Default branch of this repository has been updated successfully!
settings.protected_branches=Protected Branches
settings.protected_branches_desc=Protect branches from force pushing, accidental deletion and whitelist code committers.
settings.choose_a_branch=Choose a branch...
settings.branch_protection=Branch Protection
settings.branch_protection_desc=Please choose protect options for branch <b>%s</b>.
settings.protect_this_branch=Protect this branch
settings.protect_this_branch_desc=Disable force pushes and prevent from deletion.
settings.protect_require_pull_request=Require pull request instead direct pushing
settings.protect_require_pull_request_desc=Enable this option to disable direct pushing to this branch. Commits have to be pushed to another non-protected branch and merged to this branch through pull request.
settings.protect_whitelist_committers=Whitelist who can push to this branch
settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc=Add people or teams to whitelist of direct push to this branch.
settings.add_slack_hook_desc=Dodajintegrację ze <a href="%s">Slackiem</a> do Twojego repozytorium.
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=Add <a href="%s">Discord</a> integration to your repository.
settings.deploy_keys=Klucze wdrożeniowe
settings.deploy_keys_helper=<b>Common Gotcha!</b> If you're looking for adding personal public keys, please add them in your <a href="%s%s">account settings</a>.
settings.add_deploy_key=Dodaj klucz wdrożenia
settings.deploy_key_desc=Klucze wdrożenia pozwalają na dostęp tylko do odczytu. To nie to samo co klucze SSH dla konta osobistego.
settings.no_deploy_keys=Nie dodałeś żadnego klucza wdrożenia.
@ -827,6 +846,7 @@ team_permission_desc=Jaki poziom uprawnień powinien mieć ten zespół?
form.name_reserved=Nazwa organizacji „%s” jest zarezerwowana.
form.name_pattern_not_allowed=Wzorzec nazwy organizacji „%s” jest niedozwolony.
form.team_name_reserved=Team name '%s' is reserved.
@ -917,8 +937,8 @@ dashboard.git_gc_repos=Usuń śmieci z repozytoriów
docker_helper=Se você está rodando o Gogs dentro do Docker, por favor leia os <a target="_blank" href="%s">Guias</a> cuidadosamente antes de mudar qualquer coisa nesta página!
requite_db_desc=Gogs requer MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3 ou TiDB.
requite_db_desc=Gogs requires MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3, MSSQL or TiDB.
db_title=Configurações de banco de dados
db_type=Tipo de banco de dados
@ -58,9 +58,8 @@ db_name=Nome do banco de dados
db_helper=Por favor, use o mecanismo INNODB com o conjunto de caracteres utf8_general_ci para MySQL.
ssl_mode=Modo SSL
sqlite_helper=O caminho do arquivo de banco de dados SQLite3 ou TiDB. <br>Por favor use o caminho absoluto quando você iniciar como serviço.
err_empty_db_path=O Caminho do banco de dados SQLite3 ou TiDB não pode ser vazio.
err_invalid_tidb_name=Nome do banco de dados TiDB não permite os caracteres "." e "-".
sqlite_helper=The file path of SQLite3 database. <br>Please use absolute path when you start as service.
err_empty_db_path=SQLite3 database path cannot be empty.
no_admin_and_disable_registration=Você não pode desabilitar o registro sem criar uma conta de administrador.
err_empty_admin_password=A senha de administrador não pode ser vazia.
@ -75,6 +74,8 @@ domain=Domínio
domain_helper=Isto afeta URLs para o clone via SSH.
ssh_port=Porta SSH
ssh_port_helper=Número da porta que seu servidor SSH está usando, deixe vazio para desativar o recurso SSH.
use_builtin_ssh_server=Use Builtin SSH Server
use_builtin_ssh_server_popup=Start builtin SSH server for Git operations to distinguish from system SSH daemon.
http_port=Porta HTTP
http_port_helper=Número da porta em que a aplicação irá executar.
app_url=URL do aplicativo
@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ sqlite3_not_available=Sua versão não suporta SQLite3, por favor faça o downlo
invalid_db_setting=Configuração do banco de dados não está correta: %v
invalid_repo_path=A raiz do repositório é inválida: %v
run_user_not_match=O usuário da execução não é o usuário atual: %s -> %s
invalid_smtp_from=SMTP From field is not valid: %v
invalid_smtp_from=O SMTP do campo não é válido: %v
save_config_failed=Falha ao salvar a configuração: %v
invalid_admin_setting=Configuração da conta de administrador está inválida: %v
install_success=Bem-vindo! Estamos contentes que você escolheu o Gogs, divirta-se e tenha cuidado.
@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ issues.in_your_repos=Em seus repositórios
@ -338,9 +339,9 @@ access_token_deletion=Exclusão do token de acesso pessoal
access_token_deletion_desc=Ao Excluir este token de acesso pessoal será removido todos os acessos do aplicativo. Você deseja continuar?
delete_token_success=O Token de acesso pessoal foi removido com sucesso! Não se esqueça de atualizar seus aplicativos também.
orgs.none=You are not a member of any organizations.
orgs.leave_title=Leave an organization
orgs.leave_desc=You will lose access to all repositories and teams after you left the organization. Do you want to continue?
orgs.none=Você não é participante de nenhuma organização.
orgs.leave_title=Deixar uma organização
orgs.leave_desc=Você perderá acesso a todos os repositórios e equipes após deixar a organização. Deseja continuar?
delete_account=Deletar sua conta
delete_prompt=A operação deletará sua conta permanentemente, e <strong>NÃO PODERÁ</strong> ser desfeita!
@ -389,8 +390,8 @@ migrate_type=Tipo de migração
migrate_type_helper=Este repositório será um <span class="text blue">mirror</span>
migrate_repo=Migrar repositório
migrate.clone_address=Endereço de clone
migrate.clone_address_desc=This can be a HTTP/HTTPS/GIT URL.
migrate.clone_address_desc_import_local=You're also allowed to migrate a repository by local server path.
migrate.clone_address_desc=Pode ser um URL HTTP/HTTPS/GIT.
migrate.clone_address_desc_import_local=Você também pode migrar um repositório pelo path do servidor local.
migrate.permission_denied=Você não pode importar repositórios locais.
migrate.invalid_local_path=Caminho local inválido, não existe ou não é um diretório.
migrate.failed=Migração falhou: %v
@ -415,7 +416,7 @@ create_new_repo_command=Criar um novo repositório na linha de comando
push_exist_repo=Push um repositório existente na linha de comando
repo_is_empty=Este repositório está vazio, por favor volte mais tarde!
filter_branch_and_tag=Filtrar branch ou tag
@ -432,7 +433,7 @@ file_history=Histórico
file_view_raw=Ver raw
file_permalink=Link permanente
file_too_large=Este arquivo é muito grande para ser exibido
video_not_supported_in_browser=Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video tag.
video_not_supported_in_browser=Seu navegador não suporta a tag de vídeo do HTML5.
editor.new_file=Novo arquivo
editor.upload_file=Enviar arquivo
@ -462,7 +463,7 @@ editor.cancel=Cancelar
editor.filename_cannot_be_empty=Nome do arquivo não pode ser vazio.
editor.branch_already_exists=Branch '%s' já existe neste repositório.
editor.directory_is_a_file=Entrada '%s' no caminho pai é um arquivo e não uma pasta neste repositório.
editor.file_is_a_symlink=The file '%s' is a symlink that cannot be modified from the web editor.
editor.file_is_a_symlink=O arquivo '%s' é um link simbólico que não pode ser modificado a partir do editor da web.
editor.filename_is_a_directory=O arquivo '%s' é uma pasta existente neste repositório.
editor.file_editing_no_longer_exists=O arquivo '%s' que você está editando não existe mais neste repositório.
editor.file_changed_while_editing=O conteúdo do arquivo mudou desde que você começou a editar. <a target="_blank" href="%s">Clique aqui</a> para ver o que mudou ou <strong>pressione efetivar novamente</strong> para sobrescrever esses mudanças.
