mirror of https://github.com/Kozea/pygal.git
10 changed files with 44 additions and 441 deletions
@ -1,149 +0,0 @@ |
_ = (x) -> document.querySelectorAll(x) |
__ = (x) -> document.getElementById(x) |
padding = 5 |
tooltip_timeout = 0 |
tooltip_font_size = @config.tooltip_font_size |
anim_steps = @config.animation_steps |
class Queue |
constructor: (@delay) -> |
@queue = [] |
@running = false |
add: (f, args...) -> |
@queue.push f: f, a: args |
if (!@running) |
@running = true |
@_back() |
_run: (f) -> |
if(!f) |
@running = false |
else |
setTimeout (=> |
f.f f.a... |
@_back() |
), @delay |
_back: -> |
@_run @queue.shift() |
clear: -> |
if @running |
@queue = [] |
@running = false |
tooltip_anim_Q = new Queue 1 |
has_class = (e, class_name) -> |
return if not e |
cn = e.getAttribute('class').split(' ') |
for cls, i in cn |
if cls == class_name |
return true |
false |
add_class = (e, class_name) -> |
return if not e |
cn = e.getAttribute('class').split(' ') |
if not has_class(e, class_name) |
cn.push(class_name) |
e.setAttribute('class', cn.join(' ')) |
rm_class = (e, class_name) -> |
return if not e |
cn = e.getAttribute('class').split(' ') |
for cls, i in cn |
if cls == class_name |
cn.splice(i, 1) |
e.setAttribute('class', cn.join(' ')) |
width = (e) -> (e.getBBox() and e.getBBox().width) or e.offsetWidth |
height = (e) -> (e.getBBox() and e.getBBox().height) or e.offsetHeight |
svg = (tag) -> document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', tag) |
activate = (elements...) -> |
for element in elements |
add_class(element, 'active') |
deactivate = (elements...) -> |
for element in elements |
rm_class(element, 'active') |
Function.prototype.bind = (scope) -> |
_fun = @ |
-> _fun.apply(scope, arguments) |
hover = (elts, over, out) -> |
for elt in elts |
elt.addEventListener('mouseover', over.bind(elt) , false) |
elt.addEventListener('mouseout', out.bind(elt) , false) |
tooltip = (elt) -> |
tooltip_anim_Q.clear() |
clearTimeout(tooltip_timeout) |
_tooltip = __('tooltip') |
_tooltip.setAttribute('display', 'inline') |
_text = _tooltip.getElementsByTagName('text')[0] |
_rect = _tooltip.getElementsByTagName('rect')[0] |
value = elt.nextElementSibling |
_text.textContent = value.textContent |
w = width(_text) + 2 * padding |
h = height(_text) + 2 * padding |
_rect.setAttribute('width', w) |
_rect.setAttribute('height', h) |
_text.setAttribute('x', padding) |
_text.setAttribute('y', padding + tooltip_font_size) |
x_elt = value.nextElementSibling |
y_elt = x_elt.nextElementSibling |
x = parseInt(x_elt.textContent) |
if has_class(x_elt, 'centered') |
x -= w / 2 |
else if has_class(x_elt, 'left') |
x -= w |
y = parseInt(y_elt.textContent) |
if has_class(y_elt, 'centered') |
y -= h / 2 |
else if has_class(y_elt, 'top') |
y -= h |
[current_x, current_y] = (parseInt(s) for s in _tooltip.getAttribute('transform').replace('translate(', '').replace(')', '').split ' ') |
return if current_x == x and current_y == y |
if anim_steps |
x_step = (x - current_x) / (anim_steps + 1) |
y_step = (y - current_y) / (anim_steps + 1) |
anim_x = current_x |
anim_y = current_y |
for i in [0..anim_steps] |
anim_x += x_step |
anim_y += y_step |
tooltip_anim_Q.add ((_x, _y) -> |
_tooltip.setAttribute('transform', "translate(#{_x} #{_y})")), anim_x, anim_y |
tooltip_anim_Q.add -> _tooltip.setAttribute('transform', "translate(#{x} #{y})") |
else |
_tooltip.setAttribute('transform', "translate(#{x} #{y})") |
untooltip = -> |
tooltip_timeout = setTimeout (-> |
__('tooltip').setAttribute('display', 'none')), 1000 |
@svg_load = -> |
for text in _('.text-overlay .series') |
text.setAttribute('display', 'none') |
hover _('.reactive'), (-> activate(@)), (-> deactivate(@)) |
hover _('.activate-serie'), ( |
-> |
num = this.id.replace('activate-serie-', '') |
for element in _('.text-overlay .serie-' + num) |
element.setAttribute('display', 'inline') |
for element in _('.serie-' + num + ' .reactive') |
