@ -1,24 +1,26 @@
package markdown_test |
import ( |
"testing" |
. "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/convey" |
. "github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/markdown" |
. "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/convey" |
"testing" |
"bytes" |
"github.com/gogits/gogs/modules/setting" |
"github.com/russross/blackfriday" |
) |
func TestMarkdown(t *testing.T) { |
Convey("Rendering an issue mention", t, func() { |
var ( |
urlPrefix = "/prefix" |
metas map[string]string = nil |
) |
setting.AppSubUrlDepth = 0 |
Convey("Rendering an issue link", t, func () { |
Convey("To the internal issue tracker", func () { |
Convey("It should not render anything when there are no issues", func () { |
testCases := []string { |
Convey("To the internal issue tracker", func() { |
Convey("It should not render anything when there are no mentions", func() { |
testCases := []string{ |
"", |
"this is a test", |
"test 123 123 1234", |
@ -36,8 +38,8 @@ func TestMarkdown(t *testing.T) {
So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern([]byte(testCases[i]), urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, testCases[i]) |
} |
}) |
Convey("It should render freestanding issue mentions", func () { |
testCases := []string { |
Convey("It should render freestanding mentions", func() { |
testCases := []string{ |
"#1234 test", "<a href=\"/prefix/issues/1234\">#1234</a> test", |
"test #1234 issue", "test <a href=\"/prefix/issues/1234\">#1234</a> issue", |
"test issue #1234", "test issue <a href=\"/prefix/issues/1234\">#1234</a>", |
@ -50,18 +52,18 @@ func TestMarkdown(t *testing.T) {
So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern([]byte(testCases[i]), urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, testCases[i+1]) |
} |
}) |
Convey("It should not render issue without leading space", func () { |
Convey("It should not render issue mention without leading space", func() { |
input := []byte("test#54321 issue") |
expected := "test#54321 issue" |
So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern(input, urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, expected) |
}) |
Convey("It should not render issue without trailing space", func () { |
Convey("It should not render issue mention without trailing space", func() { |
input := []byte("test #54321issue") |
expected := "test #54321issue" |
So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern(input, urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, expected) |
}) |
Convey("It should render issue in parentheses", func () { |
testCases := []string { |
Convey("It should render issue mention in parentheses", func() { |
testCases := []string{ |
"(#54321 issue)", "(<a href=\"/prefix/issues/54321\">#54321</a> issue)", |
"test (#54321) issue", "test (<a href=\"/prefix/issues/54321\">#54321</a>) issue", |
"test (#54321 extra) issue", "test (<a href=\"/prefix/issues/54321\">#54321</a> extra) issue", |
@ -73,8 +75,8 @@ func TestMarkdown(t *testing.T) {
So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern([]byte(testCases[i]), urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, testCases[i+1]) |
} |
}) |
Convey("It should render multiple issues in the same line", func () { |
testCases := []string { |
Convey("It should render multiple issue mentions in the same line", func() { |
testCases := []string{ |
"#54321 #1243", "<a href=\"/prefix/issues/54321\">#54321</a> <a href=\"/prefix/issues/1243\">#1243</a>", |
"test #54321 #1243", "test <a href=\"/prefix/issues/54321\">#54321</a> <a href=\"/prefix/issues/1243\">#1243</a>", |
"(#54321 #1243)", "(<a href=\"/prefix/issues/54321\">#54321</a> <a href=\"/prefix/issues/1243\">#1243</a>)", |
@ -88,15 +90,15 @@ func TestMarkdown(t *testing.T) {
} |
}) |
}) |
Convey("To an external issue tracker with numeric style", func () { |
Convey("To an external issue tracker with numeric style", func() { |
metas = make(map[string]string) |
metas["format"] = "https://someurl.com/{user}/{repo}/{index}" |
metas["user"] = "someuser" |
metas["repo"] = "somerepo" |
metas["style"] = ISSUE_NAME_STYLE_NUMERIC |
Convey("should not render anything when there are no issues", func () { |
testCases := []string { |
Convey("should not render anything when there are no mentions", func() { |
testCases := []string{ |
"this is a test", |
"test 123 123 1234", |
"#", |
@ -109,8 +111,8 @@ func TestMarkdown(t *testing.T) {
So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern([]byte(testCases[i]), urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, testCases[i]) |
} |
}) |
Convey("It should render freestanding issue", func () { |
testCases := []string { |
