NAMES=English,简体中文,繁體中文(香港),繁體中文(台湾),Deutsch,Français,Nederlands,Latviešu,Русский,日本語,Español,Português do Brasil,Polski,български,Italiano,Suomalainen,Türkçe,čeština,Српски
NAMES=English,简体中文,繁體中文(香港),繁體中文(台湾),Deutsch,Français,Nederlands,Latviešu,Русский,日本語,Español,Português do Brasil,Polski,български,Italiano,Suomalainen,Türkçe,čeština,Српски,Svenska
confirmation_mail_sent_prompt=Nový potvrzovací e-mail byl zaslán na <b>%s</b>, prosíme, zkontrolujte si vaši doručenou poštu během následující %d hodin pro dokončení registračního procesu.
active_your_account=Aktivujte si váš účet
prohibit_login=Login Prohibited
prohibit_login=Přihlášení zakázáno
prohibit_login_desc=Vašemu účtu je zakázáno se přihlásit, kontaktujte prosím správce webu.
resent_limit_prompt=Omlouváme se, ale před chvílí jste požádal o aktivační e-mail. Prosíme, počkejte 3 minuty a pak to zkuste znovu.
has_unconfirmed_mail=Zdravím, %s, máte nepotvrzenou e-mailovou adresu (<b>%s</b>). Pokud jste nedostali e-mail pro potvrzení nebo potřebujete zaslat nový, klikněte prosím na tlačítku níže.
@ -190,11 +190,11 @@ AuthName=Název ověření
AdminEmail=E-mailová adresa správce
NewBranchName=Název nové větve
CommitSummary=Commit summary
CommitMessage=Commit message
CommitChoice=Commit choice
CommitSummary=Shrnutí revize
CommitMessage=Zpráva revize
CommitChoice=Výběr revize
TreeName=Cesta k souboru
require_error=` nemůže být prázdný.`
alpha_dash_error=` musí být pouze písmena, číslice či znaky - a _ .`
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ org_still_own_repo=Tato organizace stále vlastní repositáře, musíte je nejd
target_branch_not_exist=Cílová větev neexistuje.
change_avatar=Change your avatar
change_avatar=Změnit vaši uživatelskou ikonu
join_on=Připojil se dne
activity=Veřejná aktivita
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ form.name_pattern_not_allowed=Vzor uživatelského jména '%s' není povolen.
avatar=Uživatelská ikona
ssh_keys=Klíče SSH
social=Sociální účty
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ change_username_prompt=Tato změna ovlivní vztah odkazů k vašemu účtu.
lookup_avatar_by_mail=Vyhledávat Avatar podle emailu
lookup_avatar_by_mail=Vyhledávat uživatelskou ikonu podle emailu
settings.tracker_url_format_desc=Můžete použít zástupné výrazy <code>{user} {repo} {index}</code> pro uživatelské jméno, název repositáře a index úkolu.
settings.pulls_desc=Povolit požadavky na stažení, aby veřejné příspěvky mohly být akceptovány
editor.cannot_edit_non_text_files=Nicht-Text Dateien können nicht bearbeitet werden
editor.edit_this_file=Diese Datei bearbeiten
editor.must_be_on_a_branch=Du musst dich in einer Branch befinden um Änderungen an dieser Datei vorzuschlagen oder vorzunehmen
editor.fork_before_edit=Um die Datei zu bearbeiten müssen Sie das Repository forken
editor.delete_this_file=Diese Datei löschen
editor.must_have_write_access=Du musst Schreibzugriff haben um Änderungen an dieser Datei vorzuschlagen oder vorzunehmen
editor.edit_this_file=Datei bearbeiten
editor.must_be_on_a_branch=Sie müssen sich in einem Branch befinden, um Änderungen an dieser Datei vorzuschlagen oder vorzunehmen
editor.fork_before_edit=Um die Datei zu bearbeiten, müssen Sie das Repository forken
editor.delete_this_file=Datei löschen
editor.must_have_write_access=Du musst Schreibzugriff haben, um Änderungen an dieser Datei vorzuschlagen oder vorzunehmen
editor.file_delete_success=Die Datei '%s' wurde erfolgreich gelöscht!
editor.name_your_file=Dateinamen eingeben...
editor.filename_help=Um einen Ordner hinzuzufügen, gib den Namen ein und drücke /. Um einen Ordner zu entfernen, gehe zum Anfang des Feldes und drücke auf die Rücktaste.
