@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
function [gnssRaw,gnssAnalysis] = ReadGnssLogger(dirName,fileName,dataFilterIn,gnssAnalysis) |
function [gnssRaw,gnssAnalysis] = ReadGnssLogger(dirName,fileName,dataFilter,gnssAnalysis) |
%% [gnssRaw,gnssAnalysis]=ReadGnssLogger(dirName,fileName,dataFilter,gnssAnalysis); |
% Read the log file created by Gnss Logger App in Android |
% Compatible with Android release N |
@ -7,8 +7,12 @@ function [gnssRaw,gnssAnalysis] = ReadGnssLogger(dirName,fileName,dataFilterIn,g
% dirName = string with directory of fileName, |
% e.g. '~/Documents/MATLAB/Pseudoranges/2016-03-28' |
% fileName = string with filename |
% dataFilter = cell array, dataFilter.{i}=string with a valid matlab expression |
% e.g. dataFilter{1} = 'ConstellationType==1' |
% dataFilter = nx2 cell array of pairs of strings, |
% dataFilter{i,1} is a string with one of 'Raw' header values from the |
% GnssLogger log file e.g. 'ConstellationType' |
% dataFilter{i,2} is a string with a valid matlab expression, containing |
% the header value, e.g. 'ConstellationType==1' |
% See SetDataFilter.m for full rules and examples of dataFilter. |
% |
% Output: |
% gnssRaw, all GnssClock and GnssMeasurement fields from log file, including: |
@ -44,7 +48,7 @@ function [gnssRaw,gnssAnalysis] = ReadGnssLogger(dirName,fileName,dataFilterIn,g
gnssAnalysis.GnssClockErrors = 'GnssClock Errors.'; |
gnssAnalysis.GnssMeasurementErrors = 'GnssMeasurement Errors.'; |
gnssAnalysis.ApiPassFail = ''; |
if nargin<3, dataFilterIn = []; end |
if nargin<3, dataFilter = []; end |
%% check we have the right kind of fileName |
extension = fileName(end-3:end); |
@ -57,7 +61,8 @@ rawCsvFile = MakeCsv(dirName,fileName);
[header,C] = ReadRawCsv(rawCsvFile); |
%% apply dataFilter |
[dataFilter] = CheckDataFilter(dataFilterIn,header); |
[bOk] = CheckDataFilter(dataFilter,header); |
if ~bOk, return, end |
C = FilterData(C,dataFilter,header); |
%% pack data into gnssRaw structure |
@ -67,8 +72,6 @@ C = FilterData(C,dataFilter,header);
[gnssRaw,gnssAnalysis] = CheckGnssClock(gnssRaw,gnssAnalysis); |
gnssAnalysis = ReportMissingFields(gnssAnalysis,missing); |
%TBD on any early return, return gnssAnalysis.ApiPassFail = 'explanation' |
% so that reporting tool reports why |
end %end of function ReadGnssLogger |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
@ -84,7 +87,7 @@ function csvFileName = MakeCsv(dirName,fileName)
if dirName(end)~='/' |
dirName = [dirName,'/']; %add / |
end |
csvFileName = [dirName,'prs.csv']; |
csvFileName = [dirName,'raw.csv']; |
if strcmp(fileName(end-3:end),'.csv') |
return %input file is a csv file, nothing more to do here |
end |
@ -146,6 +149,7 @@ end
% ' | sed -e ''s/true/1/'' -e ''s/false/0/'' -e ''s/# //'' ',... |
% ' -e ''s/Raw,//'' ',... %replace "Raw," with nothing |
% '-e ''s/(//g'' -e ''s/)//g'' > ',csvFileName]); |
% |
% On versions from v1.4.0.0 N: |
% grep on "Raw," replace alpha characters amongst the numbers, |
% remove parentheses in the header, |
@ -172,7 +176,6 @@ if isempty(line) %line should be -1 at eof
error('\nError occurred while reading file %s\n',fileName) |
end |
end %end of function MakeCsv |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
@ -227,73 +230,42 @@ for i=1:M
formatSpec = sprintf('%s %%f',formatSpec); |
end |
end |
%for empty fields, enter 'NaN' into csv |
C = textscan(fid,formatSpec,'Delimiter',',','EmptyValue',NaN); |
fclose(fid); |
