@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
// C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 5 A b h i s h e k B a n t h i a
import Foundation
import AppKit
import Foundation
extension CGRect {
static func center ( of layer : CALayer ) -> CGPoint {
let parentSize = layer . frame . size
return CGPoint ( x : parentSize . width / 2 , y : parentSize . height / 2 )
static func center ( of parent : NSView ) -> CGPoint {
let parentSize = parent . frame . size
return CGPoint ( x : parentSize . width / 2 , y : parentSize . height / 6 )
@ -22,18 +23,21 @@ extension String {
file private class HideAnimationDelegate : NSObject , CAAnimationDelegate {
private class HideAnimationDelegate : NSObject , CAAnimationDelegate {
private weak var view : NSView ?
fileprivate init ( view : NSView ) {
self . view = view
fileprivate static func delegate ( forView NSView : NSView ) -> CAAnimationDelegate {
return HideAnimationDelegate ( view : NSView )
fileprivate func animationDidStart ( _ anim : CAAnimation ) {
fileprivate func animationDidStart ( _ : CAAnimation ) {
view ? . layer ? . opacity = 0.0
func animationDidStop ( _ anim : CAAnimation , finished flag : Bool ) {
func animationDidStop ( _ : CAAnimation , finished _ : Bool ) {
view ? . removeFromSuperview ( )
view = nil
@ -55,46 +59,48 @@ func hideAnimation(view: NSView, style: Style) {
public protocol Style {
var fontSize : CGFloat { get }
var horizontalMargin : CGFloat { get }
var verticalMargin : CGFloat { get }
var cornerRadius : CGFloat { get }
var font : NSFont { get }
var backgroundColor : NSColor { get }
var foregroundColor : NSColor { get }
var fadeInOutDuration : CGFloat { get }
var fadeInOutDelay : CGFloat { get }
var labelOriginWithMargin : CGPoint { get }
var activitySize : CGSize { get }
var fontSize : CGFloat { get }
var horizontalMargin : CGFloat { get }
var verticalMargin : CGFloat { get }
var cornerRadius : CGFloat { get }
var font : NSFont { get }
var backgroundColor : NSColor { get }
var foregroundColor : NSColor { get }
var fadeInOutDuration : CGFloat { get }
var fadeInOutDelay : CGFloat { get }
var labelOriginWithMargin : CGPoint { get }
var activitySize : CGSize { get }
extension Style {
public var labelOriginWithMargin : CGPoint {
public extension Style {
var labelOriginWithMargin : CGPoint {
return CGPoint ( x : horizontalMargin , y : verticalMargin )
public var fontSize : CGFloat { return 12 }
public var font : NSFont {
var fontSize : CGFloat { return 12 }
var font : NSFont {
if let avenirFont = NSFont ( name : " Avenir-Light " , size : fontSize ) {
return avenirFont
return NSFont . systemFont ( ofSize : fontSize )
public var horizontalMargin : CGFloat { return 10 }
public var verticalMargin : CGFloat { return 5 }
public var cornerRadius : CGFloat { return 8 }
public var backgroundColor : NSColor { return . black }
public var foregroundColor : NSColor { return . white }
public var activitySize : CGSize { return CGSize ( width : 100 , height : 100 ) }
public var fadeInOutDuration : CGFloat { return 1.0 }
public var fadeInOutDelay : CGFloat { return 1.0 }
var horizontalMargin : CGFloat { return 10 }
var verticalMargin : CGFloat { return 5 }
var cornerRadius : CGFloat { return 8 }
var backgroundColor : NSColor { return . black }
var foregroundColor : NSColor { return . white }
var activitySize : CGSize { return CGSize ( width : 100 , height : 100 ) }
var fadeInOutDuration : CGFloat { return 1.0 }
var fadeInOutDelay : CGFloat { return 1.0 }
public struct DefaultStyle : Style {
public static let shared = DefaultStyle ( )
private struct ToastKeys {
static var ActiveToast = " TSToastActiveToastKey "
private enum ToastKeys {
static var ActiveToast = " TSToastActiveToastKey "
class ToastView : NSView {
@ -103,17 +109,19 @@ class ToastView: NSView {
private let style : Style
init ( message : String ) {
self . message = message
self . style = DefaultStyle ( )
self . labelSize = message . size ( with : style . fontSize )
style = DefaultStyle ( )
labelSize = message . size ( with : style . fontSize )
let size = CGSize (
width : labelSize . width + style . horizontalMargin * 2 ,
height : labelSize . height + style . verticalMargin * 2
width : labelSize . width + style . horizontalMargin * 2 ,
height : labelSize . height + style . verticalMargin * 2
let rect = CGRect ( origin : . zero , size : size )
super . init ( frame : rect )
wantsLayer = true
required init ? ( coder aDecoder : NSCoder ) { fatalError ( ) }
@ available ( * , unavailable )
required init ? ( coder _ : NSCoder ) { fatalError ( ) }
override func viewDidMoveToSuperview ( ) {
super . viewDidMoveToSuperview ( )
@ -126,8 +134,8 @@ class ToastView: NSView {
frame = superview ? . bounds ? ? NSRect . zero
let rect = CGRect ( origin : style . labelOriginWithMargin , size : labelSize )
let sizeWithMargin = CGSize (
width : rect . width + style . horizontalMargin * 2 ,
height : rect . height + style . verticalMargin * 2
width : rect . width + style . horizontalMargin * 2 ,
height : rect . height + style . verticalMargin * 2
let rectWithMargin = CGRect (
origin : . zero , // p o s i t i o n i s m a n i p u l a t e d l a t e r a n y w a y s
@ -155,10 +163,10 @@ class ToastView: NSView {
extension NSView {
public func makeToast ( _ message : String ) {
public extension NSView {
func makeToast ( _ message : String ) {
let toast = ToastView ( message : message )
self . addSubview ( toast )
addSubview ( toast )
hideAnimation ( view : toast , style : DefaultStyle . shared )