editor.commit_directly_to_this_branch=Änderungen direkt dem Branch <strong class="branch-name">%s</strong> hinzufügen.
editor.create_new_branch=Erstellen Sie einen <strong>neuen Branch</strong> für diesen Commit und starten Sie einen Pull Request.
editor.commit_message_desc=Eine ausführlichere Beschreibung kann hinzugefügt werden...
editor.commit_directly_to_this_branch=Direkt in den <strong class="branch-name">%s</strong> Branch einchecken.
editor.create_new_branch=Einen <strong>neuen Branch</strong> für diesen Commit erstellen und einen Pull Request starten.
editor.new_branch_name_desc=Neuer Branch Name...
editor.filename_cannot_be_empty=Der Dateiname darf nicht leer sein.
editor.branch_already_exists=Branch '%s' existiert bereits in diesem Repository.
editor.directory_is_a_file='%s' im übergeordneten Verzeichnis ist eine Datei und kein Verzeichnis.
editor.filename_is_a_directory=Die Datei '%s' existiert bereits als Verzeichnis in diesem Repository.
editor.file_editing_no_longer_exists=Die Datei '%s' welche Sie bearbeiten existiert in diesem Repository nicht mehr.
editor.file_editing_no_longer_exists=Die Datei '%s', welche Sie bearbeiten, existiert in diesem Repository nicht mehr.
editor.file_changed_while_editing=Seit dem Start der Bearbeitung hat sich die Datei geändert. <a target="_blank" href="%s">Hier klicken</a> um die Änderungen zu sehen, oder nochmals <strong>Commit drücken</strong> um die Änderungen zu überschreiben.
editor.file_already_exists=Eine Datei mit dem Namen '%s' existiert bereits in diesem Repository.
settings.event_choose=Lass mich auswählen, was ich brauche.
settings.event_create_desc=Branch/Tag erstellt
settings.event_pull_request_desc=Pull-Request geöffnet, geschlossen, wieder geöffnet, bearbeitet, nicht zugewiesen, Label aktualisiert, Label gelöscht oder nicht synchronisiert.
settings.event_pull_request_desc=Pull-Request geöffnet, geschlossen, wieder geöffnet, bearbeitet, zugewiesen, nicht zugewiesen, Label aktualisiert, Label gelöscht oder synchronisiert.
settings.event_push_desc=Git push auf ein Repository
editor.must_be_on_a_branch=You must be on a branch to make or propose changes to this file
editor.fork_before_edit=You must fork this repository before editing the file
editor.delete_this_file=Delete this file
editor.must_have_write_access=You must have write access to make or propose changes to this file
editor.file_delete_success=File '%s' has been deleted successfully!
editor.name_your_file=Name your file...
editor.filename_help=To add directory, just type it and press /. To remove a directory, go to the beginning of the field and press backspace.
editor.commit_changes=Commit Changes
editor.add_tmpl=Add '%s/<filename>'
editor.add=Add '%s'
editor.update=Update '%s'
editor.delete=Delete '%s'
editor.commit_message_desc=Add an optional extended description...
editor.commit_directly_to_this_branch=Commit directly to the <strong class="branch-name">%s</strong> branch.
editor.create_new_branch=Create a <strong>new branch</strong> for this commit and start a pull request.
editor.new_branch_name_desc=New branch name...
editor.filename_cannot_be_empty=Filename cannot be empty.
editor.branch_already_exists=Branch '%s' already exists in this repository.
editor.directory_is_a_file=Entry '%s' in the parent path is a file not a directory in this repository.
editor.filename_is_a_directory=The filename '%s' is an existing directory in this repository.
editor.file_editing_no_longer_exists=The file '%s' you are editing no longer exists in the repository.
editor.file_changed_while_editing=File content has been changed since you started editing. <a target="_blank" href="%s">Click here</a> to see what have been changed or <strong>press commit again</strong> to overwrite those changes.
editor.file_already_exists=A file with name '%s' already exists in this repository.
editor.no_changes_to_show=There are no changes to show.
editor.fail_to_update_file=Failed to update/create file '%s' with error: %v
editor.add_subdir=Add subdirectory...
editor.unable_to_upload_files=Failed to upload files to '%s' with error: %v
editor.upload_files_to_dir=Upload files to '%s'
editor.upload_file=Subir archivo
editor.edit_file=Editar archivo
editor.preview_changes=Vista previa de los cambios
editor.cannot_edit_non_text_files=Sólo puede editar archivos de texto
editor.edit_this_file=Editar este archivo
editor.must_be_on_a_branch=Debes estar en una rama para hacer o proponer cambios en este archivo
editor.fork_before_edit=Debes hacer un fork de este repositorio antes de editar el archivo
editor.delete_this_file=Eliminar este archivo
editor.must_have_write_access=Debes tener permisos de escritura para hacer o proponer cambios a este archivo
editor.file_delete_success=¡El archivo '%s' ha sido eliminado con éxito!
