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Adding logic for two layout methods, masonry & clearFloat

desandro 15 years ago
  1. 258


@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
var usingTransforms = Modernizr.csstransforms;
// var usingTransforms = false;
$.molequul = {
// Default plugin options
defaults : {
columnWidth : 150,
resizeable: true,
layoutMode : 'masonry',
masonrySingleMode : false,
containerClass : 'molequul',
hiddenClass : 'molequul-hidden',
hiddenStyle : {
@ -22,19 +22,21 @@
opacity : 1,
scale : [ 1 ]
animate : false,
animationEngine : 'best-available',
animationOptions: {
queue: false
usingTransforms : Modernizr.csstransforms && Modernizr.csstransitions,
filter : function( $cards ) {
var props ='molequul'),
filter = props.opts.filter === '' ? '*' : props.opts.filter;
if ( !filter ) {
props.$cards.filtered = $cards;
props.atoms.$filtered = $cards;
} else {
var hiddenClass = props.opts.hiddenClass,
hiddenSelector = '.' + hiddenClass,
@ -42,7 +44,7 @@
$hiddenCards = $cards.filter( hiddenSelector ),
$cardsToShow = $hiddenCards;
props.$cards.filtered = $cards.filter( filter );
props.atoms.$filtered = $cards.filter( filter );
if ( filter !== '*' ) {
$cardsToShow = $hiddenCards.filter( filter );
@ -66,8 +68,9 @@
// ====================== masonry layout methods ======================
placeCard : function( setCount, setY, props ) {
placeBrick : function( setCount, setY, props ) {
// here, `this` refers to a child element or "brick"
// get the minimum Y value from the columns
var minimumY = Math.min.apply( Math, setY ),
@ -99,14 +102,14 @@
return this;
singleColumn : function( colYs, props ) {
masonrySingleColumn : function( props ) {
return this.each(function(){
$(this).molequul( 'placeCard', props.colCount, colYs, props );
$(this).molequul( 'placeBrick', props.colCount, props.colYs, props );
multiColumn : function( colYs, props ) {
masonryMultiColumn : function( props ) {
return this.each(function(){
var $this = $(this),
//how many columns does this brick span
@ -115,7 +118,7 @@
if ( colSpan === 1 ) {
// if brick spans only one column, just like singleMode
$this.molequul( 'placeCard', props.colCount, colYs, props );
$this.molequul( 'placeBrick', props.colCount, props.colYs, props );
} else {
// brick spans more than one column
// how many different places could this brick fit horizontally
@ -125,25 +128,144 @@
// for each group potential horizontal position
for ( i=0; i < groupCount; i++ ) {
// make an array of colY values for that one group
var groupColY = colYs.slice( i, i+colSpan );
var groupColY = props.colYs.slice( i, i+colSpan );
// and get the max value of the array
groupY[i] = Math.max.apply( Math, groupColY );
$this.molequul( 'placeCard', groupCount, groupY, props );
$this.molequul( 'placeBrick', groupCount, groupY, props );
getMasonryColCount : function( props ) {
props.width = this.width();
props.colCount = Math.floor( props.width / props.colW ) ;
props.colCount = Math.max( props.colCount, 1 );
return this;
masonryResetLayoutProps : function( props ) {
var i = props.colCount;
props.colYs = [];
while (i--) {
props.colYs.push( props.posTop );
return this;
masonryResize : function( props ) {
var prevColCount = props.colCount;
// get updated colCount
this.molequul( 'getMasonryColCount', props );
if ( props.colCount !== prevColCount ) {
// if column count has changed, do a new column cound
// var colYs = $.molequul.resetColYs( props );
.molequul( 'masonryResetLayoutProps', props )
.molequul( 'layout', props.atoms.$filtered );
return this;
masonryMeasureContainerHeight : function( props ) {
props.containerHeight = Math.max.apply( Math, props.colYs );
return this
// ====================== ClearFloat ======================
clearFloat : function( props ) {
return this.each( function() {
var $this = $(this).
atomW = $this.outerWidth(true),
atomH = $this.outerHeight(true),
x, y, position;
if ( props.clearFloat.x !== 0 && atomW + props.clearFloat.x > props.width ) {
// if this element cannot fit in the current row
props.clearFloat.x = 0;
props.clearFloat.y = props.clearFloat.height;
x = props.clearFloat.x + props.posLeft;
y = props.clearFloat.y + props.posTop;
position = $.molequul.position( x, y );
// position the atom
props.styleQueue.push({ $el: $this, style: position });
props.clearFloat.height = Math.max( props.clearFloat.y + atomH, props.clearFloat.height );
props.clearFloat.x += atomW;
// ====================== General Methods ======================
complete : function( props ) {
return this;
// used on collection of cards (should be filtered, and sorted before )
// accepts cards-to-be-laid-out and colYs to start with
layout : function( $elems ) {
var props ='molequul'),
layoutMode = props.opts.layoutMode ;
// switch ( props.opts.layoutMode.toLowerCase().replace(/[ -]/g, '') ) {
// case 'clearfloat' :
// layoutMode = 'clearFloat';
// break;
// case 'masonrysinglecolumn' :
// layoutMode = 'masonrySingleColumn';
// break;
// default :
// layoutMode = 'masonryMultiColumn';
// }
// props.clearFloat = {
// x : 0,
// y : 0,
// height : 0
// };
// props.width = this.width();
// layout logic
var layoutMethod = layoutMode;
if ( layoutMethod === 'masonry' ) {
layoutMethod = props.opts.masonrySingleMode ? 'masonrySingleColumn' : 'masonryMultiColumn';
$elems.molequul( layoutMethod, props );
// set the height of the container to the tallest column
// props.containerHeight = Math.max.apply( Math, props.colYs );
// props.containerHeight = props.clearFloat.height;
this.molequul( layoutMode + 'MeasureContainerHeight', props );
var containerStyle = { height: props.containerHeight - props.posTop };
props.styleQueue.push({ $el: this, style: containerStyle });
// are we animating the layout arrangement?
