<p>Modified masonry layout mode methods for corner stamp. This is a branch of Masonry. See <ahref="http://jsfiddle.net/desandro/M8EYn/embedded/result/">Masonry corner stamp demo</a>.</p>
<p><ahref="../docs/layout-modes.html#modified_layout_modes">Modified masonry layout mode</a> for corner stamp. An element can be "stamped" in the right top corner.</p>
<p>Set <code>cornerStampSelector</code> within <code>masonry</code> options. <code>itemSelector</code> needs to be set as well.</p>
<p>Set <code>cornerStampSelector</code> within <code>masonry</code> options. <code>itemSelector</code> needs to be set as well.</p>
<p>Modified masonry layout mode methods for gutterWidth. The items have no padding, so they can be lined-up horizontally adjacent to the container.</p>
<p><ahref="../docs/layout-modes.html#modified_layout_modes">Modified masonry layout mode</a> for gutterWidth. The items have no padding, so they can be lined-up horizontally adjacent to the container.</p>
<p>Set <code>gutterWidth</code> within <code>masonry</code> options.</p>
<p>Set <code>gutterWidth</code> within <code>masonry</code> options.</p>