end% of function ReadRawCsv |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
function [dataFilter] = CheckDataFilter(dataFilterIn,header) |
%% check that dataFilter has matching values in the header, |
% extract this header value and add it as a second column for datafilter |
dataFilter = dataFilterIn(:); %make dataFilter a column array |
if isempty(dataFilterIn) |
return |
end |
N = length(dataFilter); |
%check that each value of dataFilter is valid: i.e. it contains one of the |
%header types from the GnssLogger file |
L = length(header); |
for i=1:N |
foundInHeader = zeros(1,L); |
for j=1:L |
foundInHeader(j) = any(strfind(dataFilter{i,1},header{j})); |
end |
if ~any(foundInHeader) %no match found (too coold) |
error('dataFilter value ''%s'' has no matches in log file header',... |
dataFilter{i,1}); |
elseif sum(foundInHeader)>1 % too many matches found (tooo hot) |
error('dataFilter value ''%s'' has >1 match in log file header',... |
dataFilter{i,1}); |
else %one match found (juust right) |
k = find(foundInHeader);%index into where we found the matching header |
dataFilter{i,2} = header{k};%save in second column |
end |
end |
%dataFilter now has two columns: second one contains the matching header type |
end% of function CheckDataFilter |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
function C = FilterData(C,dataFilter,header) |
%% filter C based on contents of dataFilter |
iS = ones(size(C{1})); %initialize index into rows of C |
for i=1:size(dataFilter,1) |
j=find(strcmp(header,dataFilter{i,2}));%j = index into header |
j=find(strcmp(header,dataFilter{i,1}));%j = index into header |
%we should always be a value of j, because checkDataFilter checks for this: |
assert(any(j),'dataFilter{i} = %s not found in header\n',dataFilter{i,1}) |
%now we must evaluate the expression in dataFilter{i}, for example: |
%now we must evaluate the expression in dataFilter{i,2}, for example: |
% 'BiasUncertaintyNanos < 1e7' |
%assign the relevant cell of C to a variable with same name as the header |
ts = sprintf('%s = C{%d};',header{j},j); |
eval(ts); |
%create an index vector from the expression in dataFilter{i} |
ts = sprintf('iSi = %s;',dataFilter{i,1}); |
%create an index vector from the expression in dataFilter{i,2} |
ts = sprintf('iSi = %s;',dataFilter{i,2}); |
eval(ts); |
%AND the iS index values on each iteration of i |
iS = iS & iSi; |
end |
%Check if filter removes all values, |
% Check if filter removes all values |
if ~any(iS) %if all zeros |
fprintf('\nAll measurements removed. Specify dataFilter less strictly, ') |
dataFilter(:,1) |
fprintf('\nAll measurements removed. Specify dataFilter less strictly than this:, ') |
dataFilter(:,2) |
return |
end |
%Now remove all values of C indexed by iS |
% Keep only those values of C indexed by iS |
for i=1:length(C) |
C{i} = C{i}(iS); |
end |
@ -355,6 +327,9 @@ for j = 1:length(header)
missing.MeasurementFields{end+1} = header{j}; |
end |
end |
%So, if a field is not reported, it will be all NaNs from makeCsv, and the above |
%code will not load it into gnssRaw. So when we call 'CheckGnssClock' it can |
%check for missing fields in gnssRaw. |
%TBD look for all zeros that can not legitimately be all zero, |
%e.g. AccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters, and report these as missing data |
@ -362,42 +337,55 @@ end
end %end of function PackGnssRaw |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
function [gnssRaw,gnssAnalysis] = CheckGnssClock(gnssRaw,gnssAnalysis) |