editor.name_your_file=Nombre de archivo...
editor.filename_help=Para añadir un directorio, simplemente escribelo y presiona /. Para eliminar un directorio, ve al principio del campo y presiona retroceso.
editor.commit_changes=Hacer commit de los cambios
editor.add_tmpl=Añadir '%s<filename>'
editor.add=Añadir '%s'
editor.update=Actualizar '%s'
editor.delete=Eliminar '%s'
editor.commit_message_desc=Añadir una descripción extendida opcional...
editor.commit_directly_to_this_branch=Hacer commit directamente en la rama <strong class="branch-name">%s</strong>.
editor.create_new_branch=Crear una <strong>nueva rama</strong> para este commit y hacer un pull request.
editor.new_branch_name_desc=Nombre de la rama nueva...
editor.filename_cannot_be_empty=El nombre del archivo no puede estar vacío.
editor.branch_already_exists=La rama '%s' ya existe en este repositorio.
editor.directory_is_a_file=La entrada '%s' en el directorio padre es un archivo no un directorio en este repositorio.
editor.filename_is_a_directory=El nombre del fichero '%s' es un directorio existente en este repositorio.
editor.file_editing_no_longer_exists=El archivo '%s' que estás editando ya no existe en este repositorio.
editor.file_changed_while_editing=El contenido del archivo ha sido modificado desde que empezó a editarlo. <a target="_blank" href="%s">Clic aquí</a> para ver qué ha sido modificado o <strong>presiona confirmar de nuevo</strong> para sobrescribir estos cambios.
editor.file_already_exists=Ya existe un archivo con nombre '%s' en este repositorio.
editor.no_changes_to_show=No existen cambios para mostrar.
editor.fail_to_update_file=Error al actualizar/crear el archivo '%s', error: %v
editor.add_subdir=Añadir subdirectorio...
editor.unable_to_upload_files=Error al subir archivos a '%s', error: %v
issues.label_templates.title=Load a predefined set of labels aren’t any labels yet. You can click on the "New Label" button above to create one or use a predefined set below.
issues.label_templates.helper=Select a label set
issues.label_templates.use=Use this label set
issues.label_templates.fail_to_load_file=Failed to load label template file '%s': %v
issues.label_templates.title=Carga un conjunto predefinido de etiquetasía no hay ninguna etiqueta. Puede hacer clic en el botón "Nueva etiqueta" para crear una o utilizar un conjunto predefinido abajo.
issues.label_templates.helper=Seleccionar un conjunto de etiquetas
issues.label_templates.use=Usar este conjunto de etiquetas
issues.label_templates.fail_to_load_file=Error al cargar el archivo de plantilla de etiqueta '%s': %v
issues.open_tab=%d abiertas
issues.close_tab=%d cerradas
@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ issues.commit_ref_at=`mencionada esta incidencia en un commit <a id="%[1]s" href
issues.sign_in_require_desc=<a href="%s">Sign in</a> to join this conversation.
issues.sign_in_require_desc=<a href="%s"> Inicie sesión</a> para unirse a esta conversación.
@ -551,8 +551,8 @@ issues.label_deletion=Borrado de Etiqueta
issues.label_deletion_desc=Al borrar la etiqueta su información será eliminada de todas las incidencias relacionadas. Desea continuar?
issues.label_deletion_success=Etiqueta borrada con éxito!
issues.num_participants=%d participantes
issues.attachment.open_tab=`Click to see "%s" in a new tab``Click to download "%s"`
issues.attachment.open_tab='Haga clic para ver "%s" en una pestaña nueva'`Haga clic para descargar "%s"`
confirmation_mail_sent_prompt=Una nuova email di conferma è stata inviata a <b>%s</b>, verifica la tua casella di posta entro le prossime %d ore per completare la registrazione.
active_your_account=Attiva il tuo Account
prohibit_login=Login Prohibited
prohibit_login_desc=Your account is prohibited to login, please contact site admin.
prohibit_login=Accesso Vietato
prohibit_login_desc=Il tuo account è impossibilitato al login, contatta l'amministratore del sito.
resent_limit_prompt=Siamo spiacenti, si stanno inviando e-mail di attivazione troppo spesso. Si prega di attendere 3 minuti.
has_unconfirmed_mail=Ciao %s, hai un indirizzo di posta elettronica non confermato (<b>%s</b>). Se non hai ricevuto una e-mail di conferma o vuoi riceverla nuovamente, fare clic sul pulsante qui sotto.
resend_mail=Clicca qui per inviare nuovamente l'e-mail di attivazione
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ reset_password=Reimposta la tua Password
invalid_code=Siamo spiacenti, il codice di conferma è scaduto o non valido.
reset_password_helper=Clicca qui per reimpostare la password
password_too_short=La lunghezza della password non può essere meno 6 caratteri.
non_local_account=Non-local accounts cannot change passwords through Gogs.
non_local_account=Gli account non locali non possono modificare le password tramite Gogs.
activate_account=Per favore attiva il tuo account
@ -189,12 +189,12 @@ TeamName=Nome Team
AuthName=Nome autorizzazione
AdminEmail=Email dell'Admin
NewBranchName=New branch name
CommitSummary=Commit summary
CommitMessage=Commit message
CommitChoice=Commit choice
TreeName=File path
NewBranchName=Nuovo nome del branch
CommitSummary=Riepilogo dei commit
CommitMessage=Messaggio di commit
CommitChoice=Scelta di commit
TreeName=Percorso del file
require_error=` non può essere vuoto.`
alpha_dash_error=` ammessi solo caratteri alfanumerici o trattini(-_).`
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ org_still_own_repo=Questa organizzazione ha ancora la proprietà del repository,
target_branch_not_exist=Il ramo (branch) di destinazione non esiste.
change_avatar=Change your avatar
change_avatar=Cambia il tuo avatar
join_on=Si è unito il
activity=Attività pubblica
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ change_username_prompt=Questa modifica influenzerà il modo in cui i link si rif
editor.must_be_on_a_branch=You must be on a branch to make or propose changes to this file
editor.fork_before_edit=You must fork this repository before editing the file
editor.delete_this_file=Delete this file
editor.must_have_write_access=You must have write access to make or propose changes to this file
editor.file_delete_success=File '%s' has been deleted successfully!
editor.name_your_file=Name your file...
editor.filename_help=To add directory, just type it and press /. To remove a directory, go to the beginning of the field and press backspace.
editor.commit_changes=Commit Changes
editor.add_tmpl=Add '%s/<filename>'
editor.add=Add '%s'
editor.update=Update '%s'
editor.delete=Delete '%s'
editor.commit_message_desc=Add an optional extended description...
editor.commit_directly_to_this_branch=Commit directly to the <strong class="branch-name">%s</strong> branch.
editor.create_new_branch=Create a <strong>new branch</strong> for this commit and start a pull request.
editor.new_branch_name_desc=New branch name...
editor.filename_cannot_be_empty=Filename cannot be empty.
editor.branch_already_exists=Branch '%s' already exists in this repository.
editor.directory_is_a_file=Entry '%s' in the parent path is a file not a directory in this repository.
editor.filename_is_a_directory=The filename '%s' is an existing directory in this repository.
editor.file_editing_no_longer_exists=The file '%s' you are editing no longer exists in the repository.
editor.file_changed_while_editing=File content has been changed since you started editing. <a target="_blank" href="%s">Click here</a> to see what have been changed or <strong>press commit again</strong> to overwrite those changes.
editor.file_already_exists=A file with name '%s' already exists in this repository.
editor.no_changes_to_show=There are no changes to show.
editor.fail_to_update_file=Failed to update/create file '%s' with error: %v
editor.add_subdir=Add subdirectory...
editor.unable_to_upload_files=Failed to upload files to '%s' with error: %v
editor.upload_files_to_dir=Upload files to '%s'
editor.new_file=Jauns fails
editor.upload_file=Augšupielādēt failu
editor.edit_file=Labot failu
editor.preview_changes=Priekšskatīt izmaiņas
editor.cannot_edit_non_text_files=Nevar rediģēt failus, kas nav teksta faili
editor.edit_this_file=Rediģēt šo failu
editor.must_be_on_a_branch=Ir jābūt izvēlētam atzaram, lai varētu veikt vai piedāvāt izmaiņas šim failam
editor.fork_before_edit=Lai varētu labot failu ir nepieciešams atdalīt repozitoriju
editor.delete_this_file=Dzēst šo failu
editor.must_have_write_access=Jums ir jābūt rakstīšanas tiesībām, lai varētu veikt vai piedāvāt izmaiņas šim failam
editor.file_delete_success=Fails '%s' ir veiksmīgi izdzēsts!