activate(element)), ( |
-> |
num = this.id.replace('activate-serie-', '') |
for element in _('.text-overlay .serie-' + num) |
element.setAttribute('display', 'none') |
for element in _('.serie-' + num + ' .reactive') |
deactivate(element)) |
hover _('.tooltip-trigger'), (-> tooltip(@)), (-> untooltip()) |
@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ |
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.2.1-pre
(function() { |
var Queue, activate, add_class, anim_steps, deactivate, has_class, height, hover, padding, rm_class, svg, tooltip, tooltip_anim_Q, tooltip_font_size, tooltip_timeout, untooltip, width, _, __, |
__slice = [].slice; |
_ = function(x) { |
return document.querySelectorAll(x); |
}; |
__ = function(x) { |
return document.getElementById(x); |
}; |
padding = 5; |
tooltip_timeout = 0; |
tooltip_font_size = this.config.tooltip_font_size; |
anim_steps = this.config.animation_steps; |
Queue = (function() { |
Queue.name = 'Queue'; |
function Queue(delay) { |
this.delay = delay; |
this.queue = []; |
this.running = false; |
} |
Queue.prototype.add = function() { |
var args, f; |
f = arguments[0], args = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : []; |
this.queue.push({ |
f: f, |
a: args |
}); |
if (!this.running) { |
this.running = true; |
return this._back(); |
} |
}; |
Queue.prototype._run = function(f) { |
var _this = this; |
if (!f) { |
return this.running = false; |
} else { |
return setTimeout((function() { |
f.f.apply(f, f.a); |
return _this._back(); |
}), this.delay); |
} |
}; |
Queue.prototype._back = function() { |
return this._run(this.queue.shift()); |
}; |
Queue.prototype.clear = function() { |
if (this.running) { |
this.queue = []; |
return this.running = false; |
} |
}; |
return Queue; |
})(); |
tooltip_anim_Q = new Queue(1); |
has_class = function(e, class_name) { |
var cls, cn, i, _i, _len; |
if (!e) return; |
cn = e.getAttribute('class').split(' '); |
for (i = _i = 0, _len = cn.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) { |
cls = cn[i]; |
if (cls === class_name) return true; |
} |
return false; |
}; |
add_class = function(e, class_name) { |
var cn; |
if (!e) return; |
cn = e.getAttribute('class').split(' '); |
if (!has_class(e, class_name)) cn.push(class_name); |
return e.setAttribute('class', cn.join(' ')); |
}; |
rm_class = function(e, class_name) { |
var cls, cn, i, _i, _len; |
if (!e) return; |
cn = e.getAttribute('class').split(' '); |
for (i = _i = 0, _len = cn.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) { |
cls = cn[i]; |
if (cls === class_name) cn.splice(i, 1); |
} |
return e.setAttribute('class', cn.join(' ')); |
}; |
width = function(e) { |
return (e.getBBox() && e.getBBox().width) || e.offsetWidth; |
}; |
height = function(e) { |
return (e.getBBox() && e.getBBox().height) || e.offsetHeight; |
}; |
svg = function(tag) { |
return document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', tag); |
}; |
activate = function() { |
var element, elements, _i, _len, _results; |
elements = 1 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 0) : []; |
_results = []; |
for (_i = 0, _len = elements.length; _i < _len; _i++) { |
element = elements[_i]; |
_results.push(add_class(element, 'active')); |
} |
return _results; |
}; |
deactivate = function() { |
var element, elements, _i, _len, _results; |
elements = 1 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 0) : []; |
_results = []; |
for (_i = 0, _len = elements.length; _i < _len; _i++) { |
element = elements[_i]; |
_results.push(rm_class(element, 'active')); |
} |
return _results; |
}; |
Function.prototype.bind = function(scope) { |
var _fun; |
_fun = this; |
return function() { |
return _fun.apply(scope, arguments); |
}; |
}; |
hover = function(elts, over, out) { |
var elt, _i, _len, _results; |
_results = []; |
for (_i = 0, _len = elts.length; _i < _len; _i++) { |
elt = elts[_i]; |
elt.addEventListener('mouseover', over.bind(elt), false); |
_results.push(elt.addEventListener('mouseout', out.bind(elt), false)); |
} |
return _results; |
}; |
tooltip = function(elt) { |
var anim_x, anim_y, current_x, current_y, h, i, s, value, w, x, x_elt, x_step, y, y_elt, y_step, _i, _rect, _ref, _text, _tooltip; |
tooltip_anim_Q.clear(); |
clearTimeout(tooltip_timeout); |
_tooltip = __('tooltip'); |
_tooltip.setAttribute('display', 'inline'); |
_text = _tooltip.getElementsByTagName('text')[0]; |
_rect = _tooltip.getElementsByTagName('rect')[0]; |
value = elt.nextElementSibling; |
_text.textContent = value.textContent; |
w = width(_text) + 2 * padding; |
h = height(_text) + 2 * padding; |
_rect.setAttribute('width', w); |
_rect.setAttribute('height', h); |
_text.setAttribute('x', padding); |
_text.setAttribute('y', padding + tooltip_font_size); |
x_elt = value.nextElementSibling; |
y_elt = x_elt.nextElementSibling; |
x = parseInt(x_elt.textContent); |
if (has_class(x_elt, 'centered')) { |
x -= w / 2; |
} else if (has_class(x_elt, 'left')) { |
x -= w; |
} |
y = parseInt(y_elt.textContent); |
if (has_class(y_elt, 'centered')) { |
y -= h / 2; |
} else if (has_class(y_elt, 'top')) { |
y -= h; |
} |
_ref = (function() { |
var _i, _len, _ref, _results; |
_ref = _tooltip.getAttribute('transform').replace('translate(', '').replace(')', '').split(' '); |
_results = []; |
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { |
s = _ref[_i]; |
_results.push(parseInt(s)); |
} |
return _results; |
})(), current_x = _ref[0], current_y = _ref[1]; |
if (current_x === x && current_y === y) return; |
if (anim_steps) { |
x_step = (x - current_x) / (anim_steps + 1); |
y_step = (y - current_y) / (anim_steps + 1); |
anim_x = current_x; |
anim_y = current_y; |
for (i = _i = 0; 0 <= anim_steps ? _i <= anim_steps : _i >= anim_steps; i = 0 <= anim_steps ? ++_i : --_i) { |
anim_x += x_step; |
anim_y += y_step; |
tooltip_anim_Q.add((function(_x, _y) { |
return _tooltip.setAttribute('transform', "translate(" + _x + " " + _y + ")"); |
}), anim_x, anim_y); |
} |
return tooltip_anim_Q.add(function() { |
return _tooltip.setAttribute('transform', "translate(" + x + " " + y + ")"); |
}); |
} else { |
return _tooltip.setAttribute('transform', "translate(" + x + " " + y + ")"); |
} |
}; |
untooltip = function() { |
return tooltip_timeout = setTimeout((function() { |
return __('tooltip').setAttribute('display', 'none'); |
}), 1000); |
}; |
this.svg_load = function() { |
var text, _i, _len, _ref; |
_ref = _('.text-overlay .series'); |
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { |
text = _ref[_i]; |
text.setAttribute('display', 'none'); |
} |
hover(_('.reactive'), (function() { |
return activate(this); |
}), (function() { |
return deactivate(this); |
})); |
hover(_('.activate-serie'), (function() { |
var element, num, _j, _k, _len2, _len3, _ref2, _ref3, _results; |
num = this.id.replace('activate-serie-', ''); |
_ref2 = _('.text-overlay .serie-' + num); |
for (_j = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _j < _len2; _j++) { |
element = _ref2[_j]; |
element.setAttribute('display', 'inline'); |
} |
_ref3 = _('.serie-' + num + ' .reactive'); |
_results = []; |
for (_k = 0, _len3 = _ref3.length; _k < _len3; _k++) { |
element = _ref3[_k]; |
_results.push(activate(element)); |
} |
return _results; |
}), (function() { |
var element, num, _j, _k, _len2, _len3, _ref2, _ref3, _results; |
num = this.id.replace('activate-serie-', ''); |
_ref2 = _('.text-overlay .serie-' + num); |
for (_j = 0, _len2 = _ref2.length; _j < _len2; _j++) { |
element = _ref2[_j]; |
element.setAttribute('display', 'none'); |
} |
_ref3 = _('.serie-' + num + ' .reactive'); |
_results = []; |
for (_k = 0, _len3 = _ref3.length; _k < _len3; _k++) { |
element = _ref3[_k]; |
_results.push(deactivate(element)); |
} |
return _results; |
})); |
return hover(_('.tooltip-trigger'), (function() { |
return tooltip(this); |
}), (function() { |
return untooltip(); |
})); |
}; |
}).call(this); |
Reference in new issue