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Update Date+Inits.swift

Abhishek Banthia 3 years ago
  1. 43
      Clocker/Dependencies/Date Additions/Date+Inits.swift

Clocker/Dependencies/Date Additions/Date+Inits.swift

@ -41,47 +41,4 @@ public extension Date {
self = date
* Init date with components. Hour, minutes, and seconds set to zero.
* - parameter year: Year component of new date
* - parameter month: Month component of new date
* - parameter day: Day component of new date
init(year: Int, month: Int, day: Int) {
self.init(year: year, month: month, day: day, hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0)
* Init date from string, given a format string, according to Apple's date formatting guide, and time zone.
* - parameter dateString: Date in the formatting given by the format parameter
* - parameter format: Format style using Apple's date formatting guide
* - parameter timeZone: Time zone of date
init(dateString: String, format: String, timeZone: TimeZone) {
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateStyle = .none
dateFormatter.timeStyle = .none
dateFormatter.timeZone = timeZone
dateFormatter.dateFormat = format
guard let date = dateString) else {
self = Date()
self = date
* Init date from string, given a format string, according to Apple's date formatting guide.
* Time Zone automatically selected as the current time zone.
* - parameter dateString: Date in the formatting given by the format parameter
* - parameter format: Format style using Apple's date formatting guide
init(dateString: String, format: String) {
self.init(dateString: dateString, format: format, timeZone: TimeZone.autoupdatingCurrent)