editor.name_your_file=Ievadiet faila nosaukumu...
editor.filename_help=Lai pievienotu direktoriju, ierakstiet tās nosaukumu un nospiediet /. Lai noņemtu direktoriju, ielieciet kursoru pirms faila nosaukuma un nospiediet atpakaļatkāpes taustiņu.
editor.filename_cannot_be_empty=Nav ievadīts faila nosaukums.
editor.branch_already_exists=Atzars '%s' šajā repozitorijā jau eksistē.
editor.directory_is_a_file=Ieraksts '%s' vecāka ceļā ir fails nevis direktorija šajā repozitorijā.
editor.filename_is_a_directory=Faila nosaukums '%s' sakrīt ar direktorijas nosaukumu šajā repozitorijā.
editor.file_editing_no_longer_exists=Fails '%s', ko labojat, vairs neeksistē repozitorijā.
editor.file_changed_while_editing=Faila saturs ir mainījies kopš brīža, kad sākāt to labot. <a target="_blank" href="%s">Nospiediet šeit</a>, lai redzētu kas ir mainījies vai <strong>nospiediet atkārtoti pabeigt revīziju</strong>, lai pārrakstītu izmaiņas.
editor.file_already_exists=Fails ar nosaukumu '%s' repozitorijā jau eksistē.
issues.label_templates.title=Load a predefined set of labels aren’t any labels yet. You can click on the "New Label" button above to create one or use a predefined set below.
issues.label_templates.helper=Select a label set
issues.label_templates.use=Use this label set
issues.label_templates.fail_to_load_file=Failed to load label template file '%s': %v
issues.label_templates.title=Ielādēt sākotnēji noteikto etiķešu kopu definēta neviena etiķete. Nospiediet pogu "Izveidot etiķeti", lai to izveidotu vai izmantojiet zemāk piedāvātās etiķetes.
settings.event_pull_request_desc=Atvērts, aizvērts, atkāroti atvērts, labots, piešķirts vai noņemts izmaiņu pieprasījums, vai mainīta etiķete, vai veikta sinhronizācija.
settings.event_push=Izmaiņu nosūtīšana
settings.event_push_desc=Git izmaiņu nosūtīšana uz repozitorijuīvs
@ -1113,18 +1113,18 @@ config.cookie_life_time=Sīkdatņu glabāšanas ilgums
editor.cannot_edit_non_text_files=Возможно редактировать только текстовые файлы
editor.edit_this_file=Отредактируйте этот файл
editor.must_be_on_a_branch=You must be on a branch to make or propose changes to this file
editor.fork_before_edit=Создайте ветку репозитория перед редактированием файла
editor.delete_this_file=Удалить файл
editor.must_have_write_access=You must have write access to make or propose changes to this file
editor.must_have_write_access=Вам необходимо иметь доступ на запись, чтобы вносить или предлагать правки этого файла
editor.file_delete_success=File '%s' has been deleted successfully!
editor.name_your_file=Name your file...
editor.name_your_file=Назовите свой файл...
editor.filename_help=To add directory, just type it and press /. To remove a directory, go to the beginning of the field and press backspace.
@ -453,16 +453,16 @@ editor.create_new_branch=Create a <strong>new branch</strong> for this commit an
editor.new_branch_name_desc=Новое название ветки...
editor.filename_cannot_be_empty=Имя файла не может быть пустым.
editor.branch_already_exists=Branch '%s' already exists in this repository.
editor.branch_already_exists=Ветка «%s» уже существует в этом репозитории.
editor.directory_is_a_file=Entry '%s' in the parent path is a file not a directory in this repository.
editor.filename_is_a_directory=The filename '%s' is an existing directory in this repository.
editor.file_editing_no_longer_exists=The file '%s' you are editing no longer exists in the repository.
editor.file_changed_while_editing=File content has been changed since you started editing. <a target="_blank" href="%s">Click here</a> to see what have been changed or <strong>press commit again</strong> to overwrite those changes.
editor.file_already_exists=A file with name '%s' already exists in this repository.
editor.file_already_exists=Файл с именем «%s» уже существует в этом репозитории.
editor.no_changes_to_show=Нет изменений.
editor.fail_to_update_file=Failed to update/create file '%s' with error: %v
editor.fail_to_update_file=Не удалось обновить/создать файл «%s» из-за ошибки: %v
editor.add_subdir=Добавьте подкаталог...
