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Introduce korean translations

Abhishek 4 years ago
  1. 126
  2. 10
  3. 6
  4. 6


@ -6,26 +6,27 @@
"Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!" = "Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!";
"iRateMessageTitle" = "Rate %@";
"iRateAppMessage" = "If you enjoy using %@, would you mind taking a moment to rate it? It won’t take more than a minute. Thanks for your support!";
"iRateGameMessage" = "If you enjoy playing %@, would you mind taking a moment to rate it? It won’t take more than a minute. Thanks for your support!";
"iRateCancelButton" = "No, Thanks";
"iRateRateButton" = "Rate It Now";
"iRateRemindButton" = "Remind Me Later";
"iRateUpdateMessage" = "Update now?";
"ClockerVersion" = "Version %@";
"CLFeedbackAlertTitle" = "Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!";
"app-name" = "Clocker";
"start-at-login" = "Start At Login";
"setup-steps" = "It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker";
"Permissions-Header" = "Permissions";
"See your next Calendar event here." = "See your next Calendar event here.";
"Click here to start." = "Click here to start.";
"Reminders Access" = "Reminders Access";
"Calendar Access" = "Calendar Access";
"Permissions" = "Permissions";
"Calendar Detail" = "Upcoming events from your personal and shared calendars can be shown in the menubar and the panel.";
"CFBundleDisplayName" = "시계";
"Thank you for helping make Clocker even better!" = "Clocker가 더 발전할 수 있도록 도와주셔서 정말 감사합니다!";
"iRateMessageTitle" = "비율 %@ ";
"iRateAppMessage" = "%@을 즐기고 계신다면, 잠시 평가를 위해 시간을 내주시겠습니까? 단 1분도 걸리지 않겠습니다. 지원해주셔서 감사합니다!";
"iRateGameMessage" = "%@을 즐기고 계신다면, 잠시 평가를 위해 시간을 내주시겠습니까? 단 1분도 걸리지 않겠습니다. 지원해주셔서 감사합니다!";
"iRateCancelButton" = "나중에 할게요";
"iRateRateButton" = "지금 평가하기";
"iRateRemindButton" = "나중에 다시 알리기";
"iRateUpdateMessage" = "지금 업데이트를 진행할까요?";
"ClockerVersion" = "버전 %@";
"CLFeedbackAlertTitle" = "Clocker가 더 발전할 수 있도록 도와주셔서 정말 감사합니다!";
"app-name" = "시계";
"start-at-login" = "로그인을 해주세요";
"setup-steps" = "시계를 설정하는데 3가지만 하시면 됩니다";
"Permissions-Header" = "권한";
"See your next Calendar event here." = "당신의 다음 일정을 여기서 보세요";
"Click here to start." = "여기를 눌러서 시작합니다.";
"Reminders Access" = "리마인더 권한";
"Calendar Access" = "캘린더 권한";
"Permissions" = "권한";
"Calendar Detail" = "여러분의 개인&공유 캘린더에서 다가오는 이벤트들은 메뉴바와 패널에서 보여질 수 있습니다.";
"Reminders Detail" = "Set reminders in the timezone of the location of your choice. Your reminders are stored in the default Reminders app.";
"Privacy Text" = "You can change this later in the Privacy section of the System Preferences.";
"Granted Button Text" = "Granted";
@ -51,22 +52,22 @@
"Search Field Placeholder" = "Enter a city, state or country name";
"No Timezone Selected" = "Please select a timezone!";
"Max Timezones Selected" = "Maximum 100 timezones allowed!";
"Max Search Characters" = "Only 50 characters allowed!";
"Add Button Title" = "Add";
"Close Button Title" = "Close";
"Max Search Characters" = "50 문자까지만 허용됩니다!";
"Add Button Title" = "추가";
"Close Button Title" = "닫기";
// Onboarding
"Open Clocker At Login" = "Open Clocker At Login";
"Launch Clocker" = "Launch Clocker";
"Open Clocker At Login" = "로그인해서 Clocker 열기";
"Launch Clocker" = "Clocker 실행하기";
// Welcome Onboarding
"It only takes 3 steps to set up Clocker." = "It only takes 3 steps to setup Clocker.";
"Get Started" = "Get Started";
// Permissions
"Calendar Access Title" = "Calendar Access";
"Reminders Access Title" = "Reminders Access";
"Later Config Description" = "These can be configured later in System Preferences.";
"Calendar Access Title" = "캘린더 접근";
"Reminders Access Title" = "리마인더 권한";
"Later Config Description" = "이것들은 나중에 설정에서 바꾸실 수 있습니다";
"Back" = "Back";
"Continue" = "Continue";
"Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars." = "Clocker is more useful when it can display events from your calendars.";
@ -104,57 +105,60 @@
"Show Future Slider" = "Show Future Slider";
"Show Sunrise/Sunset" = "Show Sunrise/Sunset";
"Display the time in seconds" = "Display the time in seconds";
"Larger Text" = "Larger Text";
"Future Slider Range" = "Future Slider Range";
"Include Date" = "Include Date";
"Include Day" = "Include Day";
"Include Place Name" = "Include Place Name";
"Menubar Display Options" = "Menubar Display Options";
"Menubar Mode" = "Menubar Mode";
"Preview" = "Preview";
"Miscellaneous" = "Miscellaneous";
"Larger Text" = "글씨를 크게하기";
"Future Slider Range" = "미래 슬라이더 범위";
"Include Date" = "날짜 추가하기";
"Include Day" = "시간 추가하기";
"Include Place Name" = "장소 이름";
"Menubar Display Options" = "메뉴바 화면표시 설정";
"Menubar Mode" = "메뉴바 모드";
"Preview" = "미리보기";
"Miscellaneous" = "기타";
// Empty View
"No places added" = "No places added";
"No places added" = "추가된 장소가 없음";
// Panel
"No upcoming event." = "No upcoming event.";
"You have no events scheduled for tomorrow." = "You have no events scheduled for tomorrow.";
"No upcoming event." = "예정된 이벤트 없음";
"You have no events scheduled for tomorrow." = "내일 일정이 없어요!";
// Review
"Enjoy using Clocker?" = "Enjoy using Clocker?";
"Enjoy using Clocker?" = "Clocker 사용에 만족하십니까?";
// App Feedback
"Tell us what you think!" = "Tell us what you think!";
"Contact Information (Optional)" = "Contact Information (Optional)";
"Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!" = "Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!";
"Tell us what you think!" = "여러분의 의견을 들려주세요.";
"Contact Information (Optional)" = "연락처 정보 (선택)";
"Contact fields are optional! Your contact information will let us contact you in case we need more information or can help!" = "연락처 필드는 선택 사항입니다! 귀하의 연락처 정보는 추가 정보가 필요하거나 도움이 필요한 경우 연락을 드릴 것입니다!";
// About View Screen
"Feedback is always welcome:" = "Feedback is always welcome:";
"Feedback is always welcome:" = "피드백은 언제나 환영입니다:";
// Calendars View
"Upcoming Event View Options" = "Upcoming Event View Options";
"Show Upcoming Event View" = "Show Upcoming Event View";
"Show All Day Meetings" = "Show All Day Meetings";
"Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar" = "Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar";
"Truncate menubar text longer than" = "Truncate menubar text longer than";
"characters" = "characters";
"Show events from" = "Show events from";
"If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"" = "If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"";
"Upcoming Event View Options" = "다가오는 이벤트 보기 옵션";
"Show Upcoming Event View" = "다가오는 일정 보기";
"Show All Day Meetings" = "모든 일정 보기";
"Show Next Meeting Title in Menubar" = "다음 일정을 메뉴바에서 보기";
"Truncate menubar text longer than" = "다음보다 긴 메뉴 표시 줄 텍스트를 자릅니다.
"characters" = "글자";
"Show events from" = "오늘부터 이벤트 표시";
"If meeting title is \"Meeting with Neel\" and truncate length is set to 5, text in menubar will appear as \"Meeti...\"" = "만약 미팅 제목이 \"Meeting with Neel\" 이면 5글자만 보여지기 때문에 주의해주세요. (\"Meeti...\")";
// Notes Popover
"Reminder Set" = "Reminder Set";
"Successfully set." = "Successfully set.";
"Reminder Set" = "알림 설정";
"Successfully set." = "설정이 완료되었습니다";
// Errors
"You're offline, maybe?" = "You're offline, maybe?";
"Try again, maybe?" = "Try again, maybe?";
"The Internet connection appears to be offline." = "The Internet connection appears to be offline.";
"You're offline, maybe?" = "당신은 오프라인입니다. 아마도?";
"Try again, maybe?" = "다시 시도 해보세요";
"The Internet connection appears to be offline." = "인터넷 연결이 오프라인 상태입니다.";
// UI Tests
"New Zealand" = "New Zealand";
"Florida" = "Florida";
"San Francisco" = "San Francisco";
"New Zealand" = "뉴질랜드";
"Florida" = "플로리다";
"San Francisco" = "샌프란시스코";
// DST changes
"Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours" = "Daylights Saving transition will occur in < 24 hours";


@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ class OnboardingParentViewController: NSViewController {
[negativeButton, backButton].forEach { $0?.isHidden = true }
if #available(OSX 11.0, *) {
negativeButton.controlSize = .large
positiveButton.controlSize = .large
backButton.controlSize = .large
// if #available(OSX 11.0, *) {
// negativeButton.controlSize = .large
// positiveButton.controlSize = .large
// backButton.controlSize = .large
// }
backButton.title = NSLocalizedString("Back",
comment: "Button title for going back to the previous screen")


@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ class OnboardingSearchController: NSViewController {
resultsTableView.dataSource = self = self
resultsTableView.doubleAction = #selector(doubleClickAction(_:))
if #available(OSX 11.0, *) { = .fullWidth
// if #available(OSX 11.0, *) {
// = .fullWidth
// }


@ -168,9 +168,9 @@ class ParentPanelController: NSWindowController {
name: NSNotification.Name.NSSystemTimeZoneDidChange,
object: nil)
if #available(OSX 11.0, *) { = .fullWidth
// if #available(OSX 11.0, *) {
// = .fullWidth
// }
if modernSlider != nil {
modernSlider.enclosingScrollView?.scrollerInsets = NSEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 100, right: 0)
