@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Gogs(Go Git Service) is a Self Hosted Git Service in the Go Programming Language
##### Current version: 0.2.3 Alpha
##### Current version: 0.2.4 Alpha
#### Due to testing purpose, data of [try.gogits.org](http://try.gogits.org) has been reset in April 6, 2014 and will reset multiple times after. Please do NOT put your important data on the site.
{{if .IsSuccess}}<p class="alert alert-success">Account profile has been successfully updated.</p>{{else if .HasError}}<p class="alert alert-danger form-error">{{.ErrorMsg}}</p>{{end}}
{{if .IsSuccess}}<p class="alert alert-success">Repository options has been successfully updated.</p>{{else if .HasError}}<p class="alert alert-danger form-error">{{.ErrorMsg}}</p>{{end}}
<p class="alert alert-danger">{{if not .HasError}}The operation will delete your account permanently. Sorry to see you go, but we know you'll back soon.{{else}}{{.ErrorMsg}}{{end}}</p>
{{template "base/alert" .}}
{{if not .Flash.ErrorMsg}}<p class="alert alert-danger">The operation will delete your account permanently. Sorry to see you go, but we know you'll back soon.</p>{{end}}
<p class="alert alert-success">Password is changed successfully. You can now sign in via new password.</p>{{else if .HasError}}<p class="alert alert-danger form-error">{{.ErrorMsg}}</p>{{end}}
{{if .IsSuccess}}<p class="alert alert-success">Your profile has been successfully updated.</p>{{else if .HasError}}<p class="alert alert-danger form-error">{{.ErrorMsg}}</p>{{end}}
{{template "base/alert" .}}
<p>Your Email will be public and used for Account related notifications and any web based operations made via the web.</p>