Convey("It should render freestanding issue mentions", func() { |
testCases := []string{ |
"#1234 test", "<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/1234\">#1234</a> test", |
"test #1234 issue", "test <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/1234\">#1234</a> issue", |
"test issue #1234", "test issue <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/1234\">#1234</a>", |
@ -122,18 +124,18 @@ func TestMarkdown(t *testing.T) {
So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern([]byte(testCases[i]), urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, testCases[i+1]) |
} |
}) |
Convey("It should not render issue mention without leading space", func () { |
Convey("It should not render issue mention without leading space", func() { |
input := []byte("test#54321 issue") |
expected := "test#54321 issue" |
So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern(input, urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, expected) |
}) |
Convey("It should not render issue mention without trailing space", func () { |
Convey("It should not render issue mention without trailing space", func() { |
input := []byte("test #54321issue") |
expected := "test #54321issue" |
So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern(input, urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, expected) |
}) |
Convey("It should render mention in parentheses", func () { |
testCases := []string { |
Convey("It should render issue mention in parentheses", func() { |
testCases := []string{ |
"(#54321 issue)", "(<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/54321\">#54321</a> issue)", |
"test (#54321) issue", "test (<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/54321\">#54321</a>) issue", |
"test (#54321 extra) issue", "test (<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/54321\">#54321</a> extra) issue", |
@ -145,8 +147,8 @@ func TestMarkdown(t *testing.T) {
So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern([]byte(testCases[i]), urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, testCases[i+1]) |
} |
}) |
Convey("It should render multiple mentions in the same line", func () { |
testCases := []string { |
Convey("It should render multiple issue mentions in the same line", func() { |
testCases := []string{ |
"#54321 #1243", "<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/54321\">#54321</a> <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/1243\">#1243</a>", |
"test #54321 #1243", "test <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/54321\">#54321</a> <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/1243\">#1243</a>", |
"(#54321 #1243)", "(<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/54321\">#54321</a> <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/1243\">#1243</a>)", |
@ -160,14 +162,14 @@ func TestMarkdown(t *testing.T) {
} |
}) |
}) |
Convey("To an external issue tracker with alphanumeric style", func () { |
Convey("To an external issue tracker with alphanumeric style", func() { |
metas = make(map[string]string) |
metas["format"] = "https://someurl.com/{user}/{repo}/?b={index}" |
metas["user"] = "someuser" |
metas["repo"] = "somerepo" |
Convey("It should not render anything when there are no issues", func () { |
testCases := []string { |
Convey("It should not render anything when there are no mentions", func() { |
testCases := []string{ |
"", |
"this is a test", |
"test 123 123 1234", |
@ -191,8 +193,8 @@ func TestMarkdown(t *testing.T) {
So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern([]byte(testCases[i]), urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, testCases[i]) |
} |
}) |
Convey("It should render freestanding issue", func () { |
testCases := []string { |
Convey("It should render freestanding issue mention", func() { |
testCases := []string{ |
"OTT-1234 test", "<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=OTT-1234\">OTT-1234</a> test", |
"test T-12 issue", "test <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=T-12\">T-12</a> issue", |
"test issue ABCDEFGHIJ-1234567890", "test issue <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=ABCDEFGHIJ-1234567890\">ABCDEFGHIJ-1234567890</a>", |
@ -204,8 +206,8 @@ func TestMarkdown(t *testing.T) {
So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern([]byte(testCases[i]), urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, testCases[i+1]) |
} |
}) |
Convey("It should render mention in parentheses", func () { |
testCases := []string { |
Convey("It should render issue mention in parentheses", func() { |
testCases := []string{ |