function [gnssRaw,gnssAnalysis,bOk] = CheckGnssClock(gnssRaw,gnssAnalysis) |
%% check clock values in gnssRaw |
bOk = true; |
sFail = ''; %initialize string to record failure messafes |
N = length(gnssRaw.ReceivedSvTimeNanos); |
%Insist on the presence of TimeNanos (time from hw clock) |
if ~isfield(gnssRaw,'TimeNanos') |
error('TimeNanos data missing from GnssLogger file\n'); |
s = ' TimeNanos missing from GnssLogger File.'; |
fprintf('WARNING: %s\n',s); |
sFail = [sFail,s]; |
bOk = false; |
end |
if ~isfield(gnssRaw,'FullBiasNanos') |
error('FullBiasNanos is missing or zero, we need it to get gnssRaw week\n') |
%TBD change to fatal warning, so a report is still generated, with warning |
s = 'FullBiasNanos missing from GnssLogger file.'; |
fprintf('WARNING: %s, we need it to get the week number\n',s); |
sFail = [sFail,s]; |
bOk = false; |
end |
if ~isfield(gnssRaw,'BiasNanos') |
gnssRaw.BiasNanos = zeros(N,1); |
end |
if ~isfield(gnssRaw,'HardwareClockDiscontinuityCount') |
%possibly non fatal error, we assume there is no hardware clock discontinuity |
%so we set to zero and move on, but we print a warning |
gnssRaw.HardwareClockDiscontinuityCount = zeros(N,1); |
fprintf('WARNING: Added HardwareClockDiscontinuityCount because it is missing from GNSS Logger file\n'); |
fprintf('WARNING: Added HardwareClockDiscontinuityCount=0 because it is missing from GNSS Logger file\n'); |
end |
%auto-detect sign of FullBiasNanos, if it is positive, give warning and change |
if ~all(gnssRaw.FullBiasNanos<=0) |
%check FullBiasNanos, it should be negative values |
bChangeSign = any(gnssRaw.FullBiasNanos<0) & any(gnssRaw.FullBiasNanos>0); |
assert(~bChangeSign,... |
'FullBiasNanos changes sign within log file, this should never happen'); |
%Now we know FullBiasNanos doesnt change sign,auto-detect sign of FullBiasNanos, |
%if it is positive, give warning and change |
if any(gnssRaw.FullBiasNanos>0) |
gnssRaw.FullBiasNanos = -1*gnssRaw.FullBiasNanos; |
fprintf('WARNING: FullBiasNanos wrong sign. Should be negative. Auto changing inside ReadGpsLogger\n'); |
gnssAnalysis.GnssClockErrors = [gnssAnalysis.GnssClockErrors,... |
sprintf(' FullBiasNanos wrong sign.')]; |
end |
%now all FullBiasNanos should be negative - if there are any are > 0 it means |
%something is very wrong with the log file, because FullBiasNanos has changed |
%sign from a large negative to large positive number, and we must assert |
assert(all(gnssRaw.FullBiasNanos<=0),... |
'FullBiasNanos changes sign within log file, this should never happen') |
%compute full cycle time of measurement, in milliseonds |
gnssRaw.allRxMillis = int64((gnssRaw.TimeNanos - gnssRaw.FullBiasNanos)*1e-6); |
%allRxMillis is now accurate to one millisecond (because it's an integer) |
if ~bOk |
gnssAnalysis.ApiPassFail = ['FAIL ',sFail]; |
end |
end %end of function CheckGnssClock |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
@ -428,10 +416,12 @@ if ~isempty(missing.MeasurementFields)
end |
%assign pass/fail |
if isempty(missing.ClockFields) && isempty(missing.MeasurementFields) |
if ~any(strfind(gnssAnalysis.ApiPassFail,'FAIL')) %didn't already fail |
if isempty(missing.ClockFields) && isempty(missing.MeasurementFields) |
gnssAnalysis.ApiPassFail = 'PASS'; |
else |
else |
gnssAnalysis.ApiPassFail = 'FAIL BECAUSE OF MISSING FIELDS'; |
end |
end |
end %end of function ReportMissingFields |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |