@ -21,28 +21,9 @@ Charts styling
""" |
from __future__ import division |
from pygal.util import cycle_fill |
from colorsys import rgb_to_hls, hls_to_rgb |
def darken(color, percent): |
assert color[0] == '#', '#rrggbb and #rgb format are supported' |
color = color[1:] |
assert len(color) in (3, 6), '#rrggbb and #rgb format are supported' |
if len(color) == 3: |
color = [a for b in zip(color, color) for a in b] |
return '#%02x%02x%02x' % tuple( |
map(lambda x: 255 * x, |
hls_to_rgb(*( |
lambda h, l, s: (h, max(0, min(1, l - percent / 100)), s))( |
*rgb_to_hls(*map( |
lambda x: int(''.join(x), 16) / 255, |
zip(color[::2], color[1::2]))) |
)))) |
def lighten(color, percent): |
return darken(color, -percent) |
from pygal import colors |
from pygal.colors import darken, lighten |
import sys |
class Style(object): |
@ -96,6 +77,8 @@ class Style(object):
DefaultStyle = Style(opacity_hover='.4', opacity='.8') |
LightStyle = Style( |
background='white', |
plot_background='rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.1)', |
@ -105,10 +88,14 @@ LightStyle = Style(
colors=('#242424', '#9f6767', '#92ac68', |
'#d0d293', '#9aacc3', '#bb77a4', |
'#77bbb5', '#777777')) |
NeonStyle = Style( |
opacity='.1', |
opacity_hover='.75', |
transition='1s ease-out') |
CleanStyle = Style( |
background='transparent', |
plot_background='rgba(240, 240, 240, 0.7)', |
@ -119,10 +106,12 @@ CleanStyle = Style(
'rgb(12,55,149)', 'rgb(117,38,65)', 'rgb(228,127,0)', 'rgb(159,170,0)', |
'rgb(149,12,12)')) |
solarized_colors = ( |
'#b58900', '#cb4b16', '#dc322f', '#d33682', |
'#6c71c4', '#268bd2', '#2aa198', '#859900') |
DarkSolarizedStyle = Style( |
background='#073642', |
plot_background='#002b36', |
@ -134,6 +123,7 @@ DarkSolarizedStyle = Style(
transition='500ms ease-in', |
colors=solarized_colors) |
LightSolarizedStyle = Style( |
background='#fdf6e3', |
plot_background='#eee8d5', |
@ -145,6 +135,7 @@ LightSolarizedStyle = Style(
transition='500ms ease-in', |
colors=solarized_colors) |
RedBlueStyle = Style( |
background=lighten('#e6e7e9', 7), |
plot_background=lighten('#e6e7e9', 10), |
@ -158,9 +149,10 @@ RedBlueStyle = Style(
lighten('#d94e4c', 10), darken('#39929a', 15), lighten('#e5884f', 17), |
darken('#d94e4c', 10), '#234547')) |
LightColorizedStyle = Style ( |
LightColorizedStyle = Style( |
background='#f8f8f8', |
plot_background= lighten('#f8f8f8', 3), |
plot_background=lighten('#f8f8f8', 3), |
foreground='#333', |
foreground_light='#666', |
foreground_dark='rgba(255, 255 , 255, 0.5)', |
@ -172,9 +164,10 @@ LightColorizedStyle = Style (
darken('#fe9592', 15), lighten('#534f4c', 15), lighten('#3ac2c0', 15), |
lighten('#a2a7a1', 15), lighten('#fe9592', 15), darken('#3ac2c0', 10))) |
DarkColorizedStyle = Style( |
background=darken('#3a2d3f', 5), |
plot_background=lighten('#3a2d3f',2), |
plot_background=lighten('#3a2d3f', 2), |
foreground='rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)', |
foreground_light='rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)', |
foreground_dark='rgba(255, 255 , 255, 0.5)', |
@ -186,6 +179,7 @@ DarkColorizedStyle = Style(
darken('#c900fe', 20), darken('#01b8fe', 15), darken('#59f500', 20), |
darken('#ff00e4', 15), lighten('#f9fa00', 20))) |
TurquoiseStyle = Style( |
background=darken('#1b8088', 15), |
plot_background=darken('#1b8088', 17), |
@ -197,11 +191,12 @@ TurquoiseStyle = Style(
transition='250ms ease-in', |
colors=( |
'#93d2d9', '#ef940f', '#8C6243', '#fff', |
darken('#93d2d9', 20), lighten('#ef940f', 15), lighten('#8c6243', 15),'#1b8088')) |
darken('#93d2d9', 20), lighten('#ef940f', 15), |
lighten('#8c6243', 15), '#1b8088')) |
GreenLightStyle = Style( |
background= lighten('#f3f3f3', 3), |
background=lighten('#f3f3f3', 3), |
plot_background='#fff', |
foreground='#333333', |
foreground_light='#666', |
@ -211,12 +206,13 @@ GreenLightStyle = Style(
transition='250ms ease-in', |
colors=( |
'#7dcf30', '#247fab', lighten('#7dcf30', 10), '#ccc', |
darken('#7dcf30', 15), '#ddd', lighten('#247fab', 10), darken('#247fab', 15))) |
darken('#7dcf30', 15), '#ddd', lighten('#247fab', 10), |
darken('#247fab', 15))) |
GreenDarkStyle = Style( |
background=darken('#251e01', 3), |
plot_background=darken('#251e01',1), |
plot_background=darken('#251e01', 1), |
foreground='rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)', |
foreground_light='rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)', |
foreground_dark='rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)', |
@ -227,8 +223,9 @@ GreenDarkStyle = Style(
'#adde09', '#6e8c06', '#4a5e04', '#fcd202', '#C1E34D', |
lighten('#fcd202', 25))) |
GreenBlueDarkStyle = Style( |
background= '#000', |
background='#000', |
plot_background=lighten('#000', 8), |
foreground='rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)', |
foreground_light='rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)', |
@ -236,8 +233,10 @@ GreenBlueDarkStyle = Style(
opacity='.55', |
opacity_hover='.9', |
transition='250ms ease-in', |
colors=(lighten('#34B8F7', 15), '#7dcf30', '#247fab', darken('#7dcf30', 10), |
lighten('#247fab', 10), lighten('#7dcf30', 10), darken('#247fab', 10), '#fff')) |
colors=(lighten('#34B8F7', 15), '#7dcf30', '#247fab', |
darken('#7dcf30', 10), lighten('#247fab', 10), |
lighten('#7dcf30', 10), darken('#247fab', 10), '#fff')) |
BlueStyle = Style( |
background=darken('#f8f8f8', 3), |
@ -251,6 +250,7 @@ BlueStyle = Style(
colors=('#00b2f0', '#43d9be', '#0662ab', '#ffd541', lighten('#43d9be', 20), |
lighten('#7dcf30', 10), darken('#0662ab', 15), '#7dcf30', darken('#ffd541', 20))) |
styles = {'default': DefaultStyle, |
'light': LightStyle, |
'neon': NeonStyle, |
@ -265,3 +265,37 @@ styles = {'default': DefaultStyle,
'dark_green': GreenDarkStyle, |
'dark_green_blue': GreenBlueDarkStyle, |
'blue_colorized': BlueStyle} |
parametric_styles = {} |
for op in ('lighten', 'darken', 'saturate', 'desaturate', 'rotate'): |
name = op.capitalize() + 'Style' |
def get_style_for(op_name): |
operation = getattr(colors, op_name) |
def parametric_style(color, step=10, max_=None, **kwargs): |
if max_ is None: |
violency = { |
'darken': 50, |
'lighten': 50, |
'saturate': 100, |
'desaturate': 100, |
'rotate': 360 |
} |
max__ = violency[op_name] |
else: |
max__ = max_ |
def modifier(index): |
percent = max__ * index / (step - 1) |
return operation(color, percent) |
colors = list(map(modifier, range(0, max(2, step)))) |
return Style(colors=colors, **kwargs) |
return parametric_style |
style = get_style_for(op) |
parametric_styles[name] = style |
setattr(sys.modules[__name__], name, style) |