"(ABG-124 issue)", "(<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=ABG-124\">ABG-124</a> issue)", |
"test (ABG-124) issue", "test (<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=ABG-124\">ABG-124</a>) issue", |
"test (ABG-124 extra) issue", "test (<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=ABG-124\">ABG-124</a> extra) issue", |
@ -217,8 +219,8 @@ func TestMarkdown(t *testing.T) {
So(string(RenderIssueIndexPattern([]byte(testCases[i]), urlPrefix, metas)), ShouldEqual, testCases[i+1]) |
} |
}) |
Convey("It should render multiple mentions in the same line", func () { |
testCases := []string { |
Convey("It should render multiple issue mentions in the same line", func() { |
testCases := []string{ |
"ABG-124 OTT-4321", "<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=ABG-124\">ABG-124</a> <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=OTT-4321\">OTT-4321</a>", |
"test ABG-124 OTT-4321", "test <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=ABG-124\">ABG-124</a> <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=OTT-4321\">OTT-4321</a>", |
"(ABG-124 OTT-4321)", "(<a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=ABG-124\">ABG-124</a> <a href=\"https://someurl.com/someuser/somerepo/?b=OTT-4321\">OTT-4321</a>)", |
@ -233,4 +235,74 @@ func TestMarkdown(t *testing.T) {
}) |
}) |
}) |
Convey("Rendering an issue URL", t, func() { |
setting.AppUrl = "http://localhost:3000/" |
htmlFlags := 0 |
htmlFlags |= blackfriday.HTML_SKIP_STYLE |
htmlFlags |= blackfriday.HTML_OMIT_CONTENTS |
renderer := &Renderer{ |
Renderer: blackfriday.HtmlRenderer(htmlFlags, "", ""), |
} |
buffer := new(bytes.Buffer) |
Convey("To the internal issue tracker", func() { |
Convey("It should render valid issue URLs", func() { |
testCases := []string{ |
"http://localhost:3000/user/repo/issues/3333", "<a href=\"http://localhost:3000/user/repo/issues/3333\">#3333</a>", |
} |
for i := 0; i < len(testCases); i += 2 { |
renderer.AutoLink(buffer, []byte(testCases[i]), blackfriday.LINK_TYPE_NORMAL) |
line, _ := buffer.ReadString(0) |
So(line, ShouldEqual, testCases[i+1]) |
} |
}) |
Convey("It should render but not change non-issue URLs", func() { |
testCases := []string{ |
"http://1111/2222/ssss-issues/3333?param=blah&blahh=333", "<a href=\"http://1111/2222/ssss-issues/3333?param=blah&blahh=333\">http://1111/2222/ssss-issues/3333?param=blah&blahh=333</a>", |
"http://test.com/issues/33333", "<a href=\"http://test.com/issues/33333\">http://test.com/issues/33333</a>", |
"http://test.com/issues/3", "<a href=\"http://test.com/issues/3\">http://test.com/issues/3</a>", |
"http://issues/333", "<a href=\"http://issues/333\">http://issues/333</a>", |
"https://issues/333", "<a href=\"https://issues/333\">https://issues/333</a>", |
"http://tissues/0", "<a href=\"http://tissues/0\">http://tissues/0</a>", |
} |
for i := 0; i < len(testCases); i += 2 { |
renderer.AutoLink(buffer, []byte(testCases[i]), blackfriday.LINK_TYPE_NORMAL) |
line, _ := buffer.ReadString(0) |
So(line, ShouldEqual, testCases[i+1]) |
} |
}) |
}) |
}) |
Convey("Rendering a commit URL", t, func() { |
setting.AppUrl = "http://localhost:3000/" |
htmlFlags := 0 |
htmlFlags |= blackfriday.HTML_SKIP_STYLE |
htmlFlags |= blackfriday.HTML_OMIT_CONTENTS |
renderer := &Renderer{ |
Renderer: blackfriday.HtmlRenderer(htmlFlags, "", ""), |
} |
buffer := new(bytes.Buffer) |
Convey("To the internal issue tracker", func() { |
Convey("It should correctly convert URLs", func() { |
testCases := []string{ |
"http://localhost:3000/user/project/commit/d8a994ef243349f321568f9e36d5c3f444b99cae", " <code><a href=\"http://localhost:3000/user/project/commit/d8a994ef243349f321568f9e36d5c3f444b99cae\">d8a994ef24</a></code>", |
"http://localhost:3000/user/project/commit/d8a994ef243349f321568f9e36d5c3f444b99cae#diff-2", " <code><a href=\"http://localhost:3000/user/project/commit/d8a994ef243349f321568f9e36d5c3f444b99cae#diff-2\">d8a994ef24</a></code>", |
"https://external-link.gogs.io/gogs/gogs/commit/d8a994ef243349f321568f9e36d5c3f444b99cae#diff-2", "<a href=\"https://external-link.gogs.io/gogs/gogs/commit/d8a994ef243349f321568f9e36d5c3f444b99cae#diff-2\">https://external-link.gogs.io/gogs/gogs/commit/d8a994ef243349f321568f9e36d5c3f444b99cae#diff-2</a>", |
"https://commit/d8a994ef243349f321568f9e36d5c3f444b99cae", "<a href=\"https://commit/d8a994ef243349f321568f9e36d5c3f444b99cae\">https://commit/d8a994ef243349f321568f9e36d5c3f444b99cae</a>", |
} |
for i := 0; i < len(testCases); i += 2 { |
renderer.AutoLink(buffer, []byte(testCases[i]), blackfriday.LINK_TYPE_NORMAL) |
line, _ := buffer.ReadString(0) |
So(line, ShouldEqual, testCases[i+1]) |
} |
}) |
}) |
}) |
} |