editor.unable_to_upload_files=Failed to upload files to '%s' with error: %v
editor.unable_to_upload_files=Не удалось загрузить файлы в «%s» из-за ошибки: %v
editor.upload_files_to_dir=Загрузить файлы '%s'
@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ issues.create=Добавить задачу
issues.new_label=Новая метка
issues.new_label_placeholder=Имя метки...
issues.create_label=Добавить метку
issues.label_templates.title=Load a predefined set of labels
issues.label_templates.title=Загрузить набор предопределённых меток aren’t any labels yet. You can click on the "New Label" button above to create one or use a predefined set below.
issues.label_templates.helper=Выберите метку
issues.label_templates.use=Использовать ярлык
@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ issues.commit_ref_at=`упомянул эту задачу в коммите <a
issues.sign_in_require_desc=<a href="%s">Sign in</a> to join this conversation.
issues.sign_in_require_desc=<a href="%s">Войдите</a>, чтобы присоединиться к обсуждению.
issues.label_deletion_desc=Удаление ярлыка затронет все связанные задачи. Продолжить?
issues.label_deletion_success=Метка была удалена успешно!
issues.num_participants=%d участников
issues.attachment.open_tab=`Click to see "%s" in a new tab``Click to download "%s"`
issues.attachment.open_tab=`Нажмите, чтобы увидеть "%s" в новой вкладке``Нажмите, чтобы скачать "%s"`Новый запрос на слияние
pulls.compare_changes=Сравнить изменения
@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ settings.githooks=Git хуки
settings.basic_settings=Основные параметры
settings.mirror_settings=Настройки Зеркала
settings.mirror_sync_in_progress=Mirror syncing is in progress, please refresh page in about a minute.
settings.mirror_sync_in_progress=Выполняется синхронизация Зеркала, пожалуйста, обновите эту страницу через минуту.Официальный сайт
settings.update_settings=Обновить настройки
settings.change_reponame_prompt=Это изменение повлияет на отношения ссылок к этому репозиторию.
@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ settings.delete_notices_1=- Эта операция <strong>НЕ МОЖЕТ</str
settings.delete_notices_2=- Эта операция навсегда удалит всё из этого репозитория, включая данные Git, связанные с ним задачи, комментарии и права доступа для сотрудников.
settings.delete_notices_fork_1=- Все отвлетвления станут независимыми после удаления.
settings.deletion_success=Репозиторий был успешно удалён!
editor.must_be_on_a_branch=You must be on a branch to make or propose changes to this file
editor.fork_before_edit=You must fork this repository before editing the file
editor.delete_this_file=Delete this file
editor.must_have_write_access=You must have write access to make or propose changes to this file
editor.file_delete_success=File '%s' has been deleted successfully!
editor.name_your_file=Name your file...
editor.filename_help=To add directory, just type it and press /. To remove a directory, go to the beginning of the field and press backspace.
editor.commit_changes=Commit Changes
editor.add_tmpl=Add '%s/<filename>'
editor.add=Add '%s'
editor.update=Update '%s'
editor.delete=Delete '%s'
editor.add=新增 '%s'
editor.update=更新 '%s'
editor.delete=刪除 '%s'
editor.commit_message_desc=Add an optional extended description...
editor.commit_directly_to_this_branch=Commit directly to the <strong class="branch-name">%s</strong> branch.
editor.create_new_branch=Create a <strong>new branch</strong> for this commit and start a pull request.
editor.new_branch_name_desc=New branch name...
editor.filename_cannot_be_empty=Filename cannot be empty.
editor.branch_already_exists=Branch '%s' already exists in this repository.
editor.directory_is_a_file=Entry '%s' in the parent path is a file not a directory in this repository.
@ -459,9 +459,9 @@ editor.filename_is_a_directory=The filename '%s' is an existing directory in thi
editor.file_editing_no_longer_exists=The file '%s' you are editing no longer exists in the repository.
editor.file_changed_while_editing=File content has been changed since you started editing. <a target="_blank" href="%s">Click here</a> to see what have been changed or <strong>press commit again</strong> to overwrite those changes.
editor.file_already_exists=A file with name '%s' already exists in this repository.
editor.no_changes_to_show=There are no changes to show.
editor.fail_to_update_file=Failed to update/create file '%s' with error: %v
editor.add_subdir=Add subdirectory...
editor.unable_to_upload_files=Failed to upload files to '%s' with error: %v