@ -587,8 +588,8 @@ pulls.cannot_auto_merge_desc=O merge deste Pull Request não pode ser aplicado a
pulls.cannot_auto_merge_helper=Por favor, aplique o merge manualmente para resolver os conflitos.
pulls.merge_pull_request=Solicitação de merge de Pull Request
pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists=`Você não pode executar a operação de reabrir porque já existe um Pull request aberto (#%d) do mesmo repositório com as mesmas informações de merge e está esperando pelo merge.`
pulls.delete_branch=Delete Branch
pulls.delete_branch_has_new_commits=Branch cannot be deleted because it has new commits after mergence.
pulls.delete_branch=Excluir Branch
pulls.delete_branch_has_new_commits=O branch não pode ser excluído por possuir novos commits após o merge.
settings.default_branch_desc=The default branch is considered the "base" branch for code commits, pull requests and online editing.
settings.update_default_branch_success=Default branch of this repository has been updated successfully!
settings.protected_branches=Protected Branches
settings.protected_branches_desc=Protect branches from force pushing, accidental deletion and whitelist code committers.
settings.choose_a_branch=Choose a branch...
settings.branch_protection=Branch Protection
settings.branch_protection_desc=Please choose protect options for branch <b>%s</b>.
settings.protect_this_branch=Protect this branch
settings.protect_this_branch_desc=Disable force pushes and prevent from deletion.
settings.protect_require_pull_request=Require pull request instead direct pushing
settings.protect_require_pull_request_desc=Enable this option to disable direct pushing to this branch. Commits have to be pushed to another non-protected branch and merged to this branch through pull request.
settings.protect_whitelist_committers=Whitelist who can push to this branch
settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc=Add people or teams to whitelist of direct push to this branch.
settings.githooks=Hooks do Git
settings.basic_settings=Configurações básicas
@ -657,8 +674,8 @@ settings.external_wiki_url_desc=Os visitantes serão redirecionados para a URL a
settings.issues_desc=Habilitar issue tracker
settings.use_internal_issue_tracker=Usar o issue tracker nativo
settings.add_slack_hook_desc=Adicionar <a href="%s">Slack</a> de integração para o seu repositório.
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=Add <a href="%s">Discord</a> integration to your repository.
settings.deploy_keys=Chaves de Deploy
settings.deploy_keys_helper=<b>Common Gotcha!</b> If you're looking for adding personal public keys, please add them in your <a href="%s%s">account settings</a>.
settings.add_deploy_key=Nova chave
settings.deploy_key_desc=Chave de Deploy só tem acesso somente leitura. Não é igual as chaves SSH de conta pessoal.
settings.no_deploy_keys=Você ainda não adicionou nenhuma chave de Deploy.
@ -827,6 +846,7 @@ team_permission_desc=Que nível de permissão esta equipe deve ter?
form.name_reserved=O nome de organização '%s' não pode ser usado.
form.name_pattern_not_allowed=Não é permitido usar o padrão '%s' para o nome de organização.
form.team_name_reserved=Team name '%s' is reserved.
@ -917,8 +937,8 @@ dashboard.git_gc_repos=Fazer coleta de lixo nos repositórios
dashboard.git_gc_repos_success=Em todos repositórios, a coleta de lixo foi realizada com sucesso.
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys=Reescrever o arquivo '.ssh/authorized_keys' (atenção: chaves que não sejam do Gogs serão perdidas)
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys_success=Todas as chaves públicas foram reescritas com sucesso.
dashboard.resync_all_update_hooks=Reescrever todos os hooks de atualização dos repositórios (necessário quando o caminho de configuração customizado é alterado)
dashboard.resync_all_update_hooks_success=Os hooks de atualização de todos os repositórios foram reescritos com sucesso.
dashboard.resync_all_hooks=Resync pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks of all repositories.
dashboard.resync_all_hooks_success=All repositories' pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks have been resynced successfully.
dashboard.reinit_missing_repos=Reinicializar todos os registros de repositório que perderam os arquivos do Git
dashboard.reinit_missing_repos_success=Todos os repositórios que perderam arquivos do Git foram reinicializados com sucesso.