// use plugin-ish syntax for css or animate
var styleFn = ( props.initialized && props.opts.animate ) ? 'animate' : 'css',
var styleFn = ( props.applyStyleFnName === 'animate' && !props.initialized ) ?
'css' : props.applyStyleFnName,
animOpts = props.opts.animationOptions;
// console.log( props.initialized, props.opts.animate, styleFn )
// console.log( $.extend( {}, animOpts ) )
// process styleQueue
$.each( props.styleQueue, function( i, obj ){
@ -164,84 +286,39 @@
// or anyone else's crazy jquery fun 'molequul', props );
return this;
// used on collection of cards (should be filtered, and sorted before )
// accepts cards-to-be-laid-out and colYs to start with
layout : function( $cards, colYs ) {
var props ='molequul');
// console.log( props.opts.hiddenStyle.scale )
// layout logic
var layoutMode = props.opts.singleMode ? 'singleColumn' : 'multiColumn';
$cards.molequul( layoutMode, colYs, props );
// set the height of the container to the tallest column
props.containerHeight = Math.max.apply( Math, props.colYs );
var containerStyle = { height: props.containerHeight - props.posTop };
props.styleQueue.push({ $el: this, style: containerStyle });
// this[ props.applyStyle ]( containerStyle, animOpts ).molequul( 'complete', props );
this.molequul( 'complete', props );
return this;
resetColYs : function( props ) {
var colYs = [],
i = props.colCount;
while (i--) {
colYs.push( props.posTop );
props.colYs = colYs;
return colYs
resize : function() {
// console.log('molequul') , this[0].id )
var props ='molequul'),
prevColCount = props.colCount;
props.initialized = true;
// get updated colCount
this.molequul( 'getColCount', props );
if ( props.colCount !== prevColCount ) {
// if column count has changed, do a new column cound
var colYs = $.molequul.resetColYs( props );
this.molequul( 'layout', props.$cards.filtered, colYs );
resize : function() {
var props ='molequul');
props.initialized = true;
return this;
return this.molequul( props.opts.layoutMode + 'Resize', props );
append : function() {
getColCount : function( props ) {
props.colCount = Math.floor( this.width() / props.colW ) ;
props.colCount = Math.max( props.colCount, 1 );
return this;
// only run though on initial init
setup : function() {
var props ='molequul');
props.$cards = {};
setup : function( props ) {
// var props ='molequul');
props.atoms = {};
props.styleQueue = [];
// need to get cards
props.$cards.all = props.opts.selector ?
props.atoms.$all = props.opts.selector ?
this.find( props.opts.selector ) :
props.colW = props.opts.columnWidth || props.$cards.all.outerWidth(true);
props.colW = props.opts.columnWidth || props.atoms.$all.outerWidth(true);
// if colW == 0, back out before divide by zero
if ( !props.colW ) {
@ -252,11 +329,26 @@
this.css('position', 'relative').molequul( 'getColCount', props );
cardStyle = { position: 'absolute' };
if ( usingTransforms ) {
if ( $.molequul.usingTransforms ) {
cardStyle.left = 0; = 0;
props.$cards.all.css( cardStyle );
props.atoms.$all.css( cardStyle );
switch ( props.opts.animationEngine ) {
// **** change option to lower case
case 'none' :
props.applyStyleFnName = 'css';
case 'jquery' :
props.applyStyleFnName = 'animate';
case 'best-available' :
default :
props.applyStyleFnName = Modernizr.csstransitions ? 'css' : 'animate';
// get top left position of where the bricks should be
var $cursor = $( document.createElement('div') );
@ -271,6 +363,9 @@
$container.addClass( props.opts.containerClass );
}, 1 );
// save data 'molequul', props )
return this;
@ -296,16 +391,19 @@
$ 'molequul', props );
// $ 'molequul', props );
if ( !props.initialized ) {
$this.molequul( 'setup' );
$this.molequul( 'setup', props );
if ( props.opts.layoutMode === 'masonry' ) {
$this.molequul('getMasonryColCount', props )
var colYs = $.molequul.resetColYs( props );
.molequul( 'filter', props.$cards.all )
.molequul( 'layout', props.$cards.filtered, colYs );
$this.molequul( 'filter', props.atoms.$all )
.molequul( props.opts.layoutMode + 'ResetLayoutProps', props )
.molequul( 'layout', props.atoms.$filtered );
// binding window resizing
@ -330,7 +428,7 @@
$.molequul.position = usingTransforms ? $.molequul.translate : $.molequul.positionAbs;
$.molequul.position = $.molequul.usingTransforms ? $.molequul.translate : $.molequul.positionAbs;
// molequul code begin
$.fn.molequul = function( firstArg ) {