@ -1040,7 +1060,7 @@ auths.delete_auth_title=Exclusão da autenticação
auths.delete_auth_desc=Esta autenticação esta prestes a ser excluída, deseja continuar?
auths.still_in_used=Esta autenticação ainda é usada por alguns usuários. Por favor remova ou converta esses usuários para outro tipo de login primeiro.
auths.deletion_success=Autenticação excluída com sucesso!
docker_helper=Если вы запускаете Gogs внутри Docker, пожалуйста прочтите <a target="_blank" href="%s">эти советы</a> внимательно перед тем как что-либо изменить на этой странице!
requite_db_desc=Gogs требует MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3 или TiDB.
requite_db_desc=Gogs requires MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3, MSSQL or TiDB.
db_title=Настройки базы данных
db_type=Тип базы данных
@ -58,9 +58,8 @@ db_name=Имя базы данных
db_helper=Для MySQL используйте тип таблиц InnoDB с кодировкой utf8_general_ci.
ssl_mode=Режим SSL
sqlite_helper=Путь к файлу базы данных SQLite3 или TiDB. <br>Укажите абсолютный путь при запуске в качестве службы.
err_empty_db_path=Путь к базе данных SQLite3 или TiDB не может быть пустым.
err_invalid_tidb_name=Имя базы данных TiDB не может содержать символы "." и "-".
sqlite_helper=The file path of SQLite3 database. <br>Please use absolute path when you start as service.
err_empty_db_path=SQLite3 database path cannot be empty.
no_admin_and_disable_registration=Вы не можете отключить регистрацию до создания учетной записи администратора.
err_empty_admin_password=Пароль администратора не может быть пустым.
@ -75,6 +74,8 @@ domain=Домен
domain_helper=Влияет на URL-адреса для клонирования по SSH.
ssh_port=SSH порт
ssh_port_helper=Номер порта, который использует SSH сервер. Оставьте пустым, чтобы отключить SSH.
use_builtin_ssh_server=Use Builtin SSH Server
use_builtin_ssh_server_popup=Start builtin SSH server for Git operations to distinguish from system SSH daemon.
http_port=Порт HTTP
http_port_helper=Номер порта, который приложение будет слушать.
settings.default_branch_desc=The default branch is considered the "base" branch for code commits, pull requests and online editing.
settings.update_default_branch_success=Default branch of this repository has been updated successfully!
settings.protected_branches=Protected Branches
settings.protected_branches_desc=Protect branches from force pushing, accidental deletion and whitelist code committers.
settings.choose_a_branch=Choose a branch...
settings.branch_protection=Branch Protection
settings.branch_protection_desc=Please choose protect options for branch <b>%s</b>.
settings.protect_this_branch=Protect this branch
settings.protect_this_branch_desc=Disable force pushes and prevent from deletion.
settings.protect_require_pull_request=Require pull request instead direct pushing
settings.protect_require_pull_request_desc=Enable this option to disable direct pushing to this branch. Commits have to be pushed to another non-protected branch and merged to this branch through pull request.
settings.protect_whitelist_committers=Whitelist who can push to this branch
settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc=Add people or teams to whitelist of direct push to this branch.
settings.add_slack_hook_desc=Добавить интеграцию с <a href="%s">Slack</a> в ваш репозиторий.
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=Add <a href="%s">Discord</a> integration to your repository.
settings.deploy_keys=Ключи развертывания
settings.deploy_keys_helper=<b>Common Gotcha!</b> If you're looking for adding personal public keys, please add them in your <a href="%s%s">account settings</a>.
docker_helper=Ако покрећете Gogs унутар Docker, молимо прочитајте <a target="_blank" href="%s">ове савете</a> пажљиво пре него што сте било шта променили на овој страници!
requite_db_desc=Gogs-у је потребно MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3 или TiDB.
requite_db_desc=Gogs requires MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3, MSSQL or TiDB.
db_title=Подешавања базе
db_type=Тип базе података
@ -58,9 +58,8 @@ db_name=Име базе података
db_helper=За MySQL користите тип табела InnoDB са кодирањем utf8_general_ci.
ssl_mode=Режим SSL
sqlite_helper=Пут датотеке за базу података врсте SQLite3 или TiDB. <br>Унесите апсолутни пут када покренете као сервис.
err_empty_db_path=Пут ка бази података SQLite3 или TiDB не може бити празно.
err_invalid_tidb_name=Име базе података TiDB не може садржати симболе "." и "-".
sqlite_helper=The file path of SQLite3 database. <br>Please use absolute path when you start as service.
err_empty_db_path=SQLite3 database path cannot be empty.
no_admin_and_disable_registration=Ви не можете онемогућити регистрацију до стварања налог администратора.
err_empty_admin_password=Лозинка администратора не може бити празна.
@ -75,6 +74,8 @@ domain=Домен
domain_helper=Утиче на URL адресе клониране преко SSH.
ssh_port=SSH порт
ssh_port_helper=Број порта који користи SSH сервер. Оставите празно да бисте онемогућили SSH.
use_builtin_ssh_server=Use Builtin SSH Server
use_builtin_ssh_server_popup=Start builtin SSH server for Git operations to distinguish from system SSH daemon.
http_port=Порт HTTP
http_port_helper=Број порта преко којој ће апликација слушати.
settings.default_branch_desc=The default branch is considered the "base" branch for code commits, pull requests and online editing.
settings.update_default_branch_success=Default branch of this repository has been updated successfully!
settings.protected_branches=Protected Branches
settings.protected_branches_desc=Protect branches from force pushing, accidental deletion and whitelist code committers.
settings.choose_a_branch=Choose a branch...
settings.branch_protection=Branch Protection
settings.branch_protection_desc=Please choose protect options for branch <b>%s</b>.
settings.protect_this_branch=Protect this branch
settings.protect_this_branch_desc=Disable force pushes and prevent from deletion.
settings.protect_require_pull_request=Require pull request instead direct pushing
settings.protect_require_pull_request_desc=Enable this option to disable direct pushing to this branch. Commits have to be pushed to another non-protected branch and merged to this branch through pull request.
settings.protect_whitelist_committers=Whitelist who can push to this branch
settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc=Add people or teams to whitelist of direct push to this branch.
settings.add_slack_hook_desc=Додавање интеграције <a href="%s">Slack</a> у спремиште.
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=Add <a href="%s">Discord</a> integration to your repository.
settings.deploy_keys=Кључеви за распоређивање
settings.deploy_keys_helper=<b>Common Gotcha!</b> If you're looking for adding personal public keys, please add them in your <a href="%s%s">account settings</a>.
settings.add_deploy_key=Додај кључ за распоређивање
settings.deploy_key_desc=Кључеви за распоређивање имају само приступ за читање. То није исто што и SSH кључеви.
settings.no_deploy_keys=Нисте додали ниједан кључ за распоређивање.
@ -827,6 +846,7 @@ team_permission_desc=Који ниво приступа треба имати о
form.name_reserved=Име организације '%s' је резервирано.
form.name_pattern_not_allowed=Шаблон имена '%s' није дозвољено.
form.team_name_reserved=Team name '%s' is reserved.
@ -917,8 +937,8 @@ dashboard.git_gc_repos=Изврши cакупљање смећа на спрем
dashboard.git_gc_repos_success=Сва спремишта су успешно извршили cакупљање смећа.
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys=Препиши '.ssh/authorized_keys' (опрез: не Gogs тастери ће бити изгубљени)
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys_success=Сви јавни кључеви су успешно преписани.
dashboard.resync_all_update_hooks=Препиши сва hook-а за ажурирање спремишта (потребно кад пут конфигурације је промењен)
dashboard.resync_all_update_hooks_success=Сва hook-а за ажурирање спремишта су успешно промењена.
dashboard.resync_all_hooks=Resync pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks of all repositories.
dashboard.resync_all_hooks_success=All repositories' pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks have been resynced successfully.
dashboard.reinit_missing_repos=Поново постави све податке са изгубљеним Git датотекама
dashboard.reinit_missing_repos_success=Сви подаци са изгубљеним Git датотекама су успешно поново постављени.
@ -1052,10 +1072,8 @@ config.disable_router_log=Онемогући журнал рутера
config.run_user=Покретни корисник
config.run_mode=Режим извршавања
config.git_version=Git Version
config.repo_root_path=Пут до корена спремишта
config.static_file_root_path=Пут до статичке датотеке
config.log_file_root_path=Пут до журнала
config.script_type=Врста скрипта
config.reverse_auth_user=Корисничко име при обрнуту аутентикацију
config.ssh_config=SSH конфигурација
@ -1070,6 +1088,16 @@ config.ssh_keygen_path=Пут до генератор кључева ('ssh-keyge
config.ssh_minimum_key_size_check=Минимална величина провера кључа
config.ssh_minimum_key_sizes=Минимална величина кључева
config.repo_config=Repository Configuration
config.repo_root_path=Пут до корена спремишта
config.script_type=Врста скрипта
config.repo_force_private=Force Private
config.max_creation_limit=Max Creation Limit
config.preferred_licenses=Preferred Licenses
config.disable_http_git=Disable HTTP Git
config.enable_local_path_migration=Enable Local Path Migration
pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists=`Du kan inte utföra återöppningsoperationen eftersom det finns redan en öppen pull-förfrågan (#%d) från samma repo med samma sammanfogningsinformation som väntar på sammanfogning.`
pulls.delete_branch=Delete Branch
pulls.delete_branch=Ta bort gren
pulls.delete_branch_has_new_commits=Branch cannot be deleted because it has new commits after mergence.
settings.default_branch_desc=The default branch is considered the "base" branch for code commits, pull requests and online editing.
settings.update_default_branch_success=Default branch of this repository has been updated successfully!
settings.protected_branches=Protected Branches
settings.protected_branches_desc=Protect branches from force pushing, accidental deletion and whitelist code committers.
settings.choose_a_branch=Choose a branch...
settings.branch_protection=Branch Protection
settings.branch_protection_desc=Please choose protect options for branch <b>%s</b>.
settings.protect_this_branch=Protect this branch
settings.protect_this_branch_desc=Disable force pushes and prevent from deletion.
settings.protect_require_pull_request=Require pull request instead direct pushing
settings.protect_require_pull_request_desc=Enable this option to disable direct pushing to this branch. Commits have to be pushed to another non-protected branch and merged to this branch through pull request.
settings.protect_whitelist_committers=Whitelist who can push to this branch
settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc=Add people or teams to whitelist of direct push to this branch.
@ -745,10 +762,12 @@ settings.delete_webhook=Tag bort webbkrok
settings.recent_deliveries=Färska leveranser
settings.add_slack_hook_desc=Lägg till <a href="%s">Slack</a>-integration till ditt förråd.
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=Add <a href="%s">Discord</a> integration to your repository.
settings.deploy_keys_helper=<b>Common Gotcha!</b> If you're looking for adding personal public keys, please add them in your <a href="%s%s">account settings</a>.
settings.add_deploy_key=Lägg till driftsättningsnyckel
settings.deploy_key_desc=Driftsättningsnycklar har endast läsrättigheter. De är inte desamma som personliga SSH-kontonycklar.
settings.no_deploy_keys=Du har inte lagt till några driftsättningsnycklar.
@ -827,6 +846,7 @@ team_permission_desc=Vilka behörigheter ska denna grupp ha?
form.name_reserved=Organisationsnamnet "%s" är reserverat.
form.name_pattern_not_allowed=Organisationsnamnet '%s' är inte tillåtet.
form.team_name_reserved=Team name '%s' is reserved.
@ -917,8 +937,8 @@ dashboard.git_gc_repos=Do garbage collection on repositories
dashboard.git_gc_repos_success=All repositories have done garbage collection successfully.
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys=Rewrite '.ssh/authorized_keys' file (caution: non-Gogs keys will be lost)
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys_success=All public keys have been rewritten successfully.
dashboard.resync_all_update_hooks=Rewrite all update hook of repositories (needed when custom config path is changed)
dashboard.resync_all_update_hooks_success=All repositories' update hook have been rewritten successfully.
dashboard.resync_all_hooks=Resync pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks of all repositories.
dashboard.resync_all_hooks_success=All repositories' pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks have been resynced successfully.
dashboard.reinit_missing_repos=Reinitialize all repository records that lost Git files
dashboard.reinit_missing_repos_success=All repository records that lost Git files have been reinitialized successfully.
@ -1007,25 +1027,25 @@ auths.domain=Domänärd
auths.bind_dn=Bind DN
auths.bind_password=Bind Password
auths.bind_password=Bind lösenord
auths.bind_password_helper=Warning: This password is stored in plain text. Do not use a high privileged account.
auths.user_base=User Search Base
auths.user_dn=User DN
auths.attribute_username=Username attribute
auths.attribute_username_placeholder=Leave empty to use sign-in form field value for user name.
auths.attribute_name=First name attribute
auths.attribute_surname=Surname attribute
auths.attribute_mail=Email attribute
auths.attributes_in_bind=Fetch attributes in Bind DN context
auths.filter=User Filter
auths.admin_filter=Admin Filter
auths.ms_ad_sa=Ms Ad SA
auths.smtp_auth=SMTP Authentication Type
auths.smtphost=SMTP Host
auths.smtpport=SMTP Port
auths.allowed_domains=Allowed Domains
auths.allowed_domains=Tillåtna domäner
auths.allowed_domains_helper=Leave it empty to not restrict any domains. Multiple domains should be separated by comma ','.
auths.enable_tls=Enable TLS Encryption
auths.enable_tls=Aktivera TLS-kryptering
auths.skip_tls_verify=Skip TLS Verify
auths.pam_service_name=PAM Service Name
auths.enable_auto_register=Enable Auto Registration
@ -1042,24 +1062,22 @@ auths.still_in_used=This authentication is still used by some users, please dele
auths.deletion_success=Authentication has been deleted successfully!
docker_helper=Gogs'u Docker içinde kullanıyorsanız bu sayfada herhangi bir değişiklik yapmadan önce lütfen <a target="_blank" href="%s">kılavuzu</a> dikkatlice okuyunuz!
requite_db_desc=Gogs MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3 veya TiDB gerektirir.
requite_db_desc=Gogs requires MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3, MSSQL or TiDB.
db_title=Veritabanı Ayarları
db_type=Veritabanı Türü
@ -58,9 +58,8 @@ db_name=Veritabanı Adı
db_helper=Lütfen MySQL için INNODB motorunu utf8_general_ci karakter setiyle kullanın.
ssl_mode=SSL Biçimi
sqlite_helper=SQLite3 veya TiDB veritabanının dosya yolu. <br>Lütfen servis olarak başlatırken mutlak yolu kullanın.
err_empty_db_path=SQLite3 veya TiDB veritabanı yolu boş olamaz.
err_invalid_tidb_name=TiDB veritabanı adında "." ve "-" karakterlerine izin verilmez.
sqlite_helper=The file path of SQLite3 database. <br>Please use absolute path when you start as service.
err_empty_db_path=SQLite3 database path cannot be empty.
no_admin_and_disable_registration=Bir yönetici hesabı oluşturmadan kullanıcı kaydını devre dışı bırakamazsınız.
err_empty_admin_password=Yönetici parolası boş olamaz.
settings.default_branch_desc=The default branch is considered the "base" branch for code commits, pull requests and online editing.
settings.update_default_branch_success=Default branch of this repository has been updated successfully!
settings.protected_branches=Protected Branches
settings.protected_branches_desc=Protect branches from force pushing, accidental deletion and whitelist code committers.
settings.choose_a_branch=Choose a branch...
settings.branch_protection=Branch Protection
settings.branch_protection_desc=Please choose protect options for branch <b>%s</b>.
settings.protect_this_branch=Protect this branch
settings.protect_this_branch_desc=Disable force pushes and prevent from deletion.
settings.protect_require_pull_request=Require pull request instead direct pushing
settings.protect_require_pull_request_desc=Enable this option to disable direct pushing to this branch. Commits have to be pushed to another non-protected branch and merged to this branch through pull request.
settings.protect_whitelist_committers=Whitelist who can push to this branch
settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc=Add people or teams to whitelist of direct push to this branch.
settings.hooks=Web İstekleri
settings.githooks=Git İstekleri
settings.basic_settings=Temel Ayarlar
@ -745,10 +762,12 @@ settings.delete_webhook=Web İsteğini Sil
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=Add <a href="%s">Discord</a> integration to your repository.
settings.slack_token=Erişim Anahtarı
settings.slack_domain=Alan Adı
settings.deploy_keys=Dağıtım Anahtarları
settings.deploy_keys_helper=<b>Common Gotcha!</b> If you're looking for adding personal public keys, please add them in your <a href="%s%s">account settings</a>.
settings.add_deploy_key=Dağıtım Anahtarı Ekle
settings.deploy_key_desc=Dağıtım anahtarlarının yalnızca okuma izni vardır. Kişisel hesapların SSH anahtarlarıyla aynı değillerdir.
settings.no_deploy_keys=Herhangi bir dağıtım anahtarı eklemediniz.
@ -827,6 +846,7 @@ team_permission_desc=Bu takım, ne gibi bir izin seviyesine sahiptir?
form.name_reserved=Organizasyon adı '%s' başka birisine ayrılmış.
form.name_pattern_not_allowed=Organizasyon adı modeli '%s' geçersiz.
form.team_name_reserved=Team name '%s' is reserved.
@ -917,8 +937,8 @@ dashboard.git_gc_repos=Depolarda çöp toplama işlemini gerçekleştir
dashboard.git_gc_repos_success=Tüm depolarda çöp toplama işlemi başarıyla gerçekleştirildi.
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys='.ssh/authorized_keys' dosyasını yeniden yaz (dikkat: Gogs'un olmayan anahtarlar silinecektir)
dashboard.resync_all_sshkeys_success=Tüm genel anahtarlar başarıyla yeniden yazıldı.
dashboard.resync_all_update_hooks=Tüm depoların güncel web isteklerini yeniden yaz (özel yapılandırma yolu değiştiğinde gerekir)
dashboard.resync_all_update_hooks_success=Tüm depoların güncel web istekleri başarıyla yeniden yazıldı.
dashboard.resync_all_hooks=Resync pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks of all repositories.
dashboard.resync_all_hooks_success=All repositories' pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks have been resynced successfully.
dashboard.reinit_missing_repos=Git dosyalarını kaybetmiş tüm depoları yeniden oluştur
dashboard.reinit_missing_repos_success=Git dosyalarını kaybetmiş tüm depolar başarıyla yeniden oluşturuldu.
@ -1052,10 +1072,8 @@ config.disable_router_log=Yönlendirici Log'larını Devre Dışı Bırak
settings.default_branch_desc=The default branch is considered the "base" branch for code commits, pull requests and online editing.
settings.update_default_branch_success=Default branch of this repository has been updated successfully!
settings.protected_branches=Protected Branches
settings.protected_branches_desc=Protect branches from force pushing, accidental deletion and whitelist code committers.
settings.choose_a_branch=Choose a branch...
settings.branch_protection=Branch Protection
settings.branch_protection_desc=Please choose protect options for branch <b>%s</b>.
settings.protect_this_branch=Protect this branch
settings.protect_this_branch_desc=Disable force pushes and prevent from deletion.
settings.protect_require_pull_request=Require pull request instead direct pushing
settings.protect_require_pull_request_desc=Enable this option to disable direct pushing to this branch. Commits have to be pushed to another non-protected branch and merged to this branch through pull request.
settings.protect_whitelist_committers=Whitelist who can push to this branch
settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc=Add people or teams to whitelist of direct push to this branch.
settings.hooks=管理 Web 鉤子
settings.githooks=管理 Git 鉤子
@ -745,10 +762,12 @@ settings.delete_webhook=刪除 Web 鉤子
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=Add <a href="%s">Discord</a> integration to your repository.
settings.deploy_keys_helper=<b>Common Gotcha!</b> If you're looking for adding personal public keys, please add them in your <a href="%s%s">account settings</a>.
settings.default_branch_desc=The default branch is considered the "base" branch for code commits, pull requests and online editing.
settings.update_default_branch_success=Default branch of this repository has been updated successfully!
settings.protected_branches=Protected Branches
settings.protected_branches_desc=Protect branches from force pushing, accidental deletion and whitelist code committers.
settings.choose_a_branch=Choose a branch...
settings.branch_protection=Branch Protection
settings.branch_protection_desc=Please choose protect options for branch <b>%s</b>.
settings.protect_this_branch=Protect this branch
settings.protect_this_branch_desc=Disable force pushes and prevent from deletion.
settings.protect_require_pull_request=Require pull request instead direct pushing
settings.protect_require_pull_request_desc=Enable this option to disable direct pushing to this branch. Commits have to be pushed to another non-protected branch and merged to this branch through pull request.
settings.protect_whitelist_committers=Whitelist who can push to this branch
settings.protect_whitelist_committers_desc=Add people or teams to whitelist of direct push to this branch.
settings.add_discord_hook_desc=Add <a href="%s">Discord</a> integration to your repository.
settings.deploy_keys_helper=<b>Common Gotcha!</b> If you're looking for adding personal public keys, please add them in your <a href="%s%s">account